2020年“断卡”行动之下,虚拟货币-USDT 搬砖涉刑之辩

资讯 2024-06-17 阅读:28 评论:0



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随着2020年10月公安部发起的“断卡”行动,人们逐渐意识到,以赚取蝇头小利为目的出售自己的银行卡、公司账户、支付宝、微信账户等行为,极可能构成帮助信息网络犯罪活动罪。然而,令人始料未及的是,安逸地从事虚拟货币——比特币、USDT 搬砖的行业也隐藏着巨大风险。

With the launch of the “Card Break” by the Ministry of Public Security in October 2020, it became clear that selling their bank cards, company accounts, payment treasures, micro-credit accounts, etc. for the purpose of earning small profits from flyheads, could well constitute a crime of facilitating information cybercrime. However, unexpectedly, the industry of virtual currency – bitcoin, USDT, and brick-carbing – also harbours huge risks.

许多涉足虚拟货币的商人感到困惑:为何自己的行为会触犯法律呢?这是因为一些商家在平台上接受客户的投资款项,并将其转化为 USDT 虚拟币进行买卖,从而盈利,但在这一过程中可能接触到了“黑钱”。而一旦涉及的“黑钱”数额巨大,便会产生刑事责任。

Many traders involved in virtual money are confused as to why they are acting in violation of the law. This is because some traders take money from their clients on the platform and turn it into USDT virtual currency to buy and sell for profit, but in the process they may be exposed to “black money.” When the amount of “black money” involved is huge, criminal liability arises.

2020年“断卡”行动之下,虚拟货币-USDT 搬砖涉刑之辩

案例解析——虚拟货币 USDT 搬砖涉刑辩护

近期,本律师成功为一起从事“虚拟货币 USDT 搬砖”的商家涉刑案件进行了辩护。在向公安机关和检察机关提交的《法律意见书》中,本律师提出了以下几点关键辩护意见:

Recently, my lawyer successfully defended a criminal case involving a businessman working on a “virtual currency USDT brick removal” case. In a Legal Opinion submitted to the public security organs and the Public Prosecution Service, my lawyer presented the following key arguments:

1. 商家在合法合规的火币网上进行虚拟货币交易

1. Businesses conduct virtual currency transactions on a legally compliant gunnet

案中的主角张磊(化名),于 2020 年 8 月经严格 KYC 审核后,成为火币网合法注册的商家。火币网是一家合法合规的网络交易平台,提供法币交易和币币交易两种模式,其中 USDT 属于法币交易。张磊主要在火币网上进行 USDT 的交易。作为火币网的合法商家,他的所有虚拟货币交易都在火币网平台上在线完成,且所交易的虚拟货币符合法律规定。

The main character of the case, Zhang Qing, became a legally registered dealer in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (KYC) in August 2020, after being scrutinized by the strict KYC. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is a legally compliant online trading platform offering two models, French currency transactions and currency transactions, of which USDT is a French currency transaction.

2. 商家在火币网从事虚拟货币交易中,主观上并未明知他人利用信息网络实施犯罪

2. Businesses engaged in virtual currency transactions on a gunnet without subjective knowledge that another person used the information network to commit a crime

a. 商家遵循合规交易流程

a. Businesses follow the compliance process


All virtual currency transactions are done online, in accordance with the law and the requirements of the network, and have never been traded offline.

b. 商家在交易前进行谨慎审查

b. Businesses exercise due diligence prior to the transaction


In order to mitigate the risk, Zhang Xiang has conducted a careful review prior to the transaction. He asked the client to provide a bank flow record within three days, which he would not deal with if there were no or less fluid; in addition, he took the “test card” measure of giving the other person one dollar in advance, allowing the other person to re-establish the flow record in order to identify the source of the funds.

c. 商家与交易对象并无直接联系

c. Businesses do not have direct contact with the target


Zhang has no knowledge of the subject of the transaction, is a random and uncertain group of customers, he does not have a fixed client, and therefore no fixed transaction exists.

d. 商家的交易决策基于行情分析而非其他因素

d. Business decisions are based on BASIC rather than other factors

张磊在进行交易时,会根据虚拟货币(USDT)的市场行情来做出决定,类似于股票交易。他所交易的 USDT 始终遵循市场价格波动,没有出现显著偏离市场价位的现象。

Zhang’s transactions are made on the basis of the market dynamics of the virtual currency (USDT), similar to stock transactions. The USDTs he deals with are always subject to market price fluctuations, and there are no significant deviations from market prices.

e. 商家没有任何与黑钱交易相关的动机和原因

e. Businesses do not have any motive or cause related to the black money transaction

1. 黑钱交易会导致账户冻结,影响正常交易;2. 黑钱交易并不会带来比正常合法交易更高的利润;3. 即使涉及黑钱交易,也不一定能盈利,行情判断失误同样会导致损失。

1. Black money transactions lead to the freezing of accounts and affect normal transactions; 2. Black money transactions do not lead to higher profits than normal legal transactions; 3. Even if they involve black money transactions, they are not necessarily profitable, and miscalculations may also lead to losses.

f. 火币网的特性使得商家难以识别涉及黑钱交易的信息

f. The characteristics of the gunnet make it difficult for traders to identify information related to black money transactions


Because of the technology available, the gunnet is a legitimate trading platform that does not show traders the true identity, gender, and nature and source of money of each other, so that the business is unable to know whether the other party is involved in a black money transaction. Zhang can only learn from his peers about risk prevention methods, such as a “flow-and-test card” which he learned and applied in practice in a short period of time, which also proves that his subjective attitude is not “know-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-all-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-it-

4.承办此案的检察院在听取并采纳了本律师的辩护意见后,在当事人被羁押的第 35 天做出了不予批捕的决定,并在同一天释放了张磊。显而易见,针对虚拟货币涉及帮信罪的辩护较之一般“两卡”涉及帮信罪的辩护更具挑战性。因此,一旦涉及虚拟货币的帮信罪问题,务必尽快聘请专业的刑事辩护律师,确保自己的合法权益不受侵犯!

After hearing and accepting the counsel's defence, the prosecutor's office took a decision not to arrest him on the thirty-fifth day of his detention, and released Zhang on the same day. It is clear that the defence of the virtual currency for the crime of aiding and abetting is more challenging than that of the ordinary “two-card” for the crime of aiding and abetting. Therefore, whenever it comes to the crime of aiding and abetting the virtual currency, it is imperative that professional criminal defence lawyers be hired as soon as possible to ensure that their legitimate rights and interests are not violated.




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