On 31 July, Huan Xiao Feng, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Block Chain, delivered a presentation entitled "The Three Stages of Block Chain Application Landing" at the launch of the "Technology and Applications of Block Chains Summit and the Fourth China Block Chain Development Competition". He said that the block chain application was divided into three phases of tool performance such as record-keeping, traceability, reorganization of production relations, and was based on the value distribution and value exchange phases of the block chain.
Shao Feng states that during phase 1.0 of the block chain application, the block chain technology primarily uses tools such as documentation, traceability, etc.. This tool application dates back six or seven years, or even earlier.
At present, the development phase of the block chain is dominated by the application of the fielding phase of 2.0. During this phase, block chain technology plays a role in restructuring productive relationships, generating innovative business models based on eco-relationships in multilateral platforms, such as distributed commerce.
“For the time being, the application of block chains in the re-establishment of ecological relations has been seen in areas such as industrial Internet and physical networking.” Shao Feng says.
Shao Feng further noted that, with the issuance of central bank digital currencies, the multilateral platform has become more active, entering the 3.0 phase of block chain application, i.e. value distribution and value exchange based on block chains as a result of the digitization of assets and digital assetization.
Shaw Fung stated that achieving phase 3.0 would require more mature conditions, including legally compliant digital currencies issued by central banks, and smart contracts, including the establishment of national standards in the area of smart contracts.
It is an honour for the sponsors of the General Assembly to give me the opportunity to share my ideas here, and I will focus on the theme of block chain technology and applications, and share my views on the location of block chain technology applications.
I believe that the application of the block chain can be divided into three phases.
At phase 1.0 of the block chain application, the block chain technology is primarily based on tool performance such as documentation, traceability, etc. This tool application dates back six, seven years, or even earlier, so we can say that phase 1.0 of the block chain application has been in place for a long time.
Today, we have moved into phase 2.0 of the block chain application. During this phase, block chain technology has played a role in restructuring productive relationships and generating innovative business models such as distributed commerce.
With regard to the evolution of business models, the Platform's Strategy has divided business organizations into three types of platforms from a platform perspective: unilateral, bilateral and multilateral.
Unilateral platform enterprises are the product of the early stages of the industrial revolution. The business model of such enterprises is one-way, i.e. reducing production costs through large-scale production of standardized products and selling them to as many customers as possible for commercial profit.
Bilateral platforms were born in the Internet era, such as those based on the Internet.
The multilateral platform is the application of block chain technology to innovation in a business model such as a bilateral platform, with a distributed approach to building a multilateral platform in which more participants can participate, upgrading the two-way relationship in a bilateral platform to a point-to-point where more commercial activities and transactions can be accomplished. Thus, block chain technology can be very innovative, reconfigured on a multilateral platform-based ecological relationship, and form what industry is often called distributed commerce.
But so far, neither industrial 4.0 in Germany nor industrial Internet in the United States has made the desired progress or results. The key issue is that the industrial Internet does not simply create the intelligence of internal production and manufacturing processes, but rather needs to break the corporate fence and build industrial chains and supply chain networks, which involve a wide range of participants.
Another problem is that the industrial Internet should be intelligent in industrial manufacturing and industrial enterprises. The intellectualization of individual firms lacks big, complete and multi-dimensional data to support the operation of AI algorithms and enhances their manufacturing or service levels from an intelligent perspective.
But sharing of data requires, first and foremost, corresponding technical systems to ensure data reliability. Second, there is a need for corresponding technical solutions to protect data privacy.
However, we see that block chains can provide a very low-cost solution to data security, credibility, and privacy issues. At the same time, blocks chains, coupled with technologies such as privacy computing, cryptography, and so on, can provide low-cost commercially feasible data protection and co-production options.
Next, as central banks issue digital currencies, and as multilateral platforms become more active, we will move to phase 3.0 – the digitalization of assets and the digitalization of assets, with value distribution and value exchange based on block chains. At this stage, we will see digitization and intelligence followed by financialization, assetization, and the re-establishment of a stakeholder-based economic system, with new value assessment, value distribution, and value exchange chain applications in place.
Some more mature conditions are needed to reach stage 3.0. In such a system of value flows, we need a central bank-issued, legal digital currency, smart contracts, including the efforts of the Institute of Standardization to establish national standards in the area of smart contracts, as stated earlier by President Zhao (in this case, President Zhao Bo of the Chinese Institute for Standardization of Electronic Technology).
This is a very important change. Since last year, there has been a change in global capital markets, from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder capitalism. Stakeholders do not necessarily have equity relationships, or even recognize them.
I believe that the block chain application will end up at this point, where a very intelligent economy is born on the basis of the block chain. This is what we can expect. Currently, phase 2.0 is being refined, and any platform, network or system can be built by considering a distributed approach to an open, open, shared, co-managed distributed economy.
Tesla opened up the core technology, from the earliest cell technology to the recent announcement of open-source autopilot technology on Twitter. Tesla’s autopilot technology is considered to be the closest to the L4 level, and Mask is willing to open the source. He redefined the vehicle through digitization, while redefining the digital economy through open-source core technology.
Block chains are the infrastructure of the digital economy that can build open, open-source, scalable, and distributed commerce without commercial boundaries. This is what block chain technologies can bring, and it is worth exploring together: how we can build distributed business partnerships.
Thank you.
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