
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:24 评论:0
如同春天里葳蕤的野草,“区块链”这个概念近几年迅速蔓延开来,漫山遍野,渡过四大洋,火遍五大洲南北西东。As with spring grass, the concept of the “block chain” has spread rap...



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As with spring grass, the concept of the “block chain” has spread rapidly in recent years across the mountains, across the four oceans and across the north-west and north-west of the five continents.



As the hotspots of the block chain are warming, large-scale competition over block chain technology is also hidden, triggering global attention.


With its unique charm, the Block Chain draws “heroes all over the world”.


Who is the sacred part of the block chain?


On that day, Wang Dachang went to the village health clinic to see him.


The doctor finally advised him to go to the hospital.


Wang Dachang has since gone to tri-a hospitals in the city, province and Beijing. Each time he is asked to perform several examinations. This repeated examination not only upsets Wang, but also makes him look forward to "one-size-fits-all" between the many hospitals.


Wang Dachang's daughter, Wang Ting, is attending university and listening to his father's complaints, saying that it is not difficult to do so today.


“Every hospital is a database, and what has now been achieved is that doctors upload patient information into their own database. It's just that every hospital's database is independent and incompetent. This will cost the population a lot of money to double-check. If every hospital can see all hospital's patient information in the future, it will save the population not only a lot of money, but also time to wait and wait for the results of the check-ups, and significantly reduce the hospital's workload...”


"That's right, girl. How can all hospitals be able to see what we're doing in the county courtyard?"


"that all hospitals upload patient data to one place, wrap it up in a package and a block, all of which are linked together into a `National Clinical Clinical Disease Database'. Each hospital has to back itself up with a copy."


“That's great!” Wang Dachang called her daughter, “so that the patient can go to another hospital and the doctor can find out about the previous check-up in another hospital, without wasting money and time.”


In response to Wang Ting's advice, the master's student mentor said, “These packaged `disease number information' is a block; these blocks are linked together into a huge chain, a block chain”.


“This is the chain of blocks!” says Professor.


What's in the block chain?


So the chain of blocks is not mysterious at all, it's just a capable database.


So, what's "good" in the block chain?


The greatest “competence” is one that gives people a greater sense of security.


Each hospital keeps only its own patient's information, so the database of each hospital is a “centre”, and if it is attacked, the data is gone. With a block chain, each hospital keeps “patient information on all hospitals”, and even if a hospital is attacked, the patient's information is not lost. At this point, each hospital is no longer a centre, which is called “centreization”.


There is also one "no harm" or "no tampering". All information is in hand, called a "distributed account book," and the original information is what it is, and no change of face. The distribution book is a perfect solution to the deficiencies of the traditional accounting methods of the past, consisting of one or more or more blocks, assuming that each block represents one page of the account book and that the blocks can be added indefinitely; each block is encrypted and stamped with a time stamp, linked in chronological order to a master account book; it is maintained jointly by the participating users to centralize it.


The third thing is "invisibility." Block chains are cryptography algorithms that only when authorized, the information carried can be displayed. If not authorized, you open it, and it's a mess.


In addition, the block chain has “capables” of traceability, democratic decision-making mechanisms, and automation of the execution of trade contracts.


The creation of block chains is a product of the Internet to a certain stage and a key technology for the next generation of the Internet. In the future, block chains+ will insert angels' wings into all walks of life to significantly enhance national governance and better serve real economic development.


The chain of blocks changes life in the future.


As the technological innovation of the block chain matures, the practical effects of industrial applications become more apparent and the application of the block chain extends from the financial area to the physical area.


According to the IDC (Internet Data Centre), the strong growth in the size of market spending on the Chinese block chain in 2018 will continue over the next three years. The combined growth rate will exceed 80% between 2017 and 2022. As technology continues, block chain technology will be “a little more flowered and accelerated” to achieve breakthroughs across industries.


The use of block chains can easily create a time-stamped repository of common records that can extract data from different databases. Thus, block chain technology can help to integrate information across sectors, share data in real time, and do not require cumbersome personal certification.


Block chain technology can make payments and transactions more efficient and easier. Block chain platforms allow users to create smart contracts that become active when certain conditions are met.


If you buy an apple, under block chain technology, you know the whole way from fruit farmers’ production to the flow chain. These include government regulatory information, professional testing data, quality testing data for businesses, etc.


Block chain technology can be more effective in protecting copyrights. The creator puts the work on the block chain, and he knows it as soon as someone uses it. The corresponding royalties are paid to the creator. The block chain technology protects copyright and helps the creator to sell the work better and more directly to consumers.


The field of application of block chain technology is numerous.


New prospects for the co-existence of block chain opportunities


The chain of blocks is coming in the future. Ready?


Block chains are not only a great advance in productivity; they will also re-establish productive relationships. They undoubtedly represent new technologies and more advanced productivity, and they will lead to deeper changes in productive relationships, mainly in the re-engineering of incentives.


In the foreseeable future, the block chain will become the bottom operating system for society as a whole, and the “block chain plus” will become the wind, which will also provide significant opportunities for the country’s industries. But, in industry, as the application landscape accelerates, it will only grow faster in three to five years.


In terms of technological reserves and capital support, China still has a good foundation in the area of block chains. The upgrading of China’s autonomous innovation capacity guarantees accelerated commercialization of block chains. In 2017 and 2018, the number of open block chain patents in China was the first in a row for two consecutive years. In the first half of this year, the number of open block chain patents was 35,47, and the total number of patents in China was over 2,435 in 2018.


In terms of capital markets, at present, more than 95% of block chain financing is in the seed wheels, angel wheels, and wheels A, and only 3% of B and beyond, indicating that industry is still at an early stage. In my country, as of the first half of this year, the number of rounds of block chain start-up projects remains as high as 88.06%.


In terms of the pool of talent, there is a large gap in multidisciplinary expertise. In the global market, there is a very large gap between those with relevant senior R & D experience, and those who design the architecture of the top layers of the chain are “one-stop”.


The development of the block chain industry is valued by the local government of China. At present, the landscape of the block chain is expanding, taking into account local characteristics, but it is still at a relatively early stage.


As of May 2019, more than 30 provinces and municipalities in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guizhou and Shandong had issued policy guidance documents on the layout of the sector chain industry; 22 block chain estates had been established across the country, representing more than half of the coastal cities of Hangzhou, Guangdong and Shanghai, of which 20 were government-led or involved.


At present, the deployment of block-chain technologies is opening up, ranging from finance, product traceability, civics, electronic record-keeping to digital identity and the synergy of supply chains, and the deepening and diversification of the scene is yielding many tangible results.


For example, BaaS, the Aryan block chain, is aimed at business-level customers and provides them with 14 applications, such as commodity traceability, digital asset trading, etc. The Chinese block chain service, BCS, serves businesses and developers as public cloud block chains.


With regard to the location of block chains, future policy data-sharing, medical traceability, inclusive finance, judicial documentation, etc., could be selected as areas of focus for the population and the development of pilot models for the application of block chains and the development of industry leaders, leading enterprises and industrial ecology.

来源:人民法治 记者:徐峰

Source: People's Rule of Law Reporter: Xu Feng


Responsible Editor: Wang Xue


Suggested Reading


Please press 2D for attention.


Rule of law for the people


Speak for good governance in good law


For the sake of justice.


Speak for China on the Rule of Law


It's for the revival of China.


Original title: "At the beginning of the chain of blocks "




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