
资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:22 评论:0
教育活动方案 推荐度: 主题教育活动方案 推荐度: 主题教育活动方案 推荐度: 学校早恋教育活动方案 推荐度: 法制教育活动方案 推荐度: 相关推荐 传统美德教育活动方案19篇19 prog...



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19 programmes of traditional virtue education activities


In order to determine what is going on or what is going on, it is often necessary to pre-position programmes, the content and format of which are organized around themes and ultimately achieve the desired results and meaning. So, the question arises as to how the programmes should be written.



In order to inherit the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, enrich the after-school life of our fellow students and enhance their hands-on skills, we organized a design competition on the occasion of the Festival of Traditional Culture.


I. Content of activities


Each student can sign up to the class chief for a match after the third class on Tuesday, 13 May xxx. Students in the competition need to use their own creative materials to design or process the pre-existing costumes. If the contestants want to transfer the made dolls to someone else, we will deliver the dolls. We will also provide other gift boxes for the winning contestants. (The contestants can decorate the dolls with their own items.)


II. Activity time


After the third class on Tuesday, 13 May, xxx


III, contestants:


All students


IV. Location of event:


Classroom on the fourth floor of the Arts Building


V. Host of the event:




VI. Activity process:


1. It is the responsibility of the class classmates to inform the class director about the campaign in the class and to compile a list of applicants.


2. In consultation with teachers, use the Art Building Classroom as a venue for the competition, invite teachers to judge the competition and participate in the evaluation of the competition.


3. Statistics on the total number of applicants are given to schools for the purchase of the corresponding items.


4. Match the winning design of the competition, publish the winning list, deliver gifts to the designated classmates at their request,


VII. Personnel arrangements


All work is carried out by Li Joo, Pan Soon-lu and Duat.


VIII. List of items


Decorations such as needle lines 2, fabrics 3, gift box 4, dolls 5, buttons, etc.


(Number of items based on the number of persons registered)


“Mental ink-chamber” — vs. traditional cultural festivals


Notification: Whether or not to be frustrated with the failure to find an appropriate way to make the Dragons happy for their birthday, please bring a poem with you, two cents of the moon light of the ancient River, and three leathersmiths, who have come to Japan Square on every side, to pass the five levels, and beheading six will make the young companions jealous of you, “seven steps in line” with Cao Sze. In the seven tongues, only your bond is sufficiently good and your pen is strong enough to be “nine pieces” in order to give a special gift for the 10-year high school celebration of Wanlong High School.


Time: xx xx Sunday, after 3 p.m. (after rain)


Location: Japan Square




Participants: All students


Place: approximately 10 desks and 12 chairs




Activity 1 is divided into two modes: the traditional model, the charting pattern (detailed in the description of the pattern of the competition).


At the end of the 2nd game, students can vote for their favorites after the competition, with 10 votes per shift and one cast limited to one.


The match will be divided between the language teacher and the art teacher into class scores, after which the class winner will be awarded the best prize, the best literature award, the best mood award, and the best humans prize.


The pattern of the competition is described as follows:


Traditional Mode


1. Students participating in the competition are connected on the basis of the affiliations that have already been made by the student council.


2. Students in the competition can play their part and write themselves a complete match. (Name Class)


Look at the pattern of alignment.


1. The contestants write a complete match based on a photo tip. (Name class and photo serial number)


Description of activities:


(i) Writing requirements:


Write your true name and class.


(ii) Score rule:


Each pair is divided into 10 points. The scores are added to the total scores according to the class to which the association is assigned.


(iii) Notes on individual awards:


The event established the Best Practices Award, the Best Literary Award, the Best Practices Award and the Best Humanity Award.


Best Practices Award: by cross-reference


Best prize in literature: based on the contestants'competition for literature (e.g. flat law of association, word rhythm, etc.)


Best Practices Award: Depending on the affiliation of the contestants


Award for the best human spirit: based on the number of votes obtained by the contestants


I. Guiding ideas


To guide students and students to the civilizational history of the Chinese nation and the virtues of the fine tradition, to inherit the glorious revolutionary tradition of the Party, to actively practice the core values of socialism, to consciously link individual ideals to the development of the motherland, to strive constantly to realize the Chinese dream and to grow up as socialist builders and successors.


II. Theme of the event


The aim of the Young People's Heritage is to improve the language and physical expression of young children by telling their young children's stories, to guide them to learn about the traditional virtues of China, to experience the essence and charm of the traditional Chinese culture and to learn from it nutrition and to practise the core values of socialism.


III. Activity time




IV. Participants


All children and parents in primary and secondary classes (centres + East VI)


V. Event content


The classes can take a variety of forms to “enhance China's traditional virtues” through early childhood stories, to enhance young children's ability to express themselves and to guide young children to learn and understand China's traditional virtues.


vi. Organizational leadership and activity requirements


(i) Give high priority and strengthen leadership.


The series of educational activities entitled “Juvenile transmission of Chinese traditional virtues” is an important component of the 20xx kindergarten process, and the classes will attach great importance to and strengthen the organization and coordination of the series of activities in order to create a strong atmosphere of “school attendance, participation of young children, parental support”.


(ii) Be guided and strictly close.


Each class must carefully examine the contents of the declared works and ensure that they reflect the core values of China's good traditional virtues, revolutionary traditions and socialism, so that they are focused on the subject, are well thought out, their content is healthy, and the reported works represent the level of the class.


(iii) Wide dissemination to create an atmosphere.


The workshops will make extensive use of thematic walls, posters, campus networks, tweets, tweets, school publics to create a strong atmosphere for continuous coverage of the series of educational activities and activities of the “Junior of the Traditional virtues of China” series.


(iv) Active participation and mobilization.


Each class is to set up a platform to encourage students to participate actively in the series of events.


VII. Statement of events.


The competition is divided into first and finals, and each class has its own time for the first round, “All participate, all speak.” From the first round, one or two primaryists are selected from each class to participate in the finals, and the finals are held in a multi-purpose hall on the first floor of the kindergarten centre of the river.


2. The final event will be marked by an expert jury on the spot, with different awards based on the scores. The prize will be the first, second and third prizes.


I. Purpose of the event


China’s traditional culture is highly sophisticated and has a strong historical, cultural, ethnic, and inherited character, which continues to have an important impact on the establishment of the core values of contemporary society. High-school students have a certain depth of knowledge and breadth, which is an important period in the construction of values.


II. Subject and time


The event was aimed at a senior student with a high school cycle.


III. Activity content and process


China’s traditional culture is broadcast and rich in content. This series of activities is designed to improve the literacy of students and to complement teaching in the light of their academic characteristics, knowledge reserves, cognitive abilities and practical teaching needs. The activities designed are therefore relevant and continuous, and they complement each other. During the next semester, we will carry out the following series of activities:


(i) “History mirrors, historical wisdom” — a good reading of History


The History, which is the beginning of the history, lays down the historical vision of the Chinese nation, and fully reflects the high level of “talent, learning, and understanding” among historians, but also the most beautiful and true literary values. Reading the History will help high-school students to develop a correct and comprehensive view of their history.


In order to encourage genuine participation, to test the effectiveness of the student’s reading, and to improve the student’s ability to express and demonstrate results in spoken languages, we present reading results in the language classes of the entire grade every day, in the form of pre-school lectures.


Presentation of results requires:


Time: 5 minutes


2. Format: Speeches


3. Content: A big deal, with a small entry point in the History, that allows for an evaluation of a historical figure in the biography, an evaluation of a historical event, the presentation of reading puzzles and solutions, and so on. It is presented in the form of a PPT, which can be accompanied by text, pictures, images, etc.


4. Teacher reviews


(ii) “The world knows what it is, the world knows what it's all about” - Entering the Dream of the Red House


The Red House Dream is the culmination of Chinese classical novels. It is of great aesthetic value. It is the first literary work in the history of Chinese literature that elaborates on the lives of nobles. It is a book of life, a living life.


The form of activity: The Red House Dream is a big one, focusing on the daily life of nobles, lack of ups and downs, the lack of life profiles, and the difficulty of reading for senior students. The best way to learn is to listen, and in order to increase their interest in reading, Chinese students go into the Red House Dreams by trying to read together.


The book entitled " Dreams of the Red House ", which is broadcast daily in the first year of the class, is broadcast for 20 minutes in two periods of 10 minutes in order to help the student clarify the full picture of his or her work through a lively lecture. The weekly reading session arranges for a specific reading task, a detailed text. The weekly part of the course is entitled " Dream of the Red House ", which leads students to study " Dream of the Red House ", in the form of a special theme. The end-of-school award for " Dream of the Red Building ", which is published in a booklet, forms a collection of publications and works.


(iii) “China culture, a thousand autumns” — the charm of the Chinese word


For high-school students, Han is close to us, familiar with writing, and far away from us, far from knowing the origin and evolution of each word, far from being written as a cultural totem. In order to provide students with insight into the origins and evolution of Han, and into the cultural content of Chinese, we use the Jusikwei's Synth Summary as a blueprint to inform students about Chinese writing.


Forms of activity: students read the Textbook Summary, understand the evolution of the Six Books, the process of forming the Chinese Words, and are informed of the process, displaying the flow of Chinese characters and the charisma of writing in handprints, and exhibiting them in batches.


Presentation of results requires:


Listed by hand: handwriting, uniform specifications; fine writing, in the form of grammar art; accompanied by illustrations; content to describe the origin and evolution of the Chinese word, “six books”, examples of the evolution of the common word, etc.


2. A copy of the staff


3. Discreet displays of walls outside each class for the benefit of students throughout the school.


(iv) “Brothers of Manchurian Valley with poetry in their stomachs” - the search for Chinese poetry


Confucius said, “Poetry stands with words and words”; “Poetry does not read and cannot speak without words.” China is a poetic country. “Possics, Chau, Tang, Song, Yuan” is an insight into the depth of the living conditions of the times and the inner spiritual pursuit of the nation. It represents the highest artistic achievement of an era. It is a treasure of culture specific to the Chinese nation. As Mr. Ye Jia-Jian said, “Posste, let our hearts live.


Form of activity:


1. Phrase congresses: to examine the accumulation of poetry among students in the form of written tests, and to select five seed players for each class; to conduct PK battles for the whole grade using classes as representative teams.


Handwritten copying: study of the likeness of classical poems — plants — and the writing of expressions representing plants as well as classical poems, with illustrations and postings to be shared as Coptics.


3. Collection of Poetry: collection of original works of classical poetry, compilations, evaluation of top, centre and bottom items in the form of a micro-vote.


(v) “Consultation and criticism” — my opinion of traditional culture


In fact, in a new era, where mainstream values are closely linked to excellent traditional cultures, the ground on which traditional cultures “live” is now a social life, and only its content and extenuating need to be redefined. We should re-examine traditional cultures and have a selective ‘inheritance’ with a legacy of responsibility and critical vision. To that end, we are conducting a lecture contest on the theme “I see traditional cultures” to express our own unique vision of how to inherit traditional cultures and to develop the ability of students to think rationally.


Form of activity:


1. I am a speaker contest.


2. Class selection, final year of grade finals.


IV. Campaign promotion


1. Specially designed to produce a title for the activities in the first year of the year, in conjunction with the content of the event, the LOGO, which collects the slogans from students.


2. A unified production of the background of the forum.


3. Posters with logos for the event.


(d) The establishment of public information channels, such as radio, micro-mail, newspapers, posters, etc., for outside schools.


i. Activity objective:


Through demonstration activities, an understanding of the traditional Chinese culture and its richness, the influence and fumigation of the traditional Chinese culture fosters a sense of national identity and national pride among students.


II. Activity time:


Friday afternoon, 16 January (specific to be determined)


III. Location of event:


IV. Format of the event:


The thematic activities are divided into four phases. (i) Phase I: Preparation of activities.


Ministries are responsible for teaching students about the content of traditional culture and for teaching students about the content of a traditional culture.


(iii) Phase III: Presentation of results. The presentation was organized in five sectors:


The light puzzle -- the nine-year-old playbook -- the five-year-old playbook, the five-year-of-the-school mini-consecution -- the first, second, third class, the first, second, third class, the first, second, third class, the first, second and third class.


(iv) Phase IV: summary evaluation.


A number of excellent works, advanced teams were selected to provide a summary of the event.


V, staffing


vi. Show event program


1. Nine Deaf Designated Representatives explain the origin of the light puzzle and allow the students present to guess it.


2. Deaf-designated representatives describe the type of Facebook and the meaning of each Facebook representative (background music: rapping Facebook).


3 - 2 to 3 delegates per class in Kobai I, 2 and 3 will show the mini-synthesis written by them, tell them about the origins of the Springs and read out loudly (background music: the spring preludes).


4 - School law team members come on stage to show you Spring League's stickers.


5. A representative from the first, second and third classes will be sent to the stage to read out the Distinguished Rule.


6. One delegate from each of the first, second and third classes is assigned to the table for a period of one minute. (Time: background music: China Year)


Award ceremony (three collective awards and 10 individual prizes for outstanding works)


VII. Budget projections for activities:


500 bucks.


I. Thematic sources:


“Education of gratitude” is also called “Education of love” as an emotional education, a life education, a state of rituals with a strong tradition of virtues, a culture of countless grateful stories, and an education of gratitude for young children aimed at making their children grateful to the people around them for their love. Only by seizing every opportunity of education can our children have a heart of gratitude.


As a result, we have launched this month's Thanksgiving theme event in the West, which we hope will allow young children to feel the hard work of their parents, to feel the love of their parents, to learn to love, to embrace others and to respect their elders, to learn to live in friendship with their peers and to learn to express love and repay it, so that the seeds of gratitude can be sowed in the hearts of young children.


II. Activity objective:


Class target:


Briefly understand Thanksgiving, know the food of Thanksgiving and be active and willing to participate in Thanksgiving-related games.


To learn about the love of teachers, parents, grandparents and friends, and to begin to be grateful to them.


(c) The ability to express love and affection in a simple way (saying hellos, doing small things, sharing initial information) in close contact with family members and peers.


Learning to appreciate literature related to Thanksgiving, to listen carefully to stories, to feel story feelings, to be willing to communicate with peers, and to express their gratitude to others in simple language.


5. Knowing that she comes from her mother's womb, knowing her sex, and initially feeling the mother's hard-earned feelings.


Intermediate target:


To understand the origins of Thanksgiving and to know which foods to eat on Thanksgiving.


Active participation in Thanksgiving traditional activities, such as running, playing football, and experience the pleasure of playing games, knowing to keep good emotions and live and play happy.


3. To appreciate literature related to Thanksgiving, to learn the fine words of the story, to listen quietly to others and to express themselves in a collective manner.


To be comfortable with others, to learn to live with them, to be humble, to help each other, to experience the joy of helping and caring for others. To feel the care and affection of parents, peers, to be bold enough to express their gratitude and to be willing to do whatever they can.


To try to understand the needs of others and to express concerns in different ways (help, sharing, tolerance).


To know that you've grown up and experienced the pleasure of growing up.


Class objectives:


Understanding the meaning of Thanksgiving, using a variety of senses to participate in Thanksgiving-related activities, stimulates young children's learning attitudes of curiosity, good questions and good exploration.


Learning about cultural works related to Thanksgiving, leading to thematic discussions and exchanges, learning to express their opinions and feelings in a complete and fluent language.


Focus on people and things around them, discover and feel the good things of life, try to express their gratitude in many forms, and face their lives with gratitude.


4. Thanks to nature, early childhood education has taught us to love nature and to protect it.


The upbringing of a child who dares to admit that he has made mistakes, is willing to live with others, has the character and habits of being loved, grateful, inclusive, and makes himself a popular person.


6. To inform the child of the mother's feelings and physical condition during her pregnancy; to watch a documentary on the mother's birth process, and to learn how hard it is for the mother to give birth; and to let the young child know where she comes from and learn to repay the mother's upbringing.


Active preparation of Thanksgiving masquerades, such as the production of greeting cards, Indian Anne masks, reading thank you songs, dancing with foreign group dances, etc., thus reflecting the joy of artistic activity.


Date of launch: 4 November - 30 November, a month-long “Happy Thanksgiving” event.


Preparation of activities:


1. Collection of photographic information from other countries on the form of Thanksgiving celebrations for a walled display.


ii. Collection of information on Thanksgiving stories, comic books, etc. related to thematic events.


3. Collection of photographs of Thanksgiving activities in kindergartens in previous years.


Type of grateful educational activity:


I would like to say, “I want to thank you” activities — (Encourage young children to say a word of gratitude every day to their elders or teachers.


"There's a Thanksgiving tree at the bottom of the heart" -- (Encourage parents to say a thank-you message to the teacher, pay attention to the way the records are recorded: the classes design a wish tree and design a sweet little note. The parents are required to write people or things that they want to be grateful to us on a single piece of paper, and then keep the Thanksgiving card on the Thanksgiving tree in our class the day before Thanksgiving. The head of the teaching garden is responsible for taking pictures, filming, etc.)


2- Do one thing: - "I love my family" - "I love my parents, Grandma and Grandpa, Ben" - "Little hands to protect my hands" - "Little hands to warm my feet" - "I wash my mother's feet, and I encourage young children to do things for their families every day, such as cooking for elders, washing their feet, stomping their backs, making tea parents record their feelings."


— "Big hands and little hands." — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —


— “Egg care, heart of gratitude” (On November 28, each of the children in the middle class took a cooked egg, and each of the children in the big class took a raw egg. And wrote a name for the egg baby, and then started a day of “Daddy, Mom” caring for their “baby” carefully and at all times, and looking at the baby's egg and baby was intact, so that they could get the honorary title of “Egg Angel”.


"My Growing Story" manual.


3- Sending: “Blessed with thanks” — A little gift for elders, making thanks cards (such as small handcards, room cards, backcards, kiss cards) and organizing “love-to-heart” events at various levels (kitney packs, middle-class juice, large-class yellow ribbons for thanking cards) to express our unlimited gratitude to the people around us, and to convey our best wishes to the elders.


4. Write a letter of gratitude to children to express their love for their loved ones. (On November 22, middle and large class children wrote their own love for their parents and loved ones in the form of a letter, sent to their parents or mothers through the post office, so that we all know that love is transmitted to each other.)


Listen, “Listen to a grateful story” and feel the joy of being grateful -- encourage teachers, parents and children to read some stories about grateful education, for example, Kneel Map, Big Parents' Grace, Thanksgiving Story, The Story of a Blind Child, The Heart Tree.


Sing: “Learn to sing a grateful song” — to encourage children to sing a grateful song to their loved ones on Thanksgiving Day.


Selection and evaluation: selection of the most beautiful young child in the school, the most beautiful teacher in the class, selection of the parent's thanks-giving paper; teacher's thanks-giving


The speech contest.


Environmental creation:


1. Each class produces a "Happy Thanksgiving" thanks-giving newspaper, creates a strong holiday atmosphere, and designs a sweet little note that allows parents and teachers to record gratitude and paste it. (The fonts are large, decorated, and can be placed in corridors, classroom walls, etc.)


2- Classes of teachers to design a class-specific "Egg-Angel" and "The Most Beautiful Child" before the installation of the 22nd Honor.


3. Creation of a “grateful story sharing” in the park (grateful story + parent thank you contribution)


Thematic environment with decentralized activities:


1 - Operation Pele's Thanksgiving, let's experience the joy that Thanksgiving brings to us.


2. Groups at all levels may consider “love for money” activities.


3 - The morning of 29 November (with the participation of parents, taking advantage of early leave of absence)


A. The teacher's representative summarized the performance of young and middle-aged children in the “egg-care campaign” for older children the previous day;


B. Information sessions for children's representatives;


C. Parents' representatives spoke of the “receipt” feeling.


D. Children and teachers and parents sing “Grateful Heart” as sign language.


Designed for


Since time immemorial, the Chinese nation has had the traditional virtue of being helpful and grateful. In recent years, many children have been single children, and the love of their families has led them to feel that the care of others is taken for granted and only to ask for it.


Faced with the help of others, we did not even say “thank you”, so the middle class came up with a parent-child campaign on the Western Thanksgiving show.


Let the child know when he or she is a child of grateful parents, grateful to all who care and help him or her. Face with a grateful heart the future of life. The Fashion Show is a stage where we communicate and communicate with our children's parents. May all babies grow up healthy and happy, and may all families live in harmony. That is all that we want.


Activity Name


Thank you very much, son-in-law. Sow.


Activity target


To understand the origins of Thanksgiving, to develop a grateful heart from an early age and a grateful heart from an early age.


2. Promote parent-child relationships through the father-child fashion show.


Preparations for the pre-sessional period (16 November - 22 November):


1. The members of the class present large posters to inform parents, young children, including time, place, content, etc.


2. The members of the sub-groups have chosen their moderators.


3. The moderator is ready to deliver the draft.


4. Be ready to sign the forms and plan the venue.




The moderator introduced the history of Thanksgiving.


2. Father-son fashion Show


3. Sign language dance "Let Love Live in My Home"






Through posters and blog announcements, parents actively sign up for the event.


In their activities, parents and children dress well in their frenzy, holding hands on the red carpet and pose beautifully. The event promotes filiation between young children and their parents. The children are very happy, they work with their parents, they believe that, through this exercise, their feelings with their parents have been enhanced, and they believe that thanksgiving days have been used as a means of learning.


I. Theme of the event


In the form of letters, the theme is “Promotion of China's excellent traditional culture for the development of the Hashien culture” and from the perspective of children and young people, it is built around the Quanzhou Haix culture, highlighting the civic activities of our city, the preservation of the cultural heritage, the preservation of the seaweed site, the historical heritage of the ancient state of Guquan, and the historical culture and heritage of the ancient city of the Quinzhou.


II. Activity time:


20xx April-July


III. Campaign organization


(i) Organizational structure


Sponsors: Department of Advocacy of the District Committees, Civilization Bureau of the District Committees, Department of Education of the District Committees, County Committees of the District Committees, Union of the Districts


Host: China Post Group Inc., Yongchun County, Fujian Province


The event was coordinated through the establishment of an activity leadership group consisting of sponsors and sponsors.


The leadership team has an office with specific responsibility for the organization of activities, staffed by relevant staff of the main hosting unit and located in the Department of Government and Clients of the Post Office of Yongchun County, telephone number 135060xxxxxx, contact: Xiao Yuping, address: 6th floor of Postal Company Clients, 168-172 East Road, 823 East Road, Yongchun County Town Town Town (362,600).


(ii) Segregation of responsibilities


1. The Ministry of Communication of the District Committees, the Civilization Bureau of the District Committees, the District Education Bureaus, the County Committees of the Committees, the County Unions: responsible for organizing, coordinating, disseminating and evaluating the identification of experts in correspondence competitions.


2. District Education Directorates: responsible for organizing the participation of primary and secondary schools and arranging the number of standard envelopes required for primary and secondary schools to participate in correspondence competitions (see annex for details of the arrangements).


County Post Office: responsible for the provision of 3,000 standard envelopes (with postage) for the writing of this correspondence competition and for the distribution of standard envelopes according to the number provided by the county education offices, the setting up of special mailboxes for the “Office for the cultural activities of the Hirsch” and specialized personnel to receive the works sent by registered students.


IV. Participants and groups


The event was attended by lower secondary and primary school students throughout the county, with primary and lower secondary school groups in competitions.


V. The main process of the event


(i) Organization start-up phase (early to late May 20xx)


1. The sponsors jointly issue an event announcement and a message in the relevant media.


2. The Young Communist League, the Young Men's Brigade and, in particular, the School Committees and the Young Men's Brigades are engaged in advocacy and advocacy work.


3. Schools organize preparatory activities such as thematic classes for students.


4. The postal service, in conjunction with the education sector, works on a pro rata basis for the distribution of envelopes, which are available to schools in case of deficiencies in the number of special envelopes.


(ii) Writing contribution phase (late May to 20 June 20xx)


Students attending the event independently experience the traditional process of writing letters and sending letters, writing a letter with 800-1500 words on the subject of the event; contestants should write handwritten notes on the standard 400-digit paper (no computer typing), load special envelopes with sticky tongues, use their own envelopes with stamps, and send schools to the special mailbox of the “Ombuds Cultural Activities Office” in Yongchun County on 20 June, subject to postmarking.


(iii) Centralized selection and recognition phase (July 20xx)


On the basis of an in-school competition, each school shall be recommended on a merit-based basis for participation in district selections; the district leadership group shall invite senior language teachers and literary writers to form a jury to evaluate the drafts and to award certificates to each of the recipients of the first, second and third prizes from the primary and lower secondary school groups; and to recommend, on merit, the participation of 35 participants from each of the primary and lower secondary school groups in municipal recognitions, which shall be given jointly by the municipal activity offices (5 from the primary and lower secondary school groups, 10 from the second and 20 from the third prizes) and to award awards and prizes, respectively; and to establish the prizes for the best organizations and the prizes for the best mentors.


VI. Activity requirements


1. Schools shall, in the light of the establishment of appropriate activity leadership groups and offices, develop their activity programmes of work in a practical manner, carefully designed, organized and structured to ensure the smooth implementation of the activities, and shall submit the summary of the activities and activities to the Dewey Unit of the District Education Directorate in a timely manner.


2. The Office of the Head of District Activities is to strengthen its guidance on the activities of schools, to assist them in resolving problems and difficulties encountered in their activities in a timely manner, and to identify, summarize and disseminate success stories and best practices emerging from their activities.


3. To increase awareness-raising activities to create a strong culture of activity, to fully mobilize the motivation and initiative of primary and secondary school pupils throughout the county, to familiarize students with the long history of the Chinese national correspondence culture, to feel the special appeal of the correspondence culture, and to develop good habits of behaviour in our district in regulating the writing of letters.


The letter from the participant in the event requires that the writing code must be written by the student himself and that any work already published in the press should not be included in the selection of the event. A letter must be submitted “one letter” “one letter” “one letter” and accompanied by the cover of the work (with a school stamp) indicating the institution's school, grade, name, teacher, address, contact telephone (phone) and postal code; the text of the letter must not contain the author's name, school, contact phone, etc.




When studying the eighth grade book of History and Society, which combines four years of study, the students’ indifference reflects a lack of understanding of the traditional cultural content of traditional festivals. China’s traditional festivals and customs have a very long history and cultural background, and are important for understanding Chinese civilization.


Activity objective:


Through the purposeful participation of students in some of the festival's customary activities, students are reminded of the ethical, emotional, cultural, faith-based and other aspects of the festival, thereby inheriting and developing a traditional culture of excellence.


Event content:


Participation in and description of the process of one of the practices of the Spring Festival, followed by a discussion of the practice and a short writing of the proposed topic.


Mode of activity: The focus is on individual participation.


Activity process:


Actively participated in the Spring Festival, selectively identifying a particular practice as the subject of the event, and identifying information on its evolution.


Exchange report:


The leave is returned in class and the best is assessed by self-assessment, mutual evaluation and then presented at the full grade.


Activity evaluation:


Be able to participate actively in the Spring Day practice, describe the process as specific, non-false, and have their own real entities and ideas.


i. Activity objective


China’s traditional culture has a long history and depth, allowing young children to receive an enlightenment of their traditional culture from an early age, both to regulate their everyday behaviour and to learn manners and manners, as well as to foster their national pride and love for their homeland. Therefore, traditional cultural education in kindergartens is an important means of promoting and transmitting Chinese culture. It is hoped that, on the occasion of the “six-one” Children’s Day, young children will have more access to traditional culture and become more aware of and interested in China’s diverse culture.


II. Activity Leading Group and responsibilities

  组 长:邓利

Group Chief: Dunley

  副组长:严会 马艳、

Vice-Chair: Jinxeng Ma Yan,

  组 员:肖璇 曹琪 杨红梅

Members: Xiao Xiao Qi Yang Hongmei


Team Leader's responsibilities: responsible for overall supervision of the completion of the entire activity


Responsibilities of the Vice-Chair: responsible for the full implementation of the activities


Work responsibilities of the team: responsible for assisting the team leader and his/her deputy in carrying out his/her tasks


III. Format of the event


1. Introduction by teachers of traditional cultural programmes


2. Speech by the head of the park


3. Parents take young children to the temples.


The contents of the temples are divided into the receiving areas (which receive the corresponding virtual coins by performing talent, etc.) and are then consumed in the play areas, in the snack stalls.


4; event time


9 a.m., 31 May, 20xx


9 - 9.30 p.m. Opening event: Chinese drums, parkmasters


9:30 - 12 noon Mother-son festival


At the end of the 12 noon event, young children and parents leave the school on their own.


V. Programme of activities and venue


Snack a street: east of the playground.


Set up a cotton sugar stand, a tea egg stand, a sugar stand, a sugar stand, an intestine stand, a silver-eared green bean stand.


Game block: south of the playground


There are five booths for a condom (goldfish, toys), a masked dresser, a mattressing bed, and a cartoon balloon.


For the game coin area: west side of the playground


Set up a punctuation booth, a small stage booth, a hand-made booth, a puzzle booth, a stacking button, two each carrying a booth, and a balance between the wooden and the big shoe booths. In total, there are 11 booths.


Teacher's opening area: north of the playground


6. Personnel-specific arrangements


In charge of the currency exchange area: Xiao Xuan


And guess who's at the mystery booth: Ho Yee, Ma Ying.


Xiao Qi, Liu Fang, Xiao Xiao Xuan


Artisanal stall owner: Zhang Yan, Yong Jin Yung


Master of the puzzle area: Yang Hongmei, Sun Dan


Straps and buttons on shoes: Nguyen Ying Ping, Zhang Ai-young.


He's the owner of the big shoe section. Wei Xingjun.


The head of each stand is the head of the booth, who is responsible for the preparation, together with the other contributor, of the following:


1. Production of signposts for booths (self-programming of shop names)


2. List of materials required per booth


3. Distribution of responsibilities among the personnel in the distribution of responsibilities


Four, mastering the words for the distribution of virtual coins.


5. Lists the amount of virtual currency to be issued for each item in each stall. (The virtual currency is 1 dollar in face value)


6. Preparation of a currency form for the project (carton type)


Snack Street Manager: Maroons.


Cotton sugar stand host: Jing Jing Jing


Xiao Fong Wang Xiao Fong


Barbecue intestine booth: Chandan.


The tea egg stand is owned by Lee Hui Qun.


Silver-eared green bean soup staller: Oh Ping


Snack seller: Penya.


The head of each stand is the head of the stall, who is responsible for the preparation of the following:


1. Production of signposts for booths (self-programming of shop names)


2. List of materials required per booth


3. Distribution of responsibilities among the personnel in the distribution of responsibilities


4. Knowledge of the language of purchase and sale


Lists the prices of the sold commodities.


6. Commodity price tables (calculatory)


Game Street Manager: JC


Condom (goldfish) stands by: Peng Quixiang


Xiaojun Liu, the contortionist.


Mask colour stand by: Gaushan.


Aerobic bedstander: Yong Jianxuan, Yung Jianxian


Balloon staller: Wei Xiao-Ai


The head of each stand is the head of the stall, who is responsible for the preparation of the following:


1. Production of signposts for booths (self-programming of shop names)


2. List of materials required per booth


3. Distribution of responsibilities among the personnel in the distribution of responsibilities


4. Knowledge of the language of purchase and sale


5. Listing the prices of the various items.


6. Production of project price tables (cartotype)


VI, process of specific events


1 - 7.30 a.m. All teachers meet together to prepare.


2. Early childhood and parents open at 8:50.


The moderator opened the session by clarifying the requirements and the rules.


4. At 09:05 a statement was made by the Director.


5:9:10 Chinese drums for teachers.


At 6:9:20, the moderator opened the event by diverting parents and young children into the currency exchange zone.


7, 9:20 - 11.30 a.m. Freedom of exercise for parents of young children.


8. Between 11.30 and 12 per cent of parents leave their own homes.


At the end of the 12 noon event, the heads of the booths were responsible for the cleaning of materials and site sanitation.


10: Safe from the park.


VII. Activity staff arrangements


Sound: Wei Xianjun


Chair: Xiaojun


Procurement: Ma Yan, Wu Ping, Tsao Chi, Ying


Opening Chinese drums: Yang Hongmei (responsible), Liu Fang, Ho Yeh, Gaushan, Zhang Yan, Peng Qing, Peng Ah-jian, Zhang Ai-young


i. Purpose of the event:


To explore the moral resources of the nation’s traditional culture and to make full use of the unique role that Chinese traditional culture plays in the upbringing of its people. To further promote the culture of our school campus, we will focus on building a school of books and books, and develop the traditional virtues of high school students.


II. Theme of the event:


Learning to transmit Chinese cultural classics and to demonstrate contemporary learning.


III. Activity time:


IV. Organizational structure:


V. Programme of activities:


1. Each class holds a thematic session on traditional Chinese culture.


2- The xx Rules are recited by pre-reading groups.


3- An issue of a handwritten paper entitled “Learning Chinese Traditional Cultures” (one per class).


4. A programme on the theme “Traditional culture” is offered in preparation for each class.


5. Organization of traditional cultural exchanges, readings, lectures, etc.


6. A book-law competition (hard pens, sheep, etc.) is held and the text of the xxx Ordinance is copied.


7- Every class has an understanding of traditional culture.


, VI. Request:


1. Learning from Chinese traditional culture, based on the school grounds, always remembers and respects the teacher and teacher.


2. Participation in Grades: 1st year and 2nd year.


In order to further promote the formation of a spiritual culture among students of the Institute of Tourism, students are encouraged to actively learn traditional culture, improve their cultural philosophies, and invest in their studies and work with a better spiritual state and saturation, and to carry out a study on the theme “Learning traditional culture and promoting their own culture.” For this purpose, the programme is designed.


I, activity objective


It is hoped that, through this event, the five university students’ organizations (including student councils, committee committees, the head of the Student Party, the Centre for Assisting Workers in Work, the Association of Young Volunteers) will be encouraged to develop a spiritual culture that will encourage students’ cadres to actively learn their traditional culture, enhance their cultural identity, and develop a proper life stance and world view. Furthermore, the learning spirit of the student cadres can serve as a good model for students throughout the school, with a view to fostering a good culture of learning at the Institute of Tourism.


II, event content


The student cadres can learn about traditional cultures, and the sources of information can be diverse, but they are mainly newspapers published by the golden secretary and more often by drifting libraries. The study is focused on learning traditional cultures, reading them carefully, thinking actively, documenting what they think, what they want, and what they get, and sharing them with the entire school, through the General Department of Cultural Advocacy of the Student Party.


III, Implementation steps


First, the General Cultural Advocacy Department of the Student Party contacted the top five organizations to inform them of the conduct of their activities and to identify the principals of the organizations responsible for overseeing the conduct of their activities in order to facilitate the smooth conduct of their work at a later stage.


Second, the five major organizations alternately submit their contributions to the General Department of Cultural Advocacy of the Student Party on Sundays, ranging from five to ten. Five organizations have been prepared in the order in which they are presented: the Party's General Branch — Committee — Student Council — Working Workers — Youth Association.


IV, event requested


1 The head of the Cultural Advocacy Department of the General Secretariat of the Student Party is responsible for ensuring close ties with the organizations and a high level of information, leading to a strong campaign.


The five major organizations actively cooperate with the General Department of Cultural Advocacy of the Student Party in order to avoid evading responsibility and delaying the occurrence of events such as the submission of contributions.


3. Students are urged to develop a culture of good learning among their cadres, and organizations exchange readings on an irregular basis and share their thoughts with one another.


Event Time:


28 May, 4:20-5 p.m.




The kindergarten playground.


Personnel arrangements:


Chair: Hu Wen Jing


Recorded by Hu Wen Jing Lee Dan Ling


Sound: Xiao Ju


Activity objective:


1. Create an elegant ceremonial atmosphere based on childhood, and transmit Chinese culture.


2. Deepen the readings of the Books of Ancient Psychology and the Psalms, so that the Books of the Holy Spirit may be heard both within and outside the home.


3. Children, parents and teachers carry songs and dances to make them feel happy on the holidays.


Activity process;


♪ With the beautiful children of kite music ♪


Form: Hand-in-hand of a boy, rounded up in a circle, performing rituals.


Kids say hello to each other politely. Boys invite girls to the bench. Girls say thank you.


2. Young children perform "The Ancient Choir"


The first one, " Quiet Nights ", is performed by boys on their feet and by girls on their benches.


The second theme is " Spring Xiao ", where girls stand up and boys sit on benches.


The third is " Pity Farm ", where boys stand up and girls sit on benches.


The fourth part, " Acacia ", is performed by girls on their feet and boys on their benches.


3. Ancient poems, the performance of written memory


Form: With the beautiful old kite music, young children walk from the circle into four squadrons.


Section I: Ancient Poetry: River Fishermen, Plums, Pools, Wanglong.


Content II: Words drawn from the word "bed" to the word "frozen"


4. Young children carry out proselytizing of the Disciplinary Code, as well as scenario performances in accordance with the corresponding ceremonial norms




5. The parents play the ancient poem "Little in Lears" and the young children's circles act.


Form: Ten parents are invited to wear a flagrobe and perform the ancient poem "Little in Ui" with a traditional umbrella from China.


The "Smare Lights" show for my son's activities.


7. Conclusion of activities


With the beautiful old kite music, the boy took the girl's hand to do a simple move and left the scene in an orderly fashion and went back to the classroom.


I. Guiding ideas


The Chinese nation has accumulated a wealth of cultural wealth for 5,000 years. China’s traditional culture not only enriches the cultural treasures of human beings, but also the endless treasures of ideas.


II. Theme of the event


1. Classes carry out traditional Chinese virtues education and a series of activities on the theme of respect for parents, solidarity and love, love for the group, civilized courtesy, support for human pleasure, and the collection of gold and gold.


The Chinese class conducts traditional festivals, develops special courses of activity, educates young children about the radiant culture of the Chinese nation, deepens awareness of the 5,000-year culture of the motherland, enhances national pride and self-confidence, allows young children to receive excellent literature, enhances their aesthetic skills, and enriches their knowledge to inspire wisdom and develop their potential.


The class provides traditional culture education, using ancient poetry as an entry point, so that young children can learn the boundless taste of poetry and taste of poetry, thus appreciating the infinity of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation.


III. Activity objective:


To develop and build a school curriculum for traditional culture education in our campus, and to rapidly improve the innovative spirit and practical abilities of our teachers


IV. Organizational leadership:


Team Leader:




Member: All Voice Group


V. Principles of activity:


1. The principle of comprehensiveness: China's traditional cultural education needs to be implemented for every young child, so that every young child can develop in harmony.


2. The principle of integrality: China's traditional cultural and educational philosophy must be reflected in all aspects of kindergarten work and form a system.


3. Developmental principles: China's traditional cultural education must be carried out in a gradual and progressive manner, without any immediate delay.


VI. Activity process:


(i) “Into the Classic” series of educational activities


1. Reading (September-October) is the responsibility of the language teacher to organize the reciting of the Three Words every week by young children, using the hours of day off, lunch break, two days, etc.


II. TEC (October-November) developed the school's own curriculum and conducted three-word reading lectures to guide young children to deepen their understanding of the classics.


3. The Kindergarten (December-January) offers a variety of competitions around the Three Words, such as readings, competitions in knowledge, book drawings, story fairs, etc., to teach in competitions to promote learning.


(ii) Enhancement of reading within and outside the students'poetry classes


The classic literature, which is a valuable spiritual asset of the Chinese nation to the world, is a classic example of language, as well as a profound intellectual content, which embraces the spiritual and intellectual history of the nation and is an excellent resource for the education of young children. We will use language classes to enhance the reading of children’s ancient poetry and ancient classics.


(iii) Interest group feature activities:


Based on young children's hobbies and specialities, and in the context of traditional cultural education, we use such traditional festivals as Mid-Autumn, National Day, Chongyang and New Year's Day to develop groups for book law, national drawings, dance and traditional arts activities to enable young children with special skills to be promoted in the group and to expand and extend intercultural education.




1. Strengthening leadership, scientific planning.


We lead the way in the organization of traditional cultural education activities in China, which we attach great intellectual importance to, and set up working bodies and leadership groups, in an effort to create a situation in which the principal leaders are personally responsible, responsible for the organization of relevant educational and research groups, and in which teachers work together in various fields, and to include this activity in the planning of the development of kindergarten culture and spiritual civilization.


2. Building on the campus and developing programmes.


Kindergartens will be tailored to the specific situation of their teachers and children and will develop specific implementation programmes that are specific, clear and accessible, with key measures and practices, simple, easy to access, targeted and operational, and that will form the character of our own estate.


3. Guidance on inspection and improvement of norms.


Kindergartens monitor and monitor the development of traditional cultural activities, and include them in the school-building and civilization-class assessments. Thematic activities are used as an important basis for evaluating the construction of kindergarten culture, making the development of traditional cultural activities a regular feature of conscious behaviour and school-based culture.


In January 20xx, the Central Office of the Communist Party of China and the Office of the State Council issued an Opinion on the Implementation of the Project for the Development of the Heritage of Good Chinese Cultures (hereinafter referred to as " the Opinion " ). In order to follow up on the Opinion, the cultural culture of our students is promoted in a comprehensive manner, the cultural self-confidence and pride of the students are added to the depths of their cultural self-confidence and pride, and to create a dynamic environment in which the traditional culture of excellence in China is transmitted to all, it was decided to hold the first traditional cultural and artistic festival of our school.


i. Activity time


20 February 20xx May 20xx


II. Organizational organ


The festival is organized by the Committee of the Xiaoyang Teachers' College of the Communist Youth League, the Student Association of the Xiaoyang Teachers' College and the Federation of Student Associations, and co-sponsored by the General Staff of the Xiaoyang Teachers' College and the Student Associations.


III. Participants


Full-time undergraduate, graduate student.


IV. Theme of the event


The promotion of Chinese culture spreads the Chinese spirit.


V. Campaign promotion


Awareness-raising campaigns in the form of posters and web-based media such as microblogging, microblogging and microblogging at various stages of the preparation, promotion and stocktaking of activities, in the form of a combination of online and offline approaches, have stimulated the active participation of students.


VI. Content and organization of the event


(i) Call for letters


The book-writing campaign, which is aimed at “dissemination of Chinese virtue, promotion of the human spirit and nurturing of literary and artistic creation”, combines useful ideas, artistic values and the characteristics and requirements of China's excellent traditional culture with the expression of its writing, promotes the Chinese-American spirit, transmits the creation of Chinese cultural genes, promotes a combination of aesthetics, virtues and aesthetics, and highlights the spiritual content and aesthetic character of Chinese culture.


Requests: Letters can be written by relatives, friends, teachers, etc., with the subject matter of the work, the subject matter of the work, the original creation, emotional integrity, fluidity, writing on paper (with electronic version), the face integrity of the document, the body size of the document, and the number of words generally contained in 1,500 words. No fewer than five letters (including electronic versions) will be delivered by 20 March, and the school board will organize experts to select the winning works and to concentrate them on the board and on the campus.


(ii) ceremonial competitions


Through universal education and promotion of traditional customs, social rituals that meet the requirements of modern civilization, costumes, norms of civilized language, rituals in public places of all kinds and cyberspace, and other important national rituals such as rituals, rituals and courtesies, the present event aims to promote the ethical culture of traditional Chinese rituals, to embody the sense of ritualism, decency, honour and values of the age of the traditional Chinese ceremonial culture at major national festivals, and to promote the development of a good social ethos of behaviour and tolerance, and to create a good image of the ancient civilized and ceremonial states.


(a) The initials: the colleges recommended or pre-selection, and three delegates were introduced by 27 March to participate in the resumption of the school.


Finals: One or two prizes for the finals by May 20.


(iii) Chinese traditional cultural halls


The Chinese Cultural Hall invites leading scholars in the relevant fields to conduct a series of lectures on “Traditional Cultural Education in China.” The Chinese Traditional Cultural Hall combines the quality and depth of traditional culture with the aesthetic needs of students, interprets the contents, manifestations and essence of Chinese traditional culture, adheres to human orientation and the dissemination of values, promotes space and intellectual barriers between good cultural traditions and contemporary cultural psychology, and disseminates the contents and values of Chinese culture.


The time and place of the lecture will be announced.


(iv) National Classic Reading Conference


By conducting reading activities, students are guided to learn from the classic classic poems and to highlight creative personality and modern spirituality in the process of cultural epidemiology. Colleges and colleges conduct comprehensive poetry readings in national studies, creating a culture in which everyone can recite the classic poems, in classes, and in which there are competitions.


(v) Promotional exhibition of traditional cultures


The traditional culture pedagogic exhibition concentrates on the ideas, scripts, languages and hexalogy and book law, music, martial arts, music, music, chess, festivals, folklore, etc. of the traditional Chinese culture throughout the school.




(i) The Festival of Traditional Cultures and Arts is another school-based cultural branding activity that my school has focused on.


(ii) Highlighting the theme and building the essence of the art festival. The festival has a clear humanistic orientation, and the Colleges have to dig deep into the contents of the traditional culture, integrating the ideas, wisdom, temperament, rhymes and depth of the Chinese traditional culture, highlighting the quality and effectiveness of the activity, and prohibiting “recreation”.


(iii) It is organized and results-oriented. Attention is paid to mobilizing the motivation and creativity of students, increasing the effectiveness of their activities, and enabling students to use their skills, promote their personality and spread their thoughts in their activities.


(iv) Promotion of diversity around the theme. Colleges and colleges focus on the theme of the current traditional cultural and artistic festival and, taking into account their specific characteristics, organize flexible, diverse, small-scale and decentralized traditional cultural and artistic activities, with a view to increasing their relevance and participation.


(v) Increased outreach and impact. Active advocacy efforts should be undertaken for the current traditional cultural and artistic festival, with the timely use of a variety of online and offline media platforms, such as posters, panels, newspapers, websites, microblogging and microblogging, to effectively increase the impact of the event by providing multi-dimensional, stereo coverage of its implementation.


The festival is a project for the planning of the social practical activities of university students, taking into account students' social practical credits.


Pedagogical objectives


1. Understanding protocol is a virtue of the Chinese tradition.


2. What civilized rituals should be taken into account in life.


(c) What is inspired by being able to relate to themselves and to talk about what is happening around them.


Teaching priorities


How to regulate your behavior according to manners.


Teaching hours:



Teaching process:


I. Reviewing memories and importing new lessons.


1. To refer to the students'recitation: the rules of the profession.


2. Title of the book: Presentation: content of traditional rituals.


II. Pedagogical texts, general reading (reading)


1. Requirements for presentation:


(1) Read the meaning.


(2) It is clear what is in it.


2. Name their understandings.


3. Communications among classmates.


III. Teacher's statement and story: (speak)


1. The way of hospitality


(1) A visitor should clean up the house, dress it up, and not leave the house at will, especially in the summer.


(ii) Guests should come forward and send their hands outside the door, their right hand should be extended to them, they may not enter until they have given their thanks, and the host should set his shoes in order to follow them, and the guests should walk lightly so as not to disturb the rest of the family. The host should come to the table and sit at his own table, and the guests will be seated when they are grateful. The host will sit at his back, and the guests will stand up, so that the host can stand up and send the guests out.


(3) If there are guests, all shall stand up, and the master shall introduce each other to each other, in order to sit, according to which the late guests shall sit behind them.


(4) The master delivers the tea in his own hands and hands and nods his head.


(5) If only two people come in face-to-face, they should stand up and put their seats on the side of the guest table, so that they sit down and do not interfere with each other until they are invited.


(6) The delivery of the goods shall be accompanied by a gift from the ascendant's teacher (in the form of an ancient gift, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant, the hand of an ascendant.


(vii) When he comes in, he must greet himself as a guest.


(8) On the occasion of the holidays, family members and friends should visit each other and give gifts to each other, every family should come to the house, and the senior students should come to their parents' house to say good-bye, to meet each other on the way, such as a gift.




Attention is drawn to the following:


2. Progress of the girl child: 0


Every human being, from an early age, has to focus on his or her ceremonial performance, his or her manners, his or her manners, his or her manners, and his or her manners, so that they may grow up in good health.




1. What have you learned?


2. Write a piece of his or her own knowledge, in combination with his or her own story or that of his or her side.


In order to give serious effect to the Ministry of Education's Programme of Guidance for the Improvement of Traditional Cultures of Excellence in China (20xx)3 and the Guozhou Education Department's Opinion on the Establishment of Classrooms for the Development of Classrooms with Good Traditional Cultures at All Levels and Levels (20xx) 286, we are further promoting the development of a system of moral and reproductive work in our country's schools, taking into account the realities of our country and the development of this programme.


I. Guiding ideas


To implement the Party's approach to education in all its aspects and to strengthen education in the socialist core values system, using humanist management as a means of fostering education, with moral activity as a vehicle. Through the development of “traditional culture education”, educational resources are systematically integrated, a model of moral identity is developed, the core competitiveness of schools is improved, the quality of education is improved in all its aspects, the cultural upbringing of students is established, and students are guided in their pursuit of good and good, and in their fight against false evils and stereotypes.


II. Organizational leader


To set up a leadership group on traditional education of excellence in primary and secondary schools, which will be responsible for coordinating, coordinating and guiding the education of outstanding traditional culture in primary and secondary schools throughout the country.






The team is headed by an office at the De-Yung Unit at the primary school in Ei Kong, while Comrade Yuan Qi is also the head of the office, and Comrade Zhao Jian is the Deputy Director and is responsible for the day-to-day work.


III. Educational content


In kindergarten and in the lower grades of primary school, students can choose the Queer Rule, the Three Words, the Pepsi, etc., and insist on reading, with emphasis on developing a sense of language and understanding.


In the upper grades of primary school, students can choose Chinese poetry such as Speech, University, Ethical Book, Extortion, Tang Poe, Song, etc., and lead them to understand Chinese traditional cultures of excellence on the basis of reading, while reading while thinking about their own words and deeds. They must learn to read with pleasure and constantly enrich their reading methods, using reading, speaking, playing and chanting as a means of stimulating their interest and enhancing their reading effect. At the same time, students and teachers are encouraged to read together, parents and children are encouraged to read together, making reading an integral part of school culture and family culture.


2. Based on students'interests and interests, age characteristics, the organization of groups of interest groups on learning, research, and the promotion of traditional culture of excellence in practice, for example, the organization of groups of interest in poetry, book law, theatre, etc., the development of students'interest in Chinese culture of excellence, and the integration of Chinese traditional culture into student activities as an important part of students'extracurricular life.


3. On traditional festivals or observances of the Chinese people, China's classic reading and reading series, competitions for traditional cultural knowledge, book competitions, etc. are actively pursued. For example, the festivals of Chiming, Mid-Autumn, Juoyang, Spring and Confucionary Days of Birth are a wide variety of educational activities, exhibitions, lectures, and the education of the Chinese traditional culture of excellence in traditional festivals, customary culture, celebration culture, etc.


4. Schools must combine the practical implementation of high-quality subjects in national studies with competitions in competitions in competitions for excellence classes to explore effective classroom models for the teaching of good traditional cultures in different school sections.


5. Actively organize students'participation in traditional cultural experiences, thematic educational practices, volunteer service activities, field visits and on-site teaching, to guide students to the best traditional virtues of China and to develop students'practical skills.


6. The primary school in Koo-kun will hold thematic sessions in due course, such as readings, essay contests, talent shows, high-class displays, the exchange of essays, etc., which will provide an exchange platform for teachers and students.


IV. Means of implementation


1. Schools are expected to adopt Chinese traditional culture education as a regular practice, and to incorporate traditional culture education into all hours and stages of school work, in combination with early reading, general classes, speaking under the flag, classroom teaching, class management, etc.


2. Schools should actively develop the school curriculum, make full use of such forms as a moral pedagogic hall, school rolls, and invite their retired eminent teachers to give lectures, tutorial reports, thematic discussions, etc., in order to enhance the diversity and relevance of Chinese traditional education of excellence and to ensure the normative, stable and long-term nature of Chinese traditional education of excellence.


(c) Make full use of the main channels of teaching and learning in order to develop, as appropriate, the cultural content of China's outstanding traditions in subjects such as culture, language and the arts, so that students can feel, identify with, and accept the virtues of China's excellent culture and traditions.


4. To promote the Chinese culture of excellence by making full use of promotional columns, blackboard newspapers, etc., and to take advantage of class culture and develop the skills of teachers and students to innovate on their own, with their respective designs and features, so as to make the campus more elegant, environmentally friendly, functional and culturally strong.


To promote parenting, to set an example for students, to work together to create an atmosphere conducive to the promotion of a culture of excellence in China and, in due course, to carry out family and family education activities.


V. Working requirements


1. Schools must give high priority to the teaching of Chinese cultural excellence. They must be led by principals, team leaders, class directors and teachers, so as to ensure that they are truly integrated into the classroom, in the teaching materials and in the minds of the teachers.


2. Schools are required to develop programmes for the implementation of outstanding traditional cultural education in China in a practical and timely manner, to implement specific measures, to establish long-term mechanisms for curriculum development, curriculum development and teacher arrangements, and to report the implementation of the programmes to the Kong Primary School Office by 18 March.


3. The integration of Chinese traditional and outstanding cultural education into the system of quantitative management of schools is an ongoing effort to promote the continuation of activities and strengthen the dissemination and collection of information.


4. The primary school will strengthen the supervision and supervision of schools for the development of good traditional cultural education in China and will include them in their examinations for moral and reproductive work, as well as exchange of information and recognition activities in due course.


i. Purpose of traditional cultural education:


In keeping with traditional culture, the spirit of the nation is promoted, the roots of culture are accumulated and the values of the human being are purified.


II. Leadership Group on Traditional Culture Education


Team Leader: xxx


Vice-Chair: xx


Members: members of the leadership team (exceeded)


III. Guiding principles of traditional cultural education:


1. The principle of integrality does not break down. The Chinese traditional culture is so rich that it cannot be taught on the basis of the idea of “unique Confucianism and the rejection of one hundred families”.


2. The principle of practicality, non-formalization. For the time being, cultural heritage is practised in a tangible way, without the formalization of racks.


The principle of clarity is not arbitrary. It is guided by the doctrine of the relevant experts, by the spirit of the relevant documents, and by traditional culture education in a coherent and well-articulated school.


4. The principle of the age of the past must not be repeated. Traditional cultural education must also take into account the age of the time, not be equated with the age of the past, and nothing must be emulated in a blind manner.


IV. The aims of education in traditional cultures


1. To foster a strong national spirit, to develop the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, to promote moral upbringing and to preserve the dignity of the human person.


2. Initial recognition, understanding, absorption, acceptance and promotion of traditional Chinese culture, appreciation of its charms, accumulation of its roots, encouragement of love for it, and strong national identity and pride.


3. The initial mastery of basic traditional cultural and intellectual skills and the development of high-quality hobbies, such as classic poetry reading, book law, national drawings, martial arts, chess, national musical instruments, paper clippings, embroidery, etc.


V. Content of traditional culture education:


1. Traditional virtues and national spirituality


2. Traditional classic poetry readings


3. Traditional arts (book law, painting, engraving, folk music, music, paper clipping, embroidery, etc.)


4. Traditional martial arts and jump ropes, kicks, chess, chess.


5. Tea culture, stone culture


6. Technology and Mathematical Crafts


7. The roots of our traditional history and culture and the local culture of my city.


VI. Implementation strategies for traditional cultural education


1. In conjunction with the culture of the school, the palace, the Stargate, etc., construct a unique school culture, displaying the depth and power of the traditional culture and highlighting the essence of the culture of excellence.


2. Integration with research on the topic


“The new curriculum promotes traditional culture” is the subject of research, which accelerates the integration of good traditional culture education with the teaching of subjects, and elaborates on the teaching staff who are well placed to study traditional culture.


3. Together with special interest groups, students are encouraged to use their time after school, to participate in their favorite activities of interest with traditional cultural connotations, to develop their traditional cultural excellence, such as their own chess poems and drawings, and to improve their quality.


4. Teachers in the various subjects integrated with the teaching of the classroom are guided by the teaching of the classroom, which is aimed at students of different age groups. It is important to explore widely and in depth the resources of good traditional culture in relation to their own subjects. Scientific means are used to infiltrate the teaching of the classroom, to actively develop a system of educational evaluation integrated with the good traditional culture, to promote the development of the student's quality, to enhance the student's spiritual situation, and to enhance the awareness and depth of the good traditional culture.


5. In conjunction with family education, parents are closely involved in the implementation of traditional cultural education and the development of Chinese traditional virtues and good behaviour practices.


6. In conjunction with social and practical activities, students are actively organized to conduct surveys on traditional cultural practices, historical figures and monuments in their homelands, to develop their social practical skills and to expand the social impact of the implementation of traditional cultural education in schools, thereby further promoting traditional Chinese culture.


VII. Steps taken to implement traditional cultural education


1. Preparatory phase for the exploration: xxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


2. Phases of research implementation: xxx x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


3. Declaration of acceptance: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, lessons learned, declaration of schools specializing in traditional culture, acceptance of the results of traditional culture education.


4. Comprehensive extension phase: after xx xx years, based on the results of experimental research on the subject, China's traditional cultural education is fully promoted.


VIII. Specific measures for traditional cultural education


1. Building a pamphlet culture with unique features


(1) Campus construction


The building of the campus, as well as the decorations, fully reflect the elements of the traditional Chinese building and provide protective repairs to the Sunsung Gate on the basis of the preservation of its original monuments.


Several teaching buildings in the school and two new kiosks and three new galleries are given a rich name and are then referred to in Chinese law.


The use and naming of multi-faceted walls, the production of ancient poems, the painting of walls of the nation, etc.


4 Appropriate minor decorations of the traditional Chinese building model are applied to the pedestals.


The appropriate addition of miraculous stones, or pamphlet, or miraculous displays in gardens or prominent places adds local cultural colours and spirits to the campus.


The six school gates are built with ancient fragrances and are hung and decorated with red lamps and so on. In making mega-advertisements, due regard is given to the use of traditional Chinese graphics, and there is a traditional cultural feature at the gates as part of the school’s traditional culture.


Propaganda advertising


The small size of the schools and the small size of the gardens allow for the appropriate addition of pelvic plants or balconies.


The outdoors of the schools are based on traditional wooden brick tiles in China, the details of which also reflect traditional elements.


9 made some of the ancient Chinese sage sculptures or engraved sculptures.


(2) School broadcasting


School broadcasting plays a very important role in the creation of a cultural atmosphere, making appropriate improvements on the basis of the existing ones, namely, a classic reading that increases the voices of children, and a new and more elegant classic national music, such as kite, bamboo flute and so on, so that the air in the campus is reverberated with traditional national music.


(3) Campus and traditional festivals


Traditional festivals combined with school holidays, such as reading festivals, sports festivals, science festivals, art festivals, etc., can be chosen to coincide with our traditional festivals, so that they can be integrated and infiltrated.


(4) Campus publications and websites


Schools publish the xx newspaper, set up literary agencies, regularly publish the xx book, and set up school websites and forums that can serve as a platform for traditional cultural education.


(5) Daily regular activities on campus


Before the beginning of the course, students read the Three Words, the Psychiatry, poetry, etc., while reading them and preparing for the course.


Two sessions with kicks, jump ropes as the main activity, and other trips.


The theatre activities are combined with classic readings and are organized into effective, viable and student-friendly games.


Teachers can practice Tai Chi.


(6) Excavation of the traditional history and culture of the school


(7) Details such as office day-to-day supplies also focus on the penetration and integration of traditional elements.


2. A rich culture of virtue, with a focus on the spirit and traditional virtues of the Chinese nation


The first is patriotism, the second is self-empowerment, and the third is morality and maintenance, which is guided by the three points of “a human being, a Chinese man, a modern Chinese man”, which closely aligns the norms of the daily behaviour of primary school pupils with the regulations of the Disciplinary Code, moving towards society, into the family, into the triad, in all its aspects, in flag-raising ceremonies, squads, small and large group events, traditional holidays and school holidays, and in day-to-day behaviour management.


3. Introduction of traditional culture in the context of the new curriculum reform and penetration of traditional culture in the teaching of all disciplines


In conjunction with the new curriculum reform, teaching in the classroom is the main channel through which the various disciplines can be properly permeated in accordance with the characteristics of their own subjects. Indoctrination of good traditional virtues and virtues is carried out in the subject of thought and virtues, in the teaching of languages, the feelings of the students are promoted, in order to make them feel the essence of good traditional culture, and in the teaching of mathematics and science, attention is paid to the development of traditional cultural resources. It is important to learn from the bitterness of ancient Chinese mathematicians and scientists.


The spirit of research, the charms of the traditions of mathematics and science, the inheritance and development of the philosophy of mathematics and scientific thought embodied in the traditions of excellence, the penetration of emotional education, aesthetic education in music and fine arts, the upgrading of the aesthetic skills of students, etc.


Work has been done in local courses and courses of activity to integrate traditional cultures, such as classic reading, book law, school history and local history, chess, martial arts, paper cutting, traditional cultural knowledge, etc., and to develop materials on traditional cultures, to define the content of traditional cultural education in local courses and courses of activity, and to use local courses and courses of activity for traditional culture education.


4. The special features of our traditional culture are highlighted by the careful selection of the key elements of our traditional culture education.


Element I. The classic poems are recited. It is stipulated that the readings are to be read, that the reading and examination system is to be introduced, and that a school is to be built for the smell of books and books.


Element two, large martial arts. Everyone does martial arts, and every day they practice martial arts.


Element three, book law.


Element four, jumping ropes, kicking twigs. Jumping ropes and kicking twigs is a national sport that is unique to our country, not only for physical exercise, but also for fine artistic performances that are practical and rewarding, and that should be developed and inherited.


Element five, campus buildings with the traditional style of the Chinese people.


Element six, special interest groups in various traditional cultures and their results, such as drawings, paper clippings, ethnic instruments, chess, etc.


Element VII. Tea culture


Tea culture is one of the great traditional cultures of our country, with a distinct Chinese cultural colour. Tea lane is a ritual of life in which tea is a vehicle, an expression of the direction that tea gives to people.


Or, in the form of tea, a ritual that educates people about rituals and moral upbringing, to make people understand in the course of tea. By making tea, offering tea, drinking tea, promoting friendship, understanding virtue, learning manners, drinking tea can be quiet and quiet.


Element 8, Stone culture.


Stone culture is also the traditional culture of China, which combines local features with traditional culture and forms a cultural feature of our school's traditional culture and education.


IX. Research on traditional culture education


General subject: new curricula and research for the promotion of traditional culture


Sub-themes: content and core of traditional culture;


(a) Survey and analysis of the current state of knowledge of the culture of modern pupils;


(b) The excavation and promotion of the traditional culture of the people, which is inherent in the new teaching materials;


A study of taste and strategy for the accumulation of native language scripts and the cultural literature of the ethnic group;


Eviction and study of traditional culture in the home country;


The strategy for the promotion of national culture and the study of the teaching model in the classroom are included in the new curriculum.


10. Specific implementation programmes are developed for each sector of the discipline.


In keeping with the spirit of the Circular of the Huaitri County Department of Education on the development of the “Know-Know-Know-One” educational programme on the outstanding traditional culture in China, and in order to ensure the effectiveness of the upbringing of the good traditional culture in China, we have developed a plan for the implementation of the “Know-Know-One” educational campaign on the classic culture.


Schools have always attached great importance to the teaching of good traditional cultures and have made it one of their priorities to carry out “know-and-go” educational activities on good Chinese traditional cultures, which cut across all aspects of students' daily learning and life.


i. Classroom Incorporation and Infiltration of Good Traditional Cultures


The educational practice of “know-it-one” is carried out, the quality of teaching in traditional cultural classrooms is improved, special courses in traditional cultural education are offered, and efforts are made to familiarize students with the verses of the classics and to guide them to “read with their classic peers” in a manner that is consistent with one another; the contents of good traditional cultures are to be permeated into all disciplines, the integration and penetration of other curricula are to be strengthened and integrated into the current ethos, with a focus on the promotion of patriotism, with a focus on education in the national context, social care education and personal integrity education, with a view to developing high quality, drawing on the divine wisdom, enhancing human literacy and shaping a healthy personality.


II. Classes fly the classics, enhance awareness, understand reason and apply in the practice of learning and life.


The educational practice of “know-it-all” in the class is to guide students to understand precisely the deep meaning of the classic phrase and to apply it to the social practice of learning and life, to integrate into society the virtues and wisdom of the Chinese culture that embody the core values of socialism, to give students a sense of the essence of the classics in practice, to develop good behaviour, and to create a harmonious school climate and home-school relations. For example, to use such classic phrases as “do what they don't want to do to people”, “know what they want to do, and know what they want to do”, to allow students to understand its precise meaning and to practice it in social practice, to achieve a “know-it-all” context.


III. Active participation in essay campaigns organized by the Department of Education


In late March, a campaign was launched to mobilize class students to write an essay on learning from the classics, under the theme “Common with the classics”.


In mid-April, three first-level prizes, 10 second-level prizes and 20 third-level prizes were awarded. Prior to April 23, three excellent works were presented to the Department of Education for review.


> > >.


Hours of activity: late April - mid-June.


In late April, a campaign was launched to involve students in the traditional Chinese cultural book-reading competition “with classic peers”; in early June, a selection of three to five excellent works was made in classes; and in mid-June, an exhibition of excellent works was held.


V. Carrying out parenting activities that are respectful and respectful of old age.


Activity: July-October


During the summer vacation, a student’s social and practical activities are organized, and parents’ filial activities are conducted under the theme “I am the parent of concern”; they learn the deep meaning of the words “I am the parent of concern”; in September, they visit the village council, which is recommended by the village council and the masses, and look for good students who are the parent of the parents.



2. Re-yang honours the old, so that students learn the deep meaning of the old words “old old and old.” During the festival, schools hold “old and old” events, organizing a series of respect and respect for the old and the old, such as cleaning rooms for the elderly, talking to the elderly, etc., and developing good traditional ideas to honour the old and loving and to build a harmonious family and society.


vi. A class-based "I'm with the Classes" story show competition


Game time: November-December.


In early November, the preparatory phase, combining classic phrases with small stories, was innovative and performed.


The competition resumed in mid-December and one to two programmes were selected as performances for the New Year's Festival.


We learn Chinese culture of excellence, and we need to work together. Without action, we cannot call it real awareness. Only when you do it, you have this knowledge, and you do not do it, even if you read a lot of books and learn a lot of theory, you cannot really acquire it. Teachers are right to guide students to the need for understanding and understanding of the classics in practice; to improve the code of conduct of students, to develop good behaviour habits, to create a harmonious school climate and home-school relationships, to disseminate mainstream values, and to increase students’ sense of cultural identity and belonging.


i. Subject


All students in 1st year and 2nd grade (4 delegates from each class)


II. Activity time


xxx (weekly) afternoon after lesson No. 3


A bit higher, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller, two bits taller.


III. Venue


The playground. (It's raining in the gym)


IV. Event content


1. Kicking out culture


Each class selects a representative from four delegates, who has three consecutive kicks, and the remaining three delegates have only one chance to answer the question (the question is about the choice of traditional culture). The answer is two points plus the wrong one. The time limit is three minutes.


Two, kick in.


Each group of delegates is rounded up to receive the picks that the previous classmate kicked (with his feet, without touching his hands).


Three. Kick the winner.


The first two classes, which are relatively underachieving, also have an opportunity for a backlash. Two representatives from four delegates are selected from each class to participate in the personal resistance competition.


The competition will be divided into one prize, two prizes, three prizes, one prize, one prize, one prize, one prize, two prizes, three prizes, and the title “Traditional cultural encyclopaedia”, the Best Team Award and the Best Player Award, based on the results of the first, second and third rounds.


Information on activities:


1. Non-duplication of players and selection of a person in each class to be responsible for the organization and coordination of activities


2. X-day circulars were sent to the classes, and the respective officials handed over the registration form to the X-month xx section the following evening, prior to self-repair.


3-X-month X-day after-school competitions begin officially on the afternoon of section III. Each class of delegates must arrive at the designated site by 4:15 p.m., with the help of the staff there in place and in line. The drawing of lots is carried out at the drawing of lots for each class of representatives.


4. The issue is one of traditional culture.



Traditional virtue Education Programme12-06


15 programmes of traditional virtue education activities 12-06






12-06 programmes of educational activities for young children in traditional Chinese virtues






15 pieces of the programme of activities for traditional virtues in China12-06


Legal Education Programme 11-03




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