
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:21 评论:0
1、数字货币将为经济社会带来哪些变化?数字货币是未来货币的发展趋势... 2、数字货币未来的发展趋势 3、美国酝酿对数字币新监管,数字币的前景如何? 4、我国数字货币发展现状及趋势 5、数字货币的发展前景怎么样?...



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In the future, as the digital currency market continues to grow and grow, governments will evolve into a more uniform and mature regulatory system. For example, by developing and improving relevant laws and regulations, clarifying the legal status and regulatory responsibilities of digital money, and ensuring a healthy and orderly development of the digital currency market.

逐渐取代实体货币:随着技术的发展和人们对便捷支付的需求不断增加,电子货币的使用越来越普及。在许多国家和地区,电子支付已经成为人们日常消费的主要方式,这意味着电子货币将逐步取代实体货币成为支付结算的主流。 更广泛的应用场景:电子货币除了在线上支付领域得到广泛应用外,线下支付也将逐步普及。

In many countries and regions, e-payments have become the dominant mode of people’s daily consumption, meaning that e-money will gradually replace the real currency as the mainstream of payment settlements. A broader application scenario: in addition to the widespread use of e-money on-line in the area of payments, below-line payments will become widespread.

数字货币的未来前景可期 数字货币推动金融包容性的提升 传统金融体系可能因为高门槛和高成本等限制而无法为每个人提供服务,而数字货币的发展能够推动金融的普惠性和包容性,让更多的人能够享受到金融服务。

The future prospects for digital money drive financial inclusion, the traditional financial system may not be able to deliver services to everyone because of constraints such as high thresholds and high costs, and the development of digital money can promote financial inclusion and access to financial services for more people.


To sum up, digital money, as a new currency, has many advantages and applications, especially in terms of payments, investment, and financial inclusion, and digital money has changed our lives quietly. In the future, the application and role of digital money will continue to evolve and improve, with the expectation that digital money will be used more widely and widely.

将会造成不可逆的经济损害,安全性大打折扣。结语:未来数字货币、电子支付肯定会替代一部分现金,纸币的发行量和流通量也会大幅减少,但不会彻底退出 历史 舞台。

There will be irreversible economic damage, and security will be greatly compromised. Conclusions: future digital money, electronic payments will certainly replace a portion of cash, and the circulation and circulation of banknotes will be significantly reduced, but not completely out of the historical arena.


The impact of the Virtual Currency (DCEP) on the future: to preserve monetary sovereignty and drive rmb towards globalization, the Central Bank will issue a virtual currency over the next three years that will replace 30 to 50 per cent of the banknotes currently in circulation, and will be able to track the course of all transactions of all people, avoid laundering of black money, corrupt... to better regulate foreign exchange, save printing of banknotes, protect against counterfeit markings, recycle, destroy costs, etc. The ease with which digital money is paid is not to be said.

1、逐渐取代实体货币:随着技术的发展和人们对便捷支付的需求不断增加,电子货币的使用越来越普及。在许多国家和地区,电子支付已经成为人们日常消费的主要方式,这意味着电子货币将逐步取代实体货币成为支付结算的主流。 更广泛的应用场景:电子货币除了在线上支付领域得到广泛应用外,线下支付也将逐步普及。

In many countries and regions, e-payments have become the dominant mode of people’s daily consumption, meaning that e-money will gradually replace the real currency as the mainstream of payment settlements. A broader application scenario: in addition to the widespread use of e-money on-line in the area of payments, below-line payments will become widespread.


2. The most visible change in the economy and society has been the change in the patterns and trading habits of consumers, which I personally believe may continue to develop in the future, but may not become the dominant mode of dealing.


Today, the dollar’s hegemonism has been delayed by the creation of a global system network of dollar-based systems, and it is very difficult to decouple. Now, with the issuance of digital renminbi, the renminbi is expected to break out of the hegemonism of the dollar and re-establish a new global payment system.


The development of the legal currency to the statutory digital currency is bound to save the costs of issuance, circulation, and efficiency of transactions or investments, and to increase the ease and transparency of economic transactions. On the one hand, central banks also guarantee the coherence of financial policy and the integrity of monetary policy, as well as the security of monetary transactions.


Digital currency is a double-edged sword, and, on the one hand, its underlying block chain technology has been decentralized and can be used in areas other than digital currency, which is one of the reasons for the popularity of bitcoin; and, on the other hand, if digital currency is widely used as a currency, it has a huge impact on the effectiveness of monetary policy, financial infrastructure, financial markets and financial stability.

数字货币的发展前景:目前数字货币市场存在一定混乱,投机现象显著,缺乏合理监管。为了维护市场秩序,确保市场的稳定健康发展,监管机制亟需完善。 数字货币的定义:数字货币是一种不受管制的、数字化的货币,通常由开发者发行和管理,被特定虚拟社区的成员所接受和使用。

In order to maintain order and ensure a stable and healthy market, regulatory mechanisms need to be improved. Digital money is defined as an unregulated, digitized currency that is usually issued and managed by developers and accepted and used by members of a particular virtual community.

尽管多国已开启数字货币布局,部分国家已发行数字货币,但数字货币的发行效果欠佳。随着数字化成为货币流通与支付领域的一种趋势,全球央行数字货币(Central Bank Digital Currency,简称 CBDC)的探索正如火如荼。

Although a number of countries have opened up digital currency layouts and some have issued digital currencies, digital currency distribution has been less effective. As digitalization has become a trend in currency circulation and payments, the global central bank’s search for digital currency (CBBDC) is just as intense.


The type of development of a digital currency, in fact, cannot be said about the development prospects of a digital currency, since it certainly determines the future course of development, the prospects for development and the development branch.


By last year, the price of Bitcoin was over $10,000, and the value of digital currencies began to be recognized. Digital currencies based on block-chain technology have several salient features: decentralized, retroactive, and non-manufacturing, when compared to traditional currencies.

数字货币的发展前景:目前数字货币市场存在一定混乱,投机现象显著,缺乏合理监管。为了维护市场秩序,确保市场的稳定健康发展,监管机制亟需完善。 数字货币的定义:数字货币是一种不受管制的、数字化的货币,通常由开发者发行和管理,被特定虚拟社区的成员所接受和使用。

The development prospects of digital money: There is some confusion in the current market for digital money, speculation is evident, and there is a lack of rational regulation. Regulatory mechanisms need to be improved in order to maintain market order and ensure a stable and healthy development of the market.

逐渐取代实体货币:随着技术的发展和人们对便捷支付的需求不断增加,电子货币的使用越来越普及。在许多国家和地区,电子支付已经成为人们日常消费的主要方式,这意味着电子货币将逐步取代实体货币成为支付结算的主流。 更广泛的应用场景:电子货币除了在线上支付领域得到广泛应用外,线下支付也将逐步普及。

In many countries and regions, e-payments have become the dominant mode of people’s daily consumption, meaning that e-money will gradually replace the real currency as the mainstream of payment settlements. A broader application scenario: in addition to the widespread use of e-money on-line in the area of payments, below-line payments will become widespread.


With advances in science and technology and the evolution of the global financial system, digital currencies have gradually moved from the periphery to the mainstream. In the future, we can foresee the following major trends.

Libra冲击主权,发展中国家推进央行法定数字货币 2019年6月,Facebook推出Libra虚拟加密货币,造成了世界性的影响。Libra的出现,可能形成全球范围内超主权货币,从而对传统交易结算货币造成影响。

In June 2019, Facebook launched Libra’s virtual encrypted currency, which has had a worldwide impact. Libra’s emergence could result in over-sovereign currency on a global scale, thus affecting the traditional transactional settlement currency.


According to Finbold data, the global number of encrypted currencies was only 8,000 + size in 2020, and by 2021 it was over 16,000, an increase of 998 per cent over the same year.


The digital renminbi may evolve in a direction conducive to promoting its use and increasing its ease of use, which will facilitate its widespread application and increase public acceptance, such as the possible trend towards “decoupling accounts” in favour of the use of digital renminbi by groups without internal bank accounts and in favour of inclusive finance.


Digital currencies also meet the demand for well-known payments, and, for ordinary people, few hundred pieces of small payments a day can still be kept under a closed name. It is in the interest of macroeconomic regulation. There is virtually no effective way to regulate the flow of its goods after traditional banknotes are issued. Digital currencies can readily collect data on manufacturing, accounting, liquidity, and, on the basis of data analysis, can give high-value references to currency placement, monetary policy design and implementation.

多国数字货币发行效果欠佳 虽然多国已经开始布局数字货币,并且有些国家已经推出了自己的数字货币,但目前这些数字货币的发行效果并不理想。 全球央行数字货币探索热情高涨 随着数字化趋势在货币流通和支付领域的扩展,全球央行对数字货币(CBDC)的探索正变得越来越活跃。

While many countries have begun to create digital currencies, and some have introduced their own ones, the current distribution of these currencies is not optimal. As the trend toward digitalization expands in the areas of currency circulation and payments, the global central bank’s search for digital currencies (CBDC) is becoming increasingly active.


Currently, a growing number of businesses have begun to accept digital currencies, such as bitcoins, as a means of payment. In the future, digital currencies are expected to be applied in more areas, such as education, health, and supply chain management, as block chain technology further develops and spreads.

数字货币的发展前景:目前数字货币市场存在一定混乱,投机现象显著,缺乏合理监管。为了维护市场秩序,确保市场的稳定健康发展,监管机制亟需完善。 数字货币的定义:数字货币是一种不受管制的、数字化的货币,通常由开发者发行和管理,被特定虚拟社区的成员所接受和使用。

In order to maintain order and ensure a stable and healthy market, regulatory mechanisms need to be improved. Digital money is defined as an unregulated, digitized currency that is usually issued and managed by developers and accepted and used by members of a particular virtual community.


As digital money technology continues to develop and expand its application, digital money will bring more facilitation and innovation. First, digital money has the advantage of being efficient, easy, and secure, and will be effective in improving the liquidation of payments, reducing transaction costs, and improving the overall efficiency of the financial system.

央行数字货币,全称为Central bank digital currencies,简称CBDC,译为中央银行数字货币。目前,全球86%的央行都在 探索 央行数字货币。

Central Bank digital currencies, known as Central Bank digital currencies, CBDC, have been translated into central bank digital currencies. Currently, 86% of the world’s central banks are exploring central bank digital currencies.


It is a digital currency that is issued and administered by the Rich Community Foundation. It is more secure and private than other digital currencies, making it easier for traders to make safe transactions.


The central bank can track the use of the renminbi to ensure that funds are used for legitimate enrichment activities, rather than being misused. The introduction of the renminbi helps to eliminate the middle line in the distribution of benefits, ensuring that people at the grass-roots level can truly benefit from welfare policies and make them more precise and effective.


Digital renminbi is an electronic wallet that will gradually replace physical wallets and further enhance the ease with which people do business. The frequency of use of electronic wallets will increase, thereby increasing the rate of use of bank mobile phone APPs. Digital renminbi will be an important tool for bank payments and promote innovation in the services provided on the bank line.


The book describes not only the dramatic changes and effects that digital money has had on people’s lives, but also the nature of digital money in the course of their past and present lives, the rationale for digital money and the way in which it is invested, as well as creative ideas such as a shared economic model under Internet finance, while anticipating the prospects for digital money.




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