According to Decrypt, on 7 December, Adam Back, Chief Executive Officer of Blockstream, Block Chain Technology, stated that hearing was too confusing, that bits should revert to being the smallest unit of measure in Bitcoin, and that Bitcoin users should forget the unit of measure known as “sight”.
以太坊PoW分叉Ethereum Fair与跨链项目SWFT Blockchain达成合作:8月7日消息,Ethereum Fair宣布与跨链项目SWFT Blockchain达成合作,Ethereum Fair是由ClassZZ技术社区发起的以太坊PoW分叉,将在以太坊过渡至PoS后保留原有的PoW链。SWFT Blockchain将支持Ethereum Fair生态系统发展。[2022/8/7 12:07:59]
In collaboration with the cross-chain project SWFT Blockchain, Etherium Fair, a partnership with the cross-chain project SWFT Blockchain, initiated by the ClassZ technical community, was announced on 7 August. The Etherium Fair, an Etherium PoW split, will retain the original Pow chain after the transition from Etheria to PoS. SWT Blockchaiin will support the development of the Etherium Fair ecosystem [2022/8/712:07:59].
The computer scientist wrote yesterday on Twitter:
艺术家Monica Rizzolli的“Fragments of an Infinite Field”系列Art Blocks以总价538万美元售出:9月14日消息,创作型艺术家Monica Rizzolli的“Fragments of an Infinite Field”系列在NFT平台Art Blocks上不到一个小时内售罄,赚取1,623以太币(约合538万美元), 该系列中的单个作品在OpenSea上的售价达69以太币。该系列由1,024件作品组成,于9月13日在Art Blocks Curated的荷兰拍卖会上售出,起价为10以太币。一位 Twitter用户援引Dune Analytics的数据指出,Art Blocks昨日在9月份创下了二级市场销售最好的单日记录,其中大部分归功于Rizzolli作品的交易。(The Block)[2021/9/14 23:24:33]
Artist Monica Rizzolli's “Fragments of an Infinite Field” series, sold at a total price of $5.38 million: September 14, news that the creative artist Monica Rizzolli's “Fragments of an Infinite Field” series was sold in less than an hour on NFT platform Art Blocks and earned 1,623 taels (approximately $5.38 million), in which individual works were sold at a price of 69 taels on OpenSea. The series consisted of 1,024 works sold at the auction in the Netherlands on 13 September at Art Blocks Curament, at a price of 10 taks. A Twitter user quoted data from Dune Analytics, who had created the best single-day record of sales in the secondary market in September yesterday, most of which was attributable to the trading of Rizzolli (the Block) [2021/923:33].
It's time to re-establish bits as the smallest unit of measure of bitcoin.
动态 | Zcash Blossom升级后单个区块奖励减半 出块耗时缩短:据Tokenview数据显示,大零币Zcash在今日完成名为Blossom的网络升级后,单个区块奖励已由之前的12.5个降为当前的6.25个,目前出块间隔时间由此前的150秒左右降低为75秒左右。[2019/12/12]
Halve the individual block incentive after Zcash Blossom upgrade The exit block is time-consuming: according to Tokenview data, after the completion of the network upgrade called Blossom today, the single block incentive has been reduced from the previous 12.5 to the current 6.25, and the current interval between blocks has been reduced from about 150 seconds to about 75 seconds.[2019/12]
He's named after Bennett of Bitcoin's anonymous creator, which currently measures the smallest amount of bitcoin: 1 hearing equals one hundred millionth of a bitcoin.
But we should revert to the use of bit as the smallest unit of measure for bitcoin, because it is easier to use, according to the Back, which was studied from the beginning.
Bit is one millionth of a bitcoin. He writes:
One millionth is much easier than a hundredth of a millionth. Bitcoin is already very expensive, but it's a bit more if measured in terms of hearing, and people can buy a lot of hearing, which is confusing, and it's hard to figure out how much money you've bought.
He noted that if the price of Bitcoin reached $1 million, 1bit would still be cheap, equivalent to $1.
He added that “bit and bitscent are like dollars and cents,” which is easier for newcomers to understand.
On Twitter, the encrypt currency community accepted the idea of Back. David Burkett, the encrypt money anarchist, wrote:
I fully agree with Back. The unit of measure is too small, and it makes it difficult for people to figure out how much bitcoin is in their hands. One in a million is much more natural than one in a billion.
BitcoinArthur Morgan, a Bitcoin believer, also said:
I totally agree with you. We should use bits more. The exchange can use bits for bitcoin at the end of the upcoming cattle market.
At the same time, the co-founder of the computing platform Blockstack agreed that “Bit is a much simpler unit of measurement”.
Back goes on to say:
Bitcoin itself is made up of bits, which is implicit. This is perhaps the most direct argument that we should use bits.
Let's use bits as the smallest unit of measure of bitcoin!
This post has been translated under the authority of Decrypt.com.
Label: >bitcoin
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