覃文延:区块链的概念和核心原理 | 观点 | 数据观 | 中国大数据产业观察

资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:22 评论:0
来源:数据观 时间:2019-11-21 10:55:38 作者:   11月19日,由中关村大数据产业联盟主办,中国信息协会、数据观、大数据文摘等协办的网络分享会——“区块链100分”成功举行。本期分享会的主题为《区块链...



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On 19 November, a successful web-sharing session, “100 points in the block chain”, organized by the China-Kuan Village Data Industry Alliance, was organized by the China Information Association, Data View, Big Data Digest, among others. The theme of the session was “The concept and core principles of the block chain.”


At the sharing event, the President of the North American Block Chain Foundation of Canada, the well-known leaders of the Violas technical community of the OpenLibra project, the founders of ibank.io and creditchain.org, the well-known core block chain technical experts and database technical experts shared their experiences around the core technology of the block chain and the block chain.


for full shared text (slightly deleted):



The block chain is in essence a technique of trusting relationships through the transfer of book (value/data ownership) information between distributed nodes and through consensus mechanisms (public/coalition).


The block chain is technically a database. This is the basic concept, which is the software that keeps the book records. In the traditional field of technology, it is entirely within the domain of database technology.


It's only because it adds other features, including financial attributes, that make it more meaningful. But essentially, it's a database. So many block chain technologies, including Libra, say that they are first and foremost a database.


We can use this block chain definition to look at all block chain items. First of all, we can see if it's a database and whether it can carry transactional data. Many projects print a bitcoin made of large gold, and they say they're digital money, and the block chain is a liar.


This concept is not available in 90% of the population, and most of it is blind. It is therefore necessary to first try it out in terms of the definition of the block chain.


The block chain extends beyond the meaning of the definition to three concepts:


1. Retroactivity, immobility: The unique genetic chain data structure essentially guarantees that the data will not be altered. Data blocks will not be altered retroactively to the previous time stamp, and once they are written, they will not change (whatever happens now, will not affect the facts that have occurred before) and the data chain is evenly distributed among the nodes network of point-to-points.


Decentralization: Block chain technology enables consensus mechanisms to be achieved.


3. Trust machine: Block chain technology is a technology for building trust relationships between nodes of mutual distrust. Beyond digital currency, block chains are one that allows people who have no confidence at all to build trust without being authorized by a centralized authority.


First of all, traceability and non-rotability are guaranteed by computer technology. A unique data structure ensures that friends with computer data structures can die, and computer technology can ensure that they are not tampered with or captured.


For friends with computer background, you can see the graph below to help understand.


The bottom of the block chain is a data chain table that is connected by the Hashi pointer. And the Hashi pointer is the only link data block to which the characteristic value that the data itself produces by encryption at a given time.


A friend who doesn't know the bottom-of-the-computer technology can use this example to deepen his impression: in a family tree, there is a structure like grandfather, father, son, grandson. Anyone who wants to replace you has to accept it all up and down, otherwise the family will be convicted of fraud.


We look at the graph above, which is left, decentralized, right. The left is that all transactions and information exchanges are requested and processed with the center's computer (server). The right is that all computers communicate with each other.


We now have 99 per cent of our computer systems, government, military, banking, insurance, industry are left-hand computer models, mostly centralized.


Why the situation on the right? Let's assume that we need to build a “Sangyang bank” and that, because there is no State trust endorsement, or because we are not all familiar with it, very few people are willing to deposit their money in this “Sangyang bank”.


All of the bank accounts are centralized, fragmented, and no one believes in "Sangyang Bank". But if we use a distributed system, assuming that all banks in Beijing share their books with each other, we use a computer network similar to the one on the right to synchronize the accounts, and the "Sangyang Bank" “as long as it applies to join the shared account system. The money deposited in "Sangyang Bank" can be removed from all state-owned banks, so that people will believe in "this" bank.


This is the magic effect of decentralizing (distributed accounts) technology on this example, that is to say, computer technology is actually a “trust machine”.


This is a map of a fully centralized and completely decentralized system transformation that will last long before it is fully centralized and decentralized, which is what we traditionally call “distribution”.


And it doesn't make sense to have too much “political interpretation” of centralization. In essence, decentralization is a mechanism to accommodate mistakes, a trusting machine.



So we say: the block chain is a trust machine, the technology for building confidence between nodes, the value network ValueNetwork, the Internet that transmits value (Internet Of Value, IOV).


When the Internet was born in the Upper World in the 1990s, the message was transmitted between machines and machines through the HTTP, TIP/IP protocol. Today’s block chain is the trust machine that is built between machines and machines because of the transfer of values.


The block chain is a value exchange, a value network, a confidence-building relationship between nodes of mistrust, and a transmission of trust.


Many people ask me that the block chain is the next Internet, and I understand that the block chain is much more important than the Internet. He is the age of the “trust machine” from the time of the industrial revolution that began with the steam engine. Beyond the industrial revolution and the Internet, human society has entered the age of the trust machine, which is the driving force behind the age of the digital economy that we have long advocated and worked for.


With regard to the basic concept of the block chain, a few points need to be remembered:


1. Block chains are distributed book (database) techniques.


2. Block chain data cannot be tampered with.


3. Block chain technology can be used to build trust machines in a decentralised way, and if we enter this digital economy age, more than 99% of our existing systems will need to be rebuilt. All systems include government, military, banking, insurance, financial institutions, etc.


4. The chain of blocks marks the beginning of the era of trust in human society.



The basic concept of the block chain and the power of shock and subversion were just mentioned. What is it that sustains such a magical machine of trust?


First, these three bottom technologies play a key role:


1. Digital encryption Hash function: means that no one can calculate the pre-encryption password in reverse, but it can be proofreaded.


2. Hashi Pointer Data Structure: Ensure that the Hashi Pointer Linked Data Chain is unalterable once it is generated.


3. Asymmetric digital signature: means that only one can sign, and anyone can verify but no one can modify, move or delete.


These three bottom technologies can be summarized as the crypto-digital currency technology “three axes”—numbers that change instantaneously.


Marco Polo has come to China to lament that China’s banknotes are gold-pointing techniques made of barks. Today, in the digital economy, these three bottom technologies are the new era of gold-pointing.


Digital encryption techniques encrypt information and transactional data into non-modifiable data blocks through encryption operations, and strictly secure encrypted data blocks transmit digital currency and digital assets across distributed networks.


So, what's the Hashi function?


In essence, the Hashi function is a unique mathematical function that guarantees these encryption properties. It has the following characteristics:


1. Any string input of any length


2. Output producing a fixed length


3. The results are validly calculated


Four, anti-cipatory collision.


5. Secrecy


Six. You can travel through the labyrinth.




Why isn't the data tampered with?


If the assailant tampered with any data on the block chain, the altered data could not produce the correct (sole) Hashi pointer to the next data block. That is, the tamperer took the data and pointer of the entire block chain, and was unable to produce the first header because he did not know the original password, so that all nodes on the network would detect such an attempt.



Merkle trees, all data blocks are stored on pairs and then the Hashi pointer is stored on the tree structure. The Hashi pointer at the parent point is then paired as input to produce a new Hashi pointer as the parent point, so that data from all leaves can be stored in this tree structure.


Here I would like to say a point of technological innovation and a point of business innovation, as well as a moving “studies” of Chinese instant enrichment.


In 2017, in the case of the Bitcoin expansion event, in the original bitcoin code, the size of the data block in which the transaction record was stored was defined by Benz in Central. The number of transactions that a single block can accommodate is limited, and the solution to the expansion is first conceived to increase the size of the block.


The New York consensus proposed a block-size separation and expansion of the block size to 2M. The Bit continent used the opportunity to advocate innovation and offer options that did not require isolation to verify an extension of 8M. As a result, BitcoinCash was created and later renamed Bitcoin ABC. As a result, on 1 August 2017, at 20:20, mining began with bitcoin, the highest price of which was almost $10,000.


And this innovation point is the size 1-8 of the data block that the data structure labels “Data”, creating instantaneous personal wealth on the Bit continent and U Xianxian.


Let's see what a real bitcoin looks like. Bitcoin isn't a big gold coin, it's a bunch of 256 bytes of similar computer code 01010101.


The actual data connection status of the block chain can be seen above through the block chain browser. The block chain number 101-102-103-104.... is linked to this.


The third bottom core technology is asymmetric digital signature. The math is shown in the figure below.


Simply put, for non-technicals, there is nothing: encryption is divided into two keys, one is used only for encryption and verification, and the other is used only for encryption and declassification, the most important of which is verification and declassification. This has also led to a change in the shape of our assets in the future digital economy.


Finally, the technology at the bottom of the block chain is a distributed consensus mechanism, in addition to the three axes of the “book printing” referred to earlier.


The distributed consensus means that all nodes agree to a full web-based verification of transaction records.


If the three axes of paper printing determine that businesses and individuals can print whatever they want, then the consensus mechanism is the process of distributing these notes to the market, which determines the shape and essence of many blocks below the chain. That is, how do you convince everyone that you have a “value” of the money you printed?


The value-consensus agreement has the following five elements:


1. Who maintains (storage/exchange) records of transactions


Who has the authority to decide whether a transaction is legal?


3. Who is the generator of the initial digital asset


4. Who can modify the rules of the system


5. Who will profit from the digital asset exchange


To solve the above five problems, digital money can then be distributed to a market or economy. If the economy does not yet have the technology to counter each other, it can create a “deep blow” to the currency war.


Technically, the block chain obtains its own unique decentralisation results through different distributed consensus agreements.


But in essence, especially in the area of monetary and financial science, digital money is inherently a movement in which the modern tradition of national monetization is relentlessly decentralized to digital economy firms and individuals through open-source software, triggering a value revolution. Just as we drive a 200-km car to Songde Street, cars can hit dead when there are no rules of transport, and most people who have not seen it will still think of them as demons.



Since consensus agreements differ, classifications vary, decentralizing and distributed consensus mechanisms - common types: public chains, private chains, union chains and licensing chains.


Public chain: All persons are accessible and completely decentralised, and anyone can access the system at any time to read data to confirm the transaction and compete for the right to change the record of the transaction.


Private chains: Participation nodes are strictly restricted, organization-controlled block data writing rights are specified. Efficient, private, low-cost, less likely to be attacked, and many large financial institutions prefer this type.


Union chains: Multiple nodes operated by the regulatory body, where only specific nodes are available to read and write transaction data, which are transmitted between these nodes and recorded together.


Licence chain: Each participating node must be licensed and cannot access the system without permission.


There are, of course, mixed chains, and all nodes have different licences and privileges depending on the circumstances (the Enterprise Blockchain is one).


Here, look at the importance and revolutionary nature of this consensus mechanism. Much of the technology for autonomous and innovative block chains advocated by Xi Jinping General Secretary takes place in this context, namely, the innovation of consensus algorithms and consensus agreements.


Assuming that each of the n nodes has an input value, some of the nodes are an effective distributed consensus mechanism that must be achieved with fault or intent to attack maliciously:


1. Value consensus is made by all honest nodes


2. Values must be derived from honest nodes


This consensus of Bitcoin has led to Bitcoin’s success to this day. Why is the Bitcoin Consensus mechanism effective? Because it has succeeded in preventing the following kinds of attacks:



To spend the currency, the ownership must produce a legitimate transaction record. A digital signature by the bearer needs to be tampered with. As long as the digital signature pattern is secure enough, outsiders cannot steal digital assets by tampering with the digital signature (bitcoin).



If Alice refuses to accept Bob's signature and payment of the digital currency and puts the approved data blocks in the chain of the blocks that he broadcast, then Bob only needs to wait a little while, so that all honest verifications of Bob's legitimate signature and payment nodes broadcast the received data blocks to ensure that the payments are recorded, broadcast and transmitted.



When the same currency is spent in two separate transactions at the same time, only one transaction record is legally written into the block chain. If Alice succeeds in paying itself the money that has already been paid to Bob, for example, the transaction record it pays to Bob will pass through the check and not add another round of additional data blocks, and the original payment will be rejected as a chain of isolation.


Bitcoin, Superbooks, Etherwood, functional contracts are all growing fast. Etherium and Superbook Hyperledger are an open-source, bottom-of-the-chain system.


There are API and interfaces for fast-developing block chain applications, R3 (Corda), Ripple, and so on. Etherium Etherium and Superbook Hyperledger are both an open-source, bottom-of-block system technical architecture that, like Andre, provides a very rich API and interface on which many people can quickly develop a variety of block chain applications, and the large features of Tai and Superbooks are smart contracts. There are also banking union R3 (Corda), cross-border asset transfer Ripple.


Block chains provide a credible implementation environment for smart contracts and smart contracts for block extension. Smart contracts, once established, can be executed automatically without the involvement of an intermediary, and no one can stop them.





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