
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:23 评论:0
  1、什么是比特币One, what's a bitcoin?...



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One, what's a bitcoin?


Bitcoin, the English name BitCoin, or BTC, is an electronic currency generated by open-source P2P software and is a virtual Internet currency. Bitcoin is not issued by a specific monetary institution, it is generated by a large number of calculations based on specific algorithms, and the Bitcoin economy uses a distributed database consisting of numerous nodes in the entire P2P network to confirm and record all transactions. The decentralized properties and algorithms of P2P can themselves ensure that currency values cannot be artificially controlled by mass-manufacturing Bitcoin.


Bitcoin (BTC) is an encrypted currency based on cryptology and a decentralised transmission pattern based on block chain technology. The market value is now ranked first in the crypto-currency market.


2. Origin of Bitcoin


In 2008, the US financial crisis broke out, triggering a global economic crisis. The storm’s early appearance in the US subprime housing credit market, where a large number of borrowers were unable to repay on time, led to a liquidity crisis.

  2008年11月1日,中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)发布比特币白皮书,详细阐述了比特币的运行机制。比特币运用区块链技术建立了一个基于加密技术的去中心化支付系统,解决了交易信任问题。该系统通过使用工作量证明机制和点对点网络对公开的交易进行记录,交易双方在不需要第三方机构的情况下,也能正常进行比特币交易。

On 1 November 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto issued a White Paper detailing the operating mechanisms of Bitcoin. By using block chain technology, Bitcoin established a decentralised payment system based on encryption technology, which solves the problem of trust in transactions. The system records open transactions through the use of workload proof mechanisms and point-to-point networks.


On 3 January 2009, the creation block of the Bitcoin block chain was excavated by Nakamoto and resulted in 50 BTC block awards, marking the official birth of Bitcoin.

  2009年1月12日,Hal Finney从中本聪处获得10个BTC,由此产生了第一笔比特币转账交易。

On 12 January 2009, Hal Finney obtained 10 BTCs from Nakamoto, resulting in the first Bitcoin transfer transaction.


3. The operational mechanism of Bitcoin


Each bitcoin transaction is recorded by nodes in the block chain network, thereby enhancing the credibility of the transaction and protecting the interests of both parties. If all nodes are involved in the record, it is easy to cause inconsistencies in the account book information due to, inter alia, network delays, and to avoid book keepers from tampering with the transaction.

  因此比特币采用工作量证明(Proof of Work)共识机制,让所有节点通过解决工作量证明难题的方式参与竞争,竞争成功的节点拥有新区块的记账权,并能够将记录的信息广播出去。其他节点接收后将根据此消息进行数据同步,确保账本一致。这种竞争记账权的过程,叫做挖矿,参与挖矿的节点,叫做矿工。矿工挖矿成功后可以获得区块奖励,即一定数额的比特币,还可以收取该区块上的交易手续费。在利益的驱使下,节点会积极参与挖矿并维护交易记录的真实有效。

As a result, Bitcoin uses the Proof of Work consensus mechanism, which allows all nodes to compete by resolving workload proof difficulties, and the successful node has the right to record new blocks and to broadcast the recorded information. Other nodes will receive the same information, synchronizing the data to ensure consistency of the books. This competitive recording process is known as mining mining, and the node involved in mining is called miner.

  比特币的发行只有一种方式,即区块奖励,也就是说比特币是通过挖矿产生的。不过,比特币并不能通过挖矿无限产生,其算法规定了每产生210,100 个区块(约四年),比特币的区块链奖励就要减半一次。由于比特币的发行总量恒定为2100万个,预计会在2140年挖完。这个规定确保了比特币不会由于人为增发而发生严重的通货膨胀,可以保护比特币的价值。

Bitcoin is issued only in one way: block awards, that is, bitcoins are generated through mining. However, bitcoins are not created indefinitely by mining, and their algorithms provide for halving the number of bitcoins by half for every 210,100 blocks (about four years). As Bitcoins are distributed consistently at 21 million, they are expected to be dug up in 2140. This provision ensures that Bitcoins does not suffer from severe inflation due to artificial increases and protects Bitcoins’ value.


4. Origin of Bitcoin and Block Chains


Bitcoin operates on the basis of block-chain technology, which is inextricably linked to the block-chain. Bitcoin is an asset, and block-chain is the bottom-of-the-line technology that sets rules for the operation of such assets, thus ensuring that every transaction goes smoothly. This is like the relationship between video files and the player, which must be handled by the bottom-of-the-player technology. The creation of block-chain technology stems from the bitcoin concept, which can be said to be the product of bitcoin catalyzing.

  5、比特币的三个特点1. 去中心化

5. Bitcoin's three characteristics 1. To centralize.


In the traditional economic model, money is issued by government agencies, and information such as the basic personal information of the parties to the transaction and the transfer of funds is contained in the databases of third-party institutions, such as banks, which are centrally managed. These institutions have complete information that allows for a more accurate credit evaluation of the parties to the transaction, as well as fair arbitration in the event of a dispute.


In the decentralised model of Bitcoin, however, institutions have neither the right to issue bitcoin nor the right to record and manage user information. The Bitcoin network uses distributed accounting to ensure that every transaction is publicly recorded and synchronized to the entire block chain, which is accessible to everyone.

  2. 匿名性

2. Anonymousity


Bitcoin uses cryptography to identify individuals and encrypt assets. The establishment of an account in the Bitcoin block network does not require the uploading of any supporting information about the background of the identity, and if you have a private key, you can really control the bitcoin in the corresponding address. All transactions are conducted anonymously, and other users can only trace the amount of bitcoin that is transferred to another address at one address, and it is not possible to identify the parties to the transaction as a specific person.

  3. 自主性高

3. High autonomy


The user’s bitcoin is controlled by the user through a private key, which can be stored in isolation in any storage medium, and no one can enforce the charge.


Summing up: Bitcoin’s advent has an age-old meaning. Its birth has subverted traditional trading patterns and brought about the widespread use of block chain technology. Other encrypted currencies have also been inspired by bitcoin, thus opening up new investment markets.


Six. Bitcoin's origin.

  2008年,一位称为中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)的人发表了一篇新的论文,论文阐述了以密码学为基础的电子货币理论(也就是现在的比特币)。论文指出:世界各国的货币这么多,而每个国家的货币只是一个流通符号,一旦失去了国家的信用保障,它们就是一堆废纸。为什么不发明一套世界通用,而又无国别之分的货币系统呢?于是,论文详细讲述了如何利用密码学制造一种虚拟货币的方法。这就是比特币的理论。

In 2008, a new paper, Satoshi Nakamoto, published by a man called Satoshi Nakamoto, elaborated on the cryptography-based theory of electronic currency (now Bitcoin). The paper noted that the world’s currencies are so many, while each country’s currency is a negotiable symbol, and if it loses the country’s credit security, they are a pile of paper. Why not invent a universal, country-free monetary system? So, the paper details how cryptology is used to create a virtual currency. That is the Bitcoin theory.


The bitcoin currency system presented in the paper has some of these attributes:

  (1) 去中心化:没有发行人,整个网络由用户构成,采用P2P方式存储和运行

(1) Decentralization: there is no issuer, the entire network is made up of users and stored and operated in P2P mode

  (2) 全世界流通:世界上任意一台电脑,只要下载比特币客户端,就可以制造、出售、购买、收取比特币

(2) Worldwide circulation: any computer in the world that downloads a Bitcoin client can manufacture, sell, purchase, collect bitcoin

  (3) 安全持有:操控比特币需要私钥,它可以被隔离保存在任何存储介质。除了用户自己之外无人可以获龋

(3) Secure holding: A private key is needed to manipulate Bitcoin, which can be stored in isolation in any storage medium. No one can access it except the user itself.

  (4) 低交易费用:可以免费汇出比特币,但最终对每笔交易将收取约0.001比特币的交易费以确保交易更快执行。收取的交易费,会做为奖励,发给后续去制造比特币的用户。

(4) Low transaction costs: Bitcoins may be transferred free of charge, but ultimately approximately 0.001 bits per transaction will be charged to ensure that the transaction is executed faster.

  (5) 方便快捷的交易转账:只要你知道对方的账户地址,就可以转账,方便快捷

(5) Facilitated and expeditious transaction transfer: you can transfer it whenever you know the account address of the other person

  (6) 防止通货膨胀:全世界一共只产生2100万个比特币,从发布之日起,每10分钟产生50个比特币,但产量每4年会减半,即发布4年后,每10分钟产生25个比特币,发布8年后,每10分钟产生12.5个比特币,这些新产生的比特币,属于制造比特币的人。

(6) Inflation prevention: The world produces only 21 million bitcoins, 50 bitcoins per 10 minutes from the date of issuance, but production is reduced by half every 4 minutes, i.e. 25 bitcoins per 10 minutes after publication, and 12.5 bitcoins per 10 minutes after publication, which are the newly generated bitcoins, which belong to the individual who manufactures bitcoins.


Seven. Bitcoin.


In 2009, the Bitcoin system was officially published, but the price of one bitcoin was only a few cents due to the small number of people known.


In April 2013, as more and more people recognized and discovered Bitcoin, the price of Bitcoin had increased by a factor of tens over the past four years, reaching a maximum price of $1bitcoin of $266.


In November 2013, the price of Bitcoin jumped to $1,000.


In 2014, with central bank regulation of Bitcoin, Bitcoin began to go downhill, but the relevant Bitcoin applications continued to grow.


In 2015, 2016, two years of sedimentation, Bitcoin was invisible and even forgotten.


On 4 September 2017, as a result of the disruption of the ICO, seven ministries, including the People's Bank of China, issued the Proclamation on Protection against the Risk of On-Service Financing, which called for all domestic exchanges to close at the end of October.


The exchanges then turned overseas, opening foreign trading platforms, and virtual currency, such as Bitcoin, returned with blood and prices rose to up to $120,000.


In 2018, Bitcoin did not fluctuate much, and N-plus block-chain media platforms collapsed, with prices hovering between 20,000 and 25,000.


In 2019, when the new year began, Bitcoin started to freak out. Is this going to be a crazy year for Bitcoin?


On 1 April 2019, Bitcoin prices suddenly surged, once reaching $5,000.


On 20 June 2019, Bitcoin prices again exceeded $10,000.


On 25 October 2019, the Central Political Office of the Communist Party of China proposed to use the block chain as an important entry point for core technological autonomy and to accelerate the technological and industrial innovation development of the block chain.


By 2020, Bitcoin will be halved for the third time this year, and prices will rise accordingly.


On 9 February 2020, Bitcoin prices again exceeded $10,000.


On 12 March 2020, Bitcoin suffered a black Thursday, falling from $8,000 to $4860.


By May 2020, the production of bitcoin will be halved and, historically, it will probably rise.

  2020年5月12日3时23分 比特币第三次减半完成,产量由12.5个降至6.25个

For the third time, on 12 May 2020, at 3.23 p.m., Bitcoin was halved from 12.5 to 6.25.

  2020年7月26日 比特币价格再次突破10000美元,牛市即将开启?

On July 26, 2020, the price of Bitcoin went over $10,000 again, and the cow market was about to open?


In 2021, the bull market opened.


At the moment, it's basically a new Goebbels day.


2 January 2020, $30,000.
Responsible Editor: YYX




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