上热搜了!比特币最高突破8800 USDT,比特币减半后真的会多出很多百万富翁?

资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:29 评论:0
华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 冉学东 见习记者 王永菲 北京报道Washington Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn) journalist...



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上热搜了!比特币最高突破8800 USDT,比特币减半后真的会多出很多百万富翁?

华夏时报(www.chinatimes.net.cn)记者 冉学东 见习记者 王永菲 北京报道

Washington Times (www.chinatimes.net.cn) journalist Xiaodong Wang Yongfei, Beijing report

4月30日05:00,BTC(比特币)再次突破8900 USDT(泰达币),24小时涨了1000 USDT,日内涨幅超过6.61%。随着行情的强势上涨,比特币话题直接登上了微博热搜,山寨币也跟随主流币应声高涨。截至当日14:00发稿,BTC报价9350 USDT。

On April 30, at 0500, BTC (bitcoin) made another breakthrough of 8900 USDT (Teda coin), rising by 1,000 USDTs in 24 hours, with an increase of more than 6.61% in the day. As the momentum rose, the topic of Bitcoin went straight to the microblog, and the mountain coins went up with the mainstream currency. By 14:00, BTC had offered 9350 USDT.

本报记者发现,福布斯发文称:“《Bitcoin Halving: A New Class OfBitcoin Millionaires May Emerge》(《比特币减半:新的比特币百万富翁阶层可能出现》)”,文章的观点称,在前两次比特币减半的过程中,创造了无数的百万富翁。计划于2020年5月进行的第三次比特币减半,可能会出现更多的比特币百万富翁。Onfo的创始人JR Forsyth和JuicyFields的创始人兼首席执行官Alan Glanse就是从前两次比特币减半中获益的百万富翁。

The journalist in the newspaper finds that Forbes wrote: “Bitcoin Halving: A New Class OfBitcoin Millionaires May Emerge”, the view of which is that millions of millionaires were created in the process of halving the first two bitcoins. The third bitcoins, scheduled for May 2020, could lead to more bitcoins. Alan Glanse, founder and chief executive officer of Onfo’s founders, JR Forsyth and JuicyFields, was the millionaire who had benefited from halving the two bitcoins.


Do you really have a millionaire more than half of the dollars?

“一早上起来发现账户的资产多了不少,到处查找利好消息,结果一无所获,数字货币果然不是消息面主导的投机产品。”“大家别上当啦,这是庄家在拉高诱多,震荡出货,反手爆多的操作的第一波。”“3800 USDT买的就等着减半破10万美金了。”本报记者所在的微信数字货币讨论群逐渐活跃了起来。

“It turns out that the account has a lot of assets in the morning and is looking for good news everywhere, and it turns out that digital money is not a top-secret speculative product.” “Don't be ridiculous, this is the first wave of counter-hand operations in which the dealer is pulling up, shaking and shaking.” “3800 USDT buys until half of the $100,000. The micro-fiscal money debate in this newspaper’s journalist is becoming more active.

本报记者发现,前两次比特币减半不久后,比特币每次都会出现暴涨,根据TradingView大数据显示,在第一次减半后,BTC 的历史最高价(ATH)在 367 天后被打破,BTC 市场价格飙升了 9260%。在第二次减半之后,新的 ATH 达到 526 天,价格上涨了 2976%。所以很多坚定屯币的比特币爱好者确实在无意中就成了百万富翁、千万富翁。

The newspaper reporter found that shortly after the first two bitcoins were halved, Bitcoins were on the rise each time. According to the big data on TradingView, the BTC's historical best price was broken in 367 days and BTC's market price jumped by 9260%. After the second half, the new ATH reached 526 days, and prices rose by 2976%.


But history will never be repeated, and it is hard to predict that BTC will not be able to rise or fall without physical support. Even if history is repeated, the digital currency will rise again by thousands, but this cycle will probably not be short-lived, and perhaps the next surge will be two or three years later.


As ETH 2.0 approaches, it is expected that ETH’s investors this year will gain more from Ether.


“In order to invest in digital money, the following points need to be maintained: do not invest all of them, with a reasonable investment ratio of 10-20 per cent of total assets; do not blindly listen to analysts and must have basic investment knowledge; and, lastly, remember that investment mindsets must be stable and do not run and fall.” An investor who makes millions of dollars in investment digital money says to his reporter.


Digital money is rising brightly, but the block chain is the industry that is now booming. With central bank digital currency internals and the country’s confirmation of the inclusion of the block chain in the “new infrastructure” category, all provinces and cities have begun to call in their policy guidance documents for a vigorous development of the block chain for economic development.


National outbreak of the block chain movement


The journalist in the newspaper notes that on 29 April, the news bulletin officially released the block chain accelerator “Stems Industries Accelerator - Block Chains”; the project “National Culture Digital Library of China” was officially launched to build a platform for the application of massized block chains; 21 banks were scheduled to promote cross-border financial services through the block chain platform by 2022; the Digital Trade in Services (DTI) Chamber in Zhejiang province used technology such as the block chain to upgrade product experiences; the financial sector chain service platform in Qinghai was successfully installed; the network network of blocks in Kunshan City was launched with a strong public record system project; Taiwan will launch a digital currency CBCDC assessment report and will be tested; 21 banks are seeking to stimulate economic development through the sector chain to keep pace with the current trends of the times.


Reporter Andy, a well-known media analyst in the industry, said: “Provincial and block chain enterprises must pay attention to compliance when developing the block chain. According to April 27, 12 government departments, including the National Networking Office, the CDC, the Ministry of Trade and Communications, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the Central Bank, the Market Supervision Authority, the Broadband Department, the Secret Service, and the Password Authority, jointly issued the Cybersecurity Review Scheme. This scheme will be implemented as of June 1. Under the Cybersecurity Review Scheme, the relevant block chain enterprises may constitute key information infrastructure operators or network product and service providers who need not only to know what is already provided for in the Act, but also to be aware of what is yet to be identified in it and to follow future legislative developments in order to be responsive.”





the half-life of bitcoin, also known as half-lives, is the incentive derived from bitcoin, which is the incentive for miners to verify each block. The first 50 BTC, which is now half every four years, is now 12.5 BTC, having experienced two half-lives (50 BTC-> 25 BTC-> 12.5 BTC).


泰达币(USDT)是Tether公司推出的基于稳定价值货币美元(USD)的代币Tether USD(USDT),1USDT=1美元,(理论上1USDT=1美元,但是经常会出现溢价,两者会略有差异)背后的大佬是bitfinex,全球最大的加密货币交易平台。

Teth USD (USDT), 1USDT=US$1, (theoretically 1 USDT=US$1, but often there will be a premium, which will be slightly different) behind Bitfinex, the world's largest encrypted currency trading platform, introduced by Tether, based on a stable value United States dollar (USD).

责任编辑:孟俊莲 主编:冉学东

Responsible Editor: Mon Jun-Lian, Editor-in-Chief: Peng Xiaodong


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