Usdt Wallet Development
比特币协议 -> Omni 层协议 -> USDT
Bitcoin -> Omni Layer -> USDT
USDT是基于比特币omni协议的一种代币: ID是31
USDT is a token based on the Bitcomni agreement: ID is 31.
Tether(USDT 的发行方)的官方钱包已关闭注册,无法注册钱包就无法获得 API Key,也就意味着无法实现类似基于钱包接口的开发方案,但我们可以基于 USDT 的底层协议(叫做 Omni 层协议)进行开发
The official wallet of Tether (issuer of USDT) has been closed and cannot be registered without API Key, which means that a development similar to a wallet-based interface cannot be achieved, but we can do it on the basis of the USDT bottom protocol (known as the Omni layer protocol)
1. Tether(USDT 的发行方)的官方钱包已关闭注册,无法注册钱包就无法获得 API Key,也就意味着无法实现比特币入金那样基于钱包接口的开发方案
1. When the official wallet of Tether (issuer of USDT) is closed and cannot be registered, API Key will not be able to achieve a wallet interface-based development like Bitcoin gold
2. 但是,大量的数字货币交易所都支持 USDT,所以显然是有其他办法可以开发的,于是,我写了邮件过去问 Tether 官方,得到了如下回复,大意就是,虽然他们的钱包及 API 不能用了,但我们可以基于 USDT 的底层协议(叫做 Omni 层协议)进行开发,这也与我币圈的朋友给我的答复是吻合的
2. However, a large number of digital money exchanges support USDT, so there's obviously other ways to develop. So I wrote an e-mail and asked Tether, and I received the following reply, to the effect that, although their wallets and APIs were useless, we could develop them on the basis of the USDT bottom-line agreement (known as the Omni Tire Agreement), which is also consistent with the answer given to me by my friends in my currency circle.
3. USDT 的协议结构从底层到顶层大致是:「比特币协议 -> Omni 层协议 -> USDT」,也就是说,USDT 是基于比特币的一种代币(token),就像大大小小的山寨币大多是基于以太坊(ETH)的一种代币一样;另外 USDT 也出了最新的以太坊(ERC20 标准)版本,但我看了下发行量和流通量都太小,所以我们这里还是只讨论前面说的基于比特币 Omni 层协议的经典 USDT
The structure of the USDT agreement from the bottom to the top is roughly: "The 我顺着 Tether 官方给我回复的邮件,去这几个地方进行了研究: I followed the official e-mail sent to me by Teth to study the following sites: 调研结论大致是这样:我们可以安装并运行一个 Omni Core 节点客户端,然后利用其提供的 RPC 接口,实现我们 USDT 出入金所需的代币发送、接收等功能;我看了下,接口都是挺全的;其中,对于 USDT 来说,接口所需要的代币 ID 参数「propertyid」值应该是「31」 The findings are basically as follows: we can install and run an Omni Core node client and then use the RPC interface that we provide to achieve the token dispatch, receipt, etc. required for our USDT entry and exit money; I see that the interface is complete; in which, for USDT, the proxy ID parameter "propertyid" value for the interface should be "31" USDT是基于比特币omni协议的一种代币: ID是31 USDT is a token based on the Bitcomni agreement: ID is 31. ------------------------ ominlayer 应该不能和bip44 的coin type 兼容,可以生成地址的策略要独立开,需要单独维护 Ominlayer should not be compatible with the coin type of bip44. The strategy to generate the address needs to be independently maintained. br>usdt without api from a third party will have to run on our own. 自己跑node 会有各种坑,要测试稳定和安全性,灰度上线beta Run yourself node, there'll be pits to test stability and security. Grey on the line.
- Omni Core 项目主页:
- Omni Core RPC 接口文档:
- Omni Core 客户端下载页:
-Omni Core home page: -OmniCore RPC interface document:
"amount": "12215.00000000",
"blocktime": 1533545081,
"confirmations": 0,
"divisible": true,
"fee": "0.00002565",
"ismine": false,
"propertyid": 31,
"propertyname": "TetherUS",
"referenceaddress": "1DUb2YYbQA1jjaNYzVXLZ7ZioEhLXtbUru",
"sendingaddress": "12SbF4mj7v2RaDfK2aY7z1BfVGT4MKaNbV",
"txid": "480670ddd44541bea1ad77d8a42ada3303539fb8fcf90e9b439a171c8645783c",
"type": "Simple Send",
"type_int": 0,
"version": 0
4. 接下来需要研发团队做的:
i) 详细研究这个方案
ii) 详细调研这套 API 并进行测试
iii) 弄清楚它是否能实现我们的需求,比如我暂时还没看到可以生成收款地址的 API,实际上比特币的地址就可以用来接收 USDT,所以可以考虑:还是用原来 钱包来生成地址,然后再通过 Omni Core 来收发 USDT
4. The research and development team will then have to do:
i) to study this program in detail and test it
iii) to see if it can achieve our needs, for example, if I have not seen the API that can generate the collection address, and in fact the address of Bitcoin can be used to receive the USDT, so we can consider whether to use the original
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