央行数字货币试点 炒币的凑什么热闹——币圈对DCEP的四个误区

资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:24 评论:0



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The central bank's digital currency (DCEP), which has been measured in the agricultural sector, cheers the currency circle, saying that it can be exchanged with the BTC (bitcoin); that the stable currency that anchors the DCEP is about to be born; that a large amount of legal money is about to enter the currency circle; and, more importantly, that the DCEP can fire up the imagination of the currency circle sometimes.


However, even if the butterfly effect is evident, instead of seeing how the event would benefit the currency ring, it would be a good currency to expel the bad currency and further impact on the ecology of the current currency ring.


The reason why the currency circles are so excited is because of a few misunderstandings about DCEP:


Error One: DCEP is the same as BTC.


In the currency circle, BTC is considered to be a digital currency, and when the central bank's DCEP is also called a digital currency, some people deliberately or unwittingly class either.


But, in fact, the two things are very different. BTC is an incentive for bookkeeping based on block chains, with a point-to-point trading capacity, and BTC does not even count as a currency according to strict monetary attributes. Currency must have basic properties that are easy to circulate, easy to store, and relatively stable.


In terms of the basic properties of the BTC, the BTC is better known as an “encrypted token”. Ten years after BTC was born, too many people expected BTC to be used as a currency for daily payments, such as an agency that developed BTC's ATM machine and an institutional contractor that used BTC to pay. But they were experimental in nature and were not successful.


The central bank's digital currency DCEP is designed to be used as a currency, and it supports double-linking, state-sanctioned approvals, etc., which are not comparable to BTC. Its currency value and RMB 1:1, with minimal volatility, under the current technical route, have 300,000 TPS transaction processing capacity per second, sufficient to deal with day-to-day transactions, and stored in wallets provided by digital money operators, with users using easy and micro-trust payments and close access to payment treasures, and based on multiple identity information to confirm rights, assets are not easily lost, or even more easily stored than paper currency.

央行数字货币试点 炒币的凑什么热闹——币圈对DCEP的四个误区

The Central Bank Digital Currency Pilot, what's the big deal - the currency ring's four fault zones for DCEP


Error two: convertibility of DCEP and BTC


Many currency circle investors believe that when DCEP comes out, it's easy to exchange with BTC. Exchanges are complicated because payment channels such as banks, micro-letters, payment treasures cannot be exchanged directly in the renminbi. Only through the OTC market.


Last year, however, we sent a letter of attorney to some exchanges asking them to put an end to the illegal use of their trademarks by setting up payment corridors in their OTC services.


However, when DCEP comes out, can it open access to DCEP for BTC? On the contrary, instead of opening it, it is easier to regulate.


The central bank’s current attitude is not to support French currency exchange BTC, because of the risk of money laundering, capital flight, etc. The central bank will not be able to do so itself, nor will it allow digital currency operators, such as banks, payment companies, to open access to DCEP for BTC.


And, according to the DCEP design, it is capable of penetrating regulation. It is easier to regulate illegal and irregular transactions by studying the relevant patent designs for central bank digital money in a cross-linkal pulse. The DCEP operator’s wallet service deploys the account restrictions agreed by each regulator and the operator. If a regulator finds that the target account is in violation of the law or the law in the course of an economic activity, it can call on the account restrictions rules agreed to by the operator and designate the target account, so that the wallet service provider can immediately operate the target account restrictions in accordance with the applicable account restrictions rules.


In other words, as soon as it is detected that someone is using DCEP to convert to BTC, the relevant accounts can be restricted, frozen, etc.


Since it's non-convertible and more stringent, why is there a lot of legal money going into the currency?


Mistake three: you'll be able to legally collide.


Theoretically, DCEP can be fired, but it can only be used as a foreign exchange. It is not well suited for most investors in the currency circles, because they face international players, even national forces, who have fought a hundred wars.


Instead, they use the renminbi, which is equivalent to punching on cotton. DCEP is used for M0, and RMB 1:1, which means that the RMB can't be combed, and the real thing is that the currency runs from one basket to the other.


Well, if there's a hard-on, I'll do it in foreign currency. The circulation of DCEP's theory is M0, and the supply of M0 at the end of March was $830 billion. Even if we invest billions and billions of dollars in it, it's as though the rain was pouring in the ocean, and it's soon gone invisible. And, more fundamentally, the exchange of foreign currency into the renminbi, which is equivalent to an increase in the value of the renminbi, which is easier than the printing of banknotes.


Instead, investors are more wary of illegal tokens in central banks’ digital currencies. Before DCEP comes out, there are many liars who sell DCEP, and after DCEP's official release, they may cut vegetables.


Error four: DCEP based on block chain


Evidence suggests that central bank digital currencies are not based on block chains.


The credit for the central bank's digital currency comes from the credit of the State and does not require a chain of blocks to give recognition to each transaction, as long as it guarantees security, privacy, etc.


In February of this year, the issue group members of the Digital Currency Research Institute of the People’s Bank of China’s Project Group on Block Chains, Mu Changchun, Digang, Luyun, Money-friends, and Jing Sood co-authored “Development and Management of Block Chain Technologies at the Central Bank’s Digital Monetary Institute.” The article notes that block chains, at the expense of the simultaneous storage and co-calculation of large amounts of redundant data, are not yet suitable for high-level developments, such as traditional retail payments.


However, DCEP also draws on the application of block chain components, such as the use of smart contracts for targeted financial flows and asymmetric encryption to authenticate identities. In this case, asymmetric encryption in the Bitcoin block chain is similar to “traditional” digital authentication, or will be used in a large number of scenarios of DCEP, such as the generation of public and private key pairs by the user wallet security module, one-to-one, public and private keys, private keys closed, private keys used to sign messages, and public keys used to authenticate information after a private key signature, thereby confirming the identity of private key owners.


The central bank’s digital currency has entered the pilot phase, indicating that the world is not far away. It has nothing to do with currency circles, but it will facilitate the development of China’s digital economy and the application of block chains to local development.


A thousand years ago, the Song invented the concubine (the earliest banknotes) as the peak of the ancient Chinese economy; now that the central bank DCEP was first issued, it will help China to climb again in the digital economy.


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