
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:27 评论:0
现在的加密市场,就像乍暖还寒的北方初春,突然有那么几天热得要命,等你刚减了衣服,马上跟上几天冷得要死,没有及时加衣的人甚至要被这气温的忽上忽下折腾地生了病。Now the encryp...



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Now the encryption market, like the warm and cold beginning of the northern spring, is suddenly so hot that when you just lose your clothes, it's so cold that you keep up for a few days, and people who don't put their clothes on in time are sick even when they get caught up in the heat.


That's the old saying. Springs are freezing. People in spring, coming from the cold of winter, can't get used to it. It's a little warmer. It's cool.


Wear less like a silo.


Just past this round, under 30,000 dollars, it's a harsh winter, starting in June 2022 and ending in October 2023.


Between 30,000 and 60,000, and even as high as 2021 years ago, between October 2023 and April 2024, production was about to be halved in the early spring of the winter.


The cassava is so short that it's when the dolphins want to go up.


The clothes have to be reduced slowly, and the load has to be increased slowly. Not as soon as you see the temperature going up, the sun is shining at noon, and the outdoors are sweating, so you take off your coats and sweaters and wear your short-sleeve t-shirts. And then you take off your skin, and you get a strong one and you can swim in the sea that's still thorny. That's easy to cool.


Don't worry, don't hurry. Spring's here. Is summer far away?


Out of sight, in front of the BTC, there is only one road, and that is up.


Frustration is temporary, and victory is inevitable.


The boy in primary school asked me what the word "belief" meant. I said that faith meant that you firmly believed in success and victory.

偶然看到有人谈论黄金和BTC的比值(汇率)。目前BTC/t.oz(金衡盎司)大约是 $2384 / $63400=0.0376。这个汇率的历史极值是0.028。时间点想必大家也能猜到,正是2021年的两个小牛顶附近,即2021年4月和11月。

By chance, some talk about the ratio of gold to BTC (exchange rate). The current BTC/t.oz (Golden ounce) is about $2384/$63400 = 0.0376. The historical polar value of this exchange rate is 0.028. The point of time, as you can imagine, is just around two calf peaks in 2021, in April and November 2021.


In the above figure, the purple dot line represents the trend in the exchange rates of gold and BTC over the past 15 years. The two red arrows, pointing out that they reached a historical low twice in April and November 2021. In the past, as indicated by the black arrows in the figure, each time the exchange rate fell back to its previous polar point, it triggered a wave of BTC surges, pushing the exchange rate to a new low level.


Some people have been worried. Are you worried that if the dollar doesn't work, the BTC won't be able to count?


It's just like worrying that, “Without entrepreneurs, no one pays the workers” or “without landlords, no one rents the land to farmers to cultivate it.” This kind of person has to have an emperor in his head.


Without a butcher, you want to eat with a pig?


AI's going to destabilize the upper buildings, not the economic base. Look, Lebanon's got the world's first AI president. AI's officially president. Is it far from replacing entrepreneurs and managers?


The point is that this AI cannot be “centralized”, i.e. it cannot be controlled by a behind-the-scenes owner or a single interest group, but it must be “decentralized”, representing the interests of the whole, not just the special interests of an interest group or of a person.


Like BTC. BTC does not represent the unilateral interests of a mining group, the unilateral interests of developers, or the unilateral interests of any single group. BTC represents the overall interests of all BTC ecological participants.


A friend of an entrepreneur once threatened that the future AI would eliminate all the workers from the bottom, and that at that time the owners of his kind would have AI working with them in their sleep. In my opinion, this is a conundrum of bourgeois thinking. I dared to assume that even when AI completely replaced and eliminated the entrepreneurs and their proxies, it might not be unemployed.


Sooner or later, human beings find themselves worse than computers in global and strategic decision-making.


When it comes to monetary policy, some of the Fed’s old men meet to determine the fate of the world. I believe that their few human decisions cannot be compared to BTC’s undisturbed calculations.


The dollar recession is a historical necessity. That's the way it is. There's nothing to lose.


When the world is accustomed to decades of decline in value comparators, it is necessary to look for value anchors in various currencies, types of assets.


What's a dollar anchor?


Before the break-up of the Bretton Woods system in 1971, the United States dollar was anchored in gold. How much gold could be released.


What was the anchor of the dollar after the break-up of the Bretton Woods? Some say it was oil. They even made it up.


But, obviously, oil dollars and gold dollars do not mean anything at all. Gold dollars determine the distribution of dollars based on gold reserves. Oil dollars impose that only dollars can buy oil.


Within 9.6 million square kilometres, only RMB can buy buns. But we can't say that RMB anchors are buns?

石油美元,是一个构词法的障眼法。美元的锚不是石油本身,而是强制石油必须以美元结算的强制力 —— 美国对全世界的强制力,本质上,就是武力。武力本质是军力,军力本质是暴力。

Oil dollars are a barrier to the word. The anchor of the dollar is not the oil itself, but the force that forces oil to be settled in dollars -- the force of the United States against the world, in essence, force. Force is by nature military force, and force is by nature violence.


The unincorporated gold dollar has been transformed from a peaceful currency to a violent currency.


Gold dollars are peaceful, because gold is peaceful. Gold is peaceful, because gold cannot survive.


Gold does not automatically breed itself. Gold atoms do not produce small gold atoms. Gold does not produce natural rents, so it does not rent. Gold does not rent, and there is no violence and exploitation.

BTC也不能生息。1 BTC恒等于1 BTC。因此,BTC也是和平的,而不是暴力的和剥削的。(相反的,PoS代币的存币生息,终极意义就是暴力剥削,若无暴力可保证剥削,那么其价值必然衰落)

The BTC does not survive either. 1 BTC is always equal to 1 BTC. Thus, BTC is peaceful, not violent and exploitative.


BTC's anchor is never a dollar. It's just because you're using it for BTC now. BTC's anchor is energy. It comes from stars in the universe.


The way in which the BTC anchors its energy is also completely different from the way in which the dollar anchored gold in that year.


In other words, accounting simply does not restrain human desires and power, and the balance sheet must be a lie. Credit endorsement must end in credit failure. When President Nixon unilaterally suspended the exchange of dollars and gold in 1971, the dollar was on the path to credit bankruptcy.


BTC anchors energy not by saving it, but by draining it. So, energy is returned to the universe, and negative entropy is injected into BTC. There is no balance sheet, no credit endorsement, and there is no credit bankruptcy.


So, essentially, when we talk about the rise of the BTC, we talk about the fall of French and other assets, such as gold.

从BTC本位的角度讲,BTC从来就没有什么上涨。1 BTC永远是1 BTC。只不过,1美元所能兑换的BTC数量,越来越少,1盎司黄金所能兑换的BTC数量,也越来越少罢了。返回搜狐,查看更多

From BTC's perspective, BTC never went up much. 1 BTC is always 1 BTC. Only, the number of BTCs that can be exchanged for $1 is smaller and smaller and the number of BTCs that can be exchanged for 1 ounce of gold is smaller and smaller. returned to search for more





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