
资讯 2024-06-17 阅读:33 评论:0



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  比特币、以太坊,这种出现在互联网时代的虚拟货币,以概念和算法作为其价值的保证,也就是说,它和现代各国央行发行的纸币一样,都属于信用货币。信用货币不同于真金白银,其价值完全取决于人们单纯对这个货币的信任——区别只是比特币用户信任算法和市场。由于虚拟货币并不由机构管理,其交割市场是一片相对自由的经济领域,但自由又往往会引发混乱。随着越来越多的“矿工”参与挖矿,比特币大量产出,有数据显示,现在每 10 枚比特币中,就有 7 枚产自中国。

Bitcoin, Etheria, a virtual currency that appears in the Internet era, is a guarantee of its value in terms of concepts and algorithms, that is, it is a credit currency, as is the case with banknotes issued by modern central banks. Credit currencies, unlike real silver, depend solely on people's trust in it – the difference being only bitcoin user confidence algorithms and markets. Since virtual money is not managed by institutions, its delivery market is a relatively free economy, but freedom tends to cause confusion.

  国人挖田种菜的天赋 难道对挖比特币也有加成?


It needs to be explained in advance that the cost of digging bitcoin, using a digital currency such as Tai shop, comes mainly from mining machines and electricity, while the cost of manual maintenance is almost negligible when compared to the remaining two, since the primary calculation is mine machines, and it is generally enough to have a good luck calculation procedure in the mine machine.


Because bitcoin digs require a lot of mathematical calculations with hardware, and although high-level people have developed mining chips themselves, most people on the market prefer high-end cards as mining machines, which leads to a huge increase in demand for market cards, and Nvidia, a big card, has even introduced a special mine-mining card. For diggers, high-priced professional cards are a production tool that may be able to return in a short time, but it is a disaster for gamers seeking high-end cards.

  为了最大限度地利用挖矿机的价值,矿机都会保持矿机7 x 24小时超频运行,也就是说全年365天高强度的工作,这样的情况下,每天的耗电量也是惊人的。根据央视调查的数据显示,一家拥有5000矿机的中型矿场,一年可能就需要耗费6000多万度电。这种情况下如何将成本降到最小?矿主将视线放到了那些位于偏远地区的水电站,相比国内0.7元每度的工业用电价格,这些地区的电费甚至可以低至0.3元,也就让成本大为下降。

In order to maximize the value of a miner, the miner will keep the miner running at 7 x 24 hours per day, i.e. 365 days of high-intensity work throughout the year, so that the daily consumption of electricity is also striking. According to the data from a visual survey, a medium-sized mine with 5,000 machines may cost more than 60 million degrees a year. How can the cost be minimized in such a case?


For miners, the country’s environment is unique, and the mining industry is evaporating. It is reported that it is easy for a medium-sized mine to dig more than a dozen bits of bitcoins a day. But the problem comes with the money being made too easy.

  网友:坐等矿难 显卡论斤收

: Waiting for mine trouble > / strong


On the one hand, it is the constant output of Bitcoin and Ethio’s digital currency, but on the other, the price of the digital currency has fallen all the way. On Twitter, “what about a card bar” is published almost every once in a while # Today's mine # # where it is recorded that bitcoin has gone down continuously, and more Internet users have left messages about “sitting in the mine” under the relevant topic, “and waiting for the mine to go downstairs to set fire”.


Indeed, the Bitcoin disaster, which occurred once between 2014 and 2015, and last year in Australia, caused the collapse of Bitcoin. Ironically, the Bitcoin world, which began with the “high-free, unregulated” spotlight, is now increasingly calling for government regulation, and it is clear that miners and firefighters, while accepting their overnight fortunes, are less likely to accept their overnight bankruptcy.


In fact, it is not surprising that these speculators, who have a fall-off to “breath away” from the mine, do not know the depth of the bottomless hole. But, strangely enough, a variety of specialized mining cards have been on the market since then, and the enthusiasm of those who are involved in mining and selling coins continues to grow. Those who are standing on the shore know that if they let their barbarism go on like this, there will be a huge mine disaster sooner or later.


For the people on the shore, the mine can only benefit from the fact that, on the one hand, the miners, in order to reduce their losses, can only sell their own cards, when a large number of second-hand cards pour into the market, and that 108.0 per cent of GTX1080 is not a dream; on the other hand, the cards will return to normal price levels. But on the other hand, it may be a wake-up call for some people’s dreams of “breathing wealth”.


Wake up, Master. Your name isn't "Strange."


As we said earlier, in order to maximize the use of the miner, the miner will not work eight hours a day per week, but on an ultra-frequency basis, 7 ×, and 24 hours a day, so the high-end graphic cards from the mining line will be depleted to the extent that no one knows, and perhaps you think that the 1080 that was bought at 108.0 is just a waste card.


This is also based on the fact that the conduits honestly tell you this is a second-hand card and, worse still, that the broker buys the end-of-life or half-lost card at a low price, and then sells it in the same way as the real card on the right track, when those who want to buy the card honestly are affected, and the visible card industry is likely to get into a mess. Those who want to take advantage of the money have to think about it.




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