According to the United States CNBC, six billion dollars were or had already been worth of money to the founder of Bitcoin.
After Bitcoin became global, people tried to unmask the mystery of his creator, but his true identity is a mystery to this day. Because the name "medium-bone" is merely an alias. It represents a man, a woman, even a group of people.
In 2008, China was able to publish a nine-page white paper with the first reference to Bitcoin as a “point-to-point electronic cash system”. A few months later, China was able to release its first software and work with developers and coders to improve it. This cooperation continued until 2011, when it disappeared without any warning.
阿根廷研究员塞尔吉奥·德米安·勒纳(Sergio Demian Lerner)估计,中本聪在消失前积累了大约一百万枚比特币。
The Argentine researcher Sergio Demian Lerner estimated that China’s bellow had accumulated about one million bitcoins before it disappeared.
Today, these reserves are worth more than $5 billion.
The outside world estimates that the supply of Bitcoins will reach 21 million in 2140, and that HCB holds 1 million bitcoins equal to 5 per cent of the entire encoded currency.
“如果比特币成为全球货币,那么中本聪很可能成为世界上最富有的人,而且在比特币最终供应中所占的比例也比美国政府今天持有的黄金比例要高。”住在旧金山的比特币投资者本?余(Ben Yu)表示。
“If Bitcoin becomes a global currency, then it is likely that he will be the richest man in the world, and that his share in the final supply of bitcoin will be higher than the share of gold held today by the US government.” Bitcoin Investor Ben Yu, who lives in San Francisco, says.
According to some analysts, the increase in bitcoin is just beginning.
盛宝银行分析师Kay Van - Petersen在5月接受CNBC采访时表示,他估计到2027年,比特币可能达到10万美元。
In an interview with CNBC in May, the treasure bank analyst Kay Van-Petersen stated that he estimated that by 2027, Bitcoin could reach $100,000.
If this projection were to come true, Nakamoto would have about $100 billion.
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