Layer1 项目估值和盈利能力、代币增发关系的深度辨析

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:18 评论:0
一份探索区块链盈利能力不同思想流派的报告。A report exploring different schools of thought about the profitability of the block chain. PoW(工...



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A report exploring different schools of thought about the profitability of the block chain.


How profitable is the Pow (the workload certificate) and Pos (the equity certificate) block chain? What is the comparison between the Ether and Solana? Is the profitability of the block chain important to investors? What does Vitalik do with the gas money?


Encrypted Twitter has recently been involved in these issues. This paper attempts to solve these big problems around the thorny theme of the valuation of L1 in Web3.


Assuming that we want to determine which L1 is the highest up-front space. The first step in the study is to understand the potential profitability of the block chain. So, if you ask Wall Street analysts how profitable the block chain is, they might calculate this:



When applied to the PoW-e-Team:

Layer1 项目估值和盈利能力、代币增发关系的深度辨析  第1张


The conclusion is simple: the PoW is unprofitable and its business model is fundamentally broken. 100 per cent of the transaction costs are paid to the miners, so they are zero. Worse still, the ETH, which inspires the chain to be validated, is very high, making the chain unprofitable.


Today, in 2024, there were two main criticisms of the above-mentioned brief analysis. The first criticism pointed out that much had changed since PoW, while the second raised more subjective structural arguments (which will be discussed more in the next section).


Since August 2021, the EIP-1559 fee was allocated on the basis of the fee and the preferential tip. The base fee was burned, making the ETH more scarce and thus adding value to the ETH, and therefore the “real” value was underestimated. On the other hand, the priority fee was paid to the certifying officer as a tip.


2. Since the merger and transfer to PoS in September 2022, there has been a significant decrease in the issuance of tokens.


3. Since the release of the MEV-Boost software by Flashbot for the PoS Etheria, the user has paid additional block inclusion costs to the certifying officer, thus underestimating income.


In summary, there are four variables that affect the profitability of the Etherm network:


Basic costs (burned)


Priority fees (paid to certificationer)


MEV (paid to certificationer)


ETH issue/inflation (paid to certificationer)


When we update the table above:

Layer1 项目估值和盈利能力、代币增发关系的深度辨析  第2张

Layer1 项目估值和盈利能力、代币增发关系的深度辨析  第3张


? Since EIP-1559, some of the network transaction costs have been burned, as indicated by user fees less the portion paid to the certifying authority


♪ 2023 is the first full year of the network's “profits”, thanks in large part to the transition to Pos ♪


♪ MEV payments are paid in full to the certifier, so the ETH holder sees no income


Conclusion: At a time when PoW was very unprofitable, its business model was fundamentally broken. As a result of the more efficient gas pricing of EIP-1559 and the significant decline in the issuance of coins since the merger, it today operates a profitable business.

请注意,PoW矿工/PoS验证者也会在电力和硬件上花钱,但这里省略了,因为这是由验证者承担的外部成本,而不是“网络”。自2024年3月以来,blob费用也是L2 rollup向以太坊支付的收入项目,但这相对较小,因此也被省略了。

Please note that the PoW Miner/PoS Certifiers will also spend on electricity and hardware, but this is omitted because it is an external cost borne by the certifying officer rather than a “network”. Since March 2024, the blob has also been a revenue project paid by the L2 group to the Ether, but this is relatively small and has therefore been omitted.

第二种批评认为,将代币发行视为一种成本是完全错误的。乔恩·夏博诺(Jon Charbonneau)、凯尔·萨马尼(Kyle Samani)等著名人物都提出了这一论点,尤其是阿纳托利(Anatoly),这在最近与贾斯汀·德雷克(Justin Drake)关于Bankless的辩论中可以看出。

The second criticism is that it is entirely wrong to consider the issuance of a token as a cost. Eminent people such as Jon Charbonneau and Kyle Samani have all made this argument, particularly Anatoli, as can be seen from the recent debate with Justin Drake on Banks.


Considering the issue of a token as a cost means that its holders are diluted – just as the Fed dilutes your dollar savings with a printing machine. But that is not the case, because users have the right to receive network-based inflation in the PoS chain through mobile deposit platforms like Lido.


If you have such an idea, then ask yourself: The real benefits of the ETH that I invest in a mobile investment platform are net. Since I can easily access cash flows, why do I care if Ether is a “profit” holder?


Consider the idea that all the money that expands from central bank printing machines is distributed equally and effectively to every citizen. In this case, no one gets worse or better.


Thus, when everyone gets the same amount of cash flow from the central bank's banknote printing machine, it makes no sense to be obsessed with the “profit” of the United States economy, nor does it make any sense to focus on the “profit” of the Ether district chain.


This is not over. If the logic of this analysis is correct, and the issue of tokens is not a cost, then it means that non-moldiers are actually being diluted because they have not received the issue.


The key question for analysis then is: What is the difference between the value flow of Ethers and Ethers?

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♪ Priority fees, MEV payments and ETH issuances are now moving from “cost” to “income” projects


♪ The EIP-1559 burn and shift to PoS, the ETH holder is still net positive. But the ETH pledgeer gets a greater share of value by contributing to the network validation.

?对于这里的质押者来说,一个可以忽略不计的成本项目是在 Lido 上质押的 ~10% 佣金率

♪ For the pledge here, a negligible cost item is the ~10% commission rate pledged on Lido


In sum, a “no profit” block chain may seem terrible, but the pledgeer still earns a net gain from the value stream. The simple income-cost = profit framework mentioned above is meaningful in TradFi, because shareholders have legal requirements for dividends or assets.


Now let's see Solana.

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? Solana’s transaction fee model divides costs into voting and non-voting transactions. Voting transactions are submitted by the certifier to the voting signature of the web consensus, and non-voting transactions are the main indicators for tracking network activity, as it refers to the transfer of SOL between different Solana accounts/intellectual contracts.

?从网络 POV 来看,Solana根本无利可图。

♪ From the Web POV, Solana has no profit at all. ♪

Layer1 项目估值和盈利能力、代币增发关系的深度辨析  第7张


But, as Solana’s supporters tend to believe, the above valuation model is irrelevant, because SOL holders can get online distribution through a pledge. So let's see if the value flows to SOL holders and pledgeors:


As expected, because the value of the SOL holder is significantly diluted by web distribution, the holder’s value flow is negative. SOL’s pledge, however, is positive when it receives it.


In order to alleviate the problem, Solana developers offered users an option to pay 50% of the priority fees to block builders (known as “leaders”) and to burn the remaining 50%. Both were included in the income items, because SOL pledgeers gained value from both. It is worth noting that, a week ago, governance changed that by allocating 100% of the priority costs to the certificationer.

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In order to bring this back to square one, bear in mind that the cumulative value applies only to L1 in the PoS chain.


In a PoW chain like Bitcoin (or before Etheria merges), there is no such accumulation of value, because there is no “Lido”, where you can choose to enter to get a share of the Bitcoin issue. Bitcoin is issued as a direct expense of the network, similar to the Fed printing dollars, diluting the real value of any dollar holder.


Worse still, 100% of the bitcoins are distributed to miners, who spend a lot of electricity to provide their services in exchange for an incentive. Miners will sell bitcoins to pay for their operating costs, thus putting pressure on the market. In short, if you hold bitcoins, you will be diluted not only from the reward issued in tokens, but your holdings will also be under great pressure from miners to sell.

Layer1 项目估值和盈利能力、代币增发关系的深度辨析  第9张


All this makes Bitcoin look like a terrible digital asset based on the economics of broken tokens. However, this conclusion stems from an attempt to harden the same valuation model used for ETH into BTC. Bitcoin Maximists may argue that this makes a serious error of analysis by treating BTC and ETH as the same type of asset, while BTC is more like a monetary asset for a large commodity.


If that were the case, then a different model would be needed for the valuation of Bitcoin, which could reasonably be priced on the basis of a currency premium on Bitcoin, rather than a simple income-cost = profit framework.

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Regardless of which side of the debate you are on, it is undeniable that in an ideal world, the issue of coins will be zero, or at least close to zero. As Polynya has pointed out here, even if there is a simple way to avoid dilution, there will still be a loss of value for non-moldiers.


The leading thinkers in the community tend to be on the other side of the debate about “money issuance as a cost.” Given the enormous effort that the ITA developers are working on today to tighten the ETH deflation, and the ongoing discussions around further reducing the ETH issuance, it is easy to understand why the emphasis on distribution as a cost has been so emphasized by the ITA leaders.


On the other hand, alt-L1 currency inflation tends to be much higher and the bond rate in chains such as Solana is often much higher than in Etherko, which may explain the motivation to interpret the issue as a cost.




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