
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:24 评论:0
连姓通用联 United Nations common surname   〖连姓宗祠四言通用联〗 It's commonplace to say the same thing.   连陂存爱; In love with on...



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United Nations common surname


It's commonplace to say the same thing.


In love with one another.


It's written.


It's the first time I've ever been a member of the United States of America.


It's part of the General House of the Lian Cong Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian Jian.


Leather way;


Reacon is famous.


The U.S.C. refers to Song Dynasty, a long time ago, when he was 12 years old. The father took him to the local famous bear, and he made the word "fish." The bear wrote the poem, and said, "The child cannot afford to remain in the rich." Then he made a dress (dows, dressed in a bird feather, which means to fly like a fairy) and went to and from the west. The U.S.C. refers to Tang Dynasty.


Anemone Gardens of Eden;


Sawa's by the neighbor of the country.


It's the first time I've ever been a member of the United States of America.


The U.S.J. said that, as a general, he and his father had been ordered to guard the aoi mou, and when he was familiar with it, he agreed to send someone to replace him in the second year. One year later, the U.S. did not commit a crime. His cousin, who claimed that he was in charge of his father, killed him without knowledge. The U.S. U.S. U.S. said that the S.S.D. was a concubine, supported by his family, and often financed his neighbours. He taught his two sons to grow up and read at home, saying, “This is my property.” After his death, his neighbour went to cry and hang.


Anemone Gardens of Eden;


Xiao Xin Ding Lan.


It's the first time I've ever been a member of the United States of America.


It's called Dr. King of Spring and Autumn (see above). It's called Song Leung Yo, mother-to-child, mother-to-child, mother-dead, engraved as a compliment.



It's commonplace to say the same thing.


@JanZud: #JanZoud is back in business. #JanZoud! #JanZoud! #JanZoud #JanZoud #JanZoud #JanZoud


And those who rely on their deeds.


It's the first time I've ever been a member of the United States of America.


The association is a common confederate of Leng's house, located in Kannan, Fujian province.


And the warriors shall be exalted in the light of the earth;


Except Si-jung, who built Chang-seong.


— Qing Jian Zhichun —


This association was written by Qing Dynasty’s grandson, Gwang-hoon II (1876), Taiwan’s C-co residence. Jiangdu and the Open Line family later joined him as their son, Zhen-mu, from the XII era, and followed each other from one generation to the next.



It's a common connection between your last name and your last name.


The source is harmony, harmony and harmony;


And the tree upon which it is made to look, and the tree upon which it is made to look.



From the 14th year (1449), the ten-year-old son-in-law of the Yangtze village of the Yangtze district of the Yangtze district of the Yangtze district, which now lives in the family of more than 30 families, has a family-in-law family. There is a family-in-law family-in-law, known as the “Zing-in-Hoon” village. According to the clan-in-law, Don became a year old (836), building herbs and building herbs and building a four-foot stone wall that is solid and solid for her family. From this time, they built their homes, built their homes, built their homes, developed their seed, built their roots, built their roots, built their roots, built their roots, built their roots, built their roots, built their roots, built their roots, built their roots, built their roots, and built their roots in the land of the village.


(a) To learn the book of the attack, followed by Wei Wen Seung-taek;


And build up idols, and do their duty to the children of their children.


It's the first time I've ever been a member of the United States of America.


This association is known as the Xiaoqin Association of the City of Xiangyang, Anhui Province. It is known as the Qing Qing Qing Qing clan, and is known as the Qing Qing clan. It is known as the Qing Qing Qing family. It is known as the Qing Qing family. It is also known as the Qing Qing family, and its wife Fung's filial friend. After her death, the mother is treated as a servant, and it is even more respectful.


The father did so, and the son did so, and he took control of the river, from which he had no connections;


He has the merit and the virtues, and he has opened from the field, and there is only one sect.


It's the first time I've ever been a member of the United States of America.


This association is the General Church of Liam, in Kannan, Fujian province.


Lian Xinmin Village, Puning Town Town, Guangdong Province


In the town of Puningmégang, the 1st ancestor of Xinjiang is now 17 generations old. The total population is now more than 1,300 people. More than 1,000 people live in Thailand, and there are more than 300 people living in Singapore. In the rest, there are more than 300 people.


. Lends of Taiwan


Even his last name is Taiwan’s fifty-fourth last name, which covers every district and city of Taiwan. Even his last name has been passed on from Fujian. Since Tang Dao, he has been a great family name in Fujian.


Taiwan’s company’s name is the largest in Taipei, followed by the third largest in Taiwan. According to the test, Fujian River was the founding father of the mainland.


His great-grandfather was born in Taiwan on 16th of January, 1878, after his first name, Yon Bin, Qing Jian Jianxing, Swords and Swords. The family was from Taiwan, and the family was from Taiwan, and the family was from Taiwan for the seventh generation.


The Liam family, whose ancestors were in Long Creek County, the capital of the province of Fujian, had a “crowding seat” for the sixth generation, moved to the stables of the capital of Tainan during the years of Qing Kang-hee, where they worked in business for generations. During the years of Qing Guangqing and Xian Feng, the family grew up again from the time of the company's great-grandfather.


In addition to the gardens, the family has opened a tobacco shop called the "Fanlan" at the bridge in the capital city of Suzhou, selling opium and earning a great deal of income.


In the 19th year (1893), the family began to operate a cerebral smelting system, which carries tens of thousands of loads each year, earning hundreds of thousands of gold, one of the wealthiers of the time.


In 1895, after the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, the family's smoke shop and water fields were confiscated by the Japanese, and the family moved to Taiwan for six generations, destroying the proceeds, and the family began to decline.


In May 1899, the Japanese launched the Tai Jin newspaper in Tainan, which hired the Yang Diang to take charge of Han Man's Department. In 1888 (1902), he went to Fuzhou for a test in the village. The following October, he returned to Tai Jin newspaper.

  光绪三十一年(1905年),日俄战争爆发,连雅堂不满时政,携眷赴厦门,与友人合作创办《福建日日新日报》,开始与孙中山领导的革命党人有所往来。 1906年,孙中山抵达新加坡成立中国同盟会分会,曾派人前往厦门与连雅堂联系,研商将该报改为同盟会机关报,结果被清政府封馆停刊。

In its thirty-first year (1905), the Japanese-Russian war broke out, disillusioned with the current state of affairs, joined his family in Xiamen, and worked with friends to create the Fujian Daily News, which began to interact with the Revolutionary Party led by Sun Nakayama. In 1906, Sun Chinashan arrived in Singapore to form a branch of the China Alliance, and sent people to Xiamen to contact the Kanya Hall.


The Association was set up by Sun Nakayama as the focal point for the Alliance in Shanghai. During this time, the Chamber met with the thuwar thugs, Zhang and Kim Bing Dynasty, and was introduced to the China Revolutionary Party (the predecessor of the National Party).


In 1914, Lenyadang lived in Beijing, and returned to Taiwan to host the Chinese Ministry of Human Rights in the newspaper “Tainan News.” In 1919, the family moved back to Taipei and joined the financial community as Secretary of the Bank of South China. His 16-year-old son went to Japan to attend school. In 1923, he founded Taiwan Poetry Monthly.


In 1926, the family returned to the mainland, where they lived in Lake West of Hangzhou. The following year, civil strife broke out in the mainland.


In 1928, in protest against the ban on the use of Guanan language in Taiwan Province by the Japanese and in cooperation with friends, Yatang established the “Ya Teng Bureau” on Yanping North Road in Taiwan today's Taiwan, selling only Chinese and non-Japanese texts and having a national interest, but not very productive and poorly run the bookstore, which ended in 1929.


In 1933, he moved back to Shanghai.


In the second half of his life, however, Yakuza has left behind a rich legacy of spiritual wealth by burying his head in the library and harrowing his heart and writing Taiwan's General History. The book has a high status in the history of Taiwan's literature, dating back to midday, and has been published for nearly a thousand years, with 88 articles, officially published in 1921. Even Yakang has become a generation famous for Taiwan.


Even the Taiwan General History, written by Yadang, is related to the influence of his father. When he was 13 years old, his father bought a set of Taiwan Provinces for his son and told him: “You're a Taiwanese and you can't be unaware of Taiwan,” which has had an important impact on a well-educated temple from a young age.


In addition, Liam Yattang has continued to complete books such as " Reading Meteor ", " Taiwan Chaos ", and " Ancient Society in Chinese Textology ".


Even Yadang, despite his travels to the two shores of the Straits, engaged in journalism and cultural work and had a great deal of publicity, did not receive much attention at the time, so that his family did not have a prominent position in his generation, nor did it have a very good family situation, as his best friend, Professor Yang Yunping of Taiwan University, called it “after the Landlords”. On 28 June 1936, at 10 a.m., even Yadang died of liver cancer in Shanghai, at 59 years of age.




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