金色早报 | 比特币Layer2 Stack9小时未出块 彭博:以太坊ETF推出或将提前到7月2日

资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:22 评论:0
头条Headline▌比特币Layer 2 Stack今日凌晨近9小时未出块 bitcoinLayer2Stack hasn't come out in almost nine hours this morning 比特币Layer2 St...



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比特币Layer 2 Stack今日凌晨近9小时未出块

bitcoinLayer2Stack hasn't come out in almost nine hours this morning

比特币Layer2 Starx今日凌晨遭遇网络中断,近9小时未出块,官方将该事件归因于比特币重组(reorg)和“意外的矿工行为,目前已恢复出块。

Bitcoin Layer2 Starx, which suffered a network interruption in the early hours of this morning and which has remained uninhabited for almost nine hours, officially attributed to the reorganisation of Bitcoin and “unforeseen miner behaviour”, has now recovered.


PomboETF Analyst: The launch date of the is or will be advanced to 2 July

彭博ETF分析师Eric Balchunas在X平台发文表示:“现货以太坊ETF的推出日期或将提前到7月2日,听说工作人员今天向发行人发送了关于S-1的评论,而且评论内容很简短,没有什么大问题,要求一周后回复。他们很有可能会在下周宣布生效,并在假期前解决此事。任何可能都有可能,但这是我们目前最好的猜测。之前的预测日期是7月4日,所以这不是重大转变。”

The Bloomberg ETF analyst, Eric Balchunas, wrote on platform X: “The spot ETF roll-out date is or will be ahead of 2 July, and I heard that the staff sent comments on S-1 to the issuer today, and that the comments are brief, that there are no major problems, and that they are likely to be answered in a week. They will probably announce it next week and resolve the matter before the holiday. Any possibility is possible, but this is our best guess at the moment. The previous projection is 4 July, so this is not a major shift.”


Be good.


As of the release, according to Coingecko data:


BTC recently traded US$ 66088.72, with an increase or decrease of -0.8 % ;


ETH recently traded $3485.19 with an increase or decrease of +0.49 % ;


BNB recently traded $603.20, with an increase or decrease of +0.98 % ;


SOL recently traded $143.58, with an increase or decrease of -2.26 %;


DOGE recently traded US$0.1353 and increased or decreased by -4.05%;


The XPR recently awarded a price of 0.475 United States dollars, with an increase or decrease of -0.34 %.




State Governor of Oklahoma signed a bill exempting BTC miners from electricity sales taxes


The United States Governor of Oklahoma signed a bill exempting BTC miners from taxes on the sale of electricity.

▌日本金融厅对海外加密货币交易所LBank Exchange发出警告

warning issued by the Japan Financial Services Agency to the overseas encrypted currency exchange Lbank Exchange

日本金融厅于6月14日对海外加密货币(虚拟货币)交易所“LBankExchange”发出警告,称其提供未注册的虚拟货币交易。金融厅表示,LBank Exchange“所在地不明、代表人不明,通过互联网,以日本居住者为对象开展加密资产交易业务”。根据CoinGecko的统计,在24小时现货交易量排名中,LBank排名第56位的中小型交易所。

On 14 June, the Japan Financial Services Agency issued a warning to the overseas encrypted currency (virtual currency) exchange “LBank Exchange” to provide unregistered virtual currency transactions. The Financial Services Agency states that LBank Exchange “does not know where, represents, and uses the Internet for the purpose of encrypting asset transactions of Japanese residents.” According to CoinGecko, LBank ranks 56th in the 24-hour spot ranking of small and medium-sized exchanges.


MPs discuss the potential of embracing bitcoin to secure the financial future

美国参议员Cythina Lummis和Vivek Ramaswamy讨论了“美国拥抱比特币的巨大潜力”以“确保国家金融未来”。

Senators Cythina Lummis and Vivek Ramaswamy discussed “The United States embraces the great potential of Bitcoin” to “ensure the financial future of the country”.

▌美联储对Evolve Bank采取停止令


Evolve Bank and Trust与美联储达成停止令协议,美联储发现该银行在部分金融科技合作中存在不安全和不健全的操作,并缺乏足够的反洗钱控制措施。由于中介机构Synapse Financial Technologies的失败,导致许多金融科技用户的账户被冻结,Evolve因此受到关注。问题复杂化,因Synapse和Evolve的账目以及一些金融科技公司的账目对账户金额存在分歧。Evolve在加密货币生态系统中担任重要角色,包括为BlockFi和FTX客户提供金融服务。停止令要求Evolve提交更详细的合规计划和更新的尽职调查程序,确保拥有充足的客户信息。

Evolve Bank and Trust entered into a cessation agreement with the Federal Reserve, which found that the Bank was operating in an unsafe and inadequate way in part in financial science and technology cooperation and lacked sufficient anti-money-laundering controls. The failure of the intermediary Synapse Financial Technologies led to the freezing of accounts of many users of financial technology, and was therefore of concern to Evolve. The problem was complicated by differences between the accounts of Synapse and Evolve and the accounts of a number of financial science and technology companies. Evolve played an important role in the encrypted monetary ecosystem, including providing financial services to BlockFi and FTX clients.

▌南非总统Cyril Ramaphosa成功连任

President Cyril Ramaphosa of South Africa was re-elected .

南非总统Cyril Ramaphosa成功连任,将领导国家的首个多党联合政府。Cyril赢得159席,未达多数,与民主联盟、英卡塔自由党及爱国联盟组成国家统一政府。Cyril将继续执政五年,但不再有强大多数支持优势。 选举对南非加密货币行业影响不大。金融部门行为监管局(FSCA)设立加密货币许可制度,使南非成为非洲首批实施该制度的国家之一,Luno、Zignaly和VALR等公司已获许可证。南非将加密服务纳入《金融咨询和中介服务法》,监管数字资产。 跨政府金融科技工作组计划审查稳定币使用案例,并探讨代币化影响。四月起南非咨询指令,将加密货币纳入旅行规则,要求转账时传送钱包和护照信息,遏制洗钱。

Cyril Ramaphosa, President of South Africa, succeeded in re-election and will lead the country’s first multi-party coalition government. Cyril won 159 seats, with no majority, to form a unified national government with the Democratic Alliance, the Inkata Liberal Party, and the Patriotic Union. Cyril will remain in office for five years, but no longer has a strong majority of support advantages.


President of US-SEC: The economic essence of the product determines whether it belongs to securities under securities law

美国证券交易委员会(SEC)发布公告表示,Terraform Labs PTE,Ltd.和Do Kwon同意支付超过45亿美元,因一项持续数年的欺诈活动而被判赔偿,该欺诈活动涉及加密资产证券,导致当该计划瓦解时投资者遭受巨大损失。证券交易委员会主席Gary Gensler表示,本案证实了一再重申的事实:产品的经济实质,而不是标签、宣传或炒作决定了它是否属于证券法下的证券。

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a bulletin stating that Terraform Labs Pte, Ltd. and Do Kwon had agreed to pay more than $4.5 billion in compensation for a years-long fraud involving encrypted asset securities, which caused significant losses to investors when the scheme broke down. Gary Gensler, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, stated that the case confirmed the repeatedly reiterated fact that the economic essence of the product, rather than labelling, advertising or pegging, determined whether it belonged to securities under securities law.


Japanese Maruji Group announced the release of 170 million yen in digital green bonds through Securitize

日本主要零售商丸井集团(Marui)通过Securitize日本子公司Securitize Japan发行数字绿色债券,不过本次发行规模不大,仅为1.7亿日元(110 万美元),投资对象为 Marui 的 EPOS 信用卡持有人,债券的 1% 利息部分以 EPOS 积分支付,部分以现金支付。

Marui, Japan's main retailer, issued digital green bonds through Securitize Japan's Japanese subsidiary, Securitize Japan, although the issue was modest, amounting to only 170 million yen (US$ 1.1 million), investment was directed at Marui's EPOS credit card holder, 1 per cent of the bond interest was partially paid in EPOS credits and in part in cash.


Block Chain Application

▌Jupiter:Value Average已上线

Jupiter: Value Average is online

Solana生态DEX Jupiter在X平台发文宣布,作为V3版本发布的一部分,Value Average现已在Jupiter上线。据悉,Value Average旨在根据市场走势调整用户的投资来扩大投资组合,在价格下跌时购买更多,而在价格上涨时购买更少。

Solana Eco-DEX Jupiter announced on platform X that, as part of the release of version V3, Value Average is now online in Jupiter. Value Aveage is known to expand the portfolio by adjusting user investments to market trends, buying more when prices fall, and buying less when prices rise.


为游戏和 AI 产业提供模块化数据层的 CARV 在X平台宣布完成新一笔战略轮融资,日本Web3游戏公司double jump.tokyo Inc参投,具体金额和估值数据暂未披露。double jump.tokyo Inc是游戏Layer 1区块链Oasys的开发商,本轮融资后将成CARV去中心化数据层的节点运营者,并探索与CARV进行技术集成,据悉CAR 的核心用户将可获得Oasys代币空投。

CARV, which provides modularized data layers for games and the AI industry, announced the completion of a new strategic round of financing on platform X. The Japanese Web3 game company Double jump.tokyo Inc. participated, with specific amounts and valuation data not yet disclosed. Double jump.tokyo Inc. is the developer of the Layer 1 block Oasis, and the current round of financing will be used as CARV as a node operator for centralizing the data layer, and explore technical integration with CARV, which is known to be available to core CAR users.


Encrypted Currency


One victim lost $64,303 for copying the wrong address

据Scam Sniffer监测,一名受害者因从受污染的转账记录中复制了错误的地址而损失了64,303美元。

Scam Sniffer monitored the loss of USD 64,303 by one victim for copying the wrong address from the contaminated transfer records.


trump: will end Biden's war on encrypted currency and ensure that bitcoin will be made in the United States in the future .

唐纳德·特朗普表示,他将“结束乔·拜登对加密货币的战争,并确保加密货币和比特币的未来将在美国制造(made in America)。

Donald & Middot; Trump indicated that he would “end Joe & Middot; Biden's war on encrypted currency and ensure that the future of encrypted currency and Bitcoin will be manufactured in the United States (made in America).

▌美国矿业高管创立Bitcoin Voter Project组织,影响加密货币选民

> the U.S. mining executive created Bitcoin Voter Project to influence encoded currency voters

三家美国大型加密货币矿业公司的高管成立了非营利组织Bitcoin Voter Project,旨在教育选民关于比特币的信息,并计划在2024年总统大选前启动。Marathon Digital Holdings的Jayson Browder与Riot Platforms和CleanSpark的高管组成了该组织的董事会成员。该组织注册为501(c)(4)组织,不能主要支持某一候选人或政党。 该项目有约500万美元用于研究和选民教育,目标是让选民支持支持数字资产的候选人。与Coinbase的Stand With Crypto PAC不同,Bitcoin Voter Project目前未列出特定候选人或加密相关立法。Browder强调该组织为无党派,旨在识别和教育潜在选民,并计划未来影响政治选举。 许多加密倡导组织代表已表示支持Bitcoin Voter Project,截至6月14日,该组织已有数百人注册。

The executives of three major United States crypto-mining companies have established a non-profit organization, Bitcoin Voter Project, which aims to educate voters about Bitcoin and is scheduled to be launched before the presidential elections in 2024. Unlike the director of Spanish Digital Holdings, Jayson Brownder and the director of Riot Platforms and CleanSpark have now formed the board of directors of the organization. The organization is registered as 501(c)(4) and cannot primarily support a candidate or political party. The project has about $5 million for research and voter education, with the goal of allowing voters to support candidates for digital assets.


aptos day transactions grew by more than 1400% in three days

据The Block数据显示,Aptos用户交易数由5月23日的300万上升至5月26日的4718万,三天内飙升1,466%。Aptos上活跃地址的7天移动平均值也已回升,从5月初的61,000个攀升至月底的150,000个以上。据悉,最近的激增似乎与Aptos区块链的大规模采用无关,而是一款名为“Tapos”的新点击游戏,该游戏在5月底左右推出,用户可获得HEART代币作为回报。

According to The Block data, the number of Aptos users increased from 3 million on 23 May to 4,718 million on 26 May, and surged by 1,466 per cent in three days. The average of seven days of moving on the active address of Aptos has also risen, from 61,000 at the beginning of May to more than 150,000 at the end of the month. The recent surge appears to have nothing to do with the large-scale introduction of the Aptos block chain, but rather with a new click game called “Tapos”, which was launched around the end of May in return for which users were able to obtain HeART.


Ether has approximately $11.64 million in chain lending clearance near $3234


According to Defi Llama data, there is a loan liquidation line of approximately $11.64 million in the vicinity of $3234 in Ethio.


Key economic developments


Fed Master: 2% inflation may not be achieved by 2026

2024年FOMC票委、克利夫兰联储主席Loretta Mester在接受彭博电视台采访时表示,五月份通胀率较低是个好消息,但央行需要“观察这种状况持续一段时间”后才能降息。因此,要获得对抗通胀的信心,还有很多工作要做,经济预期中值与其对经济的看法接近,希望再有几个月类似的通胀数据,可能要到2026年才能达到2%的通胀率。

In an interview with Bloomberg TV in 2024, the FOMC Commission and Federal Reserve Chairman Loretta Mester stated that the low inflation rate in May was good news, but that the central bank needed to “watch the situation for some time” before it could lower interest rates. So much remained to be done to gain confidence in the fight against inflation, with the economy’s median expectations close to its view of the economy, and it was hoped that similar inflation data would be available for a few months, with inflation rates likely to reach 2% by 2026.


>. >........................................................................................................................


The three major indices of the United States and the United States showed mixed performances, falling by 0.15%, falling by 0.54% this week, falling by 0.54%, falling by 4 consecutively; the pamphlet 500 fell by 0.04%, rising by 1.58% this week, ending by 4 consecutively rising by 4%; and the nails rose by 0.12%, rising by 3.24% this week, with five successive transactions continuing to record high levels. Large technology shares rose by more than 2%, New Delhi by more than 1%, Google, Microsoft, Meta by a small margin; Tesla by 2%, and Apple and Amazon by a small margin. Among them, British Welda, Microsoft, and history by more than 3%, Bo grew by more than 23% this week, the largest single-week increase in history.


Gold encyclopedia.


What's "strong" Validiums

Validiums 是一种Layer 2扩展解决方案,旨在通过链下处理交易来优化以太坊的性能。Vailidiums 主要负责通过链下处理大多数交易并仅向主网发送简明证明进行验证来减少以太坊区块链的负载。链下交易处理方法可显著提高吞吐量并减少主网拥堵,从而带来更高效、更经济的以太坊体验。

Validiums is a Layer 2 extension solution, designed to optimize the performance of the Taiyan community by processing transactions under the chain. Validiums is primarily responsible for reducing the load of the Taiyan block chain by processing most transactions under the chain and sending simple certifications to the main network.


disclaimer: Gold Books serve as a block chain information platform, with articles published for information purposes only and not as an actual investment recommendation. Please develop a sound investment concept, so that risk awareness is raised.




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