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黄金是一种特殊商品.它是在长期的商品交换过程中,在众多商品中游离出来固定充当一般等价物的商品.黄金作为货币,在世界市场上可以购买任何商品.黄金具有体积小价值大和容易分割久蒇不坏的自然属性,是最好的货币材料.黄金不仅本身有价值,而且充当衡量其他商品价值大小等五大职能.黄金是财富的化身和代表.黄金作为货币,它的价格也是由自身的价值决定的,并受供求关系的影响.黄金是稀有金属,生产黄金要耗费大量的人类劳动,劳动生产率提高很慢,所以国际市场上黄金价格相对稳定,尤其是在实行金本位的时候更是如此.现在世界各国虽然不以黄金为唯一储备,但都还储备黄金.纸币是代表黄金执行流通手段职能的.纸币发行量若超过或少于流通中所需的金属货币量,从而引起纸币贬值或升值,物价持续上涨或下跌,这就是所谓通货膨胀或通货紧缩. 国际上的价格是以美元/盎司来计算的,1盎司=31.1035克,把美元兑换成人民币是按美元价格÷31.1035×美元兑人民币汇率=人民币/克。你所看到的国际价格可能是错误的。可能到上面查看一些价格。网上收购的黄金都是以交易所为参考,然后按成色来定价格的。

Gold is a special commodity... it is a commodity in the long-term commodity exchange that moves out of its value to fix commodities that serve as general equivalents... gold is a currency... gold is a currency whose production is rare and expensive for human labour... gold is the natural attribute of any commodity on the world market... gold is the best monetary material... Gold is not only valuable in itself, but also serves as a five function of measuring the value of other commodities... Gold is the moor and representative of wealth... gold is a currency whose price is determined by its own value and is influenced by the supply and demand relationship... Gold is a rare metal, whose production is expensive for human labour and labour productivity is very slow, so that the price of gold on the international market is relatively stable, especially when gold is in place... Gold is now the only reserve, but it is now the sole reserve, but it is also the currency of gold.


{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, strong, strong.


1914年第一次世界大战时,全世界已有59个国家实行金本位制。金本位制具有如下特点:(1)黄金在国际交往中充当国际货币,各国中央银行汇票持有的国际储备资产大部分是黄金,黄金是国际货币制度的基础。金币可以自由铸造、自由兑换及自由输出入;(2)两国之间货币的汇率由它们各自的含金量之比--金平价(Gold Parity)来决定,例如一个英镑的含金量为113.0015格林,而一个美元的含金量为23.22格林,则:

At the time of the First World War in 1914, 59 countries throughout the world had a gold-based system. The gold-based system had the following characteristics: (1) gold served as an international currency in international dealings, and the bulk of the international reserve assets held by central bank bills were gold, which was the basis of the international monetary system. Gold coins were freely forged, freely convertible and freely exported; (2) the exchange rate of the currencies between the two countries was determined by their respective gold content ratios - Gold Parity, such as a pound sterling containing 113.0015 Greens and a dollar containing 23.22 Greens.


Pound1 = 113.0015/23.22 = $4.8665

只要两国货币的含金量不变,两国货币的汇率就保持稳定。当然,这种固定汇率也要受外汇供求、国际收支的影响,但是汇率的波动仅限于黄金输送点(Gold Point)。黄金输送点是指汇价波动而引起黄金从一国输出或输入的界限。汇率波动的最高界限是铸币平价加运金费用,即黄金输出点(Gold Export Point);汇率波动的最低界限是铸币平价减运金费用,即黄金输入点(Gold Import Point)。(3)具有自动调节国际收支的机制。当外汇收支出现逆差,黄金外流时,如果中央银行的黄金储备明显减少,会导致货币供给紧缩的效应,进而使物价下降,这将会提高本国商品出口的单键能力并抑制进口;同时紧缩也会使利率上扬,引起资本流入。在这种机制的作用促使国际收支恢复平衡。反之亦然。

As long as the gold content of the two currencies remains constant, the exchange rate of the two currencies will remain stable. Of course, the fixed exchange rate will also be subject to foreign exchange demand and demand and the balance of payments, but exchange rate fluctuations will be limited to the gold point (Gold Point). The gold point is the line that triggers the export or import of gold from a country as a result of exchange rate fluctuations.


With the formation of the gold-based system, gold has assumed the general equivalent of commodity exchanges, becoming the medium of commodity exchanges, and the social liquidity of gold has increased. The gold market has developed with objective social conditions and economic needs.


The gold system also has its disadvantages, and the most deadly shortcomings are its precarious subsistence base. The growth of gold stocks has not kept pace with the expansion of domestic production and circulation and the rapid growth of social wealth. The global economic crisis of the late 1930s has led to a complete collapse of the gold system, which has led to increased trade control, a ban on the free trade and import of gold, the loss of an open gold market, and the closure of the gold market in London 15 years after the first round of gold inflows.


After the war, at the World Monetary Conference held in Italy in 1922, it was decided to adopt the principle of “gold savings”... In addition to the gold standard system in the United States, the British and French systems of gold tiles are in place in other countries, and the gold exchange system is in place in other countries.” The feature of the tile system is that there is no domestic circulation of gold coins, which only issue bank vouchers representing a certain weight of gold, which can only be converted to gold. In fact, it is a subsidiary monetary system. Of course, the principal features of the gold-exchange system are that bank bonds cannot be converted to gold and gold-denominated in the country, and only to exchange foreign currencies.

2. 布雷顿森林系时期(20世纪40年代至70年代初)

2. Bretton Woods period (from the 1940s to the early 1970s)


In 1944, following intense debate between the United States and the United States, the United States invited representatives of the 44 Governments participating in the United Nations to meet in Bretton Woods, United States, in May that year, to sign the Bretton Woods Agreement, establishing the second international monetary system for humanity after the collapse of the “gold standard” system. At the heart of the Bretton Woods system was: (1) the United States dollar was the basis for international currency accounting, and the dollar became the world’s leading international reserve currency; (2) the dollar was directly linked to gold (the official value of $351 ounces had been established), while other countries’ currencies were tied to the United States dollar, and the dollar became a major player in the system; (3) the fixed exchange rate system, with the exchange rate of currencies to the United States dollar generally varying from 1 per cent to 1 per cent, and central banks were obliged to intervene when the specified threshold was exceeded.


The establishment of the Bretton Woods monetary system did, for some time after the war, usher in an era of unprecedented growth in international trade and growing interdependence of the global economy. But the Bretton Woods system has inherent weaknesses, namely, its inherent instability in the dollar as a major reserve asset.

50年代后期,随着美国经济竞争逐渐削弱,其国际收支开始趋向恶化, 60年代美国深陷越南战争的泥潭,财政赤字巨大,美元的信誉受到极大的冲击。大量资本出逃,各国纷纷抛售自己手中的美元,抢购黄金,使美国黄金储备急剧减少,伦敦金价暴涨。

In the late 1950s, the balance of payments of the United States began to deteriorate as economic competition weakened, and the United States was mired in the war in Viet Nam in the 1960s, with a huge fiscal deficit and a huge blow to the credibility of the United States dollar. Large capital outflows led countries to sell dollars in their hands, to buy gold, and to a sharp decline in American gold reserves, and to a sharp rise in London’s gold prices.


In order to contain the rise in gold prices, maintain the exchange rate of the United States dollar and reduce the loss of gold reserves. In the late 1960s, the United States further expanded the war, the balance of payments worsened and the dollar crisis erupted again. During the half-month of March 1968, the United States gold reserves began to flow more than $1.4 billion, the central bank of Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium established a “gold master bank” in October 1961. The central bank of the Group of Eight paid $270 million in gold, with the Bank of England acting as the agent of the gold bank, maintaining the London gold price and using various means to prevent foreign governments from using the dollar to convert gold to the United States.


Gold prices have been strictly controlled by the State during this period, and State intervention in the gold market has occurred at times. The gold market is merely a regulatory tool for the State to regulate gold, and it is difficult to fulfil its role in allocating resources to the market. Markets are not functioning adequately.

3. 黄金非货币化时期(20世纪70年代至今)

3. The period of demonetization of gold (from the 1970s to the present)


As a result of the international demonetization of gold, gold has become a freely owned and freely traded commodity, moving from a national treasury to an ordinary household, with a significant increase in liquidity and an increase in the scale of the gold trade, thus providing a realistic economic environment for the growth and development of the gold market. Gold demonetization has also been a period in which the world’s gold market has been developing for 20 years.


Today’s gold is divided into commodity gold and financial gold. In a statement by the Central Bank of Europe’s 15 countries on 26 September 1999, it was reaffirmed that gold remains a recognized financial asset. Thus, we cannot attribute the development of the gold market solely to the result of the demonetaryization of gold, nor treat the gold market as a mere commodity market.



The operation of the Bretton Woods monetary system was closely linked to the credibility and status of the dollar. By the 1960’s and 1970’s, the United States had been mired in the Vietnam war, fiscal deficits had worsened, international revenues had deteriorated, the credibility of the dollar had been severely affected, and a number of dollar crises had broken out.


In the late 1960s, the US further expanded the war, the balance of payments worsened, and the US dollar crisis erupted again. During the half-month of March 1968, US gold reserves flowed more than $1.4 billion, reaching a record value of 350-400 tons in the London gold market on just one day, on 14 March.


When in August 1971 news came out that Western European countries, such as France, were going to exchange large amounts of gold for dollars, the United States had to announce on 15 August that it would cease its obligations to foreign governments or central banks to convert gold to the United States in United States dollars. In December 1971, the Smithsonian Agreement marked the depreciation of the dollar against gold, while the Federal Reserve refused to sell gold to foreign central banks, so that the dollar-to-gold system was in existence.


Since the collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary system in March 1973, the process of de-monetization of gold has begun. But it was not until 1976 that a “Jamaican agreement” was reached among the international community, with floating exchange rate legalization, non-monetization of gold, etc. The non-monetization of gold in the international monetary system had to be closed for 17 days. From a legal point of view, the non-monetization of gold in the international monetary system was not formalized until 1978. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved by a majority in 1978 the revised International Monetary Fund (IMF) Agreement, which eliminated all previous provisions on gold and declared that gold would no longer serve as a currency-setting standard, abolished official gold prices and allowed free trading of gold on the market; eliminated the requirement that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) must pay gold; sold 1/6 of gold from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), whose profits would be used to establish a concessional loan fund to help low-income countries; created SDRs to replace some payments between Member States and the IMF.


Following the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank continued to exist and play an important role as important international organizations.


在19世纪后半期,主要货币的价值由金价决定,固定汇率制度建立在这个基础之上。第一次世界大战导致国际金融秩序的紊乱,从而使得金本位制度崩溃。在战争之后,英国和美国一起,准备恢复金本位制度。到了1928年,金本位体制建立起来,参与者的数量还超过从前,达到40多个国家。但是,随后的经济大萧条又削弱了国际金融合作的基础,金本位体制很快再一次崩溃。\r \r 金本位制\r “19世纪的后25年是在金本位基础上建立的国际货币体系不断扩展的最好见证,它以各国货币的固定国际汇率将世界上主要国家联系起来,因而可能是一种比以往任何体系都更稳定的体系。[1]”英国是从1821年开始实行金本位的货币制度,德国在1871年采用了金本位、荷兰是在1873年紧随德国之后,瑞士和比利时是在1878年采用的金本位制度。法国虽然朝着金本位制度方向发展,但是它保持着金银复本位制。1879年,美国开始用黄金固定美元的价值,1897年俄罗斯和日本支持采用黄金,而奥匈帝国实际上也是支持金本位制度的。可以看出,作为国际货币体系形式的金本位制度在1900年以前已经在全球范围内扩展。金本位体系被认为是国际货币安排和国际收支调整的特别体系。\r \r 虽然对金本位体制下自动调节的解释在不同的国家有一些不同,但是原理基本一样。出口国接受外币支付,因为不愿意持有外币,所以,他们就将其转换为黄金,然后再把黄金拿到国内银行转换成国内货币。这样,有国际收支赤字的国家将面临黄金净流出,有国际收支盈余的国家将面临黄金净流入,因为黄金提供了一个基础——所有国内货币在需求上都可以转变为黄金——这将决定每一个国家的货币盈余。调节过程被认为是随之而来的。国际收支逆差,导致外汇汇率上涨超过黄金输出点,从而黄金外流。在这样的情况下,央行黄金储备减少,导致货币流通量减少,从而通货紧缩,物价下降,价格下降之后提高商品在国际市场上的竞争能力,从而使得输出增加,输入减少,国际收支恢复平衡。当国际收支发生顺差,那么外汇汇率下跌低于黄金输入点,从而黄金流入,导致货币流通量增加,带动物价上涨,从而使得输出减少,输入增加,这样国际收支恢复平衡。\r \r 但是在实践中,调节很少是自发的。国家常常不按照理论上的规则来调节其经济。经常项目的顺差不是依靠贸易来进行调整,而是通过利率机制,通过资本项目来弥补差额。比如,当国际收支逆差所造成的黄金流失和国内货币供应减少时,通过提高市场利率,从而引起套利资本流入该国。当出现黄金流失的时候,英格兰银行通过提高再贴现率,这就使得伦敦金融市场利率水平的上升,从而加快国际资本流入。总之,处于贸易顺差的工业化国家在发展中国家大力投资,巨额资本转移的效果掩盖了发展中国家的赤字。贸易顺差国家发现不用调节国内经济适应金本位制就能够保持其地位。国际收支的赤字在短期内可以通过提高国内利率加以掩饰。金本位制在第一次世界大战前之所以能够相对稳定地从英国扩展到世界其他国家,进而演化为一种国际货币体系,这是与英国在世界经济中的霸权地位相互联系的。英国自18 世纪60 年代工业革命开始,到19 世纪中期,已经成为世界工厂以及世界贸易金融中心。从1760 年到1820年,英国的工业生产总值约占世界工业生产的50 % ,对外贸易占世界贸易总额的27 %。随着英国银行业的不断发展,对外放贷业务日益活跃。到19 世纪中期,伦敦已经成为世界金融中心,英镑实际上作为世界货币充当着各国贸易结算的主要支付手段和储备货币。在大多数工业化强国于19 世纪70 年代实行金本位制之前,英国已利用自身强大的经济实力使大量黄金流入了本国。更为重要的是,英镑在这一过程中成为一种等同于黄金的国际货币,在雄厚实力和自由贸易政策的支持下,英国的对外贸易在当时占据了绝对领先的地位,而国际贸易的扩大也使英镑的国际信誉逐步建立起来,而在英镑国际化的过程中,伦敦也成为当时世界上独一无二的国际金融中心。\r \r 金本位制本身就存在一些问题。它会带来极高的资本流动性,巨大的私人资本流量以及外汇的投机攻击。在战争的压力下,世界经济的结构变化加上普遍的国内经济和政治危机,金本位制将无法顺利发挥作用。\r \r 经济萧条\r 工业化以来,经济危机出现过许多次。有学者认为具有周期性的特点。英国是世界上最先进行工业革命的国家,也是世界上率先实现工业化的国家。曾经在1825年爆发过第一次经济危机。美国工业化始于19世纪20年代,较英国晚了半个多世纪。1865年美国南北战争结束后,废除了奴隶制,经济取得了突破性的进展,并于19世纪70年代赶上了英国。从历史角度考察,美国先后分别于1825年、1837年、1847年、1857年、1866年、1873年、1882年、1890年、1900年、1907年、1920-21年、1929-33年、1937-38年、1948-49年、1957-58年、1969-70年、1974-75年、1980-82年、1990-91年多次发生过经济危机。但是只有两次危机是较大的。一次是1857年的经济危机,一次是1929-1933年的经济危机。\r \r 1914-1918年的第一次世界大战,是人类历史上的一次浩劫。欧洲是这次战争的主战场,英、德、法、俄等国家为争夺霸权互相拼死厮杀,元气大伤,唯独美国在战争中增强了经济实力和军事实力。就连当时头号投资大国英国也欠美国41亿美元的债款。美国已由战前的债务国变成资本主义世界的主要债权国和国际金融中心,同时,美国也从战前的工业大国之一跃为资本主义世界名列首位的经济大国。经济的扩张创造出信心和期望心理,结果使美国的股市持续上涨。股市价格平均一年上涨18%,1926年3月到1929年10月间涨了一倍以上。但是这是泡沫经济,终于股市大崩盘。实体经济在1929年的夏季开始走上下坡路。汽车生产从1929年6月开始下挫。农产品价格从1929年到1932年跌50%。崩盘导致人们争相追求流动性,债主急于把借出去的钱收回来,持有股票的人则急于脱手。这个过程中,订单和贷款取消了。通货紧缩散布到脆弱的商品市场与耐用消费品工业。银行开始接二连三的倒闭。破产的银行从1929 年的659 家增至1930 年的1352 家,到1933年情况仍然十分严重,破产加上停业整顿和改组的银行高达4004 家,占银行总数的28.2 %。与此同时,工业企业开工率迅速下降,1932 年制造业的开工率由1929 年的约80 %降到了42 %,其中最严重的行业如炼钢业同期从88. 5 %降到19. 5 %,从而造成经济的大萧条[2]。 \r 这次经济危机是世界经济发展史上最严重的大萧条。1929到1932年间,美国的全国产出下降32%,工业产量的降幅接近一半。失业率从1929年的3.1%上升到1932年的23.6%[1]。1929-1933年大危机是资本主义世界历时最长、损失最大的一次经济危机。在这次危机中,大批企业破产倒闭,成千上万的劳动者失业,自由市场体系彻底崩溃。罗斯福为了挽救危机在美国实行新政,开创了混合经济的新时代。

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the value of the major currencies was determined by gold prices, and the fixed exchange-rate regime was established on that basis. The first world war led to the disruption of the international financial order, resulting in the collapse of the gold standard. In the aftermath of the war, the United Kingdom and the United States, together, prepared to restore the gold standard. By 1928, the gold standard was established, with more participants than before, reaching more than 40 countries. However, the subsequent economic depression weakened the basis of international financial cooperation. \r \r the gold standard \r the second quarter of the nineteenth century, the second quarter of the gold standard, the second quarter of the gold standard, the second quarter of the century, the second quarter of the world, the second quarter of the century, the second of the world, the second quarter of the world, the second quarter, the second of the world of the gold, the second of the gold, the second of the gold, the second of the gold, the second of the gold, the second of the gold, the second of the gold, the second of the second century, the second of the gold, the second of the second of the second century, the gold, the second of the second of the second century, and the second half, the second half, the second of the second half, the second half, the second of the second of the second of the second half, the second of the gold, the second of the second half, the second of the second of the second of the second of the second half of the second half of the second century, the second half, the second half of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second half of the second of the second half of the second half, the second half, the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second half, the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second of the second half of the second of the second of the



30 years of gold cow bear journey (information)


On 18 November 1967, the pound sterling depreciated for the second time after the war; on 17 March 1968, the “gold sink” dissolved; and on 8 August 1969, the franc depreciated by 11.11 per cent.


On 15 August 1971, President Nixon of the United States made a televised speech, closing the gold window and stopping governments or central banks from holding dollars to exchange gold. The dollar broke out of the gold prison and floated freely on the foreign exchange market.


In 1972, the price of gold in the London market rose from US$ 46 per ounce to US$ 46.


In 1973, the price was 100 dollars.


Between 1974 and 1977, gold prices fluctuated between $130 and $180.


In 1978, crude oil skyrocketed to $30 a barrel and gold prices rose to $244.


In 1979, gold prices rose to $500. In October, inflation in the United States broke 12 per cent.


On the first two trading days of the month of January 1980, the gold price reached $634, and US Secretary of State Miller announced that the Treasury would no longer sell the gold, and less than 30 minutes later the gold price rose by $30 to $715, and on the 21st of the month it was 850 dollars. US President Carter had to come out to press the gold market, saying that he would do anything to preserve America’s position in the world, and that the gold price fell by $50 at the time of the cut-off that day.


On 22 February 1980, the gold price was severely reduced by $145.

当代首次黄金大牛市宣告结束,时间长达12年。 金价从1968年的35美元涨到1980年的850美元的12年间,每年有30%的获利率。1980年黄金投资额达1兆六千亿美元,已超出只有1兆四千亿美元的美国股票市值。而在1959年,黄金的投资额仅是美国股票市值的五分之一。

The gold price rose from $35 in 1968 to $850 in 1980, at an interest rate of 30% per year. In 1980, gold investment amounted to $1.6 trillion, exceeding the market value of only $1.4 trillion in US equities.

1981年,金价每盎司的盘势峰顶是599美元。到了1985年,盘势降到 300美元左右。1987年,美国股市崩盘后,黄金价格触及486美元的峰顶后便一路下滑。

In 1981, gold peaked at $599 per ounce. By 1985, it fell to around $300. In 1987, after the collapse of the United States stock market, gold prices fell all the way to a peak of $486.

1988 年至1999年的有关黄金市场的评论:

Comments from 1988 to 1999 on the gold market:


8 February 1988: Last Friday, the market was collected at $439 per ounce of gold, giving gold friends a chilling sweat, because the gold price support point was at that level, and the technical analysis tells us that once this level falls, the gold price becomes unsupportive, what price it takes to stabilize, and the technologists are no longer sure that the Elliott theorizing directive is $180.

1988年8月20日:既然投资者忧虑经济衰退迟早来临,那么黄金是不应忽略的投资工具。在30年代股市大崩溃时,最有代表性的金矿股 Homestake的股价从1929年的7美元上升至1932年的46美元(期间道指跌幅达90%)。

20 August 1988: Since investors worry about a recession sooner or later, gold is an investment instrument that should not be overlooked. When the stock market collapsed in the 1930’s, the most representative gold-mining unit, Homestake, rose from $7 in 1929 to $46 in 1932 (a 90% drop in its index for the period).

1989年2月1日:金价从1980年1月20日的历史高位850美元计,到 1988年年底,美元金价已跌去52%。在这十年内,美国的通胀率升幅共达 90%,以低通胀率见称的日本也在20%的水平,而黄金的这段走势说明它没有抗拒通胀的能力,黄金应从“保值商品”上除名(有意思的是,若以日元计,这十年的金价跌幅最厉害,达75%。)。

1 February 1989: Gold prices fell by 52% from the historic high of $850 on 20 January 1980 to the end of 1988. During the decade, inflation rose by 90% in the United States, and 20% in Japan, known for its low inflation rate, while the trend in gold suggests that it has no capacity to resist inflation and that gold should be removed from “value-added commodities” (it is interesting to note that in the Japanese yen, the decade’s gold price fell by 75%).


In the 1980s, the weakness of the interest-free cost of gold was highlighted. Because in the 1970s, bonds and bank interest were lower than the inflation rate, or “negative interest rates”, gold was negligible, and in the 1980’s, bonds and other fixed interest investment instruments provided higher returns than inflation, ravaging gold.


13 February 1989: Famous paintings and antiques, like gold and silver, are non-interest-free products, and why did the former soar in the 1980s? Because things are so precious. Paints and antiques are often unique, and gold and silver can be produced on an ongoing basis.


15 November 1989: Gold prices recovered from US$ 350 in mid-September to US$ 391.5 on 14 November, rising by 11 per cent in two months, making “gold beetles” excited but hard to make up.


9 December 1989: After the gold price was seen at $427 on 27 November, news of a massive sale of gold by the Soviet Union caused large fluctuations in market prices. Indeed, over the past 10 years, rumours of “Soviet gold sales” as the world’s second largest gold-producing country have played a significant role in the decline in gold prices.


Gold prices did not have anything to do with inflation. In 1981, inflation in the United States rose by 8.9 per cent, while it fell by 32 per cent; in 1986, inflation fell to 1.1 per cent, but it rose by 19 per cent.


24 May 1990: A market of 18.7 tons of gold (of 27,000 ounces per ton) was used by the United States clearing officer to concentrate the gold held by the loan banks and financial companies applying for bankruptcy, which fell sharply to the price of $360.


12 July 1990: The total supply of gold was 27,723 tons in 1989 from sources such as the new production of gold and the consolidation of old gold with the folding of gold (a gold line). On the demand side, jewellery was used for 138 tons, electronics for 138 tons, gold coins for 123 tons, and others (mainly real money holders) for 651 tons.

首饰金的需求占了黄金总供应量的67%,而且1989年的首饰用黄金较 1988年的约一千五百吨增长了23%。尽管如此,金价仍是不振。1988年,各国央行买卖黄金出现净购额285吨,1989年则为净卖额二百五十五吨。

The demand for jewellery accounts for 67% of the total supply of gold, and in 1989 there was a 23% increase in jewellery use compared to about 1,500 tons in 1988. Still, the price of gold was weak. In 1988, central banks bought 285 tons of gold, compared to 255 tons in 1989.


As a result of the cold war microscopic nature, the utility of gold as a political insurance has also disappeared, and gold riskier investors have chosen to pay rent without interest.

1990年9月5日:伊拉克入侵科威特,金价从370美元反弹至417美元,又往下打回383美元。由于美国财赤日趋严重,美元汇价摇摇欲坠和全球信贷危机呼之欲出,金价长期看有向500美元的“颈线”靠拢的趋势,一旦升至 500美元,最低升幅可令金价见700 美元,中间数为850美元,最高可见1000美元。

5 September 1990: Iraq invaded Kuwait and the gold price rebounded from US$ 370 to US$ 417 and returned US$ 383 to the bottom. As a result of the increasing wealth of the United States, the price of United States dollars shaky and the global credit crisis, there is a long-term trend towards a “circle line” of US$ 500, with a minimum increase of US$ 700 and a median of US$ 850, up to US$ 1,000, once it rises to US$ 500.


12 January 1991: The twenty-first century was “cash is king,” which was quite different from “cash is garbage” in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, when gold became a “one-hundred-stamp” commodity. But gold prices are still likely to rebound.

1991年6月13日:金银一齐上升,却有不同的理由。盎司白银价在3 月曾跌至4美元以下,不及其最高价的十分之一,原因是大家以为白银供过于求。但5月中旬,美国一家机构认为白银恰恰是求过于供,1991年白银产量为四亿八千一百万盎司,需求则达五亿九千万盎司。于是白银大幅上扬,最高见4.美元。走势派指出,白银好淡的分水岭在4.22美元,已进入上升轨道。

But, in mid-May, a United States agency thought that silver was too much to supply, and in 1991 it was 481.1 million ounces, and that demand was 590 million ounces. So the silver stock rose sharply, with the highest figure being $4.4 dollars.


Most institutional investor portfolios no longer have gold, and the US large-scale Reciprocal Fund Kemper dissolved its gold fund last month. The Washington Spokane Stock Exchange, which deals in gold mines, announced a temporary suspension, and so on.

还有一个“恐惧指数”也有意思。美国的一位投资顾问根据美联储存金时价与美元(M3)供应量的关系,制成一项恐惧指数。五月底盎司金价360.75 美元,美联储存金二亿六千一百九十万盎司,M3发行量为四十亿七千六百万,等于每百美元含金值226美元,这便是恐惧指数2.26,它已接近尼克松在1971年宣布取消金本位创下的恐惧指数2点的纪录。美元含金量2.26%,意味着其余97.7%美元都是无中生有靠美国政府信用支持,而美国政府负债累累,这97.74美元全是借贷而来。于是,人们抛美元买黄金。恐惧指数的最高点是10点,正在1980年黄金历史天价时。

An investment consultant in the United States made a fear index based on the current value of the United States Federal Reserve deposit against the supply of the United States dollar (M3). At the end of May, the ounce value was 360.75 dollars, the US Federal Reserve was 260,900,000 ounces, and M3 was issued at $4.776 million, equal to $226 per $100, the gold value of which was 2.26, which was close to the record point 2 in Nixon’s 1971 announcement of the elimination of the gold standard. The dollar, 2.26 per cent, meant that the remaining 97.7 per cent of the dollar was unsupported by the credit of the United States Government, and that the US Government’s debt was overstretched.


8 October 1994: For hundreds of years, the price of five or six ounces of gold in the well-known British tailors’ street suit has been evidence of the constant purchasing power of gold. If the ounce of gold breaks through $396, the next target is $406, and once it breaks down, the Golden Cow City will be born at $1,200.


5 February 1996: Last week's five ounces of gold rose to $418.5, breaking the 1993 high value of $409, which, according to the technical experts, was a break-up and an opportunity to break the price of $445.


For gold miners, this is merely selling three or five-year-old gold at the current price, which amounts to cashing future profits, while the central bank “cooks” its assets. According to data released by the Bank of England in early December, London gold merchants alone leased 1,500 tons of gold from the central bank.


If central banks and gold sales were not included, the supply of other goods would have been in short supply. In 1995 and 1994, its gold production was similar, at 27,877 tons, while its consumption was 40,000 tons, with a gold deficit ranging from 1,100 tons to 1,200 tons.


8 July 1997: Western central banks cut gold reserves in an orderly manner. According to data, the Dutch central bank is selling gold directly, Belgium is casting gold, and the Swiss central bank plans to sell gold in instalments worth about $5 billion, creating “holocaust gold” to show remorse for the country’s Nazi business during World War II. Last Thursday, Australia announced that it was selling around $1.7 billion worth of gold for the first half of the year, which, though modest, accounted for two thirds of the country’s gold reserves, suggesting that gold was no longer considered the main currency and reserve.


As a result, the dollar price of ounce gold hovered between $370 and $400 for about two years, and the sudden collapse of the New York market last Thursday fell to $324.75 on Friday in London, the lowest level since 1985.


24 March 1998: On 9 January, the price of every ounce of gold fell to the lowest price of $278.7, hovering yesterday at $294. Gold has fallen, its market price has fallen below the average production cost of $315 per ounce, and half of the world’s gold mines have been lost and successive cuts in gold production have been inevitable. This has led to a shortage of fresh gold in the last two years, and the proposed gold supply is about 1,000 tons less than the demand, just as the central bank’s gold drops and the popular treasures are pouring out under the prospect of gold prices have not been reversed.


The Canadian Royal Gold Artefact gold mining scheme, which massively forges the Genesis Gold coin, plans to make it with 1,000 to 2,500 tons of gold. If implemented, it would be the gold coin that used to consume the largest amount of gold, amounting to 1400 tons in South Africa, 1,82 tons in 1986 and 60 tons in 1991 in Japan. This would be a great advantage for the gold market. In 2012, central banks sold 825 tons of gold, and the Genesis Gold coin would be completely digested.

1999年7月6日:英伦银行周二以每盎司261.2美元售出二十五吨黄金,筹集得二亿九百八十万美元,这是英伦银行近二十年的首次拍卖,也是该行五次拍卖的第一次。自英国公布计划在未来三至五年出售其七百十五吨黄金储备的四百十五吨以来,金价已跌逾一成。消息宣布后金价随即跌破 260美元水平,达256.4美元,创下20年新低。

6 July 1999: On Tuesday, the Bank of England sold 25 tons of gold at $261.2 per ounce, raising $29.8 million, the first auction in the last two decades and the first in five auctions in the Bank of England. Gold prices have fallen by more than 10% since the United Kingdom announced plans to sell 45 tons of its 715 tons of gold reserves over the next three to five years.


Gold does not evaporate and wear away “forever” values, leaving the market with its roots. For thousands of years, gold is estimated to be 125,000 tons, about one third of which is in the vaults of central banks, and the rest are private treasures and jewellery.

一边是央行大肆抛售(瑞士央行也计划估售一千三百吨左右黄金),另一方面金矿主开采数量有增无减。原因有二:第一是黄金单位生产成本下降, 1998年跌20%,每盎司平均美元生产成本只有206美元;第二是矿务公司已发展出“产铜为主产金为副”的生产模式,估计副产的黄金1995年占黄金总产量的9%,2005年将增至17%。黄金随黄铜而来,意味矿场愈来愈不会把黄金产量与价格挂构。

On the one hand, the central bank sold the gold at large (the Swiss central bank also plans to sell about 1,300 tons of gold), and on the other hand, gold miners are mining more and more. For two reasons: first, the cost of gold unit production fell by 20% in 1998, with an average dollar cost of $206 per ounce; and secondly, mining companies have developed a “copper-producing side” production model, estimated that by-product gold accounted for 9% of total gold production in 1995 and 17% in 2005.


Some have estimated the price of gold at $150 at the beginning of the next century, and the price of gold is no longer known. As a loan currency or even a mere commodity, gold has lost its “long-term holding” value, which investors have to acknowledge and pay attention to.


Market supply and demand interact with market prices.


As gold prices rise, from $375 in 1982 to around $500 after the stock market collapse in 1987, less gold is sold by the central bank. After that, gold re-emerges to around $350 in 1992, with central banks making a total of 500 tons of gold. From 1992 to 1999, gold fell to less than $300, with central banks selling around 3,000 tons of gold, about 400 tons a year.


In 1990, gold for jewellery and electronics was more than 50 per cent higher than in 1980, or about one third higher than in 1994. Gold for jewellery alone was 100 times higher than in 1850, and as the population grew only five times over that period, the average human consumption of gold was 20 times higher.


On 26 August 1999, the price per ounce of gold fell to $251.9, a 20-year low, and again in 2001, two years after the bottom of the round, it was $414 by the end of 2003, an increase of 60 per cent.



It's a bit complicated about bitcoin, and we need to talk a little bit.


Bitcoin came out of the middle-blind hands in 2008, and he was a mysterious figure. After the Bitcoin White Paper "bitcoin: a point-to-point electronic cash system" was published on the website, he disappeared. Mostly, "The old man has gone on a yellow crane, and there are yellow cranes in the area." When the yellow cranes go back, the white clouds are emptied." The middle-brained mystery, too, created a bitcoin mystery.


Bitcoin is a digital cryptic currency, a complex code generated by computers that can be made of predefined programs, known for mining. The so-called “mining” is a computer solution to a complex mathematical problem, and the Bitcoin network will then generate a new amount of bitcoin as a block reward. Due to programme limitations, its total number will be permanently limited to 21 million. And, unlike French, bitcoin is a decentralized design, and it has no centralized issuer, who can participate in the production of bitcoins.


Let us sum up: Bitcoin is a virtual currency with no central distribution machine, limited in number, tradable.


In order to be clear on this issue, we need to discuss some basic knowledge first.


The first question is: what is money?

其实世上本没有钱,孕育钱的母体是“交易”,也可以说“交易”是“货币”之母。在原始 社会 实现交换是通过以物易物的方式,比如我有一头牛换你两只羊,这时还远谈不上商品经济。后来随着农牧经济的发展,产生了 社会 生产的分工,自给自足以外,很多食品物资盈余了出来,交换的需求也越来越强。

In fact, there is no money, and the mother who gives birth to it is the "trade" or the "trading" is the mother of the "money." In the original society, the trade is done in the form of a trade-off, for example, when I have a cow for two sheep, and it is not much to talk about the commodity economy. As the agro-pastoral economy develops, there is a division of labour between social production and self-sufficiency.


One or one of the cows may not be for two sheep, but for two and a half sheep, but half of the sheep cannot be cut; the second, you have a cow, I have a sheep, you want my sheep, but I may not want one of your cows, but Zhang San does not want one of my sheep, he does not want one of Li's ploughs.


Because it's too easy to trade, people look for rare and easy to carry. Rocks, shells, metals all act as such, and then money comes from gold, copper, banknotes. Money is a tool to make a deal, and that is its core function, and that is the reason it was born out of the matrix.


Money, of course, has two other functions, price-based and value-storage. The unit is its second function, and it is a sine qua non for a trade tool: 2,000 dollars for a cow and 1,000 dollars for a sheep, and we know what is expensive and what is cheap, and we know what is equal to two sheep.


Although there are three functions of money in the economy, its most central function remains the medium of exchange, which is a tool for making transactions. In order to deepen my impression, I take the word out and say it several times, “Money is a tool, money is a tool, money is a tool, money is a tool, money is a tool, money is a tool.”

第二个问题: 社会 需要多少钱?

The second question: how much does society need?


Money is a medium of trade, money is a tool, it's a tool, it's a tool. It's like the chopsticks we eat, chopsticks are a tool to eat, it can send food into your mouth, five chopsticks for five people, at least two more as a backup.


One country needs a lot of money, depending on the quantity of goods to be traded and the efficiency of the money, not as much as the better. This is easy to understand, and we can simplify the model. For example, there are only three people in a closed world, which is only three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three. Six months later, Li buys two, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three, three.

以上只是个极简模型,但任何复杂的理论都是由简单而生的,我们往往有时候沉迷于这茫茫噪杂的世界,而忘记了最本质的东西。“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。” 每日匆匆奔走于万物之中,很容易身心疲惫,思维变成了从复杂到简单,颠倒了思考的顺序,而忘了道为何物。

These are very simple models, but any complex theory is born out of simplicity, and we tend to be obsessed with this world of discomfort and forget what is the essence of it. "Dao is born one, live two, two, three." Roughly running into everything, it is easy to get tired, to think from complexity to simplicity, to inverting the sequence of thinking, and to forget what it is.


The amount of money a country needs depends on the quantity of goods to be traded and the efficiency of the use of the money.


So what happens if the price of one cow goes from 1,000 to 2,000, the price of two sheep goes from 1,000 to 2,000, and the price of three pigs goes from 1,000 to 2,000, and the price of three pigs goes from 1,000 to 2,000. The closed world is not richer. The wealth of this cow is still just two sheep and three pigs, but then Wang Li and Five claim that they have an increase in wealth from 1,000 to 2,000.


When it comes to inflation, one has to mention Zimbabwe, where everyone used to be a billionaire. There is an inflation called Zimbabwe inflation, which is a super virulent inflation, with a banknote of 10 million Zimbabwean dollars in exchange for only $1.50, while Zimbabwe buys a chicken for 13 million Zimbabwean dollars.


In the same way, we assumed that Zhang San had the right to cast the coin, Zhang San had bought Li's cattle, paid 1,000 gold, Zhang San had no money, and then he had printed another 1,000 gold with his three-opening cashmarks, and bought two sheep from Wang 5 with 1,000 gold. The money in circulation turned into 2,000 gold, and the price turned into 2,000 gold from a cow, 2,000 gold from two sheep, 1,000 gold from each of Li's and Wang's five, when Li wanted to buy back the cow he sold to Zhang San and found that he could only buy half a cow; Wang also wanted to buy back the two sheep he sold to Zhang 3.


In the case of the country, where the right to cast the coin is in the hands of the central bank, where there is no incentive to plunder the wealth of the people, and where the bank’s printing machines are relatively modest, how much depends on GDP growth and monetary policy easing.


Once again, how much a country needs, depending on the quantity of goods to be traded, and the efficiency with which it is used. And, under normal operations, in normal times, in the normal economic activity of billions of people, the efficiency with which money is used can be considered constant.


Again, how much a country needs to trade is dependent on the number of goods it needs to trade. What is GDP? A country’s GDP growth of 1 per cent can be roughly assumed to add 1 per cent to the goods and services it needs to trade, so without inflation, M2, i.e., an increase of 1 per cent in the size of the broader currency.

但一般来说,M2的增长率会略高于GDP的增长,因为适度的通胀对整个 社会 并没有什么坏处,反而会刺激经济的发展。我们知道通胀会导致大家手里的钱不值钱了,反过来就是物价上涨了;假如货币的增长少于GDP的增速,可能会导致通缩,通缩的意思是大家手里的钱更值钱了,反过来就是物价下跌了。可能有人会说物价下跌不是好事吗?我们可以买的东西就更多了啊,其实远没有这么简单,假如你开了个工厂,生产铁锹,原材料就是钢材,你和商店签了合同,一把铁锹卖20元钱,可以赚1元钱,这时你发现钢材在不断降价,这时一把铁锹可以赚2元了,你很开心,你想反正商店每年向你买的铁锹数量都是一定的,我何不过段时间再去买钢材,那时钢材应该会更便宜,那样我每把铁锹赚到利润就更多了,所以你给商店打电话“喂,老王啊,铁锹我晚两个月交货哈,没办法,体谅体谅”。所以通缩会导致大家消极生产,因为物价下跌意味着手里的钱会越来越值钱,所以大家倾向于把钱拿在手里,而不是去促成交易。再换个简单点的例子,如果房价一直在温和下跌,你还会着急买房吗?大家都会持币在手,等着房子跌得更低,越跌越不会买。反而是每次房价上涨时,大家争先恐后的买房。

But in general, M2 growth rates are slightly higher than GDP growth, because moderate inflation is not bad for the society as a whole, but stimulates economic development. We know that inflation leads to a priceless price for money, which in turn is higher; if money grows less rapidly than GDP, it may lead to deflation, which means that money is worth two dollars, which in turn is lower. You're happy that the price of iron that you buy from a store every year is lower. I'm not going to buy steel, I'm going to buy steel, I'm going to buy steel, I'm going to make it cheaper, and I'm going to sell it, and I'm going to make a profit for every iron, so you're going to call the shop, and you're going to buy two dollars, and you're going to buy two dollars, and you're going to buy it, and you're going to sell it, and you're going to lose it.

所以温和的通胀对经济的发展是有利的,通胀多少合适?一般认为1%-2.5%是相对不错的区间。每年物价上涨在2.5%以下被认为是不知不觉的通胀,无形间可以使大家感觉多赚了一些,因为提高物价可以使厂商多得一点利润,以刺激厂商投资的积极性,还可以使工人的平均工资也多一丢丢,刺激员工的积极性。而温和的通胀也不会导致 社会 动荡,温和的通胀能像润滑油一样刺激经济的发展,也就是所谓的“润滑油政策”。

So moderate inflation is good for economic development, and what is appropriate for inflation? It is generally assumed that 1-2.5% is a relatively good space. Price increases of less than 2.5% per year are considered unwitting inflation, and intangibles can make you feel a little more profitable, because higher prices can give producers a little more profit to boost their incentives to invest, as well as the average wages of workers to be lost and the workers to be motivated. And mild inflation will not lead to social unrest, and moderate inflation can stimulate economic development like lubricant oil, the so-called “lubricant oil policy.”


Summing up: How much a country needs, depending on the number of goods to be traded. More money leads to inflation, less money leads to deflation, and mild inflation, like lubricant oil, is beneficial to the functioning of the economy.


The third question is: Why do you have to print more money in a crisis like the epidemic?

2020年是特殊的一年,新冠病毒突袭,武汉封城,全国人民随即进入了轰轰烈烈的抗疫之中,春节后第一个交易日A股大跌7.72%,央行立即施行了宽松的货币政策,向 社会 注入流动性。进入3月份,新冠病毒在欧美国家蔓延,道琼斯指数从28000点下挫到18000点,纳斯达克从9000多点下挫至6000多点,美联储随即启动了印钞机,甚至推出了无限量量化宽松政策。

The year 2020 was a special year, when the new coronary virus stormed the city of Wuhan, and the country’s population then entered a devastating epidemic, with the A share falling by 7.72% on the first trading day after the Spring Festival, and the central bank immediately imposed loose monetary policy to inject liquidity into society. In March, the new coronary virus spread across the countries of Europe and the United States, the Dow Jones index fell from 28,000 to 18,000, and the NASDAQ fell from more than 9,000 to 6,000, and the Fed launched a bank printing machine, even with an unlimited quantitative easing policy.


More than this year, at the time of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States in 2008, the Fed had restarted the United States economy through a banknote printing machine, which had subsequently ushered in a ravaging American stock of slow cows for 10 years.


Have you ever wondered why every time a crisis strikes, economic relief always starts with a cash printing machine? Why can money solve these problems?

上一个问题我们说道,一个国家需要多少钱取决于要交易的商品的数量和钱的使用效率。因为在常态下,一个国家的钱的使用效率可以看作是恒定的,所以我们简化表述为一个国家需要多少钱取决于需要交易的商品数量。说到这里,可能已经有小伙伴发现了印钞这个问题的答案,秘密就在我们刚刚说的这句话之中,“在常态下,一个国家的钱的使用效率可以看作是恒定的。” 是的,在常态下,在常态下。2008年的次贷危机和今年的疫情冲击,这属于非常态,当经济秩序、金融系统受到外部冲击时,钱的使用效率会急剧的下降,这时钱突然不够用了。

In the last question, we say how much a country needs to depend on the quantity of goods to be traded and the efficiency with which money is used. Because the efficiency of the use of money in a country can be regarded as constant in a normal way, we simplify it to say how much a country needs to depend on the volume of goods to be traded.


I think that's a relatively easy thing to understand, except that a lot of people may not have thought too much about it.


I remember a friend who asked me a question when the epidemic spread in Europe and America: "Isn't gold a hedge asset? Why does the stock of the United States fall, and the gold falls? Isn't that the world buys gold?"


So I say, simply, what do you do when you panic because of an event (e.g. an outbreak? The answer is to grab masks, disinfectants, go to supermarkets to grab daily goods and food. Everyone does so in a way that causes a liquidity crisis with masks and disinfectants, and there is not enough masks and disinfectants, and then the masks and disinfectants are priced. This is the commodity market.


In the capital markets, the participants are scared of what to rob? The answer is to rob money. Because they fear that their money chains will break, because they pay their wages, they pay their debts, they pay their rent, and they don't steal their money. How do they rob money? The money is in exchange for money. The price of money will rise, and the price of investment will fall. The more money is in a liquidity crisis, the more panic, the more it will be, the more it will cost more.


Why is gold a hedge asset falling? That's the same thing. What's missing now is money, fearing a break in the money chain, the company's payback, and the fund's going to pay for it. What is sold in exchange for what is sold? No one wants anything, can't sell it, or sells it at a very low price, cut meat too hard, hurts. What is sold? It's good quality, at least a discount, and buy it back after the crisis is over.


Here, I think the question of why more money should be printed during the epidemic is clear. When the economic order and financial system are hit by a huge shock, many businesses can’t do much, cash inflows are broken, but the money needed to sustain it is not too low, and businesses and the population need to reserve more money to meet their needs from time to time. That is when people rob money, the price of liquid assets falls, and the stock market falls further into panic, thus stepping on it. The best way to do so is to increase the supply of money, so that a range of policies, such as printing money, interest reductions, debt deferral, tax exemption, etc., are addressing the liquidity crisis of money, helping businesses and the population out of poverty.


Money can also be considered as a lubricant for the functioning of the economy, whose friction costs rise sharply when the economic order is hit and the lubricant is suddenly not enough. It is necessary to release liquidity and inject the lubricant, otherwise the economy’s machine will be burned down, and if businesses do not have the money to pay their debts and pay their wages, they will be heavily bankrupt; the general population does not receive wages, suffering; the government does not have taxes and public services stagnate. The country may enter a long depression, which may take only a few months from the orderly economy to the disorderly economy, and it may take many years to establish it. The US Great Depression of 1929 is a good example.

这个世界的价值来自于有序,企业的价值也来自于有序,机器的价值也来自于有序。企业的价值来源于合适的规章制度把合适的员工组织起来,通过合适的分工合作,利用合适的生产资料,生产出合适的产品,卖给合适的下游。这就是有序,正是因为有序,很多公司的净资产只有百亿,却可以撑起千亿的市值,因为这百亿的净资产通过有序的运营可以源源不断的创造财富。同样,机器的价值也来自于有序,仅仅一堆零件不能称之为机器。从无序到有序需要长时间的协调组织和调整,印钱救市就是为了防止从有序经济进入无序经济。美国大萧条之后,很多经济学家研究这段 历史 ,凯恩斯是其中的佼佼者,他提出当经济出现危难时,政府应该主动干预经济,防止经济进入无序状态,凯恩斯之后,只有金融危机,再无大萧条。

The value of the world comes from order, the value of businesses comes from order, and the value of machines comes from order. The value of an enterprise comes from the proper regulations that organize the right employees, work together through a proper division of labour, produce the right products, and sell them to the right downstream. It comes from order, precisely because, after the Great Depression in the United States, many companies have only 10 billion net assets, but they can sustain hundreds of billions of dollars in market value, because in times of economic distress, the net assets can generate wealth. Likewise, the value of machines comes from order, and just a bunch of parts cannot be called machines.


Question number four: Through the pre-arrangement, we can talk about why bitcoin is not a substitute for French coins.


To illustrate this, I would like to go over the story of gold quickly.


That is what the great Marx said, and that is so fine that my sight is so full of love!


Gold and silver are not natural currencies, and it is easy to understand that gold and silver are just one of the metals and two of the 118 elements in the table of elements. They already exist when the time has passed, and the money is impossible to talk about before the woman has made a man.

但是在 历史 发展的进程中,无论欧洲还是中华大地都不约而同的选择了金银作为货币。究其根本,这和金银天然的特性是分不开的。黄金作为金属,易延展,易切割,不易变质,开采成本高,数量有限。另外黄金天生高贵,这东西除了好看以外没什么其他用途,既不能制作生产工具,又不能作为生产材料,黄金是彻彻底底的**的身子,**的命。所以 历史 选择金银作为一般等价物,命也!

But in the course of history and development, neither Europe nor China chose gold and silver as a currency. At the root of this, it is inseparable from the natural nature of gold and silver. Gold is easy to extend, easy to cut, easy to deform, expensive to exploit, and limited in number. And gold is so precious that it can't be used for anything other than good-looking, neither as a means of production nor as a material of production, and gold is the life of a complete ** body. So history chooses gold and silver as a generic price, life!


2. Banknotes are a receipt for gold and silver.


Gold and silver, although natural, are the natural choice of money. But gold and silver are not easy to carry. As trade across the region develops, many people deposit the gold and silver to the money bank, and the money bank opens up a receipt for them. They now receive a silver one hundred taels of silver, and three picks it up from Sichuan to Shanxi, picks it out from Shanxi's money house, and then buys the fur. Then, it is thought that a silver and a silver and a silver and a silver and a silver and a silver and a silver and a silver and a silver and a silver and a silver and a silver.

3. 金本位制下的布雷顿森林体系

3. Bretton Woods system under the gold standard


On the eve of the end of World War II, a group of American and old aristocrat British brothers began to talk about post-war reconstruction, each of whom had their eyes on the international monetary system. What kind of oil was it? Britain moved out of its famous economics, Tedo Keynes, to set up the Keynes Plan, hoping to deter America from academia.


The Bretton Woods system is summarized as follows: the United States dollar is pegged to gold as an international currency and $35 is convertible to one ounce of gold; other national currencies are pegged to the United States dollar.


So that gold and the dollar are tied together, the dollar becomes the shadow of gold, and the amount of gold that can be released is as much as the dollar. But, as we said in chapter III, the amount of money needed depends on the volume of goods that need to be traded in that currency, so the amazing thing is that, because the amount of gold is limited, the dollar that is released is far less than the total demand for market transactions.


What do we do? The American approach is to go, the dollar is not good enough, so more and more dollars are flowing into the market. As more dollars are printed, many countries can't sit.

4. 黄金与美元因爱生恨

4. Gold and dollar hate for love

美元与黄金脱钩以后,机缘巧合之下,美元盯上了石油,这段 历史 我们不做具体介绍,总之,在美国的霸权之下,石油作为国际贸易量很大的必需品必须要使用美元进行结算。另外,不是美元霸道,也是世界上其他的货币不争气,竟没有一种货币能叫板的,于是虽然布雷顿森林体系立的牌坊碎了一地,但美元依然是美元,国际贸易大多还是离不开它。没有了黄金的束缚,放飞自我的美元,令美国因祸得福!

After the dollar was decoupled from gold, the dollar, by chance, was on oil, and history, we didn't go into the details, and, in short, under the hegemony of the United States, oil had to be settled with the dollar as a vital requirement for international trade. And, not the dollar, but the rest of the world's currencies, there was no currency to call it, so, while the Bretton Woods system had broken down, the dollar was still the dollar, and international trade was mostly inseparable from it. Without gold, freeing itself of the dollar would be a blessing for the United States.


After talking about the dollar and gold, gold and the dollar have shown a strong negative correlation between their movement and their hate for love since they were released from the dollar. The dollar has fallen, the gold has risen, the dollar has risen, and the gold has fallen. In the past few decades, the negative relationship between the price of gold and the dollar index has averaged more than 70 per cent.

5. 比特币是数字黄金吗?

5. Is Bitcoin digital gold?


This huge rise in bitcoins, many of whom consider it to be gold, because the United States printed a lot of money, the world is bound to move towards a weak dollar cycle, and gold has been considered an anti-inflationary asset since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, and it is true. Generally speaking, the dollar is strong, the dollar is weak, the dollar is weak, and the gold is strong. So, this time, many voices say that bitcoins are digital gold, and the increase is the result of the dollar’s massive flooding.


I agree with the gold attributes of the current bitcoin rise, but is bitcoin really digital gold? I do not yet agree.


Gold is the natural son of money, gold without borders, and every person in the world likes gold without distinction, and everyone recognizes its value. But Bitcoin is not, but the only one in the currency circle recognizes the value of Bitcoin, and those who make it are just fools to make money.


Gold has its commercial properties, its colours are beautiful and valuable, and is often used in a variety of ornaments, gold necklaces, gold rings. Bitcoin has no such value.


The gold market is global, mobile, and if you have gold, you can't sell it. No other individual or consortium has enough money to control the global gold market, so gold prices can always reflect real supply and demand.


The central banks have large reserves of gold that can be used to regulate balance-of-payments and international gold prices. The attitude of governments to gold is also a value reserve, and many French coins may not buy goods in international trade if war or international turmoil occurs, but gold does.


Moreover, China has long banned bitcoin and closed the bitcoin market. The US government is also cautious about the crypto-currency market, Russia is not interested in bitcoin, and South Korea refuses to recognize bitcoin’s legitimacy.


Bitcoin’s value stems from the consensus that some people think it's worth, but its coverage is too small. The gold consensus is that every country, every person, bitcoin, is too difficult to reach.

我们为什么从货币讲到黄金,再一一对比它们与比特币的区别?因为我一直坚信,区块链只是比特币的形式,而其本质,在 历史 的长河当中肯定出现过。每次大家沉迷于泡沫的疯狂之时,总有一部分人说这次不一样,然而每一次都能在 历史 中找到影子。所谓的去中心化,黄金又何尝不是去中心化的?所谓的稀缺性,稀缺性的东西多了,17世纪风靡荷兰的郁金香何尝不是?

Why do we talk about gold from the currency and compare it to the bitcoin? Because I've always believed that the chain of blocks is just the form of bitcoin, the essence of which must have appeared in the rivers of history. Every time you get obsessed with bubbles, a part of you says it's different, but every time you find a shadow in history. Why not centralize it?

对的,郁金香的球茎,如果让我说比特币在本质上和 历史 上的那种东西最像?我肯定会说是郁金香的球茎。

Right, tulips' runners, if I say bitcoins are essentially and historically the most like of that kind of thing? I'm sure I'm gonna say tulips' runners.


We look at their similarities.


One. A mystery story.


In the middle of the 16th century, tulips were introduced from Turkey into Western Europe, and because the Netherlands did not produce tulips, this beautiful flower had a mysterious exotic style. The algus, which forever became the best product of a virus, was auctioned out.




Tulips are extremely expensive because they are introduced into Europe in limited quantities. In a rich and luxurious Europe, many high-ranking households have tulips that show off as visual and luxuries.

比特币运用了区块链技术,这种前无古人的分布式记账方式,让很多 科技 迷们成为了由衷的追随者。比特币代表了一部分人关于 科技 和 时尚 的共识。

Bitcoin has applied block chain technology, which is an ancient way of accounting, and has made a lot of tech fans followers. Bitcoin represents the consensus of a group of people about technology and fashion.


3. Scarcity


Why is tulips scarce? Because tulips do not originate in the Netherlands, and tulips take 7-15 years from the bottom seed to the cultivation of a flower-opening root of the ball. Or because the root of the ball splits every year, because the breeding technology was not closed at the time, it was difficult to increase production significantly.


We don't have much to say about Bitcoin's scarcity, 21 million in total.


4. Speculatory fanaticism

彼时的荷兰,购买郁金香已经不再是为了其内在的价值或观赏之用,而是期望其价格能无限上涨并因此获利,郁金香变成了一种击鼓传花的博傻 游戏 ,很多人买郁金香,只不过是为了在价格更高时卖出去。

In the Dutch time, the purchase of tulips is no longer for their intrinsic value or appreciation, but rather for the expectation that their prices will rise indefinitely and thus profit, and tulips have become a game of dummies, and many people buy tulips just to sell them when prices are higher.


How many people buy bitcoin because they really like it? Most people just want to sell it at a higher price and get huge benefits.


We talk about investment, what is investment? An investment is in machine equipment, something that will generate more cash flows in the future, because they can really create wealth, even if you invest in equity shares, behind them are machine equipment, intellectual property labour, assets that can create wealth. An investment is in gold, real estate, and they can be condensed and stored as wealth.


What's the bitcoin investment? I don't know yet. Here's a summary table that I'll show you.


If you want to invest, I suggest investing something valuable, because you really think it's worth it, and you really want to own it. It's not just because it's soaring, you want to buy it at a low price and sell it to the next fool. If you really think that 10 tulips are worth a house, you can change it, if you really think. If you really think that Bitcoins is worth $30,000, you can change it, assuming that Bitcoin will still like it one day when the price is worthless.


I think investment has to be true love, and you have to really think it's worth it, even if it's true. If you're sure that bitcoin is like this, you still love it, even one day, when people all over the world abandon it, it's true investment for you.


Of course there's no shame in speculation, but when it comes to speculation, please stop talking about your faith, go to bed and talk about love.


First, will the price of gold rise in 2022 not so much?


1. In fact, in the face of the world's epidemic, gold will not rise sharply without economic growth or decline.


However, the price of gold rises every year before or after the spring festival, mainly as a result of increased demand in the market, although the sharp increase is largely unscientific.

3、因此想要在2022年购买黄金的新人可以稍微再等等 预计在年中的时候,黄金的价格可以到一个合适的

Three, so new people who want to buy gold in 2022 can wait a little longer.

点,疫情的话要是慢慢好起来,之后的经济会恢复加速 黄金价格自然会下降。

Point, if the epidemic gets better, the economy will pick up faster, and the price of gold will drop.


Second, there is a greater probability that 2022 gold will fall.


In the context of the projected increase in interest rates of the Federal Reserve in 2022, it is relatively easier to fall in gold prices than to rise, and it is expected that gold prices will fall to $1,700 in the first quarter of 2022.


2. Specialized agencies have indicated that, with a declining attitude towards the spot gold market, the average price of gold is expected to be as low as US$ 1,600 in 2022, so that the probability of gold falling in 2022 is still high, and that the small partners who would like to buy gold before that point need to think twice.


Summing up: Are we talking about an increase in the price of gold in 2022 and a drop in the price of gold in 2022?




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