
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:37 评论:0



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On the afternoon of 18 July, the Yokotian era, where together x Spaches held the launch of strategic cooperation in metaspace x Spaches, was the first time that real-person digital beings had signed up for a meta-cosm, not only as a landmark in the history of meta-cosm development, but also as an important milestone in the promotion and spread of the 3D-digit character of the meta-cosm. This collaboration will be an important step in the strategic layout of the meta-cosmos. It will further enrich the meta-cosm service landscape and contribute to the creation of the meta-cosm ecology.


中国移动通信联合会执行会长倪健中,中国驻丹麦大使馆高行乐参赞,优链时代创始人CEO蒋亚洪博士,xSpaces 创始人赵宁,中国移动通信联合会元宇宙产业委员会联席主任、杭州数字经济联合会名誉会长张森教授,《中国元宇宙白皮书》主编、一带一路国际文化教育中心元宇宙研究所所长龚才春博士,元宇宙产业生态架构师、马栏山(长沙)视频文创产业园管委会首席专家周苏岳等致辞,杭州数字经济联合会创始会长徐玉清,中央广播电视总台特约评论员兼一带一路通讯社执行总编鹤霖,国际著名策展人陆蓉之,澳大利亚 ABC 环球集团/ABC 传媒董事长袁祖文,湖南省工商联联络处处长孙细飞,虚拟现实行业发展专家、xSpaces数字战略合伙人吴遐,深圳市天谷方舟智能科技有限公司董事长李杰山、xSpaces 联合创始人严晔和梁凯等嘉宾受邀出席。本次活动由xSpaces副总裁兼灵石元宇宙教育联盟总经理,欧洲华人华侨妇女联合总会常务副会长肖灵艳女士主持。

The Executive Director of the China Mobile Communications Federation, Mr. Ken Jing, Executive Director of the Chinese Embassy in Denmark, Dr. Gao Yahun, Founder of the Yokosu era, Dr. Zhao Ning, founder of the China Mobile Communications Federation, Co-Director of the Committee of the Won and the Hangzhou Digital Economy Federation, Professor Zhang Sen, Editor-in-Chief of the White Paper on China's Won and Director General of the Yuan and of the Yuan and Space Research Institute of the International Centre for Culture and Education, Dr. Jin Jae-chun, Chief Executive Officer of the Yuan cosmodium, Chief Executive Officer of the Yuan cosmodium, Chief Executive Officer of the Ma Sanshan Business Union, Ms. Sun Su-yun, Executive Expert of the Virtual Real Estate Industrial Development Association, and partner of the X Paces Digital Strategy, U-ching, Founding Director of the Central Radio and Television Federation, and the Director General of Science and Technology of the Panchae Province of the City of China, Ms. Li Xpas, Chief Executive Director of the European Union of Space, were invited to participate in the activities of Ms.


This collaboration has amply demonstrated the positive exploration of new models for the integration of the real digital person into the space of the metaspace, and has pre-empted opportunities for future expansion. The Exisity Chain era and XSpaces will use their respective strengths to explore new development models, achieve win-win mutual benefits, strengthen alliances, and work together to build brand partnerships.


Professor Zhang Sen, Co-Director of the China Federation for Mobile Communications and the Hong Kong Federation for Digital Economy and Honorary President of the China Federation for Mobile Communications, expressed his recognition and recognition of the positive development of the real 3D digital industry in order to advance the development of the digital industry in the Yo chain era, recognized the important role played by the 3D-cosm camera in the development of the Woncosm industry in the Yoga era, and believed that the high-chain digital segmentation technology would lead to subversive and revolutionary developments in many industries, and highly affirmed the success of the high chain in advancing the development of the digital economy infrastructure and enabling the digital economy.


The Executive Director of China's Mobile Communications Federation, Ken-jung: “It is too important for us to have a digital individual if this technology can be combined with each of us to become a project for our telecommunications operators. The Yo-jung era has worked well with Zhejiang, and I am convinced that, as the times have progressed and the technologies have progressed, the market will grow and become increasingly known and applied, and I am convinced that the full development of the digital reality of the era will be promising. We, the China Mobile Communications Federation, actively support the scientific project.”


The Chinese Embassy in Denmark, Ms. Gao, “Building on the digital economy empowered by technology such as the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, etc., is reshaping global factor resources, economic structures and competition patterns as a priority area for Central European cooperation. The two sides have established high-level dialogue and facilitation mechanisms in the digital field, with the directors of the exhibitions complementing each other, and making new progress on mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation. We would like to express our sincere congratulations to you for having taken the lead in eating crabs and XSpaces and for having successfully implemented a number of projects. We hope that you will use the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement as a new starting point in your efforts to build demonstration projects and empower Central European cooperation.”


Professor Zhang Sen, Co-Director of the China Mobile Communications Federation's Committee of the Woncosm Industry and Honorary President of the Hangzhou Digital Economy Federation: “This is the first time that I have ever participated in the activities of the Woncosm, and this is the first time that I've ever been a member of the world, and it is historic to remember that it is the first time that I've ever been a member of the Mesococos launch.


In Hangzhou, where there are 2.1 million elderly people, more than 90% of whom live at home, the biggest problem is that the elderly are lonely, unchallenged, most accompanied by television sets, and the Hangzhou Digital Economy Federation convenes a seminar to discuss how to apply digital people to the field of intelligent ageing and to make technology warmer. One of the options is to make digital people, such as the sons and daughters of the elderly, who, when they turn on television, have children who can chat with the elderly. I believe that our cooperation with XSpaces will help many meta-coast applications to accelerate the development of the meta-coast industry. We will continue our efforts in the era of excellence to create the most beautiful digital beings.”

xSpaces 创始人赵宁:“这次和优链时代的强强联合,将进一步丰富元宇宙服务场景,我们也希望能帮助优链时代在我们的全球市场得以推广。行业的发展需要同行携手,xSpaces有着非常开放和多元的文化,在国内和国际市场,都将秉承合作、创新的态度,打造好元宇宙平台,为要进入元宇宙领域的企业和个人赋能,为元宇宙行业的发展添砖加瓦。”

XPaces Founder Jo Ning: “This union with the strong forces of the high-chain era will further enrich the meta-cosm service scenes, and we hope to help them spread across our global markets. Industry development will require peer-to-peer cooperation. xSpace has a very open and diverse culture. In both domestic and international markets, it will be cooperative, innovative and will build a meta-cosm platform that will empower businesses and individuals to enter the meta-cosmos field and build a building block for the development of the meta-cosm industry.”


The Chief Editor of the White Paper on the Chinese dollar universe, Dr. Gong Jae-chun, Director of the Won-chun Institute of Science and Technology of the International Centre for Cultural Education, all the way: “If the Yokot era is “man-made” in the Won-cosmos, the xSpaces are “house-building” in the Won-cosmos. This is the association of beads. I am very pleased to witness this good marriage. I wish Dr. Jiang Yahong and Zhao Ning all the best to work together to complement each other and create greater glory in the Yuan-Cosmos.”


“The Real Man 3D Digital Man and Yuan Cosmos service platform x Spaces of the Yoo-Service era presents a new model of cooperation that forms an original form of the Won-Cosmos. The two companies will make a good start for the early ecology of the Yuan-Cosmos in terms of its leadership and landing. They will enjoy the early dividends of the Yuan-Cosmos, and they will do much better on the journey of the Yuan-Cosmos!”


In recent days, the first wave of China’s Won-Cosmos space service providers was launched. Together with the Won-Cosmos service providers, China’s Won-Cosmos industry is promoting rapid development. The healthy development of the Won-Cosmos ecology depends on the deep synergy of industries.

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优链时代由国家级领军人才蒋亚洪博士团队创办,是国内首家元宇宙 3D 数字人服务商,专注于真人 3D 数字分身的研究及应用,公司自主成功研发全球首创的 3D 云阵相机,可以一秒拍摄创建数字分身,成本只要一百元。优链元宇宙数字人技术入选杭州科技局2022年第19届‘亚运会智能应用项目’。优链真人 3D 数字分身技术,可广泛应用于各种元宇宙场景,包括元宇宙会议、品牌推广、文旅、游戏、影视等。合作客户包括中国移动、中南卡通、知名汽车品牌、知名旅游景区等。

Founded by a team of leading national military personnel, Dr. Jiang Yahun, the country’s first Yuan Cosmos 3D digital service provider, focused on research and application of the 3D Digital Fragmentation for real people, and the company’s own success in developing a global 3D cloud array camera, which can be filmed in one second to create a digital divide at a cost of up to $100. The Yoguto-Cosmos Digital Man technology entered the 19th Asian Games Smart Application Project of 2022 of the State Agency for Science and Technology. The 3D Digital Fragmentation Technology for Good Chains is widely applied to a variety of meta-cosm scenes, including meta-cosm conferences, brand promotions, literary travels, games, visuals, etc.

xSpaces 是全球领先的元宇宙服务平台,可以快速为客户构建个性化元宇宙空间和服务设施。可以帮助企业构建元宇宙画廊、博物馆、学院、会议室、企业展厅以及承办各类元宇宙展会、论坛、沙龙、发布会、时尚秀等活动。合作客户包括:澳洲近 500 家学校,2022 冬奥会,伦敦时装周,Algorand 基金会,中国元宇宙白皮书发布会,盛通教育等国际国内知名品牌。

XSpaces, the world’s leading meta-cosmos service platform, can quickly build individualized meta-cosmos space and services for its clients. It can help companies to build meta-cosmos galleries, museums, colleges, conference rooms, business fairs, and host events such as meta-cosm fairs, forums, salons, launches, fashion shows.


The article is reproduced to provide readers with more information.




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