今日加密货币价格:BTC、Pepe Coin、NEAR 领涨,市场反弹

资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:23 评论:0
今天的加密货币价格保持了积极的势头,因为有关 BTC 现货 ETF 批准的猜测提振了市场信心。Today's encrypt currency prices have maintain...



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今天的加密货币价格保持了积极的势头,因为有关 BTC 现货 ETF 批准的猜测提振了市场信心。

Today's encrypt currency prices have maintained a positive momentum, as speculation about BTC spot ETF approval has boosted market confidence.


Today’s encrypt currency prices continue yesterday’s cattle market, demonstrating the willingness of market participants to bet on risky assets. It is worth noting that market transactions have fluctuated considerably over the past few days, and investors have kept watching and sought clearer potential for the future of the market.

与此同时,最近市场势头的改善似乎是由于对比特币现货 ETF批准的猜测。多位市场专家表示,SEC 可能会在 2024 年 1 月上旬为 BTC ETF 开绿灯,这刺激了市场情绪。

At the same time, the recent improvement in market momentum appears to be the result of speculations approved by the Bitcoin spot ETF. According to several market experts, the SEC could turn on a green light for BTC ETF in early January 2024, stimulating market sentiment.

主要加密货币价格中,比特币价格在过去24小时内上涨0.88%,交易价格为44,063.79美元,交易量下降23.91%至224亿美元。与此同时,在过去 24 小时内,BTC 价格触及高点 44,240.67 美元和低点 43,387.92 美元。

The price of the main encrypted currency increased by 0.88 per cent over the last 24 hours, the transaction price was $44,063.79, and the volume fell by 23.91 per cent to $22.4 billion. Meanwhile, BTC prices reached highs of $44,240.67 and lows of $43,387.92 over the past 24 hours.

在其他加密货币中,以太坊价格在撰写本文期间飙升 2.36% 至 2,253.97 美元,其交易量较昨天下滑 1.89% 至 127.3 亿美元。此外,在撰写本文期间, Solana 价格上涨 17.04% 至 98.33 美元,表明投资者对加密货币的兴趣增加。值得注意的是,Solana 加密货币还超越了 BNB,在顶级加密货币排名中排名第四。

Among the other encrypted currencies, the price of the Pacific was soaring from 2.36% to $2,253.97 during the writing of this paper, down from 1.89% to $12.3 billion yesterday. Moreover, during the writing of this paper, the price of Solana rose from 17.04% to $98.33 million, indicating an increase in investor interest in the encrypt currency.

与此同时,BNB 价格上涨 5.64% 至 272.65 美元,交易量增长 16.4% 至 11.6 亿美元。与此同时,XRP 价格上涨 0.84%,至 0.6207 美元,卡尔达诺价格上涨 4.93%,交易价格为 0.624 美元。

At the same time, BNB prices rose by 5.64 per cent to $272.65, and the volume of transactions grew by 16.4 per cent to $11.6 billion. At the same time, XRP prices rose by 0.84 per cent to $0.6207, Caldano prices by 4.93 per cent and transaction prices by 0.624 dollars.

在模因币领域,狗狗币价格上涨 2.46% 至 0.09377 美元,而交易量上涨 47% 至 8.7524 亿美元。此外,在撰写本文期间,柴犬价格也上涨了 2.84%,至 0.00001052 美元,单日交易量上涨 5.5%,至 17508 万美元。

In the currency sector, the price of dog coins rose by 2.46 per cent to $0.09377, while the volume of transactions rose by 47 per cent to $ 875.24 million. In addition, the price of wood dogs rose by 2.84 per cent to $0.00001052 and the volume of transactions increased by 5.5 per cent to $ 1.7508 million per day during the writing period.

与此同时,随着近期主要加密货币价格的上涨,全球加密货币市值也有所上涨。值得注意的是,在撰写本文期间,加密货币整体市值上涨了 2.17%,达到 1.66 万亿美元,而交易量则下降了 4.93%,至 681.9 亿美元。恐惧和贪婪指数为 75,表明市场存在“贪婪”或购买情绪。

At the same time, with the recent rise in the prices of major encrypted currencies, the global market value of encrypted currencies has also risen. It is worth noting that, during the writing period, the overall market value of encrypted currencies rose by 2.7% to $1.66 trillion, while the volume of transactions fell by 4.93% to $68,190 billion.

Pepe Coin 加密货币是模因币领域的知名参与者,在过去几天里,由于投资者交易谨慎,其交易波动较大。然而,Pepe Coin 的价格在 12 月 22 日星期五恢复了势头,其价格飙升 2.49% 至 0.000001291 美元。其交易量也飙升31.85%至10084万美元。

Pepe Coin's encrypted currency is a well-known participant in the memorized currency field, whose transactions have fluctuated considerably over the past few days because of investors' prudence. However, Pepe Coin's prices regained momentum on Friday, 22 December, and their prices soared from 2.49% to US$0.00001,291.

Algorand 加密货币是加密货币市场中涨幅最大的加密货币之一,反映了更广泛的加密货币领域的积极情绪。截至撰写本文时,Algorand 价格上涨 24.58%,交易价格为 0.2461 美元,而过去 24 小时的交易量猛增 268.5% 至 2.8317 亿美元。值得注意的是,过去 30 天内 ALGO 价格上涨了约 90%。

Algorand's encrypt currency is one of the largest increases in the encrypt currency market, reflecting the broader positive sentiment in the area of encrypting currency. At the time of writing, Algorand's price had risen by 24.58%, with a transaction price of $0.2461, while the volume of transactions in the past 24 hours had risen sharply by 268.5% to $283.17 million.

截至 12 月 22 日撰写本文时, NEAR协议价格上涨 23.85%,交易价格为 3.51 美元,交易量飙升 58.62%,达到 10.5 亿美元。与此同时,该加密货币最近一直受到投资者的关注,这一点可以从持续的加密货币的集会。值得注意的是,NEAR 价格在过去 7 天内飙升了 50% 以上,在过去 30 天内上涨了 90%。

At the time of writing, as of December 22, the NEAR agreement had increased the price of 23.85%, with a transaction price of $3.51 and a trade volume surged by 58.62%, to $1.05 billion. At the same time, the encrypt currency has recently been of interest to investors, which can be seen in the continuing syndication of the currency. It is worth noting that NEAR prices have soared by more than 50% in the last seven days, and by 90% in the last 30 days.


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