2021 中国政府行业区块链报告发布, 腾讯云持续为政府提供可信区块链能力支撑

资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:38 评论:0
今日获悉,IDC 发布的《中国政府行业区块链软件市场份额,2021》报告显示, 腾讯云在 2021 年政府行业区块链软件市场份额排名行业第一, 为提升政府治理效率和政务服务体验提供了强有力的支撑。Today, according to a...



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今日获悉,IDC 发布的《中国政府行业区块链软件市场份额,2021》报告显示, 腾讯云在 2021 年政府行业区块链软件市场份额排名行业第一, 为提升政府治理效率和政务服务体验提供了强有力的支撑。

Today, according to a report published by the IDC, China’s Industrial Block Chain Software Market Share, 2021, Teng Tsingyun ranked first in the industry in 2021 in the market share of the Government’s Block Chain Software, providing strong support for improving government governance efficiency and government service experience.

IDC 报告显示,2021 年中国政府行业区块链软件市场以 183.5% 增速快速扩大, 实现 1.63 亿美元的市场规模。这表明在十四五规划指导下, 产业区块链与应用发展规划等政策得到不断落实, 作为政策强驱动的发展行业, 中国政府行业区块链软件市场增势强劲。不仅如此, 区块链的创新应用逐步成为解决政务数据资源碎片化、政务发展不均衡、政务协同缺乏互信基础等痛难点的重要手段, 为数字政府建设提供了重要的安全和信任保障。

The IDC report shows that in 2021, the Chinese government’s industrial block chain software market expanded rapidly and rapidly at a rate of 183.5%, achieving a market size of $163 million. This shows that, under the 14th Five-Year Plan, policies such as the industrial block chain and the application of development planning are constantly being implemented, and that, as a policy-driven development industry, the Chinese government’s industrial block chain software market has grown strongly.

而腾讯云作为最早布局区块链技术的厂商, 已经构建了从底层引擎到上层应用的区块链全栈产品能力, 在 IDC 近期发布的《中国区块链 BaaS 市场份额,2021》报告中, 腾讯云区块链市场份额位列 Top2, 不断为数字政府建设难题持续提供新解法。

Tsingyun, the first manufacturer of block chain technology, has built up the capacity of whole block chain products to be applied from the bottom engine to the upper layer. In a recent IDC report, "China Block Chain BaaS Market Shares, 2021 ", Tseng Tsingyun Block Chain Market Shares to Top2, continues to provide new solutions to digital government construction challenges.

其中, 为了提高政府、企业、公众三端满意度, 腾讯云推出了以国产自主安全可控的长安链为基础的「一条主链、两统一、三建设」的区块链政府行业解决方案。基于该解决方案, 政府机构一方面可以通过统一建设的主链, 减少区域内多条区块链网络重复建设的费用, 让数据高效互联互通, 不仅预防新的区块链数据孤岛出现, 也进一步实现了降本增效;另一方面, 统一的区块链平台也降低了各部门使用区块链的复杂度和门槛, 为不同部门开展对接各项子场景业务提供便捷, 促进了政府跨机构、跨部门、跨层级的业务协作, 搭建了更健康、高效的可信体系。

With a view to increasing government, business, and public satisfaction, Xeng Xinzun has launched a "one chain, two unified, and three-strength" sector-based government industry solution based on an autonomous and secure long-chain of national production. On the basis of this solution, government agencies can, on the one hand, reduce the costs of duplication of the multi-block network in the region, allowing data to be efficiently connected, not only to prevent the emergence of new block-chain data silos, but also to achieve further mitigation efficiencies; on the other hand, a unified block-chain platform has reduced the complexity and thresholds for the use of block chains across sectors, providing easy access for different sectors to sub-scenes, facilitating inter-agency, cross-sectoral and hierarchical operational collaboration, and building a healthier, efficient and credible system.

据了解, 目前腾讯云区块链已经助力广东、海南、北京、重庆、福州、青岛等多个省市地区上线区块链财政电子票据应用, 并打造了广州市「穗智管」、深圳市龙华区、福州市长乐区、北京算力平台、深圳市住房和建设局等多个标杆性项目。

It is known that the Tsingyun block chain has been instrumental in the use of financial electronic instruments in several provincial and municipal areas, such as Guangdong, Hainan, Beijing, Chongqing, Fuzhou and Qingdao, as well as in the construction of several landmark projects such as the Guangzhou City "Spirit Management", the Honghua District of Shenzhen, the Fuzhou City Mayor's Play Area, the Beijing Arithmetic Platform, and the Shenzhen City Housing and Construction Department.

以广州市「穗智管」城市运行区块链管理平台为例, 围绕政务服务「一网通办」, 深化「放管服」改革, 广州市借助腾讯云区块链能力, 打造了跨系统、跨业务、跨部门的数据共享、可信认证、电子证照等标准化底层服务体系。截至去年 8 月, 该平台已搭建 20 个节点, 实现 16 个应用场景, 上链 800 多万电子证照, 处理 1500 万笔链上交易, 业务网络覆盖了全市主要委办局及公共资源交易中心, 真正实现「少填、少报、少跑、快办」。

By way of example, in Guangzhou City, where the City of Sioji is running a block management platform, the reform of the "lace-of-wear" has been deepened around the "one network" of government services. The city has built a standardized bottom-level service system of inter-system, inter-operational, cross-departmental data-sharing, credible authentication, electronic licensing, and so on. As of August last year, the platform has set up 20 nodes to achieve 16 applications, more than 8 million electronic licences, processing 15 million chain transactions, and the business network has covered the city's main offices and public resource trading centres, and has truly achieved "less filling, less reporting, less running, and faster running".

如今, 政府行业区块链软件市场规模正在飞速发展,《国务院关于加强数字政府建设的指导意见》强调,「持续优化全国一体化政务服务平台功能, 全面提升公共服务数字化、智能化水平, 不断满足企业和群众多层次多样化服务需求」。2022 年重大产业利好政策的出台, 为区块链发展提供了强有力的支撑, 而面临新的发展机遇, 如何利用区块链技术释放数据价值, 提升业务协同和数字政务服务能力, 也成为政府行业需要深耕的重要命题。

Today, the size of the government sector block chain software market is growing rapidly, and the State Council's Guidance for Enhancing Digital Government emphasizes that "continuing to optimize the functioning of the national integrated government service platform, improving the overall digitization and intelligence of public services, and constantly meeting the demands of enterprises and the population for diversified services." The adoption of major industrial policies in 2022 has provided a strong support for the development of the block chain and has faced new development opportunities, the use of block-chain technology to release data values, and the upgrading of business synergies and digital service capabilities, has also become an important issue for the government sector.


Source: Net Science, China




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