比特币交易的十大平台 最安全的比特币交易平台

资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:27 评论:0



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As Bitcoin is a digital currency, and as its value grows, more and more people become interested in and involved in bitcoin transactions, the choice of reliable trading platforms and APPs is particularly important in the case of bitcoin transactions, and this paper will recommend 10 of the safest bitcoins trading platforms to help readers understand what alternative platforms are and to avoid unnecessary risks arising from errors in the selection.

比特币交易平台推荐使用 币安、欧易这两个就够了,安全有保障,存储比特币建议使用 冷钱包 legend等。

The Bitcoin trading platform recommends the use of the coins, the Euros, it's safe to store the bitcoin recommended the use of cold wallets, and so on.


Euiokx, a well-known exchange such as the Exchange of Currency, provides a variety of relevant data, such as market transactions, depth of transactions, closing prices, open prices, maximum prices, minimum prices, etc., for user reference analysis.

欧易OKX是全球前二大虚拟货币交易及Web3平台(官方注册 官方下载),面向全球用户提供比特币 (BTC)、以太币 (ETH)、USDT、Shiba Inu (SHIB)、瑞波 XRP、狗狗币(Doge)等多种虚拟货币资产的币币和衍生品交易服务,方便快捷地管理投资加密货币等资产。

EuroOKX is the official registered of the first two virtual currency transactions worldwide and Web3 platforms (, providing assets such as currency and derivatives trading services for various virtual currency assets, such as BTC, Etai (ETH), USDDT, Shiba Inu (SHIB), Raepo XRP, Doge) to global users to facilitate the rapid management of investment in encrypted currencies and derivatives.


A rich encrypted asset management platform

● 我们在全球200多个国家和地区中为5千多万用户提供安全、专业的虚拟货币交易体验,轻鬆买卖 Bitcoin (BTC),Ethereum (ETH),Litecoin (LTC),瑞波XRP,波场TRX,EOS,OKB、DOGE等其他虚拟货币及数字资产。

• We provide more than 50 million users with a secure, professional virtual currency trading experience in more than 200 countries and regions around the world, easy trade in Bitcoin (BTC), Etheeum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), RaeboXRP, Wavefield TRX, EOS, OKB, DOGE, other virtual currency and digital assets.

● 我们提供安全可靠的虚拟货币资产管理服务,目前提供 400 多种币币和合约交易对。

• We provide a secure and reliable virtual currency asset management service, currently providing 400 multi-currency and contractual transactions.

● 强大的 OKX Wallet,帮助您查看不同 DeFi 协议和区块链下的所有数字资产及NFT。

• Strong OKX Wallet, to help you view all digital assets and NFTs in the chain of different DeFi protocols and blocks.

拥有OKX 平台,你即拥有行业领先的加密货币交易平台及Web3钱包,一键切换Cefi 和 Defi,Web3 入口,一个就够!

You own the OKX platform, you own the industry's leading encrypted money exchange platform and Web3 wallet, and one key to switch the Cefi and Defi, Web3 entrances, one is enough!

如何注册OK交易所?OK App怎么下载?OK官网注册教程

How do you register the OK Exchange? How do you download it?


OKEX Euro-for-money method:

(1).打开并登陆OKEx App,进入“法币”页面,选择想要交易的币种,以发布买入BTC交易为例:

(1) Opening and landing of OKEx App, entering & & ldquo; French & rdquo; page, selecting the currency in which the transaction is to be made, for example, by issuing BTC purchases:


(2) Select BTC/CNY, which can be “ buy ” “ sell ” page for all listings and select & & & & & & rdquao; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & quo; all & & & & & & & & & & & & & & quo; choose the payment method, choose the appropriate price and & & & & & & & & & & & & & ;


(3) Click on “ buy on ” enter on “ buy on BTC & rdquo; page to view the order, completion rate, payment method and listing information of the business, enter the quantity and amount to be purchased, click on & & & rdquo; confirm on & & rdquo;


(4) After confirmation, click on “ order & rdquo; select uncompleted order, see purchase order information, click & & ldquao; go pay & rdquao;


(5) Entering the payment details page allows payment to be made on the basis of the vendor account information posted on the page, and after confirming the payment's success, click on “ I have paid ” it is sufficient to wait for the other party to give its currency.

币安(Binance)交易所(官方注册 官方下载)是一家全球性的加密货币交易所,服务包括北美、欧洲、台湾、中东、香港、马来西亚在内的180个国家地区,提供超过600种加密货币,在全球拥有1.2亿注册用户。自2018年以来,币安在交易量方面被认为是全世界上最大的加密货币交易所,24小时交易量高达760亿美金。

The Binance Exchange (


After six years of development, currency security has become a signpost for the crypto-currency industry and has been welcomed by a large number of global crypto-currency investors, thanks to a wealth of subject matter, low transaction fees, higher liquidity, high standards of security, high-quality Chinese service.


At present, it has established joint ventures with leading partners around the world, setting up secure asset trading platforms in Japan, France, Italy, Spain, Dubai, the United States, New Zealand, etc., to support French currency deposits, and obtaining local regulatory license plates. Other countries and regions (including Taiwan/Hong Kong) can open their accounts at the Générale International Station.


It is a global, globally competitive and influential digital asset service provider that provides high-quality services to millions of users in more than 130 countries. There are independent trading operations and operations centres in Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, and many other countries. It is a global leader in technology platforms, product feeders, secure wind control systems, operations, and customer service systems.

Coinbase Pro总部设立在美国,为用户提供安全的平台,方便用户进行各种数字资产投资。Coinbase Pro平台界面简洁易用,包括实时订单查询、图表工具、交易历史记录和简单的订单流程。

Coinbase Pro is based in the United States to provide a secure platform for users to invest in a variety of digital assets. The Coinbase Pro platform interface is simple and easy to use, including real-time order queries, graphic tools, transaction history records and simple order processes.


Coinbase attaches great importance to customer funds and the security of transactions, which is referred to as the safest bitcoin trading platform. Coinbase traders need dual authentication when trading in tokens.


Coinbase used less than 2 per cent of the money of all traders for on-line transactions, while more than 98 per cent of the funds were held on an off-line server, so that the risk of theft and the loss of stolen funds by clients would be significantly reduced and the day-to-day transactions would be successfully completed, which would require that Coinbase have stronger managerial capabilities and levels.


Coinbase’s network of officials shows that it now provides more than $150 billion in encrypted currency transactions to more than 30 million traders in 76 countries around the world. According to external sources, Coinbase’s revenue in 2018 was $1.3 billion, and the company’s market value was $8 billion, a truly crypto-currency Licorne enterprise.


Although Coinbase currently supports currency transactions in more than 100 countries, mainly in North America and Europe, where money can be imported and traded in French and not in Chinese. Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong in Asia can make spot (currency) transactions to support credit card purchases. Coinbase, in mainland China, does not support any transactions at all, but it can be registered as a wallet (bitcoin bank) and used free of charge.

BitMEX 是一个P2P交易平台,为HDR Global Trading Limited所有。它由一群拥有超过 40年金融经验的专业人士创建,该平台只处理比特币,即使买卖的是其他数字货币的合约,其盈利和亏损也只能以比特币计算,它旨在让投资者仅使用比特币就可进入全球金融市场。BitMEX不接受法定货币(政府发行的货币),但允许使用高杠杆交易。

BitMEX is a P2P trading platform owned by HDR Global Trading Limited. It was created by a group of professionals with more than 40 years of financial experience. The platform deals only with bitcoins, and even if it deals in other digital currency contracts, its profits and losses are calculated in bitcoins, which are designed to allow investors to access global financial markets by using bitcoins alone. BitMEX does not accept statutory currencies (government-issued currencies), but allows highly leveraged transactions.


MEXC has successfully created a one-stop shop for digital assets that can also provide users with transactional services, including off-the-shelf, leverage, ETF, and contracts.


Since its inception, MEXC has applied for compliance plates in four countries: Estonia, Canada, and the United States.


Kraken was founded in 2011 and has developed for more than a decade now, supported by a large number of currencies, with its headquarters in San Francisco as the international station for bitcoin, the largest trading volume in the euro. The Knet has gained a very large number of investors’ attention with super-security.

Upbit 是一个比较新的韩国 C2C 交易所,它由韩国最大的即时消息软件开发商 Kakao 旗下的金融科技公司 Dunamu 推出,Kakao 与 Bittrex 联合为Upbit 提供了大量不同种类的加密货币交易。除此之外,Upbit平台还拥有先进的区块链技术、专业的监管知识以及丰富的操作诀窍,多年来,它一直为用户提供安全和人性化的服务。

Upbit is a relatively new Korean C2C exchange, launched by Dunamu, Korea’s largest instant messaging software developer, Kakao’s financial technology firm, and Kakao and Bittrex have jointly provided Upbit with a number of different kinds of encrypted currency transactions. In addition, the Upbit platform has advanced block chain technology, professional regulatory knowledge, and a wealth of operational know-how, and for many years it has provided users with safe and humane services.

Bitget创立于2018年,总部位于新加坡,是全球著名的数字资产衍生品交易平台。2020年7月Bitget完成了韩国顶级游戏公司SNK领投和顶级资本安澜资本跟投的千万美金的B轮融资,估值10亿美金。目前Bitget合约交易量稳居全球前五,据TokenInsight数据显示,Bitget USDT合约流动性位列行业前三。

Bitget, founded in 2018 and based in Singapore, is a well-known global platform for digital asset derivatives trading. In July 2020, Bitget completed the top Korean game company, SNK, with tens of millions of dollars in capital-led and capital-consolidated round B financing, valued at $1 billion.


Bitget currently has branches in Japan, Korea, Viet Nam, Canada, etc., and its team members are excellent people from top international cryptography, financial investment, social media and video games.


Bitfinex is one of the largest and most senior Bitcoin international stations in the world, supporting transactions in virtual currency such as Taiku, Bitcoin, Lightcoin, and Ether Classic, with a daily turnover of more than 3 billion yuan. Offering currency transactions, dollar-dollar transactions. Registration is very simple. In 2016, Bitfinex was stolen from social media by some 120,000 bitcoins.


1. Gold Books: a one-stop industrial service platform for clustering industry news, information, goodwill, data, etc., we pursue timely, comprehensive, professional and accurate information and data and are committed to providing the best services to sector chain entrepreneurs and digital money investors.


2. Babbitt: Founder of the Forum, who started with a large number of bulls, has now been transformed into a news platform, and has done well at the lower-chain node forum. Traditional output media, rich in content and of high quality, are unique: old-fashioned information flow software, with the strongest combination.


3. Mars Finances: It is a segmental industry media platform that is similar to gold and has the advantage of listening to news.

4.区块链头条:区块链头条是新锐区块链媒体品牌,聚焦全球区块链行业资讯,专注于区块链产业的服务平台。集快讯、时讯、深研、行情、课堂等为一体。7*24 小时行业资讯追踪报道,秉承“客观、真实、深度”的理念,服务全球区块链领域生态。

4. Block chain headlines: The block chain header is a brand new block chain media brand that focuses on global block chain industry information and focuses on service platforms in block chain industry. The QuickSurvey, Time, Study, Behavior, Classroom, etc. are integrated. 7 *24 hours of industry information tracking coverage, based on &ldquao; objective, real, deep & rdquao; and the idea of serving the ecology of the global block chain.

1.Aicoin:炒币软件必备,圈子里用的人挺多的。Aicoin适合技术分析派,里面有很多技术分析工具、画线图表,优点是划线可以保存,并且有多个平台的行情,提供大量合约相关数据。AICoin ,是一款行情软件,有国内的团队开发,有手机客户端,上面也有各类的资讯提供。

1. Aicoin: This software is necessary and is used by a large number of people in the circle. Aicoin is suitable for technical analysts, with many technical analytical tools, graphic drawings, and the advantage is that it can be saved by drawing lines and multiple platforms, providing a large amount of contract-related data. AICoin, a community development in the country, a mobile phone client, and a variety of information on it.


A social network of 15 million traders and investors, using the world's best graphics and analytical tools to identify opportunities in the global market. Use us to track assets you like, find trade ideas, talk to others, discover trends and make transactions directly on our charts.


CoinMarketcap: Coinmarketcap, or CMC, primarily in the United States market, is a well-established block-chain data service site, and ranking data has been questioned in the industry since it was acquired by the currency this year, although it is still one of the largest in the world. CoinMarketCap is the most quoted global price-tracking site for encrypted assets in the fast-growing area of cryptography. Its mission is to draw its own wise conclusions by giving neutral, high-quality and accurate information to retail users so that encryption becomes detectable and efficient on a global scale.


2. Non-quantifiable: The country's very good block chain data service provider is also a standing tool for people in the community. It is a national platform for data analysis focusing on block chain data, bringing together global digital asset resources, providing information in big currency, providing professional real-time transactions, trend analysis, asset booking, etc.


1. Euroweb3.0 Wallet, the most popular, best used decentralized wallet, and more secure for large companies.


2.imtoken: is one of the most dominant wallets in the current currency circle and has achieved a new financial mode of one-stop management of accounts, where users can perform bill collection operations.


MetaMask: More specialized categories and more advanced applications than other software of the same type.


1. Coin: Performance indicators, with better data and a reminder function, are useful. Most importantly, you can access data from mainstream platforms, record your own operations, and make it easier to rewrite them.


BitFrog (former contractor): The real disk functions are similar to the coins.

以上就是比特币交易的十大平台 最安全的比特币交易平台的详细内容,更多关于比特币交易平台的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!

This is the details of the ten largest bitcoin trading platforms, the safest bitcoin trading platform, and more information about the bitcoin trading platform.




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