5月20日,Tokenview团队宣布正式推出BRC-20代币浏览器,同时支持BTC Ordinals API数据服务。作为通用多链区块链浏览器,Tokenview以最快的速度推出了BRC-20浏览器,Ordinals API旨在为所有面向比特币的普通用户和开发者提供数据支持,降低访问门槛。
20 May & #xff0c; Tokenview team announced the official launch of the BRC-20 Currency Browser & #xff0c; also supported BTC Ordinals API data service. Tokenview launched the BRC-20 Browser & #xff0c at the fastest speed; Ordinals API was designed to provide data support to all ordinary users and developers of Bitcoin & #xff0c; lowered access thresholds.
Ordinals协议是一个为聪(Sats)编号的系统。聪是比特币最小的单位,价值为0.00000001 BTC。这些聪按它们被开采的顺序编号,这意味着即使聪最终转移到不同的钱包,分配给它的序号也保持不变。
The Ordinals agreement is a system for hearing #xff08; sats #xff09; numbering. The hearing is the smallest unit of bitcoin xff0c; the value is 0.000001 BTC. These ears are numbered xff0c in the order in which they are mined; this means that even the hearing eventually moves to a different wallet xff0c; the serial number assigned to it remains unchanged.
Inscriptions & #xff08; inscription & #xff09; refers to the creation of bitcoin raw digital works by engraving the contents & #xff08; text, images, videos, etc. & #xff09; so Ordinals make bitcoin an asset & #xff08; Token #43; NFT #xff09; a reality.
Bitcoin is a revolutionary development xff0c; it makes bitcoin's value constantly being released. From the initial point-to-point cash payment system xff0c; to the assets that can be released like Taiwan xff0c; undoubtedly xff0c; and bitcoinOrdinals leave a lot of ink in Bitcoin's development history.
作为比特币区块链浏览器的早期建设者和引领者,Tokenview将继续参与并见证比特币的发展。从2018年Tokenview上线了第一条区块浏览器——比特币浏览器,再到2023年为 BRC-20 代币推出区块链浏览器,这对Tokenview来说意义重大。Tokenview一直走在Web3蓬勃发展的浪潮里去。
The early builder and leader of the Bitcoin block chain browser xff0c; Tokenview will continue to participate in and witness the development of Bitcoin. From Tokenview, in 2018, the first block browser, the Bitcoin browser xff0c; and in 2023, the BRC-20 token rolls the block chain browser xff0c; this means a lot to Tokenview. Tokenview has been walking through the boom of Web3.
Tokenview BRC-20浏览器支持用户访问BTC链上Ordinals NFT数据,包括铭文、创世交易、UTXO、创世区块、内容类型、Owner地址、转移和交易详情等。
Tokenview BRC-20 browser supports user access to the BTC chain of Ordinals NFT data & #xff0c; includes mottos, creation deals, UTXO, creation block, content type, Owner address, transfer and transaction details, etc.
此前已上线.btc域名解析。在Tokenview首页或比特币区块浏览器的搜索框,输入任何您感兴趣的比特币域名,来查询BTCDomain Inscription信息。
The domain name has previously been lined.btc. The search box xff0c on the Tokenview front page or the Bitcoin block browser; enter any bitcoin domain name xff0c; query BTCCDomain Information.
e.g. tokenview.btc:
Tokenview 区块链APIs & 数据服务平台允许任何组织或个人注册开发者账号,进行免费试用 BTC Ordinals API。
The Tokenview Block Chain APIs & DataService platform allows any organization or individual to register developer account & #xff0c; free trial BTC Ordinals API.
目前,BTC Ordinals API支持通过REST API获取 Bitcoin Ordinals数据,包括 Inscription 详情、Inscription 交易、账户拥有的Inscription 列表等。
Currently xff0c; BTC Organisations API supports the acquisition of Bitcoin Ordinals data & #xff0c through REST API; including Infoscription details, Inscription transactions, account owned Inscription lists, etc.
API Doc:
(1)Inscription 详情获取
& #xff08; 1xff09;Inscription
a:根据txid,返回 inscription 详情
a & #xff1a; returns inscription
b:根据inscription_id,返回 inscription 详情
b: based on inscription_id, returns inscription
c:根据inscription_num,返回 inscription 详情
c: based on inscription_num, returns inscription
(2)根据inscription_id,返回 inscription 的所有交易
& #xff08; 2) returns all transactions according to inscription_id, inscription
Users can access all information, including creation block and transaction information, transaction history, etc.
(3)根据address 返回它拥有的 inscription 列表
& #xff08; 3) returns the list of inscriptions it owns according to address
用户可以获取该地址拥有的所有 inscription信息。
The user can access all inscription information held at the address.
Tokenview作为区块链APIs & 数据服务平台,提供了 120+ 条公链的链上数据,现已包括BTC(UTXO),ETH,TRX, USDT,Layer2,Cosmos,zk-SNARKs,隐私网络等完整数据。
Tokenview provided 120+ xff0c; now includes BTC( UTXO) xff09; xff0c; ETH, TRX, USDT, Layer2, Cosmos, zk-Snarks and complete data such as privacy networks.
Tokenview has developed into the most important infrastructure for the public chain ecology. The new BRC-20 Currency Browser is open to all ordinary users and developers xff0c; Tokenews wants to work with BTC developers to promote innovation in the sector chain industry.
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