
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:18 评论:0
  国家外汇局推出跨境贸易区块链项目;全国首例区块链公证书在北京开出;网传三星秘密测试自有区块链;美国政府在区块链上的支出在2017-2022年间将增加1000%……以下带您关注国内外区块链最新资讯。 The National Fore...



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The National Foreign Exchange Office has launched the Cross-border Trade Block Chain project; the country's first block chain certificate was released in Beijing; three-star secret testing of its own block chain was transmitted online;

  来源 | 数据观(转载请注明来源)

Source Dataview (reproduced with reference to source)

  整理 | 孙永慧

I'm going to clean up Sun Yong-hye.

  编辑 | 方茶云

Edit Fong Tea Clouds

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National Foreign Exchange Agency launch of the cross-border trade block chain project


The National Foreign Exchange Administration's Cross-border Trade Block Chain Service Platform project has recently been piloted on-line.


Launched by the National Foreign Exchange Authority, the project applies the technology of the Open Platform for the Registration of Block Chains of the Hangzhou Blocks, Credit Card (hereinafter referred to as the China Bank Block Chain Technical Institute), which is a credit card Ltd., primarily using the credible technical characteristics of the block chain to address cross-border financing difficulties for small and medium-sized enterprises and the high cost of financing, and to contribute comprehensively to the development of cross-border trade finance operations.


It was described that the Foreign Exchange Bureau platform, using “Export Receivables Financing (post-shipment)” as a business scenario, was managed on the platform from the time an enterprise submitted an application for financing, financing clearance, financing clearance, loan registration to repayment registration, through data from the block chain, and that the entire business process was managed through the platform. The export customs declaration, the core document in export trade finance, was checked through the block chain system to verify the authenticity of the document, automate the calculation of fundable balances corresponding to the customs declaration, and prevent duplication and overfunding.


, , < http://hofkt.org/bkt.org/bk_bk_bk_ http http://hk/hk/hk/htbktbk_ http http http://ht_h/ht_h/h/ht_ht_htak_www_www/hof_www.



The first national block chain certificate was launched in Beijing at .


On 19 April, the country’s first block chain certificate was issued at the Notary Office in Beijing.


“The block chain is essentially a highly credible data and computational technology that addresses trust and cost issues in an environment of information asymmetry, uncertainty. Notarial is an activity that is legally proven by the legal acts of the civil law , the authenticity and legality of the relevant facts and instruments.” The Director of the Notary Office in Beijing believes that there is complementarities between block chain technology and notarization, and that good use can be mutually beneficial. This is also a practical means of achieving a win-win effect between block chain technology and the notarized “1+1>2” through the dual trust in “national credibility + technological trust.”


According to the notary of the Notary Office, block chain certificates have also been effective in preventing paper document forgery, paper and steel printing, through block chain technology, and have greatly improved the efficiency of verification of public certificates asymmetrical information.


In the context of future development planning, CSAC indicated that it would explore ways to transform block chain certificates into a generally accepted consensus-building mechanism, an intelligent, effective and green contract-making mechanism, with access to nodes such as courts, civil affairs, real estate registries and other notarized institutions, as a resource consolidation platform based on the unique value of notarization.



The country's first block chain plus AI business licence was issued in Guangzhou at


On April 22, the country’s first business licence through the “block chain + AI” platform was issued at the Guangzhou Huang Po District Government Service Hall.


The Commercial Service Block Chain Platform, which utilizes block chain plus AI technology, compresss the original business start-up links of more than 140 “fills” to more than 20 “fill options”, reduces the number of information entries by about 85 per cent, shortens the filing time to 15 minutes, opens a new business start-up model of “one-day, zero-visit, one-key” services, significantly reduces the time required for business start-up and makes business start-up easier.



Hangzhou art protection from fraudulent traceability using "block chain technology"


In recent years, the Hangzhou art market has grown rapidly and how can it be empowered through technological innovation?


“For the time being, the first nine near-modern famous paintings, including the Qui white stone Reciprocal River Hills, the Yellow Bingoon's Episode of the Rock, and the Kibbutz of the Rivers, among others, have all been completed, and the art registration process has introduced leading area chain technology with NFC chips, with and the arts foundation, which is responsible for the collection, preparation and uplink of works of art from the Xinhua Retrace China. Through the innovative integration of bio-DNA, NFC chips, sector chains, cloud computing and network technologies, the protection of art protections and copyrights has been achieved, and data has been stored in DNA for up to four centuries.


In the next three years, the Foundation will set up its first Hesby Museum of Arts in China and will be located at the headquarters of the Global Centre for Art Trade. It will also engage in public goods for the conservation and restoration of cultural objects, discover the transmission of Eastern culture and promote the universalization of artistic education, while using technology to equip them with such works.



Technical Study on Block Chains in Henan Province established


On 21 April, the Henan Province Block Chain Technical Research Conference was inaugurated and the China Block Chain Technology and Industry Summit was held.


According to the information received, the Henan Regional Block Chain Technical Research Institute, a province-wide, professional and not-for-profit social organization specializing in technical research and application of the block chain, is the only provincial research institute in Henan Province Block Chain Industry and is one of the only provincial block chain technical research institutes in the country.


The Director of the China Computer Society's Division of Block Chains and the Special Adviser to Henan Province Block Chain Technical Research Society stated that, for Henan, the technology was short-lived, the industry was small, and applications were at an exploratory stage. He also stated that Henan, while facing challenges with regard to the number of businesses, the ecology of the industry, etc., had location and resource advantages, as well as technological advantages, the advantages of civil-military integration, and the backward advantages of information-based construction.

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net transmits three-star secret testing of their own block chains


Recently, CoinDesk edition quotes “Inners familiar with the Three Stars” reports, belonging to a three-star cluster team within the wireless sector of the group, are developing its network of clusters based on etheeum.

  尽管三星积极布局区块链早非新闻,今年2月推出的Galaxy S10就已内置私钥(Private Key)存储与加密货币钱包功能,但这是首次有具体引述消息来源指出三星已在着手研发自有的区块链。

Despite the fact that the Samsung block chain is not news, the Plaxy S10, which was launched in February this year, has built into the Private Key Storage and Encrypted Money Wallet function, for the first time specific sources have cited that Samsung is already developing its own block chain.

  该名消息人士指出,“目前,我们想做的是私有链(private blockchain),但这尚未确定。未来也可能会是公有链(public blockchain),但我认为它将是混合版,一种公有链与私有链的组合。”

The source says, “What we're trying to do is a private chain, but it's not certain. The future may also be a public chain, but I think it will be a hybrid, a combination of a public chain and a private chain.”


For the three-star block chain layout, sources also pointed out that the three-star block chain team had been in operation for at least one year and had launched a number of plans.

  今年2月三星推出旗舰手机Galaxy S10,已内置私钥(Private Key)存储功能,集成了防御级别的“Samsung Knox”以及由硬件支持的安全存储设备。同时还可支持区块链游戏平台Enjin、美容社群平台Cosmee、区块链游戏谜链猫(CryptoKitties)以及CoinDuck支付服务等4款去中心化应用程序。

In February this year, Tristar launched a flagship phone, Galaxy S10, with a built-in private key storage feature, which brings together a defensive-level “Samsung Knox” and hardware-backed security storage device. It also supports the centralization of four applications, such as the block chain game platform Enjin, the beauty community platform Cosmee, the CryptoKittys, and the CoinDuck payment service.




The IDC Government Insight Report, released on 18 April, mentions that the United States federal Government expects to increase block chain spending to $123.5 million by 2022, an increase of 1,000 per cent compared to $10.7 million in 2017.


According to IDC, the spending budget of the United States states and local governments on block chains will also increase, from $4.4 million in 2017 to $48.2 million in 2022, a similar increase of nearly 1,000 per cent.


The research manager of IDC, Shawn McCarthy, outlined that government investment in block chain technology may expand into more complex areas over time: “We believe that asset management, identity management and smart contracts will be government-led block chain solutions. Early spending will focus on supply chain and asset management solutions, while later spending will expand to include more identity management and complex financial transactions.”


IDC also noted that the block chain is likely to become the cornerstone technology of trade legislation and likely “to be implemented as a standard feature of certain types of authorized international trade, or as a standard for many types of government procurement.” As reported last month, the current Republican minority leader of the United States House of Representatives recently suggested that the block chain should be implemented in order to increase the transparency of the legislative process and bring more security and accountability to the Government.



The Minister of Finance of France called the block chain a priority for the Government

  法国财政部长Bruno Le Maire近日接受采访时表示,区块链技术是其政府的优先事项。

French Minister of Finance , speaking in a recent interview, said that block chain technology was a priority for his Government.

  Le Maire透露,作为法国对新兴行业承诺的证明,该州计划投资45亿欧元(500万美元)用于突破性创新,包括区块链,以抵抗中国和美国的技术优势。

Le Maire revealed that, as proof of France's commitment to emerging industries, the state plans to invest 4.5 billion euros ($5 million) in breakthrough innovations, including block chains, to resist the technological advantages of China and the United States.


In addition to funding, he highlighted the progress in the chain of custody foreseen by the “PACTE Act” adopted by the French Congress earlier this week.

  展望2019年剩余时间的议程,Le Maire表示政府已确定了区块链政策作为新重点领域。包括在法国工业部门实施区块链,为创新的区块链项目提供资金,并在法律和监管问题上支持这些项目。

Looking ahead to the agenda for the remainder of 2019, Le Maire indicated that the Government had identified the block chain policy as a new priority area, including the implementation of block chains in the French industrial sector, funding innovative block chain projects and supporting them on legal and regulatory issues.


  印度央行发布监管沙箱报告 支持区块链创新测试

Central Bank of India issues a report on the supervision of sandboxes to support innovative testing of block chains


On 18 April, the Indian Reserve Bank (RBI) issued a report that published its provisions for the supervision of sandboxes. This included testing various block chain applications and excluding encryption money-related items.


Three years ago, the Central Bank of India began to review its framework to better respond to “fast-growing” financial technology market dynamics. Now, the Central Bank of India has concluded that the public can try “innovation technologies” based on block chains, which gives the Bank an opportunity to assess whether new regulations are needed to protect consumers.


The Reserve Bank of India states that financial science and technology companies and consumers will benefit as well. Block chain companies “does not have to spend expensive extension costs when testing the viability of their products” and the public thus “reduced costs and improved access to financial services.”


The Reserve Bank of India has detailed a list of “innovation technologies” for sandbox testing, including block chain platforms, mobile payments and digital identity software, data analysis, artificial intelligence, or machine learning applications. Encrypted currency, encrypted exchange, and ICO are no longer covered by sandbox testing.



Essenzel, Generali Simplification of staff through block deployment benefits


Recently, Essenge and the Italian insurance group Generali launched a block chain solution to bring employee welfare into the digital age.


The two companies jointly declare that the product is intended to simplify the employee benefits of Generali, including life, disability, accident and health insurance.

  埃森哲在欧洲的保险业务负责人Daniele Presutti表示,使用区块链技术可以让公司简化保险中的“复杂”手工流程。

Daniele Presutti, head of insurance operations in Europe, said that the use of block chain technology would allow companies to simplify “complex” manual processes in insurance.


This solution was tested last year by the company Syngenta and Spain, with the participation of local insurance companies in Switzerland and Serbia.

  Generali员工福利首席执行官Sergio Di Caro说:“区块链技术的使用真正连接了生态系统以及客户、顾问、本地保险公司和Generali之间的无缝合作关系。区块链不仅会改变我们的网络,还会改变我们所知道的员工福利。”

The CEO of Generali's Staff Welfare, Sergio Di Caro, said: “The use of block chain technology really connects ecosystems and seamless partnerships between clients, consultants, local insurance companies and Generali. The block chain will change not only our network, but also the employee benefits we know.”

  Generali集团于2017年开始尝试区块链,当时它加入了B3i,这是一个保险行业区块链组织,旨在测试该技术的潜力。早在2016年,埃森哲的Abizer Rangwala就专注于该公司的保险IT战略,担任董事总经理,他表示,他预计区块链技术将对保险业产生“深远的影响”。

The Generali Group began its attempt on block chains in 2017, when it joined B3i, an insurance industry block chain organization designed to test the potential of the technology. As early as 2016, Abizer Rangwala of Essenzhe focused on the company’s insurance IT strategy and acted as Managing Director, who stated that he expected that block chain technology would have “a far-reaching impact” on the insurance industry.


The article is based on the author’s personal opinion and does not represent the network’s position.

(责任编辑:季丽亚 HN003)



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