Uniswap V3主网已启动

资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:24 评论:0
DeFi数据DeFi Data1.DeFi总市值:1402.76亿美元 1. DeFi total market value: 1402.76 ˃ billions of United States dollars 市值前十币种排名数...



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DeFi Data


1. DeFi total market value: 1402.76 > billions of United States dollars





2. transactions to the centralized exchange over the past 24 hours: >41.1 billions of dollars



交易量排名前十的DEX 排名来源:DeFibox


3. DeFi lending platform total borrowing: > 227.6 US$ >



锁仓量排名前十的借贷平台 排名来源:DeFibox


4. DeFi locked assets: 871.8 >/strang > > billions of United States dollars



1.Uniswap V3主网已启动

The main network of Uniswap V3 has been launched at .

金色财经报道,据官方消息,Uniswap v3已部署到以太坊主网。根据官方文章,Uniswap v3是该协议迄今为止功能最强大的版本,集中式流动性为流动性提供者提供了空前的资本效率,为交易者提供了更好的执行力,以及去中心化金融的核心基础设施。

According to the official article, Uniswap V3 is the most functional version of the agreement to date, with centralized liquidity providing an unprecedented degree of capital efficiency for liquidity providers, better enforcement for traders, and a core infrastructure for decentralizing finance.

2.数据:Uniswap V3 Gas消耗量比V2高近100%

2. Data: Uniswap V3 Gas consumption is nearly 100% higher than V2

据Reddit网友消息,Uniswap主网上,所有三种交易类型(交换、添加和删除)在V3中的平均Gas费用要比V2高得多。其中,在V3中交换代币要比V2多使用24%的Gas;在V3中添加代币要比V2多使用249%的Gas;在V3中移除代币要比V2多使用33%的Gas。从平均数来看,Uniswap V3要比V2多用102%的Gas。

According to Reddit, Uniswap hosts, the average cost of Gas in V3 for all three types of transactions (exchange, additions and deletions) is much higher than V2. Of this, 24% Gas is used in V3 exchange than V2; 249% Gas is used in V3 is added; 33% Gas is used in V3 is removed. On average, Uniswap V3 is used 102% more than V2.


3. The founder of Uniswap replied that V3 added high liquidity costs Gas and only applied to the creation of a pool

网友称在Uniswap V3添加流动性花费了0.2 ETH(40 Gwei)。Uniswap创始人Hayden Adams表示,这仅适用于创建池,并询问其是否为该池的首个LP。

The user claims that the addition of liquidity to Uniswap V3 cost 0.2 ETH (40 Gwei). Hayden Adams, founder of Uniswap, stated that this applied only to the creation of the pool and asked if it was the first LP in the pool.

    4.DeFi跨链永续合约平台YFX.COM IDO上线1小时总参与金额超1.38亿美元

    4. total participation of more than $138 million per hour on line by YFX.COM IDO >.


    According to official updates, on 6 May 2021, YFX.COM, the inter-linkage decentralised permanent contract platform, YFX.COM, opened the IDO at the same time in Bounce and WeStarter on 6 May for an exchange of 250,000 YFX. Of these, the WeStarter White List pool was opened for 30 seconds and the Open Exchange Pool was over $138 million and over 2764.43 times.


    5. IOT's online Dex for the DeFi project, Donnie.Finance

    据官方消息,IOST链上DeFi项目Donnie Finance上线Dex功能,支持交易基于IOST、以太坊、BSC链的代币,用户能够通过Bridge功能来跨链BSC和以太坊。为了支持Donnie.finance的第一批参与者,Donnie正在提高对流动性提供者的奖励,目前再度添加DON — HUSD、IOST —DON、IOST — HUSD、BNB — HUSD四大LP池。

    According to official sources, IOST’s DeFi project, the Donnie Finance online Dex function, supports transactions based on IOT, Ether, and BSC, and enables users to cross BSC and Ether through Bridge functions. To support the first number of participants in Donnie.finance, Donnie is raising incentives for mobility providers, and is now adding the four largest LPP pools of Don – HUSD, IOST – Don, IOST – HUSD, BNB – HUSD.


    6. DeFi Trans-chain Gain Polymer Autofarm formally aggregates MDEX


    On 6 May, it was reported that the DeFi trans-chain profit polymer Autofarm had formally merged to decentralize the trans-chain trading protocol MDEX.


    7. Beer Polymeric Trading Platform officially opens mining

    据官方公告,Beer聚合交易平台将于加拿大时间:2021年5月6日8:00(UTC+12)正式上线BSC(币安生态链)并开启Ber单币质押挖矿,同时,Beer已上线MDEX,且将于上线时增加Ber流动性。 Beer聚合交易平台通过核心算法协议模块的整合打通生态内外部DEFI协议,集成DEX、跨链借贷&聚合挖矿、预言机、NFT等,并引入去中心化多来源数据检验预言机方案,实现以更低的成本数据传输及套利策略部署,以解决目前不同DeFi类产品难以交互的痛点,从而达到对于DeFi全生态套利机会的高效整合。

    According to the official announcement, the Beer Syndicate trading platform will be officially launched in Canada on 6 May 2021 at 8:00 (UTC+12) BSC (the monetary security ecological chain) and will open Ber's single-currency pledge for mining, while Beer has been online MDEX and will increase Ber's mobility on-line. By integrating core algorithmic protocol modules, it will connect eco-internal and external DEFI protocols, integrate DEX, cross-chain lending & polymer mining, predictor, NFT, etc., and introduce a decentralizing multi-source data testing proximate program to achieve lower-cost data transmission and deployment of arbitrage strategies to address the current hard-to-interactive pains of different DeFi-type products, thus achieving efficient integration of the full ecological benefits of DeFi.


    8.PuddingSwap has broken 70 million TVL in the tiger's smart chain HSC.

    据官方消息,虎符智能链HSC首个DEX项目PuddingSwap自5月5日20时上线并开启流动性挖矿、质押挖矿。 截止发稿,TVL已超过7000万美金,总交易额超1300万美金,项目代币 PUD目前价格为$5.74。

    According to official sources, the Tiger Smart Chain's first DEX project, PudddingSwap, has been on line since 2000 hours on May 5th, opening mobile mining and pledge mining. As of the date of the release, TVL has exceeded $70 million, with a total transaction of over $13 million, and PUD is currently at $5.74.


    1. LendHub will open a repurchase destruction control vote on 7 May at 16:00 p.m.


    According to official sources, in order to give LendHub the power to manage the eco-demonstration LHB, and to build the Heco eco-prosperity, LendHub will launch the DAO community governance vote on 7 May 2021 at 16:00 (UTC+8), a 30% fee for buying LHBs and HTs against the LendHub platform. All LendHub currency users will be allowed to vote in the community governance vote through the DAO lockup.


    2. MDEX (HECO&BSC) new mobile mining list and weighting adjustment

    据MDEX.COM官方公告,在每区块挖矿总奖励不变的情况下,将于5月6日18:00(UTC+8)新增HECO版流动性挖矿名单DAI/USDC,并在HECO和BSC版同时进行DOGE/USDT、WBNB/BUSD、WBNB/BTCB、WBNB/ETH 、DAI/USDC、WHT/USDT 权重调整。流动性挖矿调整细节,具体以官网展示为准。DAO管理开启后,权重调整方案将交由社区投票决定。

    According to the official announcement of MDEX.COM, a new version of the HECO mobile mine list DAI/USDC will be added on 6 May at 1800 (UTC+8) and a parallel DOGE/USDT, WBNB/BUSD, WBNB/BTCB, WBNBNB/ETH, DAI/USDC, WHT/USDT will be re-adjusted.

    3.LHB(LendHub)上线火币全球站 开盘上涨116.2%

    3. LHB (LendHub) Upline Firebill Global Station Opening up 116.2%

    据官方消息,LendHub火币生态链Heco去中心化借贷平台通证LHB,已于2021年5月6日15:00(GMT+8)上线火币全球站。截止到16:00,LHB/USDT开盘涨幅超116.2%,最高价0.8USDT。 LendHub 是火币生态链Heco上的中心化借贷平台,已支持20个Heco币种借贷挖矿LHB,用户在存币或借贷均可获得激励通证LHB奖励。LendHub平台存借总额最高突破18.6亿美金,锁定价值最高突破11.28亿美金。目前,平台支持LP自动复投挖矿、DAO质押池以及流动池挖矿LHB。

    According to official sources, LendHub, a central lending platform on Heco's chain, has supported 20 Heco-based lending to dig LHBs, with users receiving incentive LHB incentives in deposit currency or lending. LendHub stands at a maximum of $1.86 billion and locks up a maximum value of $1.28 billion. At present, the platform supports the automatic re-mining of mines, the DAO deposits and the mobile pool of LHBs.


    4. DeFi protocol DogeSwap will be on line at 1400 hours on 6 May at the MX/USDT pit

    据官方消息,5月6日14:00,DeFi协议DogeSwap支持MX/USDT矿池,上线后持有以上LP的用户可以通过HECO网络前往Dogeswap的挖矿区质押挖取DOG。资料显示,MX是MXC抹茶平台唯一通证,币币及ETF手续费盈利部分100%销毁MX,目前已实现手续费抵扣、项目投票续期、打新抽签加成、MX DeFi挖矿质押等使用场景。

    According to official sources, on 6 May at 1400, the DeFi agreement, DogeSwap, supported the MX/USDT pond. Users with the above-mentioned LP were able to enter the HECO network and go to the dig site of Dogeswap to dig up the DOG. According to the information, MX is the only pass on the MXC tea platform, 100% of the MX was destroyed by currency and the profit portion of the ETF fee, and it has now achieved the use of a cut-off fee, the renewal of the project, the drawing of new lots, and the mining of the MX DeFi deposit.

    1.Burnt Finance完成300万美元融资,将构建NFT平台

    1. Burnt Finance completes $3 million in financing to build NFT platform

    Burnt Finance完成300万美元融资,Injective Protocol、Multicoin Capital、Mechanism等参投,资金将用于在Solana区块链上构建一个NFT平台。

    Burnt Finance completed $3 million in financing, with the participation of Projective Protocol, Multicoin Capital and Mechanism, which will be used to build an NFT platform on the Solana block chain.


    2. NFT platform Bitski completes $19 million in round A finance

    NFT平台Bitski完成1900万美元的A轮融资,Andreessen Horowitz(a16z)和美国说唱歌手Jay-Z等参投。

    The NFT platform Bitski completed $19 million in A Round Finance, with the participation of Andrewssen Horowitz (a16z) and American rapper Jay-Z, among others.


    3. The founder of the dog coin coalition launched the dog coin card NFT on the Foundation.

    5月6日,狗狗币(Dogecoin)联合创始人Billy Marcus发推称,狗狗币卡片NFT首个版本已开启拍卖。据了解,Marcus与其朋友Laura Shigihara合作在NFT平台Foundation上铸造了这些卡片NFT。官网显示,拍卖卡片共有8张,价格最高的一张名为“The Billionaire Doge”,成交价为24.70 ETH。

    On May 6, Billy Marcus, a co-founder of Dogecoin, assumed that the first version of the card NFT had been opened for auction. It was understood that Marcus, in collaboration with his friend Laura Shigihara, had forged the cards on the NFT platform Foundation.




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