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Bitcoin is a consensus network, leading to a completely new payment system and a fully digitized currency. It is the first to be decentralized peer-to-peer network, which is owned by its users without the need for a central authority or middleman. From the user's point of view, Bitcoin is much like Internet cash. Bitcoin can also be seen as the most outstanding 3-style bookkeeping system /a>.

比特币是第一个实现了“隐秘货币”概念的货币。1998年,Wei Dai在cypherpunks邮件列表中首次阐述了“隐秘货币”的概念,即:一个采用密码学原理控制货币的发行和交易、而不是依赖于中央管理机构的全新的货币形态。2009年,中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto 化名)在cryptography邮件列表中发表了第一个比特币规范及其概念证明。2010年年底,中本聪离开该项目,关于他的身份没有透露太多。此后,众多开发人员致力于比特币的项目,比特币社区迅速成长起来。

Bitcoin was the first currency to achieve the concept of “hidden currency” in 1998. In 1998, Wei Dai first elaborated the concept of “hidden currency” in the cypherpunks mailing list, i.e., a new currency shape that uses cryptography to control the issuance and transaction of money, rather than relying on the central administration. In 2009, Middle Ben was published in the Cryptography mailing list, the first bitcoin code and the proof of its concept. At the end of 2010, he left the project without much disclosure of his identity. After that, a large number of developers were working on the Bitcoin project.


His anonymous identity often gives rise to unfounded concerns, many of which are related to misperceptions about the open-source identity of Bitcoin. Bitcoin agreements and software are publicly available, and any developer around the world can view the code or develop a version of the Bitcoin software that they themselves have modified. Like the current developer, the influence of the mediumbone is limited to changes he has made that have been adopted by others, so that he does not control bitcoins.


No one owns the Bitcoin network, just like no one owns the technology behind the e-mail. Bitcoin is controlled by all Bitcoin users around the world. Developers can improve the software, but they cannot force changes to the rules of the Bitcoin agreement, because all users are free to choose the software they want. In order to be compatible with each other, all users also need to choose software that follows the same rules. Bitcoin can work normally only if there is a complete consensus among all users.


From a user's point of view, Bitcoin is a cell phone application or computer program that provides a personal bitcoin wallet that users can use to pay for and receive bitcoin. That's how Bitcoin works for most users.


Behind the scenes, the entire Bitcoin network shares a public ledger called the “block chain.” This ledger contains every processed transaction, allowing the user's computer to verify the validity of each transaction. The authenticity of each transaction is protected by the electronic signature corresponding to the sending address, which allows the user to have complete control over the bitcoin transferred from their own bitcoin address. In addition, anyone can use specialized hardware to process the transaction and obtain a bitcoin reward for it. This service is often referred to as “mining”. You can look at and for more information about the bitcoin.

是的,越来越多的企业和个人在使用比特币。这既包括像饭店,公寓和律师事务所那样的传统企业,也包括像Namecheap,Overstock.com,和Reddit 这样的流行在线服务。虽然比特币仍然是一个相对较新的现象,但它发展迅速。2013年8月底,流通中的比特币总值超过了15亿美元,每天都有价值数百万美元的比特币在进行兑换。

Yes, circulation worth bitcoin of more than $1.5 billion, with millions of dollars worth of bitcoin being exchanged every day.



Although there may be a willingness to allow the other party to purchase its own bitcoin by credit cards or PayPal payments, most trading platforms do not accept funds from these means of payment. This is to prevent in some cases people from buying bitcoins with PayPal and then withdrawing them at half the time of the transaction. This is commonly referred to as a refund.


In a wallet application on your computer or smart phone, the payee’s Bitcoin address and payment amount are entered, and the payment can be made by pressing the sender key. In order to enter the payee’s address more easily, many wallets can be scanned by a two-dimensional code or two mobile phones can be accessed by NFC technology contact.

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  • 支付自由 - 无论何时何地都可以即时支付和接收任何数额的资金。无银行假日,无国界,无强加限制。比特币允许其用户完全控制他们的资金。
  • 自己选择手续费 - 目前对比特币支付的处理不收取手续费或者仅收取极少的手续费。用户可以把手续费包含在交易中来鼓励更快的交易确认,更快收到由网络发来的交易确认。另外,也有商家处理器协助商家处理交易,每天将比特币兑换成法定货币并直接将资金存入商家的银行账户。因为这些服务都基于比特币,所以它们可以提供远低于PayPal或信用卡网络的手续费。
  • 降低商家的风险 - 比特币交易是安全,不可撤销的,并且不包含顾客的敏感或个人信息。这避免了由于欺诈或欺诈性退单给商家造成的损失,而且也没有必要遵守PCI标准。在信用卡无法使用或欺诈率高得令人无法接受的地方,商家也可以很容易地扩展新的市场。最终结果是更低的手续费,更大的市场,和更少的行政成本。
  • 安全和控制 - 比特币的用户完全控制自己的交易;商家不可能强制收取那些在其它支付方式中可能发生的不该有或不易发现的费用。用比特币付款可以无须在交易中绑定个人信息,这提供了对身份盗用的极大的防范。比特币的用户还可以通过备份和加密保护自己的资金。
  • 透明和中立 - 关于比特币资金供给本身的所有信息都存储在区块链中,任何人都可以实时检验和使用。没有个人或组织能控制或操纵比特币协议,因为它的协议在密码学上是安全的。所以我们可以信任比特币是完全中立,透明且可预测的。
  • 接受程度 - 仍然有很多人不知道比特币。每天有更多的企业接受比特币,因为他们希望从中受益,但这个列表依然很小,为了从网络效应中获益,仍然需要有更多的企业支持比特币。
  • 波动性 - 流通中的比特币总价值和使用比特币的企业数量与他们可能的规模相比仍然非常小。因此,相对较小的事件,交易或业务活动都可以显著地影响其价格。从理论上讲,随着比特币的市场和技术的成熟,这种波动将会减少。这个世界以前从未出现过任何一个新兴货币,所以想象它将如何进展真的非常困难 (同时也令人兴奋)。
  • 处于发展阶段 - 比特币软件依然处于beta版本,许多未完成的功能处于积极研发阶段。新的工具,特性和服务正在研发中以使比特币更为安全,为更多大众所使用。其中有一些功能目前还不是每个用户都能使用。大部分比特币业务都是新兴的,尚不提供保险。总体来说,比特币尚处于成熟的过程当中。


Most of the trust in bitcoin comes from the fact that it does not need any trust at all. Bitcoin is completely open and decentralized, which means that anyone can view the whole source code at any time. So any developer in the world can accurately verify the workings of bitcoin. Anyone can look into all of the existing bitcoin transactions and issued bitcoins in real time. All payments are not dependent on third parties, and the system is protected by cryptological algorithms reviewed by a large number of experts, such as those used in online banks. No organization or individual can control bitcoins, and even if not all users are trusted, the bitcoins network is still secure.


You should never expect to be rich through bitcoin or any new technology. It is always important to be vigilant about anything that sounds so good or contrary to basic economic norms.


Bitcoin is a growing area of innovation, with business opportunities and risks. Even so far, Bitcoin is growing at a fast pace, but no one can guarantee that it will grow. Any investment in bitcoin time and resources requires entrepreneurship. There are many ways to make money with bitcoin, such as mining, speculation, or running new business.

比特币和人们每天使用的信用卡和网上银行网络一样是虚拟的。比特币和其它任何形式的货币一样可以用来在网上或者实体商店支付。比特币也可以兑换成实体货币比如Denarium 币,但是手机支付通常更加方便。比特币余额存储在一个大型分布式网络中,任何人都无法恶意修改。换句话说,比特币用户对他们的资金拥有唯一的控制权,比特币不会因为其虚拟性而消失。

Bitcoin is as virtual as a daily credit card and online banking network. Bitcoin, like any other form of currency, can be used to pay online or in real shops. Bitcoin can also be converted into real currency, such as Denarium coin, but mobile phone payments are usually easier. Bitcoin balances are stored in a large distributed network, and no one can change them maliciously. In other words, Bitcoin users have sole control over their funds, and Bitcoin will not disappear because of its virtuality.


As in any other currency, bitcoin is designed to allow its users to pay and receive payments at an acceptable level of privacy. But bitcoin is not anonymous, so it cannot provide the same degree of privacy as cash. The use of bitcoin leaves a lot of public records. There are that can be used to protect the privacy of users and more are being developed.


Some worry that Bitcoin’s private transactions can be used for illegal purposes. It is worth mentioning that Bitcoin will undoubtedly be subject to similar regulations that already play a role in the existing financial system. Bitcoin is not more anonymous than cash, and is unlikely to prevent criminal investigations.


When a user loses his wallet, the consequence is that the money in it is out of circulation. The lost bitcoin, like other bitcoins, remains in the chain. But the lost bitcoins will remain dormant forever, because no one can find the private keys that can be used again. According to the law of supply and demand, when the available bitcoins are reduced, the remaining bitcoins will be in higher demand and their value will rise as compensation.

比特币网络已经能够每秒钟处理比目前的处理量大很多的交易数量。但是它还没有完全成熟到可以将规模扩展至主要信用卡网络的程度。提高目前这一上限的工作正在进行中,未来的需求也非常清楚。从一开始,比特币网络的每一个方面都在不断成熟,优化和专门化,这一过程在今后几年内仍将持续。随着流量的增加,更多比特币用户可能会使用轻量级的客户端,而完全网络节点则可能成为更为专门化的服务。更多详情请查阅维基页面 可扩展性

The Bitcoin network has been able to handle a much larger number of transactions every second than the current one. But it is not yet fully mature enough to extend its size to the main credit card network. Work to raise the current ceiling is under way, and future needs are very clear. From the outset, every aspect of the Bitcoin network is mature, optimized and specialized, and this process will continue over the next few years. As traffic increases, more bitcoin users may use light-sized clients, while full network nodes may become more specialized services. More details can be found on the Wiki page


As far as we know, bitcoin is not defined by the legislature as an illegal currency in most administrative jurisdictions . However, some administrative jurisdictions (e.g. Argentina and Russia) severely restrict or prohibit foreign currency. Other administrative jurisdictions (e.g. Thailand) may restrict the granting of licences to certain entities, such as the Bitcoin trading platform.


Regulators from different administrative jurisdictions are taking steps to provide individuals and businesses with rules on how to combine this new technology with a formal, regulated financial system. For example, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FINCEN) of the United States Department of the Treasury has issued non-binding guidance on how to describe certain activities involving virtual currencies.


Bitcoin is the currency, and its use has always been a legitimate and illegal purpose. To the extent that it is used for financial crimes, cash, credit cards, and the current banking system are far more than bitcoin.


Bitcoin is designed to be a great advance in improving monetary security and an important protection mechanism for many forms of financial crime. For example, bitcoin is simply not likely to be copied. Users have complete control over their payment transactions and do not receive unverified fees like credit card fraud. Bitcoin transactions are irrevocable, avoiding fraudulent refunds.


Some worry that bitcoin may be more attractive to criminals because it can be used to make private and irrevocable payments. However, these functions already exist in well-established and widely used cash and wire transfers.


The Bitcoin agreement itself cannot be modified unless almost all users work together to choose which software to use. It is unrealistic to attempt to give a special right to a regional regulatory body in the global Bitcoin rules. Any wealthy organization can choose to invest in mining hardware to control half of the network’s computing capacity, thereby achieving a freeze and cancellation of recent transactions.


However, it is possible to regulate the use of bitcoins in a manner similar to that of any other currency. Like the United States dollar, bitcoins can be used for a variety of purposes, some of which can be considered legal or not in accordance with the laws of each administrative jurisdiction. Here, bitcoins are subject to different regulations from any other tool or resource.


Bitcoin is not a legal currency and has no legal currency status in any administrative jurisdiction, but it is often taxed regardless of the medium used. In many different administrative jurisdictions, there are a variety of laws and regulations governing the income generated by bitcoin, the proceeds of sale, wages, capital gains, or some other form of tax liability.


Bitcoin allows each user to pay and collect as cash, and to participate in more complex contracts. Multiple signatures allow the Bitcoin network to accept a transaction only if a certain number of members of an established group agree to sign the transaction.


It is also worth noting that merchants usually rely on their public reputations to maintain their operations and pay their employees, but that information is not available to them when they deal with new customers in turn. Bitcoin operates in a way that protects individuals and businesses from fraudulent refunds, while allowing customers to choose to demand more protection when they do not want to trust a business.


The new bitcoin is generated through “mining” and “mining” is a competitive and decentralized process. This process involves individuals serving the bitcoin network and thereby receiving rewards. Bitcoin miners use specialized hardware to handle transactions and protect the bitcoin network and collect new bitcoin at the time of the transaction.


The Bitcoin protocol is designed to distribute new bitcoins at fixed speeds. This makes bitcoin mining an extremely competitive industry.


Bitcoins are issued at a predictable rate of gradual decline. The number of newly generated bitcoins is reduced by half every year until the total number of bitcoins reaches 21 million.


Bitcoin has value because it is useful as a monetary form. Bitcoin has the mathematical characteristics of money (persistency, portability, interoperability, scarcity, segregability and easy to identify) rather than relying on physical characteristics (e.g. gold and silver) or on the trust of central authorities (e.g. legal currency). In short, bitcoin is supported by mathematics. With these characteristics, trust and use are what a monetary form needs to be worth.


The price of bitcoin is determined by supply and demand. When the demand of bitcoin increases, bitcoin rises; demand decreases; and prices fall. Only a few bitcoin is currently in circulation, and the new bitcoin is issued at a predictable rate of gradual decline, indicating that demand must follow this level of inflation in order to maintain price stability.


Bitcoin prices over time:

会。历史上有很多不成功而不再使用的货币,比如魏玛共和国时期的 德国马克以及更近的 津巴布韦元。虽然以前的货币失败通常是由于在比特币上不可能发生的超通货膨胀,但是总会有潜在的技术失误,竞争货币和政治问题等。基本的经验就是,没有一种货币可以被认为是绝对安全,不会出现失败或困难时期的。比特币自诞生起几年中被证明是可靠的,而且比特币继续成长的潜力很大。但是,没有人能够预测比特币的未来会怎样。

There are many unsuccessful currencies that have not been used in history, such as . While previous currency failures were usually due to hyperinflation that could not have occurred in Bitcoin, there was always a potential technical error, a competition for money and politics.


An artificial overvaluation would result in a sudden downward revision that would create a bubble. The price fluctuations that result from the individual behavior of thousands of market participants are the result of price-fixing by the market. Emotionally, price movements are due to loss of confidence, not the huge difference between prices and values based on the fundamentals of the Bitcoin economy, increasing press coverage that stimulates speculative demand, fear of uncertainty, and outmoded irrational prosperity and greed.


The Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that uses investors’ own money to pay back to investors, or new investors’ money to pay back to old investors, rather than the money earned through the company’s own operations. When there are not enough new investors to join, the Ponzi scheme breaks down, and the last investor loses.


Bitcoin is a free software project without a central administration, so no one can make a false statement about the return on investment. Like other major currencies, such as gold, the United States dollar, the euro, and the Japanese yen, bitcoins do not guarantee purchasing power and exchange rates are free to float.


Some early users have large amounts of bitcoins because they put their time and resources at risk in an unproven technology that was virtually unusable and less secure. Before Bitcoin became valuable, many early users often consumed large amounts of bitcoins, or bought only a small amount of bitcoins, and thus did not reap significant benefits. No one can guarantee that the price of bitcoins would rise or fall.

Bitcoin 的独特之处在于只有总量为2100万的比特币会被生成。但是这根本不会成为一种局限,因为交易中可以将比特币划分成更小的次级单位,比如 bit - 一比特币等于 1,000,000 bit。一个比特币可以拆分到小数点后8位 (0.000 000 01),如果将来平均单笔交易规模减小到一定程度时,甚至可以拆分到更小的单位。

Bitcoin is unique in that only a bitcoin of 21 million dollars will be generated. But this is not a limitation at all, because it can be divided into smaller sub-units, such as bit - one bit equals 1,000,000 bit. A bitcoin can be split into eight decimal places (0.000 000 01) and even smaller units if the average single transaction is reduced to a certain extent in the future.


The helix deflation theory says that if prices are expected to fall, people will choose to buy again in the future in order to profit from lower prices. The resulting demand reduction will in turn make businesses attempt to stimulate demand by lowering their prices, making the problem worse and leading to a recession.


While the theory is generally used by central bankers to explain inflation, it does not always seem to be effective, and it is controversial among economists. The consumer-type electronics market is one example, where commodity prices are falling, but it does not lead to a depression. Similarly, the value of Bitcoin is rising, and the size of the Bitcoin economy is growing substantially.


Bitcoin, however, is not designed to become a deflationary currency. To be more precise, bitcoin became stable at the end of its early inflation trend. Only when people carelessly lose their wallets without backup will it lead to a reduction in the number of bitcoins in circulation. With a stable monetary base and a stable economy, the value of the currency should remain constant.


To stabilize the price of Bitcoin, more and more businesses and users are needed to develop a large economy. To develop a large economy, businesses and users will seek price stability.


Fortunately, volatility does not affect the main advantages of Bitcoin as a point-to-B payment system. Enterprises can immediately convert bitcoin into local currency so that they can benefit from the advantage of bitcoin without being affected by bitcoin price fluctuations.


Only a fraction of the bitcoins that have been issued so far are sold on the trading market. Bitcoins are highly competitive, meaning that the price of a bitcoins will fluctuate according to supply and demand.


But for the time being, bitcoin is still the most popular decentralized virtual currency to date, but no one can guarantee that it will remain in that position forever. There are now some alternative currencies inspired by bitcoin.


Bitcoin is almost instantaneous to receive payments. However, there is an average of 10 minutes delay before the network starts adding your transaction to a block to confirm the transaction and you can use the bitcoin received. The confirmation means that there is a consensus on the network that the bitcoin you receive is not used to pay people and therefore is considered your property. Once your transaction is included in a block, all subsequent blocks will contain it, which will greatly consolidate the consensus and reduce the risk of a transaction being avoided. Each user can determine the time point at which the transaction is confirmed, but normally it is as safe to receive six confirmations as to wait six months after a credit card transaction.


Transactions may be free of fees, but transactions without fees may require more days or weeks to complete. Although transaction fees may increase over time, the usual transaction costs are a small amount. By default, bitcoin wallets will use a fee they deem appropriate; most wallets will also give you an opportunity to check the fees before sending a transaction.

交易手续费能对过多交易导致的网络超载起到保护作用。具体的收费方案还在发展中并将随着时间的推移而改变。因为手续费用与交易金额无关,所以它可能有时候看上去非常低(0.0005BTC相对于一笔1000BTC的转账 ),有时候高的离谱(0.004BTC相对于一笔0.02BTC的支付)。手续费的高低是由交易数据的大小和交易次数等因素决定的。比如说,如果你接收了一大批小额的款项,那么其支付的费用就会高些。这种支付就好比用一分钱硬币来付餐厅帐单。小额比特币的快速消费可能也会产生手续费。如果你的活动符合常规交易的特征,则手续费应该会很低。

The transaction fees can protect the network overload caused by excessive transactions. The specific charges are still evolving and will change over time. Because they are not related to transaction amounts, they may sometimes look very low (0.0005 BTC versus a 1000 BTC transfer) and sometimes very high (0.004 BTC versus a 0.02 BTC payment). The high fees are determined by factors such as the size of the transaction data and the number of transactions.


It doesn't matter. Bitcoin will appear in your account when you open the wallet next time. In fact, Bitcoin is not received by software on your computer; it is added to a public master account where all the devices in the network are shared. If you get bitcoin when your client is not running, when you open the client later, it downloads blocks and updates any unrecorded transactions, and the bitcoins end up in the wallet, as if they were received in real time. You need your wallet only when you want to spend bitcoin.

只有像Bitcoin Core这样的完全节点型客户端才需要较长的同步时间。从技术上来说,同步是一个下载并核实网络上所有以往比特币交易的过程。某些比特币客户端需要知道所有以往的交易才能计算你比特币钱包的可用余额并完成新的交易。这一步骤非常消耗资源,需要有足够的带宽以及能存放整个块链的空间。为了保持比特币的安全性,需要有足够的用户使用完全节点型客户端,因为他们起着确认和中继交易的作用。

Only a fully node client such as Bitcoin Core takes longer synchronization. Synchronization is technically a process of downloading and verifying all past bitcoin transactions on the network. Some bitcoin clients need to know all past transactions in order to calculate the available balance of your bitcoin wallet and complete new transactions. This step is very resource-consuming and requires sufficient bandwidth and space to store the entire chain. In order to maintain bitcoin security, there is a need for a sufficient number of users to use a full node client because of their role in confirming and relaying transactions.


Mining is a process that consumes computing resources to deal with transactions, ensures cyber security, and keeps everyone's information synchronized in the network. It can be understood as a data centre in Bitcoin, which is completely decentralized, with miners operating around the world, and no one has control over the network. This process is called “mining” because it is similar to gold mining, because it is also a temporary mechanism for issuing new bitcoins. However, unlike gold mining, Bitcoin digs provide incentives for services that ensure the safe operation of the network.


The mining software, via the P2P network, monitors transactions and performs proper tasks to process and confirm them. By doing so, the miners can earn transaction fees paid by users to speed up the processing of transactions, as well as bitcoins increased by fixed formulas.


New transactions need to be included in a block with mathematical workload proof to be identified. This proof is difficult to generate because it can only be produced by trying billions of calculations per second. Miners need to run these calculations before their blocks are accepted and rewarded. As more people start digging, the difficulty of finding effective blocks automatically increases by the network to ensure that the average time for finding blocks is 10 minutes.


This design makes it extremely difficult to cancel previous transactions because of the need to recalculate the proof of the workload of all subsequent blocks. When two blocks are found simultaneously, the mining union handles the first block to be received and turns the next block to the longest chain once it is found. This ensures that the mining process maintains a global consistency based on capacity.


Bitcoin miners can neither increase their pay by cheating nor deal with fraudulent transactions that undermine the Bitcoin network, because all bitcoin nodes reject blocks containing invalid data that violate the rules of the Bitcoin agreement. Thus, even if not all bitcoin miners can trust, the Bitcoin network remains secure.


As with any other payment service, the use of bitcoin can generate processing costs. Services necessary to run the current popular financial system, such as banks, credit cards, and money-cars, also consume large amounts of energy, although the total amount of energy they consume is not as transparent as bitcoin and is not easy to measure.


The Bitcoin mining doctrine is designed to optimize the mining process over time by using specialized hardware, thereby consuming less energy. The running costs of mining are still proportional to demand. When Bitcoin mining competition becomes too intense and returns are reduced, some mining unions choose to stop. Moreover, all the energy consumed by mining is eventually turned into thermal energy, and the most profitable miners are those who can make good use of it.


Mining creates a competitive mechanism equivalent to a lottery, and adding new trading blocks to the chain is very difficult for anyone. Such a mechanism would prevent any individual from gaining the ability to freeze certain transactions, thereby ensuring the neutrality of the network. It would also prevent any individual from replacing parts of the chain to reduce their own costs, otherwise it could be used to defraud other users.

在比特币的早期,任何人都可以利用他们计算机的中央处理器寻找新的区块。随着越来越多的人开始挖矿,寻找新区块的难度大幅提高,以至于目前唯一有成本效益的方法就是使用专门的硬件。你可以访问BitcoinMining.com 获得更多信息。

In the early days of Bitcoin, anyone can use their computer central processor to find new blocks. As more and more people start digging, the difficulty of finding new blocks increases so much that the only cost-effective way to do so is to use specialized hardware. You can access .


Bitcoin technology, including protocol and cryptography, has a strong security record, and the Bitcoin network is perhaps the world's largest distributed computing project. Bitcoin's most common weakness is user error. Bitcoin wallet files that store private keys can be accidentally deleted, lost or stolen. This is very similar to the entity's cash in electronic form. Fortunately, users can use reliable to protect their funds, as well as suppliers that provide good security levels and stolen or lost insurance services.


The protocol and cryptography rules used by Bitcoin have worked well after many years of existence, which is a good sign of the very good design of the concept. But, in the course of the implementation of various software, security gaps have also been identified and corrected. Like other forms of software, the security of bitcoins depends on the speed at which problems are discovered and corrected.


While these are unfortunate events, they do not represent a hacking of bitcoin, nor is there a flaw within bitcoin, just as bank robbery does not harm the currency itself. But, to be sure, a good set of strategies and visual security solutions is needed to better protect users’ money and reduce the general risk of theft and loss.


It is impossible to change the Bitcoin protocol easily. No Bitcoin client that does not comply with the agreement can compel other users to comply with its own rules. For the current agreement, it is impossible to consume both on the same block chain or without a legitimate signature.


Most miners, however, may choose to freeze or cancel recent transactions at will, and most users may press for some changes to the agreement. Since Bitcoin can only function properly if there is full consensus among all users, amending the agreement is very difficult, requiring an overwhelming majority of users to apply the changes so that the remaining users have no choice but to follow.


Yes, most systems that rely on cryptography, including traditional banking systems. But quantum computers do not exist, and may not appear in the near future.


You can get more information and help on the web pages of resources and communities, or .




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