
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:25 评论:0
密码学将“加密”置于加密货币中。它的存在时间比我们的数字时代要长得多,并且在几个世纪以来像语言一样发展。cryptography places encryption in encrypted currency. It exists much...



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cryptography places encryption in encrypted currency. It exists much longer than our digital age and has evolved over the centuries as a language.

密码学是一门通过将信息转换为只有预期接收者才能处理和阅读的形式来保护信息的科学。它的第一个已知用途可以追溯到公元前 1900 年,作为埃及坟墓中的象形文字。该术语本身来自希腊语kryptos和graphein,分别表示隐藏和书写。

The first known use can be traced back to 1900 B.C. as an pictogram in Egypt's grave. The term itself is from Greek kryptos and graphein, indicating, respectively, concealment and writing.

最著名的用途之一是由朱利叶斯·凯撒在公元前 40 年左右开发的,并被恰当地命名为凯撒密码。密码使用一条秘密信息,告诉您如何加扰并因此解密消息。凯撒使用了一种替代密码,其中字母表中的每个字母都被字母表中更靠上或靠下不同固定位置的一个字母替换。例如,字母表可以向右移动五位,这意味着字母“A”现在是“F”,“B”现在是“G”等等。这意味着他可以传递信息而不必担心被拦截,因为只有他的官员知道如何解读信息。

One of the most famous uses was developed by Julius Caesar in about 40 years B.C. and properly named the Caesar password. The password uses a secret message, telling you how to disturb and declassified the message. Caesar uses an alternative password, in which each letter in the alphabet is replaced by one letter above the alphabet or by a different fixed position. For example, the alphabet can move five to the right, which means that the letter “A” is now “F” and “B” is now “G” and so on. This means that he can transmit the information without fear of being intercepted, because only his official knows how to interpret it.

用于密码学的凯撒密码轮( kprojekt/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

Caesar's Crypto Wheel for cryptography (kprojekt/iStock/Getty Images Plus)

16 世纪的密码学家 Giovan Battista Bellaso 设计了 Vigenere 密码(错误地归因于外交官 Blaise de Vigenere),据信这是第一个使用加密密钥的密码。字母表被写成 26 行,每行移动一个字母以创建一个网格。写出加密密钥以匹配消息的长度。然后,网格被用来加密消息,一个字母一个字母。最后,发送者将加密的消息和秘密关键字分享给拥有相同网格的接收者。?

The 16th century cryptographer Giován Battista Bellaso designed the Vigenere password (correctly attributed to diplomat Blaise de Vigenere), which is believed to be the first password to use encryption keys. The alphabet is written as 26 lines, each of which moves a letter to create a grid. The encryption key is written to match the length of the message. The grid is then used to encrypt messages, a letter. Finally, the sender shares encrypted messages and secret keywords to the receivers with the same grid.


Then a computer emerges, and it uses more sophisticated cryptography. But the goal remains the same: converts readable messages (pure text) to content that is not understood by the intended reader . This process, called encryption, is a way of sharing information through public Internet connections. Knowledge of how to declassify or decipher data is called keys, which can only be accessed by the intended parties.


How does cryptography work?


There are many ways to encrypt information, the complexity of which depends on the level of protection that data may require. But we usually see three types of cryptographic algorithms.


symmetric encryption


Symmetric encryption (or key encryption) depends on a single key. This means that both the sender and the recipient of the data share the same key and then use that key to encrypt and decipher the information?


To this end, the key needs to be agreed in advance. Although it is still a good source of encryption, the fact that only one key protects the information means that there is some risk in sending the information through an unsafe connection. Imagine, you want to share your front key with your friends by hiding it under the doorstep. Your friend can now visit your house. Strangers may also find the key and enter without your permission.



Asymmetric Encryption


Unsymmetric encryption (or public key encryption) uses a pair of keys. This increased security level immediately enhances the protection of data. In this case, each key has one use. There is a public key that can be exchanged with anyone via any network. This key contains information about how to encrypt data, and anyone can use it. There is also a private key. The private key does not share and save information about how to decipher messages. Both keys are generated by an algorithm that uses large prime numbers to create two unique mathematically linked keys. Any person who has access to the key can use it to encrypt messages, but only the private key holder can decipher them.


It works almost like a mailbox. Anyone can put a message in a deposit slot. But only the owner of the mailbox has the key to open it and read the mail. This is the basis for most encrypted currency transactions.


Hashi function


The hash function is another way to protect information by cryptography. It does not use a key, but relies on algorithms to convert any data input to a string with a fixed length.


The hash function is also different from other forms of encryption because they work only in one way, which means that you cannot convert the hash back to its original data.


Hashi is essential for block chain management because they can encrypt a large amount of information without compromising the raw data. Building the data in an organized manner not only improves efficiency, but can also serve as digital fingerprints for any encrypted data. This can then be used to verify and prevent any unauthorized changes during transmission via the network. Any changes to the original data will result in a new Hashi value, which no longer matches the original data and therefore cannot be validated on the block chain.


digital signature


Digital signatures are another key aspect of ensuring the security, authenticity and integrity of data in a message, software or digital document. By definition, they play a role similar to a physical signature and are a unique way to bind your identity to data, and can therefore be used as a means of authenticating information.


Digital signatures, however, do not use unique characters to identify you as physical signatures, but are based on public key cryptography. Digital signatures appear in code form and are then attached to the data because of two mutually authenticated keys. The sender creates digital signatures by encrypting the data related to the signature using private keys, and the recipient takes the public key of the signatory to decrypt the data?


If the recipient is unable to decrypt and read the signature document using the public key provided, it indicates that the document or signature is problematic and therefore the document cannot be authenticated.




One of the main attractions of encrypted money is its security and transparency in the block chain. All of this depends on encryption mechanisms. That is how most of the encrypted currency based on the block chain remains secure, so it constitutes the essence of encrypted money.

早在 2009 年,比特币创造者中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)就在密码学留言板上提出了一种解决长期以来一直是数字货币致命弱点的双重支付问题的方法。当同一单位的加密货币有可能被花费两次时,就会出现双花问题,这会破坏人们对它们作为在线支付解决方案的信任,并使它们基本上毫无价值。

As early as 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of Bitcoin, proposed a solution to the problem of double payment, which has long been a digital currency’s vulnerability. When the same unit’s encrypted currency is likely to be spent twice, the problem arises, undermining trust in them as an online payment solution and rendering them largely worthless.



China’s proposal is to use a point-to-point distribution book, which is time stamped and protected by encryption. This has led to the creation of a chain of blocks that we know today. As with all technologies, cryptography will evolve to keep up with the demand for a secure digital environment.

原文:https://www.coindesk.com/what-is-cryptography?,作者 :Annika Feign

Original language: https://www.coindesk.com/what-is-cryptography?, by Annika Feign




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