
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:21 评论:0
币界网报道:“染色币”这三个字,已经是币圈十几年的夙愿。The word “chromatic currency” has been the wish of the currency ring for more t...



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The word “chromatic currency” has been the wish of the currency ring for more than a decade.


The dye currency was first proposed around 2012 and the first was simply to try to attach some information to bitcoin, so that it could be used to represent virtual or real assets other than some BTC.


That period was the beginning of Altcoin. We saw a lot of new currency discovery, and eventually most of it faded out of history, and the hard part was zero.


Colour is a formula to mark bitcoin, born around bitcoin without issuing any additional tokens, thereby providing a more valuable vehicle for different assets. From a certain point of view, dye is actually the expression of the “Crypto Destiny Community,” and bitcoin flourishes, and the color coins rises.


But for more than a decade, dyed coins have not really passed away.


The biggest reason for this is the limitations of the Bitcoin main network. When people see that the Etherms can quickly construct ecology and close their business models, the dyed coins are left untouched.

从人们在比特币上第一次思考如何把同质化的BTC标记为不同的染色聪(Colored Satoshi),这种“标记”的尝试渐渐让人们意识到了将资产发行到区块链上的巨大潜力。包括日后的NFT,其实也有染色币想法的影子。

From the first time in Bitcoin that people think about how to label a homogenous BTC as a different colored hearing (Colored Satoshi), the attempt to “mark” has gradually made people realize the great potential to distribute assets to the block chain. Including future NFTs, there is a shadow of dyed currency thinking.


Bitcoin was not an ecologically viable option, and the Tai Po itself had its currency in its own form, so the attempt to dye the currency out of history began to develop more asset chains.


It seems everything's going well. Don't people need any more ecology on Bitcoin?



For more than a decade, fundamentalists and core OGs were extremely conservative, delaying Bitcoin’s chances of transformation. To this day, many people still think of the so-called “bitcoin ecology” as nothing more than a slurring of Bitcoin’s network.


But the environment is already changing. Bitcoin eco-concentration is still two years old.


Bitcoin will be updated every once in a while (web-soft fork) to introduce new functionality and outreach to Bitcoin through a proposal for the improvement of collective will (BIPs). The Bitcoin collective will of these years is slowly putting down conservative stereotypes. More and more proposals are moving towards openness, flexibility, and freedom.


The Taproot upgrade at the end of 21 made a range of innovations possible, so we witnessed the explosion of a layer of agreements in 2022-2023. Are they really here to block bitcoin? I think that strong can have the soil to give them birth, so it's just right.


Once again, people focus their eyes on bitcoin, can bitcoin have an ecology? Should bitcoin have an ecology? What could bitcoin have an ecology? In question, the head deal Ordinals has created billions of dollars in market value.



Now, Bitcoin is beginning to have an ecology. And here's the trend. The soil is now at stake. In the second half of 2023, an anonymous developer (known as Arthur) created the Open Source Atomicals Agreement.


The ARC20 colour currency standard is defined as follows:

# 比特币的最小货币单位“聪”作为价值锚定基础,催生了一种同质化染色币标准,其中每个代币等价于1聪(即比特币的亿分之一,或0.00000001 BTC)。

# The smallest currency unit of Bitcoin, “Hear”, as the basis for value anchoring, has created a standard of homogenous dyeing, in which the equivalent value of each currency is 1 hearing (i.e. one-billion cent of Bitcoin, or 0.000001 BTC).

# Atomicals 协议提供了一种在比特币区块链上表示同质化代币资产的有效方法。借助 ARC-20 同质化代币标准,染色币技术得以应用于比特币生态,其中每个代币单位都由一个聪代表,从而确立了代币所有权的度量单位。因此,每个代币单位的价值至少等同于1聪,为代币价值提供了“数字含金量”。这保证了按照定义,每个代币的价值不会低于1聪。

#Atomicals provides an effective way to express homogenous monetic assets on the Bitcoin block chain. Using the ARC-20 standard of homogenization, the dye currency technique is applied to the Bitcoin ecology, in which each of the units is represented by a deaf person, thus establishing a unit of measure for the ownership of the coin. Thus, the value of each currency unit is equal to at least one hearing, providing a “digital amount of gold” for the monetic value. This ensures, by definition, that the value of each currency is not less than one.

# ARC-20 利用比特币的原生聪单位来代表每个代币,允许这些代币像普通比特币那样进行分割和组合。任何人都可以铸造 ARC-20 代币,并将其转移至任何比特币地址,适用于支持 UTXO 选择的钱包,例如Sparrow钱包。代币的发行方式包括直接发行和去中心化发行。

# ARC-20 uses Bitcoin's original hearing units to represent each currency, allowing it to be split and combined like the normal bitcoin. Anyone can cast ARC-20 coins and transfer them to any bitcoin address that supports UTXO's wallets, such as Sparrow's wallets.


Look back at the colored coins. Can this wish, which was ten years ago, be lit again?


The question was asked, "Why does it need to be dyed on bitcoins, since there are no other chains out there?


Bitcoin has no original form of currency. Unlike creating a token contract with Taiwan and Solana, we do not have a contract or a token. The entire Bitcoin ecology is still an open wasteland.


The naked eye can see that the *RC-20s of these two years have bloomed everywhere, and that the inscriptions and the symbols are born. What currency is best for Bitcoin ecology? People are exploring it. It's not clear that the OGs have given one answer a decade ago.


Bitcoin's starting point has always been value storage, and the “demons' destinies” represented by dyes are exactly what they were meant to be. We don't make garbage on bitcoins, but we make every bitcoins, every hearing, unique. The dyed currency model eventually gives Bitcoins.


Which are the ears, but only one? Which are the ears, 100? Which are the ears, 10,000?


In this ecological asset issue, bitcoin needs colored currency.


However, rather than the way in which the currency is issued, it would be better to refer to “chromatic currency” as a marking method, which the Atomicals agreement provides for, giving rise to the ARC-20 standard.


The larger vision lies at the back, where "chromatic plus dye" is 0 and 1 of Bitcoin's eco-application, and AVM will be the guiding path for future bitcoin-level application. bitcoin not only needs to dye it, but also the "chromatic" method itself.



This time, the concept of coloured currency was fortunately realized.


Apart from ARC-20, there are now no other agreement criteria that fully define the concept of dye currency; and ARC-20 itself, fortunately integrated into top-level service providers such as OKX, Binance, Unisat and others, has been adopted on a wide scale. In essence, “chromatic currency” does not refer to a specific agreement, but today Atomicals is the only agreement that fully fulfils the colour currency vision and is used and accepted on a certain scale. So, , I think, for a long time to come, ARC-20 will monopolize the concept of “chromatic currency”.


Over the past few months, I've heard a couple of agreements on the concept of dyeing, but they're not doing the thing of dyeing. What really happened was the Atomicals deal.


Atomicals brings us dyed currency, dyed currency brings the most original monetic to bitcoin, and dyed method opens the door to bitcoin's application. For the first time, we can go into a flexible, practical bitcoin era, with all the possibilities coming up.

很多Bitcoin OG还没有关注到这个已经落地的染色币玩法,世界各处还有很多理想主义者在寻找Atomicals这样的事物,希望最后我们能撞个满怀。

Bitcoin OG > > >. > >. > >. >. >. >. >. >




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