
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:25 评论:0
本文由币乎(优质内容计划支持USDT是锚定美元发布的,所以其币价相对比较稳定。单这点来说肯定非常吸引大家的眼球,但是肯定也有随之的风险,所以让大家又爱又怕,本文来分析下USDT的爱恨情节。The USDT is an an...



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The USDT is an anchored dollar, so its value is relatively stable. This alone must be very attractive to everyone, but it must also be accompanied by risks, so it's a matter of love and fear.


Let's start with the USDT issuer:


Introduction by Heather


In late November 2014, Realcoin, a company registered in the Isle of Man and Hong Kong, changed its name to Tether.


USDT is issued and traded using the Omni (formerly Mastercoin) agreement, while Omni is the first on the market to be 2.0 currencies based on the Bitcoin block chain. So the parameters such as USDT transaction confirmation are consistent with Bitcoin.

根据Tether的CTO及联合创始人Craig Sellars 称,用户可以通过SWIFT电汇美元至Tether公司提供的银行帐户,或通过Bitfinex交易所换取USDT。赎回美元时,反向操作即可。用户也可在上述两个网站用比特币换取USDT。其网站宣称严格遵守1:1的准备金保证,即每发行1枚USDT代币,其银行帐户都会有1美元的资金保障。

According to the CTO of Tether and its co-founder, Craig Sellars, users can transfer the United States dollar to a bank account provided by Tether by SWIFT, or exchange the USDT through the Bitfinex exchange. Reverse operations are sufficient when you redeem the dollar. Users can also exchangebitcoin for USDT on both sites.


In terms of compliance, all operations involving French currency require users to complete KYC certification.

当被问及用户如何验证银行帐户保证金时,Craig称法币由Tether Liminted公司保管,并有定期审计,但目前用户还不能直接查询保证金。

When asked how the bank account bond was authenticated by the user, Craig stated that the French currency was held by Tether Limited and was subject to regular audits, but that it was not currently available to the user directly to access the bond.


At present, the volume of USDT transactions is the largest in all stable virtual currencies.




Every time there's an extreme reversal of the entire digital asset market, all traders and investors are looking for a stable currency, and the USDT is such a stable currency.


Digital assets are a market where both returns and risks are extremely high. Investors who have played with Bitcoin, Lightcoin, and Etheria are less likely to be so volatile in investments such as equities, funds, and P2P. So digital assets urgently need such a stable currency to avoid risk, demand, and supply.


Let's see if the USDT and the US dollar are about one to one, and today the US dollar is 1:6.2983.



It's basically the same as the dollar exchange rate. Wouldn't that be a coincidence?



The following is a map of the overall price trends of the USDT, which shows that the Green Line fluctuates very little and is basically a straight one-day line.



The investment value of the USDT does appear to be small in these senses, and it is conceivable that it would help to avoid a fall in digital assets, and, of course, if it were to rise, it would also eat up your earnings, so make full use of his advantages.




The disadvantage of USDT is the confidence that people have in Tether, because it is not a decentralised token, because it is in the hands of a company, so any possibility is possible. The market’s negative coverage of USDT does continue. The risks that USDT has are:


1 USDT was over-exported. The market value of USDT was currently available online at $675 million, but Tether was unable to provide security against bank accounts. Tether’s financial reserves remained undisclosed, and audit reports promised to be issued a year ago had been dropped off by the end of the year.


The user exemption clause for USDT is the hegemonic clause. The user clause for USDT issuer Tether exempts it from the duty to pay the French currency under any conditions, including when the company closes down.


4 USDT issuers are not reliable. USDT issuers have a lot of black spots in their history.

老猫在2017-11-11写了篇关于USDT的文章:《USDT,沙丘上的城堡?》,本文也一直在担心USDT靠不靠谱。他们委派了有高盛工作经验的 Partner 来对 USDT 进行调研,而调研的结果,可以用?“触目惊心”?四个字来形容,以下部分,是调查报告的摘录:

The old cat wrote an article on USDT in 2017-11: "USDT, Castle on the dunes? ", which is also a constant concern. They commissioned a partner with excellent work experience to study USDT, the results of which can be described in four words: ? : . The following is an extract from the survey:


Tether? The bank account does not have that much money because they continue to borrow in the exchange/bank in excess of their actual bank deposits, and there is no reason why this is not happening at this time, because there are not many cashiers, using it? The Tether? exchange also ensures that only a few familiar users can cash United States dollars;

Bitfinex?作为?Tether?的大股东,按理说可以随时接触到?Tether?的存款,或者可以?0?利息的从?Tether?那里“借贷”,这应该相当于向银行拿钱,但是,USDT 的发行机制完全不需要真实的拥有这些钱,直接发行出来交给 Bitfinex 就可以了;

Bitfinex? As a major shareholder? Tether?

而且老猫给出的建议是:无论 USDT 看起来多便捷,能带来多好的交易量,具有多大的诱惑力,请绝对不要使用 USDT ,如果你们想成为行业中安全的中坚力量,你们就必须要毫不介意收益选择“最安全原则”,如果有一天 USDT 崩塌了,最起码还能有一个交易平台是安全的。

And the old cat's advice is: no matter how easy the USDT looks, how good a deal, how tempting it is, never use the USDT. If you want to be the backbone of safety in the industry, you have to have no problem choosing the “most safe principle” of returns, and if one day the USDT collapses, at least one trading platform is safe.


I'm sure you're feeling very cold about the USDT here. Don't worry about it. Keep looking at it.

在2018-01-21日,老猫又发了篇文章《对 Giancarlo (Bitfinex 和 Tether 的 CFO )的采访报告》,里面说到他要访谈Bitfinex 和 Tether 的 CFO?Giancarlo,Giancarlo先是介绍了下他们的团队和愿景:

In 2018-01-21, the old cat sent another article, “Report of an interview with Giancarlo (Bitfinex and Tether's CFO),” in which he said he was going to interview Bitfinex and Tether's CFO?Giancarlo, who started by introducing their team and vision:

1. Bitfinex 的 团队50人左右,客服团队最近新增至 20人左右,团队已经实现去中心化管理,分布在世界各地;

1. About 50 members of Bitfinex's team, the recent increase in the number of guest service teams to around 20, and the fact that the teams have been decentralised and distributed around the world;

2. Tether 团队不是为了钱工作,作为早期比特币投资者,对行业有责任和使命感,认为行业应该团结起来,共同对抗传统金融势力对资源的垄断;

2. The Tether team did not work for money, as an early bitcoin investor, had a responsibility and a sense of purpose towards the industry, believing that the industry should unite against the monopoly of resources by traditional financial forces;

3. 美国银行正在以各种手段对他们进行封锁,他们也在全球寻找合作机会,为了避免美国银行业对他们存款银行的胁迫,Tether?在未来有可能不再继续使用美元锚定,而使用 欧元、日元或者其他的锚定货币,韩国近期政策反复,银行和政府合作性低,所以,锚定韩元的可能性很小;

3. They are being blocked by various means by United States banks, and they are looking for opportunities for cooperation globally in order to avoid coercion by the United States banking industry against their deposit banks, and there is a risk that in the future there will be no further use of the United States dollar anchoring, the use of the euro, the Japanese yen or other anchoring currency, recent policy repetitions in Korea and low cooperation between banks and governments, so that the possibility of anchoring the Korean won will be minimal;

4. 他们所接触的银行家大都是好几十岁的老头,完全无法理解这个世界正在发生什么,以他们来看,未来的世界只有两种银行,一种是死去的银行,另一种是与区块链行业合作的银行。

4. Most of the bankers they contacted were dozens of old people, who simply failed to understand what was happening in the world. In their view, there were only two types of banks in the world in the future, one that were dead and the other that worked with the block chain industry.

而且老猫和赵东还验证了 Tether 的资产,其中Tether账户有18.3亿美元,bitfinex的账户有11.x亿美元,而且全程了解了 Tether 系统的运行原理,甚至,所有的历史交易以及每一笔正在活动的资产变动的转移,都可以在 Tether 的系统中一目了然。

And the old cat and Zhaodong also validated Tether's assets, of which Tether had $1.83 billion in accounts, Bitfinex had $1.1 billion in accounts, and knew the whole way about Tether's operating principles, and even that all historical transactions, as well as the transfer of each active asset movement, could be seen in Tether's system.


It seems that USDT is still relatively credible, after all, that the old cat has a say in currency circles. But I suggest that there is a need to be a little more vigilant if USDT is to be held for short periods of time as a medium for currency transactions; but it is important to avoid holding a large number of USDTs in the long run, either in large currency such as BTC, ETH or directly in French.




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