
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:48 评论:0
火币创始人李林转让其股份事件最终尘埃落幕。   北京时间10月8日,火币全球站“Huobi Global”发布公告《Huobi Global控股股东完成股份出售》,称“Huobi Global控股股东公司...



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  北京时间10月8日,火币全球站“Huobi Global”发布公告《Huobi Global控股股东完成股份出售》,称“Huobi Global控股股东公司已向百域资本旗下基金转让所持有的全部Huobi Global股份,百域资本旗下并购基金成为Huobi Global的第一大股东和实控人。本次交易仅涉及控股股东变化,并不会对现有核心管理和运营团队带来影响。百域资本并购基金将整合相关行业资源,对Huobi Global的国际品牌进行全面升级,包括制定打造全新的全球品牌计划、成立由行业领袖人才领衔的全球战略咨询委员会、注入充沛的风险准备金、大力提升竞争力等,带领Huobi Global继续为国际投资者提供一流的交易和投资服务。”

On October 8, Beijing time, the Firecoat Global Station & ldquo; Huobi Global & rdquo; the announcement that Huobi Global Holdings had completed the sale of shares, known as “ Huobi Global Holdings had transferred all the Huobi Globall shares held to the 100-Hover Capital Flag Fund; the 100-Hovers Capital Merger and Purchase Fund had become Huobi Global’s first-largest shareholder and owner. This deal involved only changes in controlling shareholders and would not have an impact on the existing core management and operations team. The 100-Hovernance Capital Acquisition Fund would consolidate the relevant industry resources and undertake a comprehensive upgrading of the international brand of Huobi Global, including the development of a new global branding scheme, the creation of a global strategic advisory board of industry leaders, a strong risk reserve, and substantial competitiveness enhancement, leading Huobi Global to the continuation of a stream of trading and investment services for international investors; and & rdquo;

  随后,火币创始人李林在社交媒体发文:“说声再见。就在刚才,完成了Huobi Global的股权转让及资产交割事宜,这标志着,百域资本 (AboutCapital) 旗下基金成为Huobi Global的第一大股东和实控人,我不再是Huobi Global的股东,也不直接或者间接拥有Huobi Globa的任何权限。”

Li Lin, founder of the gun coin, then wrote in social media: & ldquo; say goodbye. Just now, the transfer of shares in Huobi Global and the handing over of assets have been completed, marking that the fund under the rubric of AboutCapital became the first shareholder and realist of Huobi Global, and that I no longer owns Huobi Global and has no direct or indirect authority over Huobi Globa.


The withdrawal of Li Lin, the founder of the gun coin, also means that it originated in mainland China and ended up officially farewelling an encrypted currency exchange that was developed off-shore as a result of regulatory policy options. It is known that the merger deal has been approved by the Huobi Board of Directors and has been formally concluded, and that the formal handover of shares and operations has now been completed.


According to the 100-area capital network, it is a Hong Kong asset management company that specializes in investing in Asia-Pacific markets. In 2013, the company obtained license plate No. 9 from the Hong Kong Censorship Board, founded by Chen Yiu.


With regard to the acquisition of the Treasure Global Station, the Chief Executive Officer of 100-area capital Chen also said: & ldquo; we're happy to complete the deal. It provides the best encrypted asset investment service to millions of international users. We believe that the encryption asset industry and the Treasure Global Station are still in their infancy and have great potential for long-term growth. & rdquo;


While the crypto-currency exchange was created in 2013 as one of the world's largest encrypted currency platforms, CoinGecko data show that, to date, the volume of transactions including currency security, Coinbase, FTX, and Euro-Eué have exceeded that.


On 15 September of that year, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate of China, the Ministry of Industry and Informationization, the Ministry of Public Security, the General Directorate of Market Supervision, the Silver Insurance Supervisory Board, the Securities Supervisory Board, and the Foreign Exchange Bureau jointly issued a multi-sectoral circular on the further prevention and treatment of the risks involved in virtual currency transactions, which severely combats virtual currency transactions and campaigning, including the prohibition of foreign virtual currency trading platforms to provide virtual currency trading services to continental users.


Li Lin apologized to the high-value, net-value customers of the coin in the community, calling “ even without it, you can choose currency and OK. & & rdquao;


The Exchange has now completed the clearance of mainland Chinese users and, in this purchase statement, has once again reminded mainland Chinese users to withdraw their assets from the Exchange.


On August 12, according to Bloomberg, Li Lin, the founder of the Treasure Group, was negotiating with a group of investors to sell his shares in the coin at a value of up to $3 billion. At the time, however, the coin indicated & ldquo; there was currently no formula for the transfer of major shareholder shares, and the company was operating normally. ” Li Lin had revealed that it wanted new shareholders to be resourceful and lead to the internationalization of the coin.

  据悉,李林也持有或间接持有港股上市公司火币科技(HK:01611)的部分股份,2021年末李林卸任火币科技CEO职位,但保留董事长及执行董事职位,此次收购是否涉及李林掌握的火币科技股份并不知晓。今年9月13日,火币科技发布公告称,拟更改公司名称。其中文名称“火币科技控股有限公司”将更改为“新火科技控股有限公司”,英文名称“Huobi Technology Holdings Limited”改为“New Huo Technology Holdings Limited”。(记者:司林威 来源: 界面新闻

Li Lin is also known to hold or indirectly hold a portion of the shares of a company listed in Hong Kong's currency technology (HK:01611), which in late 2021 left the position of Fire Technology CEO for Li Lin, but it is not known that the position of Chairman and Executive Director was retained, and that the acquisition involved the shares of the coin technology held by Li Lin. On September 13 this year, the China Currency Technology announcement stated that the name of the company was to be changed. The name & ldquo; China Currency Technology Holdings Ltd. & & rdquo; to be changed to &ldquao; New Fire Technology Holdings Ltd. & & & rdquao; English name & ldquao; Huobi Technology Holdings Limited & rdquao; changed to & Handquo; New Huo Technology Holdings Limited & Redquao; (: < /Span>)




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