记者 | 司林威
Reporter... Xiang Silingway.
On May 1, according to goodwill data, the encrypt currency went up to an all-time high of US$ 2834 at Taiping's price. In the recent past, it rose from a low of US$ 2162 on April 25 to US$ 2834, a maximum increase of more than 30%. In a study, the world's top investor, Morgan Chase, claimed that it had recently performed better than Bitcoin.
Morgan Chase’s report analyses the trade characteristics of encoded money derivatives by analysing the advantages of tatters compared to bitcoins. First, Morgan Chase believes that e-ports’ liquidity is more elastic.
At the same time, Morgan Chase states that there is a great difference between Taiwan and Bitcoin. Bitcoin is more like an encrypted commodity than a currency, linked to gold, and is a value-storage asset. At the same time, it is the backbone of the eco-economy of encrypted money and acts as an eco-changer. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;
During an overall shock on April 24, Bitcoin fell to $46,000, breaking the $50,000 mark. In this wave, the Etherno low did not hit the $2,000 mark, and then quickly returned, taking the lead in breaking past heights, in sharp contrast to Bitcoin’s tremor.
Compared with recent developments in Tai Fan and Bitcoin, the trend in transactions is very clear. According to ETH/BTC transactions, a round of large upturns started on 29 March in TTRO and one unit of ETH vs. 0.048625 BTC, the highest price of 0.051,900 BTC since August 2018, is currently available as of the date of submission.
Since 2020, the rise of the DeFi and NFT markets has led to a surge in activity and transfer fees on the Etherms network. The Etherm community has also debated whether or not to cut fees. As a result, the cost of transactions and the slow identification of time has been hampered by the cost of transactions.
但在4月25日,数据显示以太坊gas费降50gwei左右,为2021年以来新低。此前由于gas费不断增高,导致链上手续费一度逼近1500gwei。而最近以太坊的gas费骤降,原因或与以太坊提升区块 Gas Limit 有关。
However, on April 25, the data show a drop of around 50 gwei in Tai-Kas fee, which has been low since 2021. Previously, the fees on the chain had fallen close to 1,500 gwei as a result of the rising fees.
4 月 14 日,以太坊主网进行了名为“柏林”的硬分叉升级,引入了四份 EIP(EIP是以太坊的改进提案)。其中的两份 (EIP-2929 和 EIP-2930) 对交易的 gas 成本有影响。4 月 22 日,以太坊将区块 Gas Limit 从约 1250 万 Gwei 提升至 1500 万 Gwei,提升幅度约为 20%。下降的gas费降低了以太坊网络转账的成本,提升了以太坊用户使用主网的积极性。
On April 14, the Ether family upgraded the hard fork called “Berlin” and introduced four EIPs (EIPs are proposals for improvements in the etherm). Two of them (EIP-2929 and EIP-2930) had an impact on transactional gas costs. On April 22, Ether raised the area of Gas Limited from approximately 12.5 million Gwei to 15 million Gwei, an increase of about 20%. The lower fees reduced the cost of transfer from the etherms network and increased the motivation of users to use the main web.
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