According to the tracking company StakingRewards, the pledge will yield returns that are expected to reach about 52% after the merger. Together with the projected net reduction in the supply of the deposit soon after the upgrade, this should make the currency more attractive to investors.
The rationale for making money from mining: PoW and mining.
最开始比特币可以用显卡挖出,但在 13 年时,已经无法用显卡通用计算程序挖出比特币 BTC,比特币现在全部都是用 ASIC 矿机进行"挖矿"。
The first bitcoin could be excavated with a visible card, but in 13 years it was no longer possible to excavate bitcoin BTC using a generic card calculation program, and all bitcoin is now "mining" with an ASIC miner.
类似地,14 年莱特币 ASIC 矿机上市也终结了显卡挖莱特币的挖矿历史。目前显卡能够"挖矿"的数字货币是以太坊 ETH、以太经典 ETC、Zcash 零币 ZEC。
Similarly, in 14 years, the market of the Letcoon ASIC mine also ended the mining history of Letco. The digital currency in which the card can be "mining" is the Tai ETH, the Ether Classic ETC, and the Zcash zero ZEC.
The visible card "mining" is not a profit-making business, and in fact the sooner it starts, the higher the return, and the more the miner and the visible card joins.
To put it bluntly, buying a high-priced card to enter a mine is definitely a loss to you, and buying a specialized miner is the choice for a higher value. Now, the only tool necessary for a person to dig is a pond, which brings together a large number of miner algorithms and increases your chances of digging into the currency, while the money that you can dig in the future is distributed evenly to your account in advance.
以比特币为例,假如现在比特币全网每 10 分钟产生一个区块,这个区块包含 25 个比特币。假设全球有 1W 人参与挖矿,那么在这 10 分钟内,只有 1 个幸运儿拿走了这 25 个比特币。
Take Bitcoin, for example, if now the entire Bitcoin network produces a block of 25 bitcoins. Assuming that there are 1W people involved in mining around the world, in 10 minutes only one lucky man took 25 bitcoins.
Others do not. The idea of the ponds is that they are mined in teams and distributed according to the agreed distribution, which stabilizes the returns of miners and reduces the risk to miners.
In order to enhance value for money, a number of practical mining machines, such as Play-Cloud, could be selected for use as common hardware products and for mining, one by one.
Extended information
There are several cores of chain transactions and digital currency operations:
A network of transactions linked to a centralized database, known as block chains, is recorded together by all clients (including miners) to confirm transfers; a certain amount of digital currency is issued over time.
因为赢家通吃,导致中小散户矿工要联合起来组成"矿池",以 Shares 记录累积工作量,联合算力越高,矿池联合体先找到数字货币的概率就越大,增大找到新发数字货币的概率,瓜分挖到的数字货币。这就叫 PoW 工作量证明机制。
The winner eats all the time, leading small and medium-sized scattered miners to join together to form a "silo" to record the accumulated workload in Shares, and the greater the combined computing power, the greater the probability that the pool will find the digital currency first, the greater the probability that the new digital currency will be found, and the greater the probability that the digital currency will be discovered. This is called the PoW Workload Certification Mechanism.
How long can you dig a mine in a talisman?
I'm going to clean up the bigopro:
以太经典(Ethereum Classic)是一个去中心化的智能合约平台,拥有完全按照程序运行的应用程序,无故障、无审查、无欺诈以及不受第三方干扰。以太坊经典是原始以太坊区块链的延续——保留了经典版本未经修改的历史; 免受外部干扰和主观篡改交易。
The Etherium Classic is a decentralised intellectual contract platform with applications that are fully programmed to operate without malfunctions, censorship, fraud, and interference from third parties. The Etherworld is a continuation of the original Ether block chain - a classic version of unmodified history is preserved; free from outside interference and subjective manipulation of transactions.
Total issued: 107,824,908
Total circulation: 107,824,908
Date of issue: 2016-07-23
英文全称:Ethereum Classi
Full name in English: Etherum Classi
Abbreviations: ETC.
Network: What's ETC/Etheria Classic?
It can dig for more than two years. The two biggest changes at 2:0 are the introduction of a beacon chain with a segmental chain structure, and the change of consensus mechanism from the current PoW to PoS, and the realization of the PoS consensus algorithm according to the V God, which will cost more than Bitcoin more than safe assault.
The characteristics of the mine in Ether.
It is much more technically complex at 2:0 than 10, requiring more time for online development testing and updating at each stage. In addition to the large amounts of money currently held by it, contract applications are also a very large number of users that need to be taken into account for each upgrade, so that the whole upgrade of E:20 will be very slow and prudent.
From the point of view of the visible-card miners, there is nothing to worry about at present the impact of the digger at 2:0 p.m. On the basis of current mining revenues, the static return cycle of the datum-card miner is generally more affected by the income from the datum fees during the year or so, and it is almost impossible for the etai to complete an upgrade at 2:0 in the coming year.
What's the compow algorithm?
The Etherm, the “official” version of the block chain, is maintained by its original developer; the other version, the “Etherms” is an alternative to the block chain, which is maintained by a completely new team. The Etherm is a copy of the original block chain.
Etheeum is a platform and a programming language that enables developers to create and distribute their next-generation distributed applications. It is a bottom-of-the-line system that allows intelligent contracts and open-sources on the block chain.
The Pacific is one of the most well-known block chain projects in the world, with the largest open-source community in the world.
The ETH is a digital token of Etherum, and developers have to pay ETH to support the operation of the application.
Five Chinese dollars, like any other digital currency, can be bought or sold on a trading platform.
POW是Proof Of Work的简称,中文翻译是工作量证明,是一种去中心化的,公开透明的,不可篡改的算法机制。比特币就是采用POW共识算法,10年运行安全平稳。目前以太经典(ETC)也是采用这种算法机制,通过算力挖矿可以获得奖励。
Pow is a acronym for Proof Of Work, and the Chinese translation is a workload proof, a decentralised, transparent and non-alterable algorithm. Bitcoin uses the PAW consensus algorithm, operating safely and smoothly for 10 years. The same algorithm is currently used in the Ether Classic, where incentives are available through arithmetic mining.
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