
资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:21 评论:0
本文来自微信公众号:凤凰WEEKLY财经 (ID:fhzkzk),作者:刘思洁,编辑:雪梨王,原文标题:《我,35岁程序员,卷入币圈死亡螺旋,千万资产3天归零》,头图来自:《大空头》剧照˂span class="text-remarks"...



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本文来自微信公众号:凤凰WEEKLY财经 (ID:fhzkzk),作者:刘思洁,编辑:雪梨王,原文标题:《我,35岁程序员,卷入币圈死亡螺旋,千万资产3天归零》,头图来自:《大空头》剧照


Assets in the


A 35-year-old programmer, Guo Ri, spent the darkest week of his life. He took a week off, couldn't sleep every day, and could only eat a little food if he was forced to do so by his wife. He looked at the news on his cell phone and tried to see in a lot of news that the money he bought for Luna might rise, but the data fell through his expectations at one time — $50, $20, $1, 0.000112.


This star-digital currency, which was ranked fourth in the market’s highest ranking in crypto-currency market, once achieved the dreams of millions of people’s wealth by a 100-fold increase in 2021, evaporating figures on countless accounts in just a few days. Of course, there was hope in the huge crisis, and there were people who made huge sums of money during the crash, either by leveraging the void, moving bricks across exchanges and chains, or by successfully cutting the bottom.


Along with Luna is its accompanying algorithm to stabilize the currency UST. It is the model of the mutual mosaic between Luna and UST that ensures a balance between supply and demand, thereby stabilizing the UST, which has no assets to encumber at a dollar price.


On 8 May, a large number of USTs were deliberately sold, the balance was broken, USTs were delinked from the dollar, and many people used USTs to convert them to Luna, causing Luna to fall again. anchored a $1-stabilized US$0.03 at its lowest price and Luna at its lowest price of US$0.0000112.

5月25日晚间,Luna和UST背后的Terra区块链生态系统在推特宣布,开发者已经投票支持新建一个区块链,并发行新的Luna币。新币将于5月27日分配给原有Luna币和UST的持有者。5月28日,Luna 2.0正式上线,但人们对其信心再难重建。

On the evening of 25 May, the Terra block chain ecosystem behind Luna and UST announced on Twitter that developers had voted for the creation of a new block chain and the issuance of a new Luna currency. The new currency would be distributed to the original Lunan and UST holders on 27 May. On 28 May, Luna 2.0 officially went online, but confidence in it would be difficult to rebuild.


这是一个创新,币圈内的人几乎都不会去反驳这一观点。UST和Luna都是Terra公链上发行的一种代币,但Terra又不仅仅是一条公链,围绕着这条公链,衍生出了许多产品,Terra是一个区块链,一个银行,一个支付处理机构等。这个由30岁的韩国人Do Kwon作为联合创始人创办的区块链项目,曾被一些圈内人士评价为“将改变主流金融业”。

This is an innovation, and almost none of the people in the currency circle would dispute this view. UST and Luna are a token issued on the Terra public chain, but Terra is not just a public chain around which many products are derived, Terra is a block chain, a bank, a payment processor, and so on. This block chain project, founded by 30-year-old Korean Do Kwon as a co-founder, was evaluated by some insiders as “will change the mainstream financial sector”.


He was the first to reach Terra at the end of 2020. At the same time, he was connected to a project called Mirror.


“The project is perfect, whether it is the design of the economic model, the incentives of the project or the governance of the community.” Guo Rui’s words continue to be highly admired, despite the fact that he has experienced zero assets and talks about Terra’s project.


In Terra’s ecology, each project is surrounded by pieces – the more solid UST is needed in Mirror, the better it needs to develop, the more UST is needed. The algorithmic UST is precisely the cornerstone of Terra’s ecology, which is booming, and there are many excellent developers who build their own block chains on Terra’s public chain. Guerre is one of the strains of Terra’s ecology.

UST和Luna是一个共生的关系。在创始人Do Kwon设计的规则之下,UST始终可以兑换价值1美元的Luna,而UST和Luna保持着双向销毁和铸造的关系。郭瑞敏锐地觉察到,因为Terra生态稳中向好地发展,人们对于UST的需求增加,Luna的价格也会越来越高。

UST and Luna are symbiotic relationships. , under the rules designed by the founder Do Kwon, UST always converts to Luna, which is worth $1, while UST and Luna maintain a two-way destruction and casting relationship.


In Project Mirror, Guo Rui earned three times the money. He took it out and invested it all in Luna. In February 2021, Luna had a price of about $2.


Guo's judgment seems to be correct — Luna's price peaked this year at $119, with a market value of $41 billion. According to the data of May 27, our famous Internet company has a market value of only $47 billion.


Another project that attracts numerous investors is a project launched by the Terra project, known as Ancor, which is equivalent to a bank that provides loans on UST deposits. It will provide depositors with up to 20% annual interest rates, attracting a large number of investors to buy into the UST deposit on the Ancor project, at high interest rates.


This year’s 25-year-old bounty hunter was one of them. At the end of 2021, an encrypted currency market, he deposited $80,000 in the UST to earn high profits. In his view, depositing money in Ancor was one of the few ways in which he could make money in Bear City.



In fact, he initially sensed the smell of the project's Ponsche. He told himself at the time of depositing it in the UST that if anything happened back there, he would withdraw the money immediately.


’s vast amount of UST money in the Anchor project, which does not flow in the market, and because of the arrival of the Bear City and the poor returns of the Anchor lending business, it is not possible to achieve 20% of the promised interest rate return through its own blood. In order to maintain the operation of Anchor, the Terra Foundation can only use the reserve to fill the interest gap. The huge interest gap is a disgruntled hole, and there are reports that the reserve will be depleted by June this year.


And the crash spread from Project Anchor. With the arrival of the Bear City, it became clear that it was no longer possible to sustain high interest rates — first of all, large-scale selling of UST by large institutions, causing fear in the diaspora, beginning to convert the UST into Luna, and causing a surge in Luna in the market and a sharp fall in Luna's prices.



The bounty hunter received early warning on 7 May, when the price of UST was US$ 0.997, and the information on the chain was already being sold by a lot of people. But he did not immediately withdraw his UST from Project Ancor, as had been planned at the time. Also on 7 May, at around 6 a.m., Guore received a call from a friend who told Guore that UST had broken down.


The worst was the fall in the currency circle on May 19, 2021. Bitcoin fell by 34% in the same day, and more bounties fell worse, and UST prices fell at a minimum of 0.96 dollars in the same day. At the same time, Guore had a panic, but because of his belief in Terra ecology, he even took down some USTs when panic spreads, and then used these “closing” USTs to buy Luna.


Later on, the bounty hunter repeated why he didn't act when he was aware of the danger, and :


In reality, however, unlike the UST and other stable currencies in the block chain, has no asset anchoring behind it to keep its price stable at $1. Instead, it uses a mechanism to balance UST and Luna by linking it to a highly volatile Luna.


Under the design of the mechanism, 1UST would always be convertible to Luna, which is to say, if the 1UST price was less than $1, 1UST would be in exchange for more Luna; and 1UST would be in exchange for more UST when the same price was higher than $1.


With such a mechanism, numerous people have arbitrage in exchange for Luna at a time when 1UST is not equal to $1. And, because UST and Luna are two-way two-way destruction relationships, when 1UST is exchanged for $1 Luna, the convertible 1UST disappears, and vice versa. It is through people’s arbitrage that the balance between Luna and UST is maintained, and the prices of UST are kept at $1.

但这个机制有个致命的“缺陷”——不可避免地会陷入死亡螺旋。让郭瑞印象深刻的2021年的“519”脱钩事件 ,Luna就因UST的下跌受到了打击,价格跌至 4.10 美元,比一周前的交易价格下降了75%。 

But there's a fatal “defect” of this mechanism – will inevitably fall into a death spiral. impressed Guo Rui with the “519” decoupling & nbsp in 2021; Luna was hit by the fall of the UST, with prices falling to $4.10, 75% lower than the price of the deal a week ago. & nbsp;


The death spiral had always existed, except that market confidence had not been completely destroyed in previous decoupling events.


The bounty hunters feel that the `strong' algorithm stabilizes the currency itself as a game with a left foot on the right, blowing a bubble, which breaks down. also falls in demand for UST when investors lose faith in Luna. This leads UST prices to fall by $1, prompting the holders to replace their UST with Luna. At this point, the arbitrage mechanism worked, and UST holders effectively forged more Luna when their demand for Luna dried up, leading to a further decline in Luna’s prices.


For UST, its price is stable precisely because of the stable and huge demand for UST in the various ecologies of Terra. In other words, like other volatile encrypted currencies, market liquidity sustains the UST price.


In the economic environment, the city of Bears comes with less money and lower liquidity in the investment market, and if there's a bit of a rush and people panic about selling Luna or UST, it's bound to fall into an irreversible death spiral. The bounty hunters think that the collapse is so fast that it is also because of the transparency of the block chain. All the flows in the `strang' chain are transparent, and when there's a risk, everyone sees it, they accelerate the run-off.


On 8 May, Terra drew 150 million USTs out of the pool of funds, which led to a brief decline in UST liquidity. At this time, large agencies began a large-scale UST selling program, with $2 billion of UST flowing out of Ancor that day.

直到UST脱锚到0.8,郭瑞才意识到问题的严重性。当时Terra项目方在推特上发文,说基金会已经在准备recovery plan(恢复计划)。推特上显示,项目方正在谈一笔十几亿美元的融资,准备用这个钱来恢复UST锚定。但后来,这笔融资并未谈妥。而此前项目方动用的7.5亿美元来帮助UST实现稳定也并没达到效果。

It was only when UST broke down to 0.8 that Guo Rei realized the seriousness of the problem. At that time, the Terra project party posted on Twitter that the Foundation was already preparing the entire plan .

5月11日,Do Kwon发布公告表示无法救市,只能依赖套利机制帮助UST恢复价格。郭瑞这才意识到,这个项目完了。彼时,他的精神状态已经十分恍惚。在整个下跌过程中,郭瑞其实有机会逃跑,但他始终相信Terra可以渡过这一关。作为Terra生态的拥趸,他甚至还参与到了一场拯救Terra生态的运动。

On May 11, Do Kwon issued an announcement that it was impossible to save the city, relying on a arbitrage mechanism to help UST recover prices. Quire realized that the project was over. At the time of the fall, his mental state was already stunned. During the fall, Guo Ri actually had a chance to escape, but he always believed that Terra could get through it. As a conundrum of Terra Ecology, he even participated in a campaign to save Terra Ecology.


On the Internet, there is a bunch of people called Lunatics, who are some of Luna's dead powders, and who buy a lot of liquidated BLuna


But the operation was a water truck, without sparking a little water. On May 13, a number of exchanges took a break in Luna, and Terra’s public chain stopped.



During the days of Luna’s collapse, Guo Rui had the illusion of near collapse. He overreaded a lot of news and felt that there would be an outside force or a potential solution to the crisis.


Watching the assets in the account shrink slightly, and in order to recover his losses, he took out the hundreds of thousands of dollars that he had already fled to do the waves, but Luna fell too fast, and all the hundreds of thousands that he had been able to escape were lost.


The bounty hunters also made waves under emotional control, and even leveraged contracts. The first day they made $25,000, and the next day they blew $16,000. When it became clear about the nature of the death spiral, he opted for a five-fold leverage. But at this point, Luna was highly volatile, with a 20-per-cent fluctuation, and he blew it.


He remembers that every time he broke his mind and lost his money in the currency for a few years, he made a contract with leverage, and every time he tried to make a contract with his emotions, he got into a death cycle. On May 10, he spent another $10,000 to copy Luna, and on May 11, he sold his meat, at a loss of 80%.


When Luna's crash has become a big trend, with speculators pouring in, doing short-line operations, trying to get a piece of this big trend.


On May 11, he saw Luna fall, and he bought 20,000 dollars per Luna at a $20 price.


The decision to do nothing was to see the proposal made by the founding team to save UST by increasing Luna, and he judged that Luna's price was bound to fall all the way down under a massive increase. When Luna fell to $0.2, he judged that he should have returned to a wave of price rebounds, and then he opened up more, but Luna did not respond as he expected. continued to crash.


Recalling his leverage again, he said that he was in a state of panic and that, throughout the operation, he was constantly following the news, fantasizing that there was an external force that was holding back and saving Luna. But that power never showed up, and at the very least, Luna fell to US$0.000112, almost zero.


"This may be the biggest opportunity to earn money in this year's currency circle." The bounty hunters say that wealth is constant, and when someone loses money, someone earns money. Levering the contract is the money of a rival.


This year's 27-year-old Sky Wing was the one who made money in this crash. The Air Wing was running a wholesale women's business in Guangzhou's 13th row. On May 10, he looked at the circle of friends and learned that the UST had broken down.


He took a quick look at Luna's distribution on the chain, saw that Luna was on the increase, and he decided that Luna was going to fall. He took the money to go empty, hung up twice the empty list, followed a rollout pattern, and made $40,000.


The most important reference for contract operations on the


On May 12, he discovered that two exchanges’ Luna price premium had been premiumed, and he was determined to buy Luna in the hope of earning the ten-fold difference. But the chain charge was in place, and the exchange’s account was delayed. He waited three hours after seeking the help of his friends to reach the exchange’s account, but the premium disappeared.


On May 13, the price premium on the two exchanges was still in place, a thousand times the highest. On that day, the price for one was at a minimum of US$0.000112, while the price for the other was US$0.0079, because of the experience of being stuck in the exchange the day before. But because of this huge difference, many of his friends earned money on the other day, and one of his friends earned $2 million by moving bricks.

5月14日,Do Kwon发推特表示自己没有出售任何Luna,团队正在梳理储备与使用情况,准备新提案帮助Luna重建。Luna从底部暴涨1000多倍。大空翼也在市场情绪高涨时,成功抄底,赚了三倍现货。

On May 14, Do Kwon tweeted that he had not sold any Luna and that the team was collating stocks and usages and preparing new proposals to help Luna rebuild. Luna jumped more than 1,000 times from the bottom. Large air wings also made three times as much money as they did when market moods rose.


The myth of wealth spreads once again in the currency circles as empty, bottom-cooked, building bricks on various exchanges. “I missed 600 times.” The wings regret that they were not involved in moving bricks on May 13 because they were lazy.


5月24日,由Terra builder Alliance发布的关于“建议将现有网络重命名为Terra Classic 并重建没有算法稳定币的新链Terra”的提案通过。这预示着Luna将分配出一条新链,而旧的Luna将被项目方抛弃。

On May 24, a proposal issued by Terra Builder Alliance to rename the existing network as Terra Classic and to re-establish the new chain that has no algorithm to stabilize the currency, Terra, was adopted. This suggests that Luna will allocate a new chain, while the old Luna will be abandoned by the project party.

原先持有Luna的用户,将被空投新的代币Luna。在郭瑞看来,Terra2.0的快速重启是必然的,因为需要照顾老股东利益,以及通过债转股偿还负债。在他看来,从Do Kwon用完储备金,决定使用流动性解决负债,就注定是这个结果。

In Guo Rui’s view, Terra 2.0’s quick reboot is inevitable because of the need to accommodate the interests of older shareholders and to pay the debt through debt swaps. In his view, the decision to use liquidity to settle the debt was bound to be the result of the use of reserves from Do Kwon.


On May 28, the new Luna came online. In an old Luna holder’s 500-member community, people began to discuss an air drop equal to the new Luna, which would quickly sell the new Luna. People’s confidence in Terra’s ecology has been lost.

据 SBS News 报道,韩国金融证券犯罪联合调查组正式对Terra启动调查,调查对象包括Terra联合创始人Do Kwon等Terra团队核心成员。而据韩联社的相关报道,韩国检方正在研究是否以“庞氏骗局”相关控罪起诉Do Kwon。韩国已有Luna投资者联合入禀法院指控Do Kwon涉嫌诈欺与非法筹集资金,要求法院扣押其资产。

SBS News reports that the Korean Financial Securities Crimes Joint Investigation Team has officially opened an investigation into Terra, which includes core members of the Terra team, including Terra co-founder Do Kwon and others. , according to relevant KLA reports, the Korean prosecution is examining whether to prosecute Do Kwon for “Ponzi fraud”-related charges.


Guo Rui made a review of the failure of the investment. He felt that he underestimated the systemic risks, missing some of the traders’ keen knowledge of news and market sentiment. He was also unable to escape in time because of his trust in Terra ecology.

资产归零之后,郭瑞对于Terra项目背后的基金会LFG和创始人Do Kwon的表现失望了,但他并不认为创始团队有意造成这次崩盘,“创始人和团队并没有卷款跑路,也在积极救市,只是项目失败了。”崩盘之前,Terra生态的一切都欣欣向荣,原本在五月,Terra的支付项目也将上线。

After zero assets, Guo Rui was disappointed with the performance of the foundation LFG behind the Terra project and its founder, Do Kwon, but he did not believe that the founding team intended to cause the crash: “The founder and the team did not roll the money, they were also active in saving the market, but the project failed.” Before the collapse, everything about Terra Economism had flourished, and Terra’s payment project would have been on the line in May.


An exchange CEO evaluates that Terra may be able to survive this if the project has sufficient plans. But, according to bounty hunters, perhaps the algorithms stabilize the currency itself as a pseudo-problem, many of the previous algorithms stabilize the currency have failed, and in the traditional financial sphere, the death spiral problem has not yet found a good solution.


This failure gave Guore a deeper understanding of the meaning of the Ponzi scheme. He argued that most of the block chain projects used Ponzi design, that Ponzi could only be used as a growth tool for a short period of time, and that eventually he needed to find a stable, non-Ponzi profit model.


In the course of Luna’s fall, a lot of friends around the block chain media operator Gon Xiaoyu spent a small amount of money to buy Luna, “a few hundred dollars for fun.” The top ten star currency crashes in the crypto-money market were seen as a big event worth remembering in some circles.


And it's because of the crash, Luna's out of the circle, rising from the bottom to nearly a thousand times the top, millions of successful people making a lot of money, and a lot of foreign investors on Twitter have started asking Luna how to buy it. With the influence of their friends, Li Xiaoza has spent $80 on buying more than 200,000 Lunas at a high price of US$ 0.00037. After buying it, she also starts to wonder, "How much would it be if this currency were to rise back to US$ 120?"



When the latest proposal was passed by the community referendum, Luna changed its name to Lunc, and it was left to the community administration. When Lee suddenly realized that there was no chance that the old Luna would rise, “couldn’t have gone up again? Even if the bank wanted to control the plate cutting, it would not have chosen the currency of so many people, so the plate would have been thrown up and the price would have been flat.” at this point, the price of Luna purchased by Li Sizza had been cut off.


When reason returns, the bubbles that make the wealth are pierced.

(除了Do Kwon外,文中人物均为化名)


本文来自微信公众号:凤凰WEEKLY财经 (ID:fhzkzk),作者:刘思洁,编辑:雪梨王




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