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"Strong" isn't the same as the classic "strong"


How much money do the Top Circles have now? About 10 billion dollars.


What's the concept of a billion dollars? Let's see a picture.

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Photos are derived from The Last Peace - 218 Chinese Big IT Prices (June Update) and photo data are compiled from the public data of major media outlets.


According to the 2015 data of the Hu-Yun list, the number of billion rich people is just 176. So, it's really a lot. And the Top Internet guys are worth 10 to 100 billion dollars at a price that hasn't yet materialized, while the chainers have 10 billion people in their home.


The Internet is no longer interesting, because it has few new opportunities. That means that the big guys in the picture have limited wealth growth. If they want to stay on the list, they need to play something new, like block chains.


Block chains are the rare chance of a backlash in today’s era of social stifling. With one condition: smartness or luck, it is possible to leapfrog into currency circles. Li laughter, Chen Wei Xing, and so on, have achieved financial upgrading through the block chain.

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Classic Internet bosses argue not often, but each time they fight, they deal with a lot of business, and they even feel sorry for their true opponents.


But there's no direct competition between the big people in the chain of blocks, and there's no real benefit, except for the "fire" of killing 1,000 self-defeating people, such as Chen Weising and Lee, who are laughing at each other.

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Recent Diagrams of Extorted Relationships

这两人的撕逼大战从4月持续到7月, 陈伟星撕李笑来收“展台费”,抨击EOS是空气币,说李笑来是“伪首富”,还欠着三万个比特币,并涉嫌洗钱或赌博。

The tear battle between the two men lasted from April to July, when Chen Wei-Sung laughed to collect the "show fee", criticizing EOS as an air currency, saying that Li laughed as a "false rich" and owed 30,000 bitcoins and was suspected of money laundering or gambling.


Li laughed to accuse Chen Weising of being a woman, and the quick founder was a nostalgia.


On 3 July, Li laughter came to the “record door” and, in a 53-minute conversation, Li laughter kept referring to air coins, pickles, fools... Chen Wei Xing then sent a message, this recording came from the very essence of his testimony against the liars.


Lee's laugh was serious, he started a full-scale counter-attack, he came up with a breakdown in the relationship between the two men and women on Twitter and on Twitter, and announced that a mysterious woman, Miss Zhao, who was close to the power center, was about to be released, and showed a tape showing Chen Wei-xing, which included: a false contract, a fraud from a bank...


Chen Wei Xing was also weak and forced to resign from the position of managing partner of the SWF due to a series of negative entanglements.


Why are the big guys always fighting, doing something that doesn't fit in with the big guy? If you want to fight, you need to get some power.

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In the United States, it is a matter of credibility and ability to speak. In China, the situation is more complicated, and the Chinese are both German and Chinese.


The chain of blocks is an industry that is particularly close to money, and the human side of greed is magnified indefinitely. The popular words of the currency circle -- distribution, billboards, air coins, cuttries, young models, rat barns -- are all negative phrases. People outside the circle do not feel the circle is dirty, the bubbles are big, the bad guys are large, the people in this industry have a few white lotions.


There's a saying in Lee's laughter: the founder of the block chain has to be at least a red, and the flow is the core of competitiveness, and the rest is bullshit.


So the currency circle now gives the illusion that there are no big players in it, but only the reds like Chen Weising and Li laughing, who are responsible for spreading personality charms and blowing bubbles. So you see only bubbles blowing, but you don't see beer brewing.


In the eyes of outsiders, the world of block chains, without elite beer-making, is a magnificent arena.


The chain of blocks is a tool for wealth, and some are pushed into a very high position by accident. The people who turn from the grass to the big man are telling the truth, the big man's heart is squeezing, the big man's rack feels like he can't be himself. It's really high. It's only when they're abroad that they can talk about alcohol and find a sense of freedom.

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Where's the beer maker?


It is difficult to be the founder of a block chain project, and the block chain industry requires a much higher degree of integration than other industries, such as natural personality, community engagement, financial literacy, and the need for more open thinking.


At present, such talent is less common in the block chain world and, while each has its merits, the combination capacity is particularly strong in the few.

如李笑来、陈伟星,认为自己不是普通人这没什么不对,Elon Musk也认为自己不是一般人,他的使命是拯救人类,只是在吹泡沫的同时也要把啤酒酿出来,不然下一轮泡沫到来的时候,就轮不到他们来吹了。

If Lee laughs and Chen Weissing thinks he is not a human being, Elon Musk thinks he is not a human being. His mission is to save humanity, but to blow the bubbles and make beer, or they will not blow when the next bubble comes.


Everyone has a very high-minded eye, and they can talk to each other, but they really don't agree with each other. It's the big guy who can make a real career, and he's got the ability, the love, the character, the ambition, the temperament.


From this perspective, there's no big guy in the ring, and most of the big guy now is just red.