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Ethertoken is only a digital asset based on the Etherm block chain. They benefit from Ether’s existing infrastructure, rather than the developers’ need to build a whole new block chain. They also strengthen Ether’s ecosystem by promoting demand for Ether’s native currency, which needs to give impetus to intelligent contracts. This beginner’s guide should help those who are not familiar with digital assets to understand the difference between Ether’s Token and Ether’s.

以太坊是一个可用于创建任意智能合约的平台,包括代表以太坊token的数字资产的智能合约。这类似于App Store为iOS应用程序提供平台,一些应用程序发布应用于他们游戏或系统中的数字货币。但是,以太坊不是像Apple这样的控制添加到App Store的内容的中心化存在。任何人都可以在以太坊上创建token。

Ether is a platform that can be used to create any kind of smart contract, including an intelligent contract representing the digital assets of Taitoken. This is similar to the app Store for applications that can be published for their or digital money in the system. However, it is not central to what is added to AppStore by controls like Apple.


Token can represent anything, from physical objects such as gold (Digix) to local currencies (Golem) that pay transaction costs. In the future, a token may even be used to represent financial instruments such as stocks and bonds. The attributes and functions of each token depend entirely on their intended use.


The coins are usually distributed to the public through a centralized sale (crowdsale), known as the first issue of the currency (ICO). The coin creators will issue the tokens to others in exchange for the TT, sometimes including bitcoin and other digital currencies. There are many ICOs that have recently changed the way the project is funded completely in a very short time. There is no requirement that token must be allocated properly, although if you are constructing a decentralized application, ideally you want the tokens to be owned by as many people as possible.

有多种资源可以引导您完成创建token的过程,并解释token如何在技术层面上工作。例如,Token Factory提供了一个简单的用户界面,允许您使用自定义参数创建自己的以太坊token。

For example, Token Factory provides a simple user interface that allows you to create your own token using custom parameters.


Similar to Bitcoin and Ether, Ethertoken also tracks the block chain, which is a public account book for all transactions that have taken place. This is because Ethernotoken relies only on a particular type of smart contract in Ethertown.


Both projects are under development, with a total market value of about $450 million. I will give a brief description of how they work in order to better understand the many different functions that Ethertoken has.


Augur是一个去中心化的预测市场,由Joey Krug和Jack Peterson共同创立。预测市场允许用户对不同事件的结果进行投注,并且还可以用于对冲目的。例如,如果你拥有价值2000美元的1比特币,并想要对冲持有,你可以打赌比特币的价格在某个特定日期将低于2,000美元。这样,如果比特币的价格上涨你的持股将更有价值,但如果它下降你将通过预测市场抵消你的损失。没有中心化来源报告事件的结果。这减轻了腐败报道的风险,但也产生了对去中心化来源的需求。

Augur is a decentralised forecast market, created jointly by Joey Krug and Jack Peterson. The forecast market allows users to invest in the results of different events and can also be used for hedge purposes. For example, if you have a dollar worth of 2,000 bitcoins and want to hold a hedge, you can bet that bitcoins are below $2,000 on a given date. So, if Bitcoin’s price increases are worth more than your share, you will offset your losses by forecasting the market if it drops. There is no centralized source to report the results of the events. This mitigates the risk of corruption reporting, but it also creates a demand for decentralized sources.

Augur发布了一个名为Reputation(REP)的以太坊token。现有固定供应的1,100万份REPtoken,其中80%通过crowd sale筹集了530万美元。这些token用于报告预测市场事件的结果。所有活跃的REP持有人都需要报告随机选择的事件的结果。这维持了解决Augur预测市场结果所需的去中心化报道池的需求。作为提供此关键报告功能的奖励,REP持有者可在平台上获得预测市场产生的所有交易费用的一半。如果有人试图撒谎并错误地报告结果,那么他们将受到惩罚,即不得不放弃他们的一些REP。此外,如果大多数REP持有人不诚实,那么人们就不会想要使用Augur并且REP的价值会下跌。这激励人们在Augur系统中诚实行事。

Augur has released an Ethertoken, called Reputation (REP). Over 11 million of the available fixed supplies, 80 per cent of them raised $5.3 million through Crowd sale. These tokens are used to report the results of predicting market events. All active REP holders are required to report the results of randomly selected events. This sustains the need for decentralized reporting pools that are needed to address the forecast of market results in Augur. As an incentive to provide this critical reporting function, the REP holder can obtain half of all transaction costs generated by the market on the platform. If someone tries to lie and wrongly report the results, they will be punished, and some of theirREPs will have to be abandoned. Moreover, if most of the REP holders are dishonest, then people will not want to use August and the value of the REP will fall.


Golem是一个由Julian Zawistowski领导的项目,允许人们将他们的空闲的计算能力出租给其他人。我们的想法是,通过创建一个全球性的超级计算机,计算能力将变得更便宜并且每个人都更容易获得。

Golem is a project led by Julian Zawistowski that allows people to lease their idle computing capabilities to others. Our idea is that, by creating a global supercomputer, computing capabilities will become cheaper and easier for everyone.

Golem发布了一个名为Golem Network Token(GNT)的以太坊token。现有10亿固定的GNT供应量,其中82%通过crowd sale出售,筹集了860万美元。这些token是与Golem网络交互所必需的,并且是在租用计算能力时用作支付的货币。由于访问该网络的token供应有限,如果有更多人想要使用Golem,那么GNT的价值就会增加。这在理论上使持有GNT的人与使用GNT的人的激励相一致。

Golem released an Ethertoken (GNT) named Golem Network Token. There are 1 billion fixed GNT supplies, 82% of which are sold through Crowd Sale, raising $8.6 million. These tokens are necessary to interact with Golem networks and are used as the currency to pay when renting their computing capacity. Given the limited supply of token access to the network, the value of GNT increases if more people want to use Golem.

ERC20 token

您可能会听到以太坊社区引用ERC20代币。最初的ERC20页面 “描述了代币合同可以实现的标准功能。”ERC20是代币的标准接口。ERC20代币只是以太坊token的一个子集。为了完全符合ERC20标准,开发人员需要将一组特定的功能合并到他们的智能合约中,在高级别允许它执行以下操作:

The original ERC20 page & ldquo; describes the standard functions that a token contract can achieve. ” ERC20 is the standard interface for the tokens. The ERC20 is only a subset of the taken. To fully meet the ERC20 criteria, developers need to merge a specific set of functions into their intelligence contracts, allowing it to perform the following at a high level:


· total supply of currencies obtained


·Acquisition account balance


·transfer of tokens


·approval costs in tokens


ERC20 allows seamless interaction with other smart contracts and decentralized applications in the Etheria block chain.




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