我给大家分享一个 希望大家分享自己的哈
I'll share with you a little bit. I want you to share your own.
At the peak of 17 years, they had 800 W+ assets.
I have drawn the following lessons, which the newcomer suggests to learn first.
1. Currency circles are at risk
这是大家都知道的事,所有人的意见只能作为你的参考。币圈不同于故事,大涨大跌是分分钟的事;币圈也是个韭菜狗庄乱生的地方,没有太多的法律约束,所以不单单要了解资讯,很多时候也看运气(集中在短线上)! 自己买的币,跌成狗也要含泪持有或者出掉,没有人会为你的得失负责。所以币市比股市更要谨记:入市有风险,投资需谨慎!
It's a well-known matter, and everyone's opinion can only serve as a reference for you. The currency circle is different from the story, and it's a matter of minutes; it's also a place where there is no law, so it's not just information, it's always luck.
2. There's a serious gap in the currency circle between survivors.
即活下来的基本都是传奇,而成为大家供奉及摩拜的对象!类似与十几亿人里有几个辍学,甚至不认识字的人创业成功而成为传奇,反而被大众误解为“读书无用”, 以及网络上铺天盖地的马云说,比尔盖茨,巴菲特说。 炒币之前,请正确认识这个观点,否则大起大落容易生病!
It's basically legends that live. It's like a billion people who drop out of school, even if they don't know the words, and become legends because they're successful in starting a business. They're misconstrued by the general public as “reading useless” and by the mauncy of the Internet, Bill Gates and Buffett say.
Three, digging for new coins is digging for air.
It's a little small, not entirely correct, and there are projects that everyone agrees with. But most of it is a stream of air, a whistle-blowing egg shells, and a wave of no trace. So, before you dig the coins, determine your position, how many machines you have, how much your electric space and so on, whether you're going to make a short-term return, or whether you're going to have a long-term steady income, are all the factors that you need to consider when choosing a new currency.
Four. Money rich people are perverts.
这个也有点小绝对,但是大部分人是持不住的,毕竟资金压在里面! 很多暴富往往是因为“忘记了”! 没错,就是当时新鲜,买了点,然后真的给忘了。突然几年后发现这玩意儿居然这么值钱了,于是翻箱倒柜的发现自己当年买了一点,于是一夜暴富!真正秉着“信仰”去持币的人很少。恩,很少,能一直持几年的,要么就是真信仰,要么就是变态!
It's a bit small, but most people can't hold it, after all the money is in it. A lot of rich people are in it because they're “forgetting it.” That's right, it's fresh, bought it, and then it's really forgotten. And suddenly a few years later, when they found out it was worth it, they bought it, and then they got rich overnight.
5. The coins don't have "I knew" or "regrets."
I knew it would have been a billionaire when I bought it. It's a joke, not a bond between you. It's a joke. Bitcoin is less scarce, people buy it. Well, maybe it's easier for you to be rich.
6. Currency circles do not have “obligations”
The word “compulsory” is commonly expressed in the form of a promise of services or goods provided by one party after a paid contract has been established. The currency circle is mostly a freely constituted group, and no one is “under an obligation” to assist or serve you in the absence of an exchange of interests between them.
Seven. The currency's addictive.
It's a game of gambling, and you know it's not broken. And people have their instincts of gambling, combined with the “survivor bias” above, and they're easy to get addicted. So take your mind, reconcile your work and your life, etc., whether it's a full-time or a part-time job, dig up mine money or exchange money, and do it in a single direction. No matter what you do, it's better to make money, because there's nothing!
The distinction between currency circles and “distribution”
传销需要拉人头,靠收取人头费来赚钱! 一定要注意这点:承诺高额回报,下家收费才可加入,上级会收取下级的人头费! 币圈同样也需要让更多的人加入,但是这里没有人头费的说法,是大家共同营造的一个“接盘赌博”游戏!
It is important to pay attention to the fact that a higher return is promised, the next family fee is paid, and the upper echelons will charge the lower echelons!
两者都需要靠圈子,但是一个纯靠骗,另一个也是纯靠忽悠! 但是币圈人还是要和传销人区分开。
Both need to rely on a circle, but one is pure fraud and the other is pure deception!
The currency circle needs to invest itself in the purchase or mining of mines, and the more people can be worth, the more transparent it is, the more it can be, but I will not promise, I will not sell, and I may even fall;
But the distribution is to deceive the family with a high return, with all the hidden secrets, with the proceeds of the family, the more the family pays, the more the money is paid, the more the family gets until the final fund runs out of hand!
One is an airlock with a committed pyramid structure, with an undelineated fund plate collapsing as a whole.
One is a smooth voluntary gambling ring with no commitment, which is open to no one, and within which they can circulate themselves.
And how many gamblers did you see in the distribution?
So, under the guise of encrypting the currency of the block chain, the various organizations and the various APPs that need to pay first-level fees, whether $5.10 or tens of thousands of dollars, are distributed!
Nine. Don't be rash.
太多的造富神话让很多人对于币圈报以太大的期望,以一种浮躁的心态进入,根本不会花时间去了解这东西到底是个什么玩意儿,一来就是问哪个会是百倍币,哪个明天会暴涨? 对于这类问题,统一给出的答案是,这里没有什么“暴涨”,只有太多的“智障”! 这种浮躁的心态也催生了很多的“专家”及“分析员”,牛市的时候预测什么时候都是准的,熊市的时候一个人都看不见,全部静悄悄的不知道躲哪去了!
Too many myths of wealth have given a lot of people too much of their expectations about currency circles, to enter in a mood that doesn't take much time to know what this thing is, to ask which is going to be a hundred dollars and which is going to go up tomorrow. The unified answer to such questions is that there is no "spill" here, but there are too many "intense retards." This mood has also given rise to a lot of "experts" and "analysts."
Don't trust the "expert professor" in the currency.
如上所述,2017年牛市的时候,各种收费群,各种指标,各种线条分析,煞有介事的群魔乱舞。无它,那时候是个币都在涨! 再看2018年,你还看到这些人出现了吗? 鬼影子都找不到!!! 还有那些分析什么“压力线”各种线的,这东西就是个心理游戏。如果你看过《东方华尔街》就知道,在第一集里就有操盘手调侃,要让那些“分析线条的专家”有口饭吃! 很多人心理上认为某个整数会是个压力点,于是大家都觉得在这个点上会上升或者下跌! 拜托,股市都玩得你团团转,在这个根本没有约束狗庄丛生,砸盘拉盘就像儿戏似的币圈,你去信这些人的鬼话。。。
If you look at the East Wall Street, you'll know that there's a ploy in the first episode, and there's a meal for those experts who analyse the lines! Many people think that an entire number will be a stress point, and everyone thinks it's going to rise or fall at this point!
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