
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:110 评论:0
文 | 诗与星空Psalms and stars. 10月25日晚间,一则关于区块链的消息引爆了市场,虽然A股已经关门歇业,但是大洋彼岸的美股却喧嚣起来,号称使用了区块链技术的迅雷股价暴涨107%。On the evening of...



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文 | 诗与星空

Psalms and stars.


On the evening of 25 October, a news about the block chain detonated the market. Although the A share was closed, the United States shares on the other side of the ocean were squeezing, calling for the use of block chain technology at the thunder share price surged by 107 per cent.


 src= the previous day, CEOZZACKBERG had a congressional hearing to discuss the distribution of Libra.


It's the best of times. It's the worst of times.



On 24 September, the People’s Daily quoted British media sources as saying that the British police had discovered a van with 39 bodies in an industrial park in Essex County, 23 local time. The 39 victims were probably Chinese nationals, 38 of whom were adults and a teenager. On 25 November, according to British media reports, Vietnamese reported that their 26-year-old children had finally arrived in the United Kingdom from Vietnam to China and had their cell phones shut down on their way to Belgium, hidden in containers, but now, in the event of an incident, those who assisted in the smuggling had returned some of their fees to them.







According to the BBC, as of 18 October, there had been 103 "serious violence" and at least 8 deaths, more than 1,400 people had been detained throughout Chile, and about 10,500 policemen and soldiers had been deployed to the streets.  src=



On October 1, the mighty Republican Guards walked through Tiananmen Square. Many young old people were awakened at this moment, and our country was truly strong. On the day of the celebration, was carrying out escort missions in Aden Bay.

西宁是青海省省会,绵延不绝的昆仑山就位于青海省,号称"万山之母"。一家名不见经传的银行—昆仑银行被美国列入了实体清单。昆仑银行的前身是克拉玛依银行,看起来像一家地市级的城市商业银行。在实体名单中,大多是中兴华为商汤科技这类高科技公司,一家商业银行为什么被列进来?真正的原因是,中石油收购了克拉玛依银行后,更名为昆仑银行,这家银行跟随中石油出海,在伊朗、伊拉克等地做生意。伊拉克重建需要钱,西方列强的钱都是附加政治利益的,昆仑银行却可以几乎无条件的大把借钱。我借给你人民币,你到中国采购设备、请建筑公司、买原材料。还钱的时候没钱也可以,用原油还,昆仑银行是中石油的子公司,直接替中石油接收了。原油怎么帮你运出去?你不用管,我的护航舰队在亚丁湾等着呢。… …依赖中石油的海外业务和其他央企海外公司的友好合作,昆仑银行在一部分区域实现了人民币实质上的国际化。

 src=https://static.moer.cn/O/20191027d20809043fb072c98d7f420f676c94jpegSininin is the capital of Qinghai Province, whose long-spanning mountain is known as the "Mother of Mount Huen" in the province of Qinghai. A bank whose name is unknown, the Bank of Kunon, is listed by the United States. The Bank of Kunon, whose predecessor is Kramoy, looks like a city-level commercial bank. In the list of entities, most of it is a high-tech company, such as Central China, which is listed as a merchant technology.



Who is the biggest competitor of paying treasures? Perhaps you would say "wet" or "wet" or "wet." They wear a pair of pants. Wherever they go, they fight together, like vivos and OPPOs, even in colours.


At a hearing on October 24, investigators argued that Libra’s digital currency challenged the status of the dollar. According to Zuckerberg, the digital currency, both infrastructure and practical applications, lags behind China, even naming payment treasures.




Two-dimensional payments are based on payments by third parties, such as payment treasures and micro-credit payments, rather than on traditional credit card systems. The central bank has for some time been very vigilant about the development of two-dimensional payments, and even banned.


Why? Behind the network is the central bank, and Ali and Tweets are shareholders in the network, which means that two-dimensional payments are followed by payment of treasures, micro-mail payments, payment of treasures, micro-letters, and the renminbi. Where payment treasures and micro-letters go, the renminbi goes.


Understand! According to the data on micro-credit payments and ants gold uniforms, to date, two major payment applications have landed in nearly 40 countries and territories around the world, including the United States. Can you spend the dollar directly in China? Maybe, but the scene is rare, and you can spend the renminbi directly in the United States as long as there are micro-credit payments and two-dimensional payments. The ultimate goal of central banks’ support for micro-credit payments is the globalization of the renminbi.


Zuckerberg is a smart man, but unfortunately, fortunately, politicians aren't smart enough to listen to Wall Street. Wall Street bankers don't like innovation, they prefer to lie down.


It was reported that a draft aimed at preventing large technology companies from acting as financial institutions or issuing digital money had been circulated to the majority Democratic Congressman of the Financial Services Committee of the United States House of Representatives for discussion.

草案提出,"大型平台公用事业公司不得建立、维护或运营旨在被广泛用于交易媒介、计算单位、价值储藏或美联储(Federal Reserve System)理事会定义的任何其他类似功能的数字资产。"

The draft states that "large platform utility companies shall not create, maintain or operate digital assets intended to be widely used in trade media, units of accounting, value deposits or any other similar function as defined by the Federal Reserve Council."


Three, bend over? Switch over!


The world currency has been centred on the United States dollar since the Bretton Woods institutions were established in 1944. Following the collapse of the Bretton Woods system in 1971, the Jamaica system was replaced by the Second Amendment to the International Monetary Fund Agreement, which, although no longer tied to gold, remained the strongest currency.


Successive attempts by the monetary system to challenge the dollar’s position have been hard-hit.


It is on this basis that the United States reaps excess profits from the rest of the world through the right to issue money. The result of the dollar becoming a global hard currency is that Chinese firms go to Iraq, sell Chinese products at low prices, collect dollars, buy local crude oil, and use dollars only.


The Chinese and Iraqis, in the face of the heavy work of the sun, did not get out of the Wall Street office at . China will never get rid of the low-end processing industry if the renminbi does not have sufficient standing.


The dollar position is maintained by world wars, powerful states, and huge force, and the traditional way to challenge it is to strike the stone with an egg. Some say that the curve is overcooked. In fact, it is better to take a different road.  src=


Two of the family's hip-hop children (Ali, Tseng) have grown up to take on the burden of paying treasures and micro-credit payments across the globe, driven by the power of the 1.4 billion people of China who are gradually becoming rich.




The payment of treasures and the payment of micro-mails is not a strictly digital currency, nor is it a block chain technology. That whole section has nothing to do with block chains and digital money.


The media have revealed that the People's Bank of China is likely to officially launch a State-sponsored digital currency, DCEP, in the coming months, initially to China , China Construction Bank, , the Bank of Agriculture of China, , Tung-Tung-Tung, and seven banking associations.


The composition of the seven institutions, their intriguing character, the four branches and the silver leagues can't get away with the money. Ali and the tether? Obviously, they probably provide technical support and fall in front of them.


There is a high probability that central banks’ digital monetary expressions will be based on block-chain technology, even highly integrated with payment treasures, micro-credit payments, and client-level experiences may be seamless. Some of the crude block chains may be questioned, not to say that they are decentralized. The central banks will send centralized digital money.


V. The essence of the block chain


The block chain is a neutral data storage technology, with distributed storage at its core, with the most significant contribution to this technology being IBM, and the technology has matured for 20 years.


If block chain technology leads to a large number of high-market companies, let us first look at the stock price of IBM.


In short, the difference from ordinary technology is that ordinary technology will store a document on a computer, advanced technology will put it on a server, and block chains will store a document on all terminal computers, with information on each computer, or encrypted storage.


This storage technology has several advantages that are incomparable with other technologies, which are also the propensity points that currency rings use to cut vegetables. But it is not exactly the same as they do.



The core of the technology for decentralizing block chains is distributed encryption storage, which is often misconstrued by currency circles as decentralizing.


Technology itself is neutral, the same technology, it can be decentralized or it can be centralized. If only decentralized, Sybase would have solved it decades ago.


To give two examples: one is Bitcoin, whose status as head of the digital currency is unshakeable, but 97 per cent of the bitcoin is concentrated in the hands of 4 per cent of the players, and the price of the bitcoin is entirely manipulated.


This is called decentralization. Second, the Shenzhen Revenue Authority and Xeng Xeng Xing collaborated on the national electronic invoice for the first block chain. It is well known that the invoice is certainly central, and how it is combined with block chain technology. Block chain technology allows distributional encryption storage, i.e. recording every link, so that the whole process can be regulated. Interesting: decentralized technology solves problems that cannot be solved centrally, and it is more centralized than centralization.


In response, the media reported that the electronic invoice for the block chain had the characteristics of complete process retroactiveity, information could not be tampered with, and that it was consistent with the invoice logic and could effectively circumvent false invoices and improve the invoice control process.


The block chain electronic invoice will link each invoicer to trace information on the source, authenticity and recording of the invoice, and resolve the difficulties of overstatement, misrepresentation, and falsification. In addition, it will have the advantage of reducing costs, simplifying processes, safeguarding data security and privacy. This is the charm of the block chain.



Security theory makes it almost impossible for existing computer technology to crack the encryption of block chains. But, Google declared quantum hegemony /a. It is claimed that the quantum computer could be able to excavate all the remaining 3 million bits in two minutes.


In just a few years, once the quantum computer is fully industrialized, the balance of arithmetic distribution will be completely broken. This unendorsed block chain digital currency becomes waste paper.


But this technology is more useful when it is used to do something else. For example, the electronic label used to trace vaccines, which goes back to _blank' > protects copyrights for musical works and so on. So, the two technological features on which the chain of blocks is famous -- decentralization and safety -- are neutral, and the technology itself is difficult to guarantee against misuse. It is only appropriate if it is used in the right context and is effectively regulated.




In fact, the deepest part of the block chain is BATJ. Most of them are not in the A-share, except for one special: an ant gold suit under Ali, with a cooperative firm called Ma Un, which is called .


On March 30, the National Internet Information Office published the List of Information Services on Blocks in the Country (first batch), 197 of which involved about 164 companies.


On 18 October, the National Internet Information Office published on its web site the List of Information Services on Block Chains in the Country (second batch), which contains 309 territorial block information service names and filing project numbers, and also involves a number of listed companies. For example: Target="_blank" > Industrial and Trade Bank’s Industrial and Silver Chain Services , China’s Business and Industry Bank’s Financial Services on the basis of the sector chain .


based on the internal letter of credit transmission system in the block chain, the Forfeiting transaction assembly platform based on the block chain. https://www.moer.cn/stockInfo/sh600271.htm" target="_blank" space chain platform


information development information services such as the


The Eastern Wealth SRC Certification Chain is filed.


is also available on the BaaS platform.


a permanent shared HSL account file is available on the Internet at https://www.moer.cn/stockInfo/sh600570.htm.


Bank Jiangsu's Silver Chain and Block Chain Networked Molotov cocktail finance platform is filed.


Boss software for financial electronic paper block chain services are recorded.


SAS block chain platform, block chain of Peace Bank < , and also a financial service account for receivables in the service supply chain.  src=



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