币圈合约最稳的玩法 永续合约赚钱技巧

资讯 2024-06-17 阅读:34 评论:0
合约交易是各大交易所的一种玩法,在股市和其他交易市场早就出现,其实合约就是通过杠杆放大你的资金,通过买涨买跌来快速实现翻倍收益,很受币圈投资者的青睐,下面一起来看看币圈合约最稳的玩法是什么吧。Contract transactions a...



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Contract transactions are a game for major exchanges, long before they appear in stock markets and other trading markets. In fact, the contract is to leverage your funds and quickly double your earnings by buying up and falling, and is very popular with the investors in the currency circle. Let's see what the surest game of the currency circle is.



Choose a good currency, a good man. As a leveraged trader, volatility can be magnified by leveraging multiples, and the primary consideration in the course of a transaction is not volatility, but certainty.


Uplifting becomes the strongest currency and, conversely, falling is the weakest currency.


For example, at the beginning of the new quarter, the strongest ups and downs were the eos and Eths, the preferred ones were the two currencies, and the best ones were the bitcoins when they fell, even though the final result was that the mainstream currency fell far more than the bitcoins, but the risk of violent backsliding was greatly avoided by simply doing or pursuing bitcoins.


The currency circles are mostly short-line traders, and it is difficult to deal with them with the desired spot level, but they are less sophisticated in position control and cannot rely on shocks to make Trail averages. In this case, for most traders, a good opening price is better than anything else.


Once there's a profit, go a part, put it in a bag, and set the cost down. That's what I've been emphasizing in my own community.


The way the deal is made is small, the compound interest is the king, and if it breaks out of cost, it will definitely not be lost again, and if it is profitable, it will be part of the bag to prevent dryness. In a nutshell, there is a profit to make, and the original price will be lost.


It's power to see the trend that makes a single profit, but it's luck to see how much it ends up making. So I suggest that we get the part of the pay we get for the power first, and the rest of the market doesn't give a shit.


In the same principal case, the five-fold leverage for 200 dollars and the ten-fold leverage for 100 dollars for 100 dollars are the same loss when it really triggers the loss.


A single loss of more than 30 per cent of the total asset is a serious consequence, and a great deal of effort will be required to recover. Therefore, a single loss of less than 10 per cent of the total warehouse will need to be secured.


1. End of the drain.


To put an end to gamblers, two extremes often occur, one night in heaven and the other in hell, which not only does not provide security for our funds, but it does not guarantee continued profitability.


2. General market trends


The reason is not only that there is a natural reality, but also that there is an end to the trade. The sustainable contract itself has 1-125 times the leverage of money, and we need to focus more on trends in the trade, so that we are closer to becoming rich. The trend analysis suggests that the ALPEX service is still in place, and that there is a general trend in the daily analysis of transactions.


3. Designation of end-of-life targets


Longer-term contract short-line transactions tend to have higher default rates than medium-long ones, while short-line transactions have shorter lead times and much less chance of correcting mistakes. Therefore, when the BTC’s movement does not match expectations, it is important that the gain or loss is stopped in a timely manner, that the funds are recovered and that the next opportunity for entry is awaited.


4. Remember to be too plain for a transaction.


Because BTC's 24-h ongoing deal, many investors are over-trading, unable to control how many times a day they have to operate over a period of time, as if they were good enough to let go of every single move, and at the end of the day they have to take out a basket of water.


Permanent contract: There is no expiry date for the permanent contract and the user can keep it and do the silo operation himself.


Contracts of delivery: The contract of delivery has a specific date of delivery, including the week, week, season and season, and when the date of delivery is reached, the system will automatically deliver regardless of profit or loss.


USDT Bonds: you need to use a stable currency USDT as an encumbered asset, so long as there is a USDT in the account, you can enter into a contract transaction in multiple currencies, and the gain or loss is settled by USDT.


Local currency bond contracts: are encumbered in the currency of the subject matter, which is required to be held in the corresponding currency prior to the transaction and the currency in which the gain or loss is settled.


Ponzi fraud: This scheme, which is usually used as a decoy for high returns, requires investors to recruit more participants, but in fact relies on the funds of new investors to pay back old investors. The scheme eventually collapses, resulting in a loss for most people.

2.假ICO项目:ICO(Initial Coin Offering)是一种通过发行代币来融资的方式,但有一些骗局会宣称自己是ICO项目,吸引投资者投入资金,然后消失。

Fake ICO Project: The ICO is a method of financing through the issuance of tokens, but there are frauds that would claim to be ICO projects, attract investors to invest in them and disappear.


Fake exchanges: A number of pseudo-exchanges declare that they can trade various encrypted currencies, but in practice there is no real market or liquidity, and investors' funds will not be able to be withdrawn or transferred.


4. Distribution patterns: This model usually requires investors to purchase a certain amount of money or to join a particular platform and to earn commissions by recruiting more people. However, it is often unsustainable, resulting in losses for most participants.


To avoid these traps and scams, investors can take the following measures:


1. Adequate investigation and due diligence: before investing, carefully investigate the details of the research project, learn about the team members and view their background and experience.


Note that excessive commitment: If a project claims to provide excessive returns, it may be a fraud. Investors should be rational and have doubts about projects where returns are overly optimistic.


3. Search for real exchanges: When selecting an exchange, ensure that a well-reputed and highly mobile platform is selected. View users'evaluations and comments to ensure the security and reliability of the platform.


4. A cautious approach to distribution models: avoid participation in distribution-based investment plans, which are often unsustainable and may lead to losses.


1. Ouiokx


Oe (OKX), originally known as OKEx, is one of the world’s well-known digital asset trading platforms that provides a wide range of derivatives trading services, including durable contracts. It is popular with users with a wealth of trading varieties, depths, and lower transaction costs.



2.Huobi Global


Firebond is another influential digital currency exchange in China and around the world, and supports durable contract deals. It is known for its good trade depth, diverse trading tools, and higher asset security.





As one of the largest encrypted currency exchanges in the world and one of the leading inter-industry trading platforms for durable contracts, currency security attracts a large number of senior traders with its highly leveraged and professional interfaces, characterized by a wide variety of transactions, a large user base and strong international influence.





Bybit, a digital money derivative trading platform established in 2018, focuses on providing high-performance trading experiences, especially in the area of durable contracts. The main features are as follows:

永续合约交易:Bybit 提供BTC、ETH、EOS等多种加密货币的永续合约,且无交割日期,交易者可以无限期持仓。其特有的“标记价格”和“逐仓保证金模式”设计有助于减少恶意爆仓风险。

Bybit provides a permanent contract for a variety of encrypted currencies, such as BTC, ETH, EOS, without a delivery date, and the traders can hold their positions indefinitely. Its unique “mark price” and “ware-to-ware” designs help to reduce the risk of malicious explosion.

交易费用:Bybit 的交易费用相对较低,通常情况下,taker fee为0.075%,maker fee为-0.025%(即maker可以获得返佣)。持有平台代币BYBIT可享有额外的手续费优惠。

Transaction costs: Bybit’s transaction costs are relatively low, usually 0.075% for taker fee and 0.025% for maker fee (i.e., maker can get back to work).

高级功能:Bybit 提供高达100倍的杠杆率,并支持自动减仓系统、强制平仓保护机制等风险管理工具,以及条件触发订单(如止盈止损单)。

Advanced function: Bybit provides up to 100 times the leverage rate and supports risk management tools such as automated warehousing systems, mandatory silo protection mechanisms, and condition trigger orders (e.g. stop-and-loss statements).


User experience: The platform supports multilingual services and is well-interfaced, fast-trading and API performance strong enough to quantify traders.


FTX 由Sam Bankman-Fried创立,是一个快速发展的综合性加密货币交易所,不仅提供永续合约,还包括期货、期权等多种衍生品交易产品。关键特性如下:

Created by Sam Bankman-Fried, FTX is a fast-growing, comprehensive and encrypted currency exchange that offers not only durable contracts, but also a variety of derivatives, such as futures and options. Key features are the following:

永续合约多样性:FTX 提供广泛的永续合约产品,包括主流加密货币和各种创新性指数合约,例如ALT-PERP追踪一篮子山寨币的表现。

Durable contract diversity: FTX provides a wide range of durable contract products, including mainstream encrypted currency and various innovative index contracts, such as ALT-PERP tracking the performance of a basket of mountain coins.


Trading innovation: FTX is well known for its innovative contracts, such as the first unbridled currency, the volatilization contract (MOVE contract) and other unique thematic contracts.


Cost structure: The transaction costs of FTX are usually between 0.02 and 0.07 per cent, with different rates for maker and taker, and the holding of platform token FTT can reduce transaction costs.


Special features: FTX provides flexible leverage options, complex order types, and friendly user interfaces. The platform also has insurance funds to protect users from accidental losses.


Client services: FTX is committed to providing first-class services to professional traders, supporting efficient access payments and high-quality client services.


1. Time limit for delivery


There is no cut-off date for a permanent contract, and the user can always hold it, have no due date, and therefore no time limit for its delivery.


2. Lever multipliers


Leverage contracts often provide higher leverage multipliers, such as a maximum of 100 times in support, which magnifies both risks and benefits. The leverage multipliers for a cut-off contract are relatively low, such as a maximum of 20 times.


3. Funding costs


There are financial costs associated with durable contracts, and most exchanges on the market have a daily rate of around 0.03 per cent.


4. Trading flexibility


Since there is no cut-off date limit for a permanent contract, it is possible to avoid duplication of steps in the start-up process as a result of a cut-off, to avoid mishaps, and to avoid the processing costs associated with a repeat build-up. Moreover, there is no limit on the duration of the deal, which can be cleared at any time, while a cut-off contract may be cleared only for some time before the cut-off.


5. Price anchoring mechanism


The price of a permanent contract is anchored through a cost-of-money mechanism to maintain consistency between the price of the contract and the price of the spot. The price of a cut-off contract is largely influenced by the relationship between supply and demand in the market.




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