On 18 June Beijing time, for the first time since December 2020, Bitcoin broke the key threshold of US$ 20,000, which had previously been seen as a “value technology” support line and also as an “psychological” support line for investors.
Then, in the afternoon of 19 June, Bitcoin fell down to $18,000, down to about $175,97. During this period, the Ethio Day fell by 19 per cent to $881, the lowest level since January 2021.
By the end of the release, Bitcoin rebounded with other encrypted currencies, ending 12 consecutive days of decline. Bitcoin rose by 12% earlier on Sunday, recovering most of the land lost on Saturday, and is now back above the $20,000 gate.
专注于加密货币的对冲基金Pantera Capital的合伙人Paul Veradittakit表示:
Paul Veraditakit, partner of the hedge fund Pantera Capital, which focuses on encrypted currency, says:
“I think we're starting to touch the level of institutional investors near the bottom of the buy-in.”
According to CoinGecko, over the weekend just now, transactions were larger than usual, with Bitcoin trading close to $40 billion within 24 hours of noon on New York Sunday. Compared to last Saturday and Sunday, the volume was $25.6 billion and $22.5 billion, respectively.
不过,即使周日反弹,比特币本月仍下跌了近40%,较11月创下的历史高点下跌了70%以上。今年以来加密货币市场价值缩水超过1万亿美元,一些较小的代币已经下跌了90%。最近一轮的压力自算法稳定币TerrUSD(即UST)与美元的脱锚开始发酵并继续。随后,加密货币贷款机构Celsius决定停止取款。加密货币对冲基金Three Arrows Capital蒙受巨额损失,并表示正在考虑出售资产或进行救助,而另一家贷方Babel Finance上周五紧随Celsius的脚步。
The last round of pressure to stabilize the currency, Terrusd (i.e., UST) with the dollar, started fermenting and continuing. Then, the crypto-currency lending agency, Celsius, decided to stop the withdrawal. The encrypt currency hedge fund, Three Arrows Capital, suffered huge losses and indicated that it was considering selling assets or bailing out, while the other lender, Babel Finance, followed Celsius’s footsteps last Friday.
Analysts have warned that this breathing may be brief, that the overall tone remains negative, that monetary tightening has created macro resistance, and that the crisis within encrypted currencies has raised concerns about the growing dilemma.
Fairlead Strategies的管理合伙人兼创始人Katie Stockton表示,比特币一度突破了18300美元的技术支撑位,如果连续每周跌破该水平将增加跌至下一个支撑位13900美元的风险。她还表示,短期的“反趋势”技术信号“为近期反弹提供了一些希望” 。不过,她警告不要逢低买入,因为“势头非常负面”。
The management partner and founder of Fairlead Strategies, Katie Stockton, said that Bitcoin had once broken the 18,300-dollar technical support position, increasing the risk of falling to the next 13,900-dollar support position if it fell every week. She also said that the short-term “anti-trend” technology signal “gives some hope for a recent rebound.”
Other voices in the community of Crypto on Twitter use US$ 20,000 as a key support point for Bitcoin prices, which could be supported if the crossing were re-established within the next few days; otherwise, it could be some kind of market ceiling.
Quantum Economics创始人Mati Greenspan表示,20000美元的水平“意义重大”,因为它代表了2017年的高点,“从那时起,它在多个场合既是支撑又是阻力”,“如果我们能够达到并保持在该水平之上,那将是相当看涨的”。
According to Mati Greenspan, founder of Quantum Economics, the level of US$ 20,000 is “significant” because it represents the high point of 2017, “since then, it has been both a support and a resistance on several occasions” and “if we can reach and remain above that level, it will be quite high”.
After successive drops, rising losses now even make some of the most determined investors seem to be surrendering.
According to Glasnode data, a measure called the “profit margin of the output of expenditure” has been reduced to the lowest level in a year and is used to track how much profit is achieved on any given day in the digital money market activity in the block chain.
According to Glasnode, the profit margin for spending on output provides a clue to the mood and profitability within a given time frame, and reflects the realization of benefits for all the tokens operating on the chain. It shows an average, which does not necessarily mean that all long-term holders are selling, or that all sellers are losing, but it is another matter of concern for a market that has experienced many setbacks, with little apparent catalysts to help it turn around.
Genesis Global Trading的市场洞察主管Noelle Acheson在接受采访时表示:
In an interview with Noelle Acheson, the market insight manager of Genesis Global Trading, said:
"We've begun to see long-term holders selling as well. According to the data on the chain, some of them appear to be horribly sold out and exited at a price lower than cost."
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