
资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:39 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 金评媒,(https://xueqiu.com/4840637746/153861697)北京时间2020年7月13日,欧科云链OKLink正式上线DASH区块链浏览器,该浏览器延续了其他币种浏览器基本功能的同时,...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 金评媒,(https://xueqiu.com/4840637746/153861697)

北京时间2020年7月13日,欧科云链OKLink正式上线DASH区块链浏览器,该浏览器延续了其他币种浏览器基本功能的同时,OKLink DASH浏览器全网首推DASH矿池实时算力排名数据。

Beijing Time, 13 July 2020,

欧科云链OKLink DASH浏览器


& nbsp; in general, we consider BTC transactions to be anonymous. In practice, however, their transaction information, addresses and balances are recorded in public and permanent accounts, and in the case of BTC currency theft, users can use the chain data provided by OKLink to trace BTC, which has been split several times.


Similarly, OKLink can balance user demand for privacy with industry compliance by analysing transactions and using open chain data intelligence to mark DASH addresses with entities in the real world.


The DASH is known for its privacy, which is achieved through the PrivateSend (mixing technology). PrivateSend, which typically involves official wallets and main nodes, is similar to BTC’s use of a commingled machine to hide the origin of the money, thereby achieving the objective of anonymity in the transaction. It is worth noting, however, that PrivateSend is optional and, by default, Dash does not use monetization technology.


The common principle behind these anonymous trade techniques is that many individuals send money to a big deal, and that the new address controlled by each person receives the same amount of money as the original one. This makes it difficult to link each delivery to the accepted address.

Dash PrivateSend混币功能的示例:八个输入均为0.1 DASH,八个输出均为0.1 DASH。每个输入有一个对应的输出。

Examples of the Dash PrivateSend blend function: each input is 0.1  each input is 0.1  each output is 0.1  DASH. Each input has a corresponding output.

对于DASH的PrivateSend交易,用户的资金通常会被分成以下几类标准面额:10、1、0.1、0.01或0.001 DASH。然后这些资金会以混合交易的形式发送,且该交易仅包含特定某一种面额(例如,所有输入和输出都是0.1 DASH)。用户最后收到的DASH数额不变,但这笔资金已与其他PrivateSend用户的资金混合了。这些混合交易可以再通过PrivateSend发送给另一个用户。

For DASH’s PrivateSend transactions, the user’s funds are usually divided into the following categories: 10, 1, 0.1, 0.01 or 0.001  DASH. The funds are then sent in the form of a blended transaction and the transaction contains only one specific face value (e.g., all inputs and outputs are 0.1  DASH). The amount of DASH received by the user remains unchanged, but the funds are commingled with the funds of other PrivateSend users. These commingled transactions can be sent to another user via PrivateSend.

新上线的OKLink  DASH浏览器支持多形式的DASH链上数据查询。用户在浏览器首页选择DASH后,在搜索框输入地址/交易哈希/区块高度任一要素即可查看交易的详细信息。

The newly-lined OKLink & nbsp; DASH browser supports multiple forms of data queries on the DASH chain. After the user selects the DASH on the first page of the browser, details of the transaction can be found in the search box by entering any element of the address/trading Hashi/block height.

区块链浏览器是链上数据可视化窗口。除了直接搜索,数据展示也是其一项基础功能。OKLink DASH浏览器首页展示了全网算力、难度、合约数量等数据。

Blocks chain browser is the data visualization window on the chain. In addition to direct search, the data presentation is a basic feature. OKLink DASH front page displays data on full network numeracy, difficulty, number of contracts, etc.


The following is a detailed page that we enter when you enter the height of the block and you can see the general transactions, the DASH transactions and the output details of the block.



Enter the height of the block to see the normal transactions, DASH transactions and block-out details of the block packaged

为了增加数据多样性,服务更多用户,OKLink DASH浏览器全网首推DASH矿池实时算力排名数据。数据详细展示了各个矿池在24小时内的矿池爆块占比,爆块占比数据可以反映各大矿池的出块能力和幸运程度,也在一定程度上反映了各大矿池的单日盈利。由于短时间内全网出块速度波动较大,点击“更多”可以看到24小时内、三天、一周,甚至是全部时间范围内的爆块占比数据。

In order to increase the diversity of data and to serve more users, the OKLink DASH browser first pushes the DASH pond ranking data in real time. The data details the size of the ponds in 24 hours, the size of which can reflect the size and fortune of the major ponds and, to some extent, the single-day profitability of the major ponds. Because of the large fluctuations in the speed of the full net in a short period of time, “more” can be seen in 24 hours, three days, one week, and even in full time.


OKLink DASH浏览器全网首推DASH矿池实时算力排名数据

OKLink DASH browser first push DASH pit real-time arithmetic ranking data


In addition to this, the section adds a real-time/pre-estimated pond ranking. The real-time pond ranking is for monitoring and ranking the real-time arithmetic of the major ponds, and the estimated pond ranking is based on actual mass.

基于此前积累的行业经验与技术实力,欧科云链OKLink DASH浏览器在完善基础数据展示之外,还将结合交易分析和区块链浏览器的基本功能,添加更多专业的统计数据。

Based on previously accumulated industry experience and technical strength,





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