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南都讯 北京时间1月7日,比特币价格一度突破40000美元。而就在4天之后,比特币价格大幅下行,由39000美元附近一度跌至35000美元下方,日内跌超14%,回吐1月7日以来全部涨幅。可即便如此,比特币的价格较去年12月16日,已实现翻倍。比特币大涨,让一度沉寂的挖矿市场也重新火热,现在是一机难求。深圳华强北赛格电子市场作为比特币矿机的销售集中地,已经撤场的店铺人去楼空,而尚在坚持的商户则迎来了火爆销售的场面。更有店铺销售人员表示,最近比特币矿机价格大涨,价格较一个月前翻倍,价格实时波动。
Even so, the price of Bitcoin doubled from 16 December last year. Bitcoin soared, reheated the once-silent mine market, and it is now a challenge. As a concentration of Bitcoin machines in Shenzhen's North Segreg market, the shopkeepers who had withdrawn from the market went to the air, and the merchants who were still insisting on the sale of the fire. More shop sales people said that they had recently doubled the price of the mine than they had been a month before.
"Strong" comes to the bull market after many rounds of up and down.
Bitcoin was born in January 2009. On November 29, 2017, Bitcoin made the first breakthrough of $10,000 and climbed near the 20,000-dollar gate on December 19, 2017. Bitcoin prices in some exchanges went up by $20,000. After that, Bitcoin prices fell sharply. On February 1, 2018, Bitcoin prices fell by five and looked down to $4,000 at the end of the year.
In January 2018, Bitcoin became hot, and the operation of its “mine machine” was sold. In November 2018, Bitcoin fell by $3,500, and the sale of machines at the powerful North Segret market in Shenzhen was somewhat chilled.
In April 2019, the price of Bitcoin rose all the way up to $12,000 in July and fell cold to $8,000 in late September, after which it floated between $70,000 and $9,000. Since 2020, it fell short to $4,000 on 13 February, and after August, nearly $20,000 in one-by-one attack in November; the lowest price was seven times higher in the year; and prices rose by more than 300 per cent at the beginning of the year.
Bitcoin recovered $10,000 by the end of July 2020. In late October, Bitcoin broke by $12,000. In November, Bitcoin broke down a full threshold of $14,000 to $19,000 and boarded the next month by $20,000. About five months, Bitcoin prices passed the full point between $10,000 and $20,000. Bitcoin prices have taken about a half-month from $20,000 to $30,000 since the break of $20,000 on 16 December 2020.
Indeed, the price of Bitcoin has also greatly affected the market after a number of booms and drops. As the price of bitcoin continues to fall, the northern brancher of China began to retreat.
By January 7, 2021, the price of Bitcoin had once exceeded $40,000. By December 16, the price of Bitcoin had just broken $20,000, doubling in less than a month. The cumulative increase in Bitcoin since 2021 was over $110,000, more than five days from 30,000 to 40,000.
Bitcoin skyrocketed and mine prices doubled over the previous month
On 8 January, a reporter's visit to the electronics market in North Segreg, China, found that some of the miners were “man-made” and some of the shops that were still selling the machines were still on fire. Miner salesmen said that the price of the machines doubled in two months, but they were still in short supply, depending on whether or not they had a source. “Like this machine, 5,000 had been booked in March, 10,000 had been sold, 20,000 could be sold, and if you could get the goods from the factory, there was really no need for them. This industry is like this, not like the price rules for other products, it's like that.
The current sale of the hot S19/95T model, which, according to the salesmen, would have cost $47,500 on 8th day, would have cost more than 20,000 before a month, and the price would now have doubled, even if it was still in short supply, and “10 to 11 months, more than 20,000 more than a month ago, the price is now higher.”
When the price of 在1月9日凌晨比特币最高涨至40700美元/枚后,1月10日,比特币价格出现高位跳水,当日价格下跌4.78%跌破4万美元关口报收38159美元/枚。而在1月11日凌晨,比特币突然“跳水”,短线下跌至33555美元/枚,在北京时间11日19点12分,比特币报价为34536美元上方。其余加密货币也跌势不止。 After the peak of Bitcoin up to $40,700/me in the early hours of 9 January, on 10 January, bitcoin prices fell by 4.78 per cent and fell by $40,000 on that day to collect $38159/me. In the early hours of 11 January, Bitcoin suddenly “dived” and fell to $33555/me; on 11 January, at 19:12 Beijing time, Bitcoin was quoted above $34536. The rest of the encrypted currency also fell. 因此,矿机销售业务也颇受影响,有矿机销售员向记者吐槽,前两天高价回收的二手机如今只能折价卖出去。“矿机的价格是实时变化的,我现在给你报的价只要你不给定金,过会儿就变了,都是跟着比特币的价格在走。”但与此同时,也有销售人员认为,始终看好比特币的行情,“做这个行业要看长期,要有信仰,长期都是看涨的。” As a result, the mine machine sales business has also been affected, with mine sellers spitting at journalists, and two mobile phones recovered the previous two days can only be sold at a discount. “The price of the mine machine has changed in real time, and I now give you a price that will change as long as you don’t give a deposit, and will follow the price of bitcoin.” At the same time, there are salesmen who believe that Bitcoin’s business is always better, and that “the industry depends on the long term, on faith, and on the long term”. 编辑:李斌 Editor: Li Bin
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