
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:137 评论:0
  在未来几年中,国防研究界有望在基于区块链技术的军事领域寻找新的应用,其中主要的候选领域包括网络防御、安全消息传递、弹性通信、后勤支持和网络国防物联网。In the coming years, the defence res...



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In the coming years, the defence research community is expected to look for new applications in the military field based on block chain technology, the main candidate areas of which include cyberdefence, security messaging, flexible communications, logistical support and networking of cyberdefence objects.


In recent years, block chains have received the attention of countries around the world as bottom technologies in bitcoin, and their development in combination with new-generation information technologies, such as the Internet and AI, has been widely applied in the fields of digital money, financial letters, and supply chain management. By adopting distributed storage structures to ensure the authenticity and integrity of information, using consensus algorithms to create fault tolerance mechanisms, deploying smart contract certification to avoid transaction risks, and issuing workload proof to motivate users to participate, the characteristics of block chain technologies are equally widely applied in the military sphere.


Military organizations respond to block chain technology


Now, block chain technology is important in any discussion of network security, to which military organizations around the world respond positively [1]. The communications capacity of the force system is one of the most basic requirements of any military organization. By adopting technology such as distributed book storage in the block chain, smart contracts, etc., there are additional opportunities to address problems in military space.

  W?Scott Stornetta指出,区块链可以被应用于任何行业并使其受益[3]。区块链技术犹如“一座未探明储量的金矿”,引起了以美国为代表的世界主要军事强国的广泛关注,他们纷纷探索区块链技术在军事领域的应用,以期依靠军事科技创新在新一轮军事变革中占据有利位置。

W?Scott Stornetta points out that the block chain can be applied to and benefit from any industry[3]. The block chain technology, like “an undetected gold mine”, has generated widespread concern among the world’s leading military powers, represented by the United States, who have explored the military applications of block chain technology with a view to gaining a favourable place in the new military transformation by relying on military scientific and technological innovation.


In 2016, the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCIA) hosted an innovative challenge competition for block chain applications and solutions at the military level. The organization called for the development of military-related block chain applications in military logistics, procurement and finance[4]. In 2018, the United States Defense Authorization Act required its Department of Defense to conduct a comprehensive study of the application of block chain technology in the military field[5].


Korea has also launched a block chain pilot project to upgrade the operational operations of the defence sector to prevent illegal changes in defence operational data[6]. In addition, the Russian military technology accelerator ERA has set up a special scientific laboratory designed to identify cyberattacks and protect critical infrastructure by using block chain technology[7].


Military value of block chain technology


The combination of block links with object networking and artificial intelligence technology to be applied to military systems has great potential for thinking and management, which will make the future development of the army distinct.


As the European Ministry of Defence has stated: “In the coming years, the defence research community is expected to look for new applications in the military field based on block chain technology, the main candidate areas of which include cyberdefence, security messaging, flexible communications, logistical support and cyberdefence object networking.” Thus, the in-depth study and exploration of the military applications of block chains have profound implications for our military to recognize and win future wars[8].

  1. 数据存储真实有效

1. Real and efficient storage of data


Distributive data storage using block chain techniques has an inexorable and indefensible character, resolving the question of mutual trust between nodes by using “asymmetric encryption” in cryptography. At the same time, mechanisms such as signature checks make it undeniable that, because of the consensual nature of the block chain, the platform will broadcast the improbable records of a particular node to the full web node through cryptography.

  2. 信息传输安全可靠

2. Safe and reliable transmission of information


As long as the enemy’s destructive power is kept within a certain range (under 50% of the value of the net), a consensus mechanism within the block chain can be used for cross-checking between user nodes for authentication and accurate transmission of information, thus enhancing the credibility of the network information.

  3. 反应机制自主灵活

3. Autonomous and flexible response mechanisms


Block chain technology reduces the delay of intermediate processes and increases the speed of response by fast network operations. As unintelligent warfare approaches, AI equipment will be widely used in military configurations.

  4. 网络架构坚实稳定

4. Network architecture is solid and stable


In the Gulf War, the US military proposed a “five ring goal” theory to gain advantage by destroying key nodes; in the US military “one air and sea” scenario, it also proposed an information system that would blind and strike China’s space and war networks. Therefore, the establishment of a stable network architecture is one of the key factors in ensuring future war victory.


Military applications of block chain technology


On the basis of the features of block chains, such as decentralization, non-frozen and real integrity of information, innovative changes in military information systems can be achieved by making full use of block chain technology. The block chain technology has now been applied to all aspects of military drone control, military build-up and contract tracking of the military supply chain.[9] This paper is further analysed on the basis of the following four "block chain plus military" applications:

  1. 关键武器系统控制与保护

1. Control and protection of critical weapons systems


For example, the Navy's Zeus Shield combat system, which is an essential part of many naval destroyers, combines the digitization of the army with conventional weapons and is essential for its functioning to maintain the integrity of the Zeus Shield base computing and radar function.


As with any computer-dependent system, the centrality of the Zeus Shield system makes it vulnerable to hacker threats. The use of the block chain to disperse the data needed to operate the Zeus Shield combat system. If the hacking succeeds, the ship as a whole may suffer as a result. By providing a higher level of security for the key data of the Zeus shield and other military weapons and systems by adopting block chain technology, it is possible to ensure that all incoming information is accurate and effective, and that these lethal weapons will be kept as isolated as possible from external threats [10].

  2. 管理自动化集群系统

2. Management of automated cluster systems


In systems made up of a large number of simple physical robots, the AI cluster behaviour occurs in the interaction process between machines and between robots and the environment. In the use of military robots, automated clusters combined with blocks are coordinated and managed, with multiple drones or robots working in parallel to break enemy defences and destroy targets.


In addition, the autonomy of individual cluster members and their dependence on communication and interaction make them vulnerable to hacking.

  3. 战术分队协同系统

3. Tactical unit coordination system


The operational value of the operation serves as a block chain incentive to reach a block chain consensus through the tactical branch full node proof mechanism, and the bottom segment mechanism, as well as mobility calculations, can meet the actual demands of large and simultaneous information about the environment in the field.


Some automation can be achieved through block chain cryptography techniques, reducing not only the regulatory costs of e-mail but also the regulatory costs of other forms of inter-agency and on-site communication [11].

  4. 非密多域资质身份网

4. Non-confidential multi-domain identity network


The licensed public, non-confidential block chain identification network covers all participating domains and provides digital identity and public key encryption for all participating entities, including the target.


The target entity will have service endpoints in both the off- and off-site networks. The non-secret and identifiable manifestations of the target-related properties will be distributed through cross-domain protective devices, and can be obtained in the off-secret domain through the off-custody endpoints. The figure below illustrates how the smart contract on the target selection block chain will implement the target selection criteria for the proposed target/weapons system combination:


The description is as follows:


(1) Members submit proposals for processing to the licensed nodes of the target-selection block chain, subject to review as to whether the conditions for attacking them using a specific weapon system are met;


(2) The chain code of the target selection block network uses two DD-based variables to search for specific information on the target and weapon system service endpoints;


(3) The service endpoint returns the required properties in a verifiable form, as required, and the declaration required to share the chain code;


(4) After delivery, the target picks the serial number of blocks and issues a notice at the same node as the chain of accounts;


(5) Upon receipt of the notification, the members of the target team issue a certificate stating that the target meets the requirements for a weapon-system attack.


Challenges and responses to the “block chain + military”

  1. 军事信息管控与去中心化存在矛盾

1. Contradiction between military information control and decentralisation


Because of the special needs in the military sphere, much of the military information has different levels of confidentiality. Therefore, the block chain must be strictly controlled with regard to the classification of the information stored.


In response to this challenge, a multi-centre rather than point-to-point block chain can be constructed through appropriate abandonment of the equality of nodes, and network nodes can be properly managed in a hierarchical manner to match military information levels with the stored information levels in block chains.

  2. 通信带宽及设备要求过高

2. Excessive communications bandwidth and equipment requirements


Block chains are distributed network structures and information exchange practices are frequent, which require a high level of bandwidth between nodes, and traditional means of communication may not be able to adequately meet actual needs. At the same time, nodes themselves have relatively high hardware and equipment requirements, requiring high-capacity memory and high-performance CPUs to ensure efficient transmission of information.


As a result, higher-performance communication equipment can be used as much as possible after combined energy and cost considerations. It is also possible to concentrate a large amount of communication traffic on a few links by designing a supernode as a communications agent for a normal node, thereby reducing the overall pressure on network communications, but inevitably having an impact on the robustness of the network structure.

  3. 节点规模和性能效率难以平衡

3. Node size and performance efficiency are difficult to balance


In general, building blocks consensus requires a “competition-certification-synchronous-competition” cycle, which is more cumbersome. For defence and military applications requiring real-time transmission of information, processing speed and throughput is a performance bottleneck for current block chain technology.


This can be done by using a mobile process calculation mechanism. When there are lots of pieces, a matter can be broken down into a different set of questions, with each node dealing with only a small debris matter related to its particular needs, and then connected to larger fragments, eventually forming a complete matter.


Summing up


While there is great potential for integrating block chain technology with military applications, the current capability of cyberdefence measures does not adequately address potential malicious threat attacks, and how to break through technical bottlenecks is an issue that needs to be addressed today. Therefore, the development and regulation of block chain bottom technologies should be intensified so that block chain military systems can meet military-level standards.


In conclusion, if the military is to succeed in a data contest, it must not only actively exploit the characteristics of block chain technology and combine them with existing military systems, thereby strengthening its own cyberdefence, but also understand how to coordinate possible future contradictions and prepare for challenges.


Publication: 12 May 2021


Source: Blue Sea Qing think tank




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