
资讯 2024-06-18 阅读:119 评论:0
近期,微软透露2023年将裁员10000人,却转身就对OpenAI加投百亿美元,这是微软对OpenAI的第三次投资,也是人工智能领域史上规模最大的投资。In the recent past, Microsoft revealed that...



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In the recent past, Microsoft revealed that 10,000 people would be laid off in 2023, but instead invested $10 billion in OpenAI, the third and largest investment ever in the area of artificial intelligence.


On what basis did OpenAI get Microsoft exclusive? With an artificial intelligence tool called ChatGPT, which is "talking like a normal human being with wisdom."


As the hottest topic in the current global science and technology industry, the AIGC, represented by the ChatGPT model, will provide a completely new imagination to the mestro-cosm-related industrial chain and will radically change the digital population as the core entrance to the meta-cosm. From appearance, behavioral gestures, “like person” to environmental perception, and language communication, the AIGC will inject the soul into the inner core of the digital person.


On 1 February, the country's leading virtual technology service provider, Sio Scientology, announced that its digital business had been connected to the ChatGPT, the AI “brain”, which was developing data sets such as background set by the digital person himself, and was training that number to develop a personalized model based on OpenAI.


At present, world-class virtual digitalists have developed relatively solid product lines, displayed high-quality production results, and offered digital production services that are well recognized by the market. On this basis, world-class digital digital users who have access to the super-powered AI brain of ChatGPT will, in addition to having universal capabilities, have uniquely personalized background expression capabilities, with “good-looking leather bags” and “interesting souls” no longer envisaged, and the commercial value of world-class digital digitalists who have developed product-based solutions is rapidly becoming apparent.


According to statistics, in 2022 there were more than 570,000 virtual-related enterprises in the country, representing an increase of 46.6 per cent a year, with 39 cases of virtual industry financing throughout the year, with 22 virtual companies being financed on a total scale of $3051 million. Four of them, with Sioux (Beijing) Science and Technology Ltd., one of them, were founded relatively early, with a history of more than 10 years.


As a country’s earlier technology firm focusing on real-time virtual technology research and development and application, SWST has been working to build “low-life, high-quality digital factories” designed to provide brands, businesses, and individuals with advanced, comprehensive, compatible digital products and full-scale virtual technology solutions. The SWST digital universe now covers entry/consumption/professional/AI multi-level digital enabling product systems with product applications covering large, medium- and low-quality digitals.


Why are the numbers so hot?


Why are the Internet giants interested in making people in the digital world?


“At this stage, the needs of the Internet giants and brands in terms of content/IPs and services are the main form of digital landfall. For businesses, the construction of home-grown digital IPs not only achieves a comprehensive demand for early deployment of the universe, proximity to the Z generation, and the creation of marketing hot spots, but also significantly improves the efficiency of their operations because of the advantages of digital reusable, uncomplicated, and free of spatial and temporal constraints.” These factors are considered to be the main causes of virtual fire.


In May 2021, Erin, the National Wind AI Virtual Man, was released; on Halloween 2021, the virtual make-up willow night-hee, a video triggered a million traffic flow; in August 2022, the new platinum platinum platinum `old white man' `Golder' `Golder' `Golden' impostor' had the image of CCTV; in September 2022, the country's premier Web3.0 immersion party, with 100-degree AI digital hysteric hysteria; and in January 2023, the country's premier cosmic information programme, `Sang-an-won cosmos', was aired by virtual news anchors?


It was said that the first step into the meta-cosmos was to have a virtual person first.


Business practice has shown that virtuals are one of the first industries to be large-scaled and most effective in the current meta-cosm track. In other words, virtuals are key keys to the world of meta-cosmos.


Virtuals are currently divided into two main categories of identity-based virtuals and service-based virtuals according to the value of industrial applications in the country.

身份型虚拟人具有人格身份特征,以虚拟IP/虚拟偶像为代表,具有娱乐社交属性,由专业团队运营并推动内容生产,对制作有极高的要求,典型案例是世优科技提供全栈数字人技术支持的脑白金虚拟形象和MUSINESS孵化音乐数字人;另一种面向C端市场的身份型虚拟人是个人在数字世界的虚拟化身,虽然这种虚拟化身型虚拟人尚在起步阶段,但是世优科技已经在其元宇宙分身秀平台Meta Avatar Show中提前完成布局。

Identity-based virtuals, represented by virtual IP/virtual icons, with recreational social attributes, operated by professional teams and the promotion of content production, are highly demanding in terms of production, typically in the case of brain platinum images and MusINESS incubating music digitists, where world-based technologies provide full-time digital technical support; and in the case of the C-end market, identity virtuals, where individuals are virtualized in the digital world, although this virtual incarnate virtuals are still in the start-up phase, have already completed their layout ahead of time in their meta-cosm partitioning platform, Meta Avatar Show.


Allmetas has studied some of the typical examples of SET in the two categories of identity-based virtuals and service-based virtuals.


2022年9月,百度举办了国内首档 Web3.0 元宇宙沉浸式歌会,虚拟AI助手度晓晓担任了歌会 AI 制作人。在元宇宙歌会预热片中,度晓晓与一位小学生展开互动,穿越到赛博空间,展开了一场探索未来的冒险。世优科技为度晓晓提供全栈数字人技术支持,让度晓晓从二维空间里走出来,进入到三维的元宇宙未来世界里。

In September 2022, the country’s first Web3.0 dollar cosmopolitan immersion concert was held in 100 degrees, and the virtual A.I. assistant knew how to be an AI producer. During the meta-cosm song, he interacted with a primary student, crossed into Cyberspace, and launched an adventure to explore the future.



From the well-known cases, it is easy to see that the identity-based virtual person and the service-type virtual person are moving toward integration, with the characteristics of being both an assistant and an idol. As artificial intelligence technology such as ChatGPT/AIGC continues to evolve, the future AI interactive virtual person may become a new application trend.


In another case, in order to provide users with better modes of interaction, better information patterns and more human experience, the Sichuan Daily News Group launched two key products, “Small Digital Man” and “Change View Answers” on a completely upgraded version of 9.0, in which digital people provide virtual technical services in part by Sioux Technologies.



According to Chen, virtual digitalists are now becoming an important part of the digital transformation of the media sector, from media outlets to local ones. As early as early as 2022, Seyo-Tech provided virtual technical support to Yoon, the super-written digitalist.


“Although the identity-based virtual person is still the current more mainstream virtual application, the use of service-based virtuals in financial communications, government services, tele-services, tele-education and smart customer services is also growing rapidly.” The market outlook for service-based virtuals is equally favourable.


Chen Xing revealed that the Sio Scientology Digital Business is on the verge of an outbreak of growth.


The Virtual Digital Deep Industry Report projects that the size of our virtual digital market as a whole will reach $27.3 billion by 2030. Of this, the size of the “identity virtual” market is expected to be $174 billion, dominated, and the total size of the “service virtual person” will be more than $95 billion. More institutionally, the size of the AI digital market will be $10.24 billion by 2026.


机遇往往也伴随着挑战,目前数字人应用在国内面临制作成本高昂、技术能力参差不齐、内容生产乏力、产业链割裂等几大挑战 。

Opportunities are often accompanied by challenges, such as high production costs, uneven technological capabilities, weak content production and the fragmentation of industrial chains in digital applications in the country.


How do domestic digital service providers integrate industrial chains, reduce efficiency gains, upgrade the digital industry and develop a virtuous development of virtual integration? How should the way forward be?


Created a digital plant using a standardized production method of running water lines


"This year's holidays are no more than platinum."


Brain platinum, one of China’s currently large and branded health-care companies, has been a major producer of brain platinum and gold for years. But, with the euphoria of the purchasing power of the Z-generation consumers, rejuvenation of marketing has become a mainstream, and the traditional "old man" – the "old man" – image of the two-dimensional advertising is hard to draw attention to young consumers.


How can we close the gap with young consumers and seek a new round of business growth?


The platinum project team has come up with a way to “crowd overcarriage” — to “rejuvenate” the classic IP image of “old man” and “Old Tai” through 3D modelling, graphic drawing, character binding, light effects finally rewrite a series of production processes, rejuvenate the new to “Megascolar Digital Man” and replace the entire web of posters, videos, live broadcasts, etc. with the new “Megascolar Digital Man” image.



"This step seems to be in step, but it hides countless details and conjectures. The first part is not well done, the second part is certainly much worse. The originals often look simple, but the roots of everything. Is there a penetration or collision between characters? If they are ancient characters, the material and drifting patterns of the body need to be considered at the original stage, otherwise they will make it difficult for the subsequent model to achieve the link. Each link is designed to take into account the connection of the next link in order to ensure the ultimate realization.” This is a technical barrier that many single-point service companies are more difficult to break through, and it is said that the pits they stepped on 10 years ago are still being stepped by by companies.


As a result of thousands of project experience, Scientology has developed a management model for project implementation that is block-based, standardized, stream-lined -- each of which has a clear understanding and goal of its own board and is responsible for the quality of the content of the next one. Each project has a dedicated project manager who controls the results of the various phases and ensures high-quality and efficient completion of the project. The “old man” and “old Tai” meta-cosmographers and the “ball” have earned their eyes in marketing dissemination, completed brand surges among the young consumers of the Z generation, experienced the cascading universe with immersional interaction, achieved the consistent reuse of brand IP images and reduced efficiency gains.


With its autonomous digital systems and bottom algorithms, standardized operations and the operation of professional production teams, this stream of virtual technology operating processes and solutions, built by Seyotech, has created a high-quality, controlled and fully fledged digital factory.


According to Sio-Technology Coo Chen, Sio-Technology has now revived nearly 800 virtuals for 1,000+ companies. Marketing solutions have been provided to a number of top 500 companies, including Haile, TCL, Ely, Kyoutung, Mi, Hua, etc., “regeneration” of famous IPs such as “Kingdong Dogs” and “Hail Brothers” helped brands to enhance offline interactions and bring new visual experience to users and enhance the value of brand IP images.



Virtual production is a technologically high-threshold, multi-temporal, and detailed combination of high performance requirements, challenging the comprehensiveness of technology and the understanding of business scenes. While the domestic virtual industrial chain is initially formed, one single-point technological breakthroughs are common in the industry, and world-class technology is one of the few manufacturers that can provide a “platform of virtual technology services.”



After more than a decade of deep accumulation in the field of virtual technology, world technology has been able to provide fine-tuning services based on user demand, ranging from the rental of hardware and software to the provision of full-scale solutions, to branding of proprietary IPs and full-scale digital marketing schemes, resulting in a range of content customization services with virtual technology production levels well above industry averages.



“The brand focuses more on the growth of the influence of integrated brands, and must have a virtual image that belongs to the brand itself. There are three deep considerations behind this: first, the brand-owned virtual image, like an upgrade of past brand symbols; second, the desire of head brands for virtual images, which stems from their accompaniment to the younger generation of consumer groups, binary, meta-cosm, Saberpenk, the combination of which can often produce something cool and fun; and third, participation in the fall-out application of the meta-cosm.


In Chen’s view, AI is an important core capability in the process of setting up the corporate meta-cosm. Consumer brands can be digitally based, embedded in the ability to digitalize AI’s customer service; and, in the live room, they can produce continuous graphics, short videos, etc.. The world’s techno-digitals have access to ChatGPT, the AI “brain” that is deeply integrated into content generation, smart customer clothing, and become an important support tool for people’s everyday production. As the model of in-depth learning continues to be refined, open-source models are being promoted, world-class technology will create new engines for digital content innovation and will inject new energy into digital economic development.


How can the growing brand influence of Big B clients be met?


Based on more than a decade of project experience, EXT upgraded the digital plant to version 3.0 and created the next generation of virtual technology service platforms, the Real-time Digital People+Virtual Studio+SAAS+MAS. Real-time digital people contain virtual images from the original painting/modelling/motion capture binding to the full functionality of real-time drivers; virtual studios provide a high-precision AR/VR/XR live live live broadcast solution; SAAS, the 3D Virtual Content SAAS platform, developed autonomously for EXT, is designed to achieve a low volume of virtual content DIY in a SAAS-based manner; MAS, the Geocosm stand-by platform for C-Tech, is designed to enable everyone to have his own virtual person in the meta-cosmium universe. From the entry level to the consumer level and then to the professional level, the virtual content output from two mobile phones to the hairline level is possible.

世优科技数字人工厂( 图片来源:世优科技)


During an annual bi-Eleven marketing war, the “Society Phone City” – built by Se-Yu-Technology – broke through a uniquely immersed meta-cosm shopping center and earned eyeball. How did the hysteria of the future of the meta-cosm, the track train, the fireworks, the architecture of the future, the meteor showers, and so on, create such a cool virtual live view?



Mr. Chen, in this live broadcast, Sioux introduced advanced XR virtual live broadcast technology: the arc visual LED background wall combined with the LED floor, the XR virtual camera tracking system, cloud recording, GPU running colours, 5G remote transmissions, hair-swipe images.....all kinds of cutting-edge technologies take full advantage of XR virtual live broadcasting, enabling brand marketing upgrades and refreshing consumer shopping experiences.


“The needs of larger B-end clients are relatively instrumental, focusing on virtual distributions, virtual taped live broadcasts, etc. How to fast and easily access IPs, create meta-cosm digital assets, and achieve mitigation efficiency on the basis of robust marketing are the core needs of small and medium-B-end clients.” Stimulative additions.


How can a good virtual technology for small and medium-B-end enterprises be made accessible so that the virtual person is no longer “almost out of reach”?


It has been reported that SPST has launched the SaaS platform, a 3D virtual content for small and medium-sized B-side enterprises. The latter have been well received by the market with powerful custom functions, sea-rich virtual scenes, overwritten visual effects, and real-time digital human functions. Through the software and hardware production, standardization, and clouded SaaS models, user thresholds have been significantly reduced, allowing users to obtain wide-scale virtual production with light assets, small costs, customization, and addressing the pains of the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises live.



During the Qatar World Cup, the Sichuan daily & Middot; and the Kawakwan News – “Look at” World Cup shows a meta-cosm broadcast using the WCN. Virtual studios are often required to search for sites, set-up, equipment rentals, repeated rehearsals, etc., which involve a large amount of material costs, manpower costs, etc., as the SaaS tool platform launched by Hyotech, which integrates a series of complex processes under the line into the platform, helping Kawakwan News quickly build a virtual studio at very low cost.



However, technology has become widely applied as a sign of the market’s maturity for R & D, diffusion, and operation. How to reach the C end market will also be the key to the subversive transformation of the virtual human industry.

早在2022年初,世优科技A+轮第一期融资中,知名私募机构多闻资本就专门为世优科技设立了“元宇宙”板块专项基金,用于Meta Avatar Show元宇宙分身秀平台的研发与运营。该平台可以提供形式多样的低成本技术手段,让用户在元宇宙环境中快速拥有并驱动自己的元宇宙虚拟身份,体验元宇宙内的社交、娱乐、购物、学习等活动。

As early as early as early as 2022, in the first round of funding for the first round of Science A+, well-known private fund-raisers set up a special fund for the development and operation of a meta-cosmos panel dedicated to Science and Technology for the Meta Avatar Show dollar cosmopolitan stand-up platform, which provides a variety of low-cost technological tools that allow users to quickly acquire and drive their own meta-cosm virtual identity in a meta-cosm environment and experience social, recreational, shopping, learning, etc. in the meta-cosm.



Seyotech uses the orientations of immersion socialization, creative economy, and game meta-cosm as the main energy points for digital technology to penetrate the C-end market. Building a system of meta-cosmos eco-products with a digital core is entering a strategic window for product upgrading and integration.


“In the future, world-class technology will focus more on the integration of digital and ChatGPT models, moving in the direction of diversification and wide application, rapidly expanding to different industries and scenes. All digital-related needs can be realized in our virtual technology platforms.” Speaking of the future, Chen Xuan is confident.


Concluding remarks:


Many industry analyses and media observations will now be known as the Digital Man Year in the past 2022. In addition to the explosive growth in the number of digital people, the high demand for digital accuracy at the enterprise end has contributed to rising digital production levels; at the same time, the virtual technology service provider, represented by global technology, has begun to walk on both sides of the “virtual person plus virtual scene”; and the entry of the digital world’s “goods” is only a matter of time.


Disclaimer: The market is at risk and the choice needs to be careful! This is for reference purposes only and does not provide a basis for the sale.




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