4岁开始接触编程,12岁就用C++语言编写游戏,19岁辍学创业。这位27岁俄罗斯「天才少年」Vitalik Buterin 缔造了这样的神话。
他眼里闪烁着晶蓝光芒。?看似平平无奇,却是你羡慕的另一个90后「天才少年」。?4岁开始编程,19岁辍学,从此便开创了一段传奇。?他是Vitalik Buterin,人称「V神」,就连俄罗斯总统普京都是他的粉丝。?
"br" his eyes glittered with crystal blue light. "It seems flat, but it's another 90-year-old genius you envied. " 4-year-olds are programmed and 19-year-olds drop out of school, creating a legend. He is Vitalik Buterin, known as "V God," and even Russian President Putin is a fan of him.
At the moment, he has created the latest report of the Taiku at $3340. Its market value exceeds that of large American businesses, such as American banks, Disneys, and Jiatri Po?
说起V神的个人生活,可真的是英雄出自少年啊。?1994年,Buterin出生于俄罗斯科洛姆纳,父亲Dmitry Buterin是一位计算机科学家。?
♪ When he was 4 years old, his father sent him a personal computer and started his programming career. ♪
6岁时,一家人移居到加拿大。小学三年级时,Buterin 被安排到天才儿童班,那时,他就被数学、编程和经济学吸引住了。?大概是因为移民,Buterin会说4种语言,英语、法语、德语、俄语,据说他只花了几个月就可以流利地说中文。?
At the age of six, a family moved to Canada. At the third grade of primary school, Buterin was placed in a class of gifted children, when he was attracted to mathematics, programming, and economics.
12岁起,他用C++撰写简单的游戏给自己玩。?高中毕业后,Buterin进入滑铁卢大学学习高级课程,并担任密码学家Ian Goldberg的研究助理,Goldberg曾参与创建Off-the-Record Messaging(OTR)。?看起来前程似锦,但入学8个月后,他走上了比尔·盖茨和扎克伯格的道路——辍学。?
Since he was 12 years old, he has written simple games for himself in C++. After high school, Buterin went into advanced courses at Waterloo University and worked as a research assistant for cryptographer Ian Goldberg, who was involved in creating the Off-the-Record Messaging (OTR).
从哈佛辍学的扎克伯格与比尔·盖茨?为什么呢?直接原因可能是获得了风投家 Peter Thiel的100,000 美元奖学金,有了这笔钱,他可以全身心投入他的比特币新项目。?Buterin和比特币结缘大概是在17岁时,从父亲那里有所了解。?
Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, who dropped out of Harvard? The direct cause could be the $100,000 scholarship for a wind pitcher, Peter Thiel, with which he could devote himself to his new bitcoin project. Buterin and Bitcoin were probably 17 years old, and learned about it from his father.
然后他开始为加密货币新闻网站撰写有关比特币的文章,报酬是5个比特币(当时约为3.5美元)。?这个网站关闭后,他于2011年和Mihai Alisie共同创办了一本比特币杂志Bitcoin Magazine。?
He then started writing about Bitcoin for an encrypted currency news site, for five bitcoins (about $3.5 at the time). After the website was closed, he co-founded a Bitcoin Magazine in 2011 with Mihai Alisie.
In 2013, when he went to college, he began to travel around the globe, visiting developers and sharing his enthusiasm for the code. At the end of the year, he returned to Toronto and published a white paper proposing the creation of an Etherm?
In the White Paper, Buterin proposed the design of a new bitcoin, based on a common programming language, that could be used to create a variety of applications, such as socialization, trade, games...? He sent the white paper to 15 people, and these 15 people sent it to their friends. Ten or ten times, Buterin’s ideas quickly blew up in the Bitcoin community!
另外,Buterin拿过的奖也挺多的,比如,2012年国际信息学奥林匹克竞赛铜牌、2014 年的IT 软件类世界技术奖。?
In addition, Buterin has received a large number of awards, such as the bronze medal of the 2012 International Informatics Olympic Games and the 2014 World Technology Award for IT Software.
Vitalik Buterin看上去也特别符合一个怪才:?瘦如竹竿,顶着个巨头,语速极快,经常眼神飘忽不定。?有人说他自闭,更多人愿意称他为「和世界格格不入的外星人」。?
bbr> Vitalik Buterin also seems to be particularly stylish:
比特币在加密货币以外的应用,也因为Buterin的加入而更加明朗。?Buterin走访美国、意大利、以色列等比特币开发者社群,加入比特币的转型工作,打造 Bitcoin 2.0。?
Bitcoin’s application outside of encrypted currency is also made clearer by Buterin’s participation. Buterin visits the United States, Italy, Israel, etc. of the Bitcoin developers’ community, joins the Bitcoin transition and builds Bitcoin 2.0.
As stated earlier, the White Paper has been endorsed by its peers, which has given Buterin great encouragement. At the beginning of 2014, he and one of his partners collected over 310,000 bitcoins, or $18 million, through the ICO.
这成为了加密货币史上价值第二高的ICO。?有了这笔钱,Buterin 团队很快在瑞士成立一家非盈利公司Ethereum Foundation,投入了自己同年获得10万美元的提尔奖学金开启以太坊建置工作。?2015年,以太坊正式上线,Buterin 年仅21岁。?来年年初,以太坊的技术得到了市场的认可,价格大幅上涨,吸引了大量开发商以外的人进入以太坊的世界。?然而,以太坊的崛起之路并非一帆风顺。?就在2016年,以太坊上的一个应用DAO因为代码漏洞发生了攻击事件。?当时被黑客盗了 300 多万以太币,价值6千万美元,以太币币价也随之应声暴跌。?Buterin带队,更新了以太坊的许多安全漏洞。?据最新数据显示,Buterin现在身家已超过十亿美元。?
This is the second most valuable ICO in the history of encrypted currency. With this money, Buterin’s team quickly set up a nonprofit company, Etheum Foundation, in Switzerland.
If Nakamoto is the creator of the block chain, Buterin is the key driver of the block chain. God V calls him worthy.
And in the near future, we're going to invite V God to share it online and look forward to it.
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