比特币又创历史新高 市值逼近亚马逊!美国首只比特币ETF刚刚上市

资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:25 评论:0
  不知不觉,比特币又创新高了!I don't know. Bitcoin's new!  10月20日晚间,比特币现货价格突破66000美元,创出历史新高。而在北京时间的同一日,美国第一只比特币ETF终于在等待八年后正式上线,首日成交额接...



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I don't know. Bitcoin's new!


By the night of October 20, Bitcoin’s spot price had reached an all-time high of $66,000. On the same day in Beijing, America’s first Bitcoin ETF was finally officially launched eight years later, with a first-day deal of nearly $1 billion, the second largest in history of all types of ETF transactions, to some extent, providing the basis for a “white-cleaning” of Bitcoin transactions.


Moreover, before this Bitcoin reached an all-time high, it had been rounded up for about six months, with a low price of $28,000. According to industry, Bitcoin prices were supported in the pantry and re-emerged, benefiting from the depreciation of the dollar and global inflation. Bitcoin has become a hedge against inflation for many overseas institutions, although Bitcoin assets themselves are highly volatile.


After nearly four consecutive months of escalation, the price of Bitcoin reached an all-time high in the evening of 20 October.


According to real-time prices, nightboard transactions have reached a peak of $66,000, that is, 430,000 yuan in a bitcoin, and nearly 1.4 times more in bitcoin since this year. The latest data show that Bitcoins has a market value of about $8 trillion, or about $1.25 trillion, and is sixth in the global asset list, followed by $1.74 trillion in Amazon.


At the same time that the price of


As two of the most marketable species in the digital currency world, Bitcoin and Etheria have been regarded as core assets of the currency circle, and since this year several domestic and foreign institutions have announced the purchase of Bitcoin and Etheria’s assets, including port stock listing companies. During the evening of 7 March, Meteo announced in Hong Kong that the Group had purchased 15,000 Ethers in open market transactions on 5 March, and 379 Bitcoins (BTC), with a total value of approximately $22.1 million and $17.9 million, respectively, totalling $40 million.


The surprise of Bitcoin's breakthrough this time was a 22-month circle.


Because Bitcoin experienced a whole 2020 cattle market boom, after a wave of surges in 2021, Bitcoin was thought to be entering a downward phase in the price of harvests, and since April, bitcoin prices seem to have been high and then fall for three months in a row, with the lowest price plowing to $28,000.


In the third quarter, the People's Bank of China, the Central Network Information Agency, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Industry and Informationization, the Ministry of Public Security, the General Directorate of Market Supervision, the Silver Insurance Supervisory Board, the CSRC and the 10 departments of the State Foreign Exchange Agency jointly issued a circular on the further prevention and disposal of the risks involved in virtual currency transactions (hereinafter referred to as the Circular).


The Circular states that the main features of virtual currency, such as the issuance of non-monetary authorities, the use of cryptographic and distributed accounts or similar technologies, their presence in digital form, are non-remunerative and should not and cannot be used as a currency on the market; the business activities associated with virtual currency are illegal financial activities. The conduct of legal currency and virtual currency exchange operations, the exchange of virtual currency between virtual currency, the purchase and sale of virtual currency as a central counterpart, the provision of information intermediaries and pricing services for virtual currency transactions, the financing of currency issuances and transactions related to virtual currency derivatives are all strictly prohibited and criminalized under the law.


However, the disappearance of bitcoin mining in mainland China is actually a major shift in mining operations, with large numbers of miners moving to the US and Russia. The data from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom show that, after intensive regulation of bitcoin mining in mainland China, the United States re-established as the centre of Bitcoin mining activities, with a further share in the world’s crown, at the end of August, accounting for about 35.4% of the world’s Bitcoin value, followed by Kazakhstan and Russia.

  这也意味着,在比特币价格已经连跌几个月的背景下,给了海外资金抄底的机会,尤其在美元贬值和通胀的背景下,比特币一直被海外机构资金视为对抗通胀的一种避险资产。纽约数字投资集团(NYDIG)首席执行官Ross Stevens表示,其流动性储备现在是比特币,在未来10到20年中,美元是否会相对于比特币贬值。“我们有足够的信心认为,在长期内美元将对比特币是贬值的。”

This also means that, against a backdrop of several months of falling bitcoin prices, the opportunity has been given to depreciate overseas funds, especially in the context of the depreciation of the dollar and inflation, which have been treated by overseas agency funds as a hedge against inflation. Ross Stevens, Chief Executive Officer of the New York Digital Investment Group (NYDIG), said that his liquidity reserve is now Bitcoin, and that the dollar will depreciate against Bitco in the next 10 to 20 years. “We have enough confidence that the dollar will devalue the dollar in the long run.”


It is a matter of concern that the emergence of the first bitcoin ETF in the United States was also a major factor in the increase in the price of bitcoin.


After years of attempts and failures by the initiators of the Bitcoin ETF, the encrypt currency investment was finally opened to the American public. On the same day that Bitcoin was created, Beijing time was 20 October, and the United States time was 19 October, the United States finally welcomed the first Bitcoin-related Exchange Exchange Trading Fund (ETF) - ProShares Bitcoin Strategy ETF (with a trading code BITO) - the first-day transaction was close to $1 billion, making it the second highest ever (all types of ETF funds).



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The appearance of the Bitcoin ETF in the United States has undoubtedly put a layer of compliance on the Bitcoin deal, which stimulates the investment needs of the money in bitcoin.


“The approval of the Bitcoin ETF by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission will be a major moment for the crypto-currency industry, as this may be a key driving force in attracting the next wave of crypto-currency investors”, Edward Moja, a senior market analyst from the United States firm Anders.


The research director of Wall Street Digital Monetary Corporation, Tom Lee, stated that the upcoming launch of the United States Exchange Trading Fund (ETF) based on Bitcoin futures could attract more than $50 billion in capital inflows in the first year. He said: “We believe that Bitcoins will require more than 100 ETS (QQQ.US) inflows.” The Fund tracks the benchmark NASDAQ 100 stock index, which, according to data, only 20-year-old funds have more than $188 billion in assets. According to the above-mentioned institutions, by the end of the year, the price of Bitcoins would be $100,000.


However, traditional financial institutions continue to have doubts about this, and Jamie Damon, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Morgan Chase, believes that Bitcoin will be held illegal somewhere, just as China has outlawed it, so it's kind of like stupid gold. He says at a public event, "I personally think Bitcoin is worthless."




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