Since May 31, the three national currency trading platforms, the Military Currency Network, the OkCoin Bank, and the Bitcoin China, have announced successively that they will resume the Bitcoin Treasury service. Since then, the Bitcoin has risen by more than 25% over the past few days, and by the time of publication, the three Bitcoin trading platforms are close to 18,000 yuan in bitcoin prices and have reached the price gap with the international platforms Bitfinex and Bitflyer.
A number of Bitcoin insiders said to the first financial journalist that the recovery had taken place, mainly after four months of regulatory review and overhaul, and that the domestic Bitcoin market had become more rational, and that the platform had adapted the regulatory requirements for anti-money-laundering. The anti-money-laundering measures of the various Bitcoin trading platforms were now very stringent, with a series of initiatives in the areas of user identification, customer information screening, etc.
According to the latest data from the Ministry of the Study of the Currency Blocks, the Japanese yen and the United States dollar ranked highest in the global currency denominated bitcoin transactions this week, at more than 30 per cent on average, compared to only 16.8 per cent in the renminbi, and the domestic Bitcoin trading market has become more rational.
监管显效 平台反洗钱系统升级
regulatory effectiveness platform anti-money-laundering system upgrade
The first financial reporter confirmed from various platforms that, as of 31 May, the OKCoin bank is currently in a pilot phase, with a maximum of 20 bitcoins per day and 200 bitcoins per day. As of the afternoon of 1 June, the platform has gradually resumed its operations, with a single limit of 50 bitcoins per day and 50 per day.
“恢复提币会给市场带来更多的流动性,短期内市场将经历一个消化调整的换手过程,中长期来说监管落地将给市场带来正面的影响。但恢复提币对于交易平台来说,工作量加大,特别是某些平台刚恢复提币不到12小时,就开始有用户反映提币数小时未能到账的问题,比特币网络目前因为技术限制,存在较为严峻的拥堵现象。” 太一云战略研究院高级研究员张珺对第一财经记者表示。
& & ldquo; Recovering the coin will bring more liquidity to the market, and in the short term the market will undergo a process of readjustment, with regulatory landings having a positive effect on the market in the medium to long term. But, for trading platforms, the recovery of the coin has increased the workload, especially since some platforms have just resumed raising the bill for less than 12 hours and have started to have users reflecting the failure to pay the bill for several hours, and the Bitcoin network is currently experiencing severe congestion due to technical constraints.
In January of this year, the Central Bank took over & ldquo; the gunnet & rdquo; & & & ldquo; bitcoin China & & rdquo; & & & & ldquo; OKCoin & & rdquo; & Bitcoin trading platform. On February 9, the three Bitcoin trading platforms, namely China, the gunnet, and OKcoin, issued an announcement that, in order to further curb speculation in the Bitcoin market, the possibility of Bitcoin doing illegal sales, money-laundering, and exchange of currency would be suspended.
After a four-month overhaul, anti-money-laundering measures are now very stringent in various bitcoin trading platforms. The first financial journalist was told by the money network that, following regulatory checks, the money network was actively cooperating in the overhaul, and the anti-money-laundering system was upgraded so that the use of digital assets, such as bitcoin, to carry out illegal activities on the currency web was very effective.
In the area of user identification, the identification of customers on the gunnet, in addition to information such as name, sex, occupation, address of residence or work unit, identity card number, validity of identity card, etc., is validated by interfaces, so that, after the expiry of the identity card, the user is automatically required to re-recapitulate the identity card photograph and the photograph of the person holding the identity card. At the same time, the platform will increase the visibility of the inventory user identification, which will eventually be fully accessible to all users. In addition, all customers of the currency will have to be certified by video, the platform will also have a blacklist system, and the system and processes for reporting suspicious transactions will be permanently archived.
For example, a registered user is required to register information such as a name, identity card number, mobile phone number, cross-check the identity card number and name with the citizen's database; video authentication is performed for users with a cumulative sum of more than 100,000 yuan; and a suspect user is required to provide proof of residence, source of funds, asset certification etc. for screening and screening.
The central bank has previously disclosed that the central bank’s two regulatory approaches to Bitcoin are moving forward: one on the Bitcoin trading platform, and the other on anti-money-laundering regulations for the Bitcoin platform, which will be introduced in June. The first financial reporter has learned from a number of insiders that the regulatory approach will be put in place in the near future.
The Director-General of the China Block Chain Research Centre, Dundee, stated to the first financial journalist that the regulators were currently mainly concerned about uncontrollable situations, not only because of the platform's regulatory problems, but also because of the many uncontrollable factors inherent in Bitcoin, such as anonymity, global liquidity and the fact that prices were more affected by external factors.
& ldquo; but regulators will also take into account that there are a number of countries around the world, including Japan and India, that are currently supporting policies to guide the healthy development of Bitcoin, hoping to leave some room for new things. & rdquao; Dundee says.
China’s Vice-President and Secretary-General of the China Society for Scientific and Technological Legal Research, Deng Jianjun, told the First Financial Journalists that China could take the following regulatory responses to the Bitcoin trading agency: First, the funds of the customer and trading agency should be effectively segregated from the bitcoin in order to protect the trading agency from the potential risk of misappropriation of funds from the client or from the bitcoin, or even from the roll (coin) run. Second, regulators could draw on the British financial science and technology field & ldquo; the sandbox & rdquo; and the mechanism, appropriately relaxing the regulatory base of the innovative business of the bitco trading agency involved in the testing, to stimulate innovation.
& & ldquo; At the right time, the regulator can drive the trading agency to bank the funds of the customer and, when the technical conditions are right, the third-party institution will independently host the customer’s digital assets stored in the trading institution. & & rdquo; Deng Jianjin’s proposal.
事实上,比特币作为一种去中心化的全球可交易数字资产,越来越多的国家正通过监管介入的方式接受比特币。俄罗斯央行近日正在制定立法,将对虚拟货币征税。俄罗斯央行副主席Olga Skorobogatova在5月25日表示:“虚拟货币有可能引发金融市场不稳定,因此需要受到管制。如果有人从事这个行业工作,那么就需要支付一定的税金,央行有必要将比特币活动纳入监管之下。”
In fact, Bitcoin is receiving bitcoin as a decentralised global tradable digital asset, and a growing number of countries are accepting bitcoin through regulatory intervention. The central bank of Russia has recently enacted legislation that will tax virtual currency.
Japan’s support for Bitcoin’s Payment of Services Amendment Act, which came into force on 1 April, recognized the legitimacy of virtual currency payment instruments, such as bitcoin. Australia also announced that it would consider Bitcoin as a currency on 1 July 2017, and that it would abolish the Bitcoin tax on goods and services.
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