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If the word bricks were to be heard in a digital currency ring, it was usually thought of as inter-exchange bricks. Because prices varied from exchange to exchange, there was an opportunity for arbitrage in the middle, for example, if Bitfinex’s price was higher than Bitfinex, then Bitfinex could buy it into bitcoins and then resell it, and vice versa.


This approach is similar to the traditional low-cost and high-sales trade, where the difference is that moving bricks is usually done immediately by computers, and this type of moving bricks usually carries a low-risk feature, regardless of how it goes through a round of currencies, and the risk is that the currency in hand may become worthless when the value of the currency falls, and may also result in losses due to delays that do not capture one side of the list.

值得一提的是,通常因为交易所间的汇款会收取高昂的手续费,也会耗去不少时间,因此如果要进行交易所间的搬砖套利,会同时在两交易所中事先储值好要搬得币种,以利在汇差产生时便即时下单交易。例如如果要在币安与Bitifinex 间进行比特币与USDT 的搬砖,则必须要在两交易所内事先储值好USDT 与BTC,当币安价格高于Bitifinex 时,立刻卖出币安里的BTC,并同时卖出Bitifinex内的USDT。

It is worth noting that, often because of the high transaction fees and the time spent on inter-exchange remittances, if the exchange were to move brick arbitrage, the exchange would have to pre-position the value in both exchanges in order to facilitate a single transaction as soon as the transfer was made. If, for example, Bitfinex and Bitfinex were to move bricks between coins, it would be necessary to pre-position USDT and BTC in both exchanges, and to sell BTC in Bitifinex as soon as the price of the currency was higher than Bitifinex, and to sell USDT in Bitifinex at the same time.


But here is another way of moving bricks within the exchange, where, for example, there are four types of transactions: BNB/BTC/ETH/USDT, and where the transaction produces price differentials, we can make small profits through intermediate price differentials.


In practice, however, there is also a need to deduct transaction fees from the exchange, for example, in the case of the currency exchange just mentioned, which costs about 0.1%, in the case of BNB payments about 0.075%, and then in the case of the RIN 20%, in the case of RACs about 0.06%. (with 500 BNBs available 40%.)

交易流程以上图Hello Coin的例子来说,首先以BTC 购入100 Hello,再把手上的100 Hello 转成ETH 卖出,完成一个流程便可以赚到约4% 的价差,而且最后的BTC<-> ETH 交易对在本金足够而且节省手续费的情形下可以不做。以一般人能够取得的币安手续费约0.06%*2=0.12%,只要价差超过0.12%就可以启动自动交易了!

In the case of the transaction flow chart Hello Coin above, first, buy 100 Hello with BTC, then sell 100 Hello with ETH, and complete a process with a price difference of about 4%, and lastly BTC<-> ETH transactions can be avoided if the sum is sufficient and the fee is saved. About 0.06%*2 = 0.12% of the fee is available to ordinary people, and automatic transactions can be started if the price difference exceeds 0.12%!


For example, the formula used to calculate the profit from moving bricks is as follows:

ETH Ask/BTC Bid*ETHBTC=0.0026/0.0001*0.04=1.04


min(BTC Bid Amount,ETH Ask Amount)




About 0.7% of the proceeds!

接着了解基本原理后,便可以把所有的流程都透过程式完成,这里要注意的是,建议使用websocket 而非一般的API来接收数据。websocket 跟一般的API不同的是:一般API需要从本地端发出请求后服务器才会回传资讯,而websocket 就像是订阅制的用户一样,一旦服务器数据有改变,服务器便会自动推播数据到用户端,在时间上自然没有那么即时。

After learning the underlying principles, it is possible to complete all the processes through the program, noting that websocket, rather than the usual API, is proposed to receive data. Unlike the usual API, websocket is that normally APIs need to send requests from local sources before sending information back, and websocket, like subscriber users, automatically transmits data to the user as soon as the server data changes.


Try running the program, you'll actually find that you can't get a single one. And you'll find that there's already a lot of teams competing. Because you don't get a single one, you use the market price list to find out if there's a profit, and I'll take one of those.


Looked at the original data, because it was impossible to do it again and again, and went straight to the market price list, to see if you could get a little soup on top of it. It was found that, at 23:55:56, when there was a arbitrable price difference, there were several robots coming in, unfortunately & Hellip; & Hellip;..the red frame was me, the last & & Hellip; & Hellip; & Hellip;


In order to find a reason, Soy Ping took a look at the currency server, assuming that the site was in the same position as backstage and that the delay fell between 14 and 57ms, which seemed to be too high, perhaps because of this.

上网查了资料后,可以发现Binance 的主机在洛杉矶,因此在AWS上选了便宜的而且服务器同样在洛杉矶的试用主机,再次Ping了一下币安的主机,延迟降到2.6ms左右。

After checking the data online, it became possible to discover that Binance's mainframe was in Los Angeles, so a cheap pilot mainframe was selected on AWS and the server was also in Los Angeles. Once again, Ping had a currency security mainframe, which was delayed to about 2.6ms.


Even if the time difference was set, the timing of the broadcast and the time of the receiving end had run to 20 ms, there was practically no & Hellip; & Hellip; & Hellip; any sum.

仔细想想搬砖这件事情本质上就是Winner takes all.,赢家全拿。只要世界上有任何一个团队在做,而他们拥有相对低的延迟与手续费、甚至是交易所的专有线路,那么所有有利润的套利单通通会被他们垄断掉,一般玩家就跟我一样只能望着市价单兴叹,毕竟在我们看到限价单的时候,往往另一组团队早已完成交易了。

Think about it as Winner takes all. Winner wins all. As long as there is a team in the world that has relatively low delays and fees, and even exclusive lines in the exchange, all profitable arbitrage will be monopolized, and the players, like me, will look to the market, after all the time when we see the price limits, another team has already done the deal.


What is this? The details of the formula used to calculate the profit of moving the bricks, and more information about moving the bricks in the digital currency, please pay attention to other relevant script house articles!




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