前沿|WEB3.0数字音乐 & 品牌IP经济发展峰会在杭州顺利召开!

资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:29 评论:0
Web3.0霸屏,又一个概念火了。Web3.0, it's another concept. 和当初元宇宙概念兴起时的情景类似,这一概念10多年前就有人提出,在移动互联网时代陷入增长瓶颈时期被热捧,知名机构投它,投资人关注...



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Web3.0, it's another concept.


Similar to what happened at the time when the meta-cosm concept arose, which was raised more than 10 years ago as being popular during the period of growth bottlenecks in the mobile Internet era, when well-known institutions voted on it, investors focused on it, and social media discussed it. And for ordinary people, as Internet friends lamented, &ldquao; every time such an article was read in one word, it was still cloudy.


There are more investors than there is talk about the meta-cosmos. There is also a very different attitude towards it. Some think that it is the door to the new world, that it must seize the opportunity before the next wave, and some think that it is too ideal a rhetorical concept that has no place in the present environment.


So what is Web3.0? What is the investor doing at this stage? What is its development prospects?


In the summer of 2022, on the shores of Lake West, a number of expert scholars gathered here to look for many answers to Web3.0.


On the afternoon of 27 July, under the auspices of Monkey Science and Technology, vows, &ldquao for tea ducks; WEB 3.0 Digital Music & Brand IP Economic Development Summit & & rdquao; in Hangzhou, Zhejiang State, the summit was held in & & & & & & & & & & & market viewing trends & & & & ; the theme was to focus on the background of the Web3.0 era, bringing together a number of expert scholars to share on the topic of digital music, brand economy.

本次会议是Web3.0产业研讨盛会,知名专家学者、企业代表、行业技术专家、投资机构,来自憨猴科技创始人CEO赵宝华,联合创始人COO栾建东、联合创始人CIO康健、元音符事业部负责人翁雪杰、FLAME DAO发起人萧告、中国内地著名音乐制作人杨清宇、找茶鸭CEOLori、创始人牛总,以及各位到场嘉宾多方媒体代表莅临此次峰会。

The meeting was a gathering of leading experts from the Web3.0 industry, business representatives, industry technology experts, investment institutions, CEO Jo Bohua, founder of Monkey Technology, Co-founder COO Jiandong, co-founder CIO Kang Jian, head of the Marbles Department, On Sheung Jie, founder of the FLAME DAO, famous music producer from China, Yang Ki-woo, looking for tea ducks CEOLori, founder of Cow, and distinguished media representatives from the audience.


The Summit aimed to bring together the various players in the area of Web3.0 and to explore in depth the potential of the Web3.0 era, where systemic innovation and technological progress have combined to promote market-based reforms in intellectual property; to explore future trends in intellectual property informatization and securitization; to demonstrate the benefits of intellectual property informatization in the context of Web3.0; and to explore Web3.0, the location of intellectual property rights and business opportunities, and to promote Web3.0 and intellectual property informatization into a new and pragmatic phase.

会议伊始,由FLAME DAO发起人萧告老师就区块链含义与发展前景,展开深入分享,他发表了对Web3.0行业的投资方向以及信心。他认为Web3.0浪潮正在席卷全球,Web3.0必然会迎来一场确定性革命,改变现有的创作规则,重构新格局,构建新型粉丝经济。

At the beginning of the meeting, the founder of the FLAME DAO told the teacher that he was deeply sharing the meaning of the block chain and the prospects for development, and that he had published his investment direction and confidence in the Web3.0 industry. He believed that the Web3.0 wave was sweeping the globe, and that Web3.0 would surely usher in a definitive revolution, changing existing rules of creation, reshaping new patterns, and building a new fan economy.

随后,“91音乐”制作机构创始人,国内著名音乐制作人杨清宇老师,现场分享在Web1.0到Web3.0过程中,他对在线音乐思考。杨老师提到,Web3.0在全球形成了一个主流赛道。并表示,元音符在 Web3.0上的深耕,目的是要保护每个人的数据隐私和产权,将发展每个人都有数据产权的数字经济、让每个人的数据变现,成为个人的财富。分享中,杨老师更是提出,元音符,应将为社会带来良好审美导向为自身责任担当,为每个身处音乐圈的人,创造出应得的社会和经济效益!

Subsequently, “ 91 music & rdquo; founder of the production agency, the famous national music producer, Mr. Yang Qingwoo, who shared live his thoughts on online music during Web1.0 to Web3.0. Mr. Yang mentioned that Web3.0 had formed a mainstream track around the world. He said that the vowels were deep-deep on Web3.0 in order to protect everyone’s data privacy and property rights and to develop everyone’s digital economy with data ownership rights, make everyone’s data available and become personal wealth.


Mr. Choi, Director of the Tea Duck Business School, has been engaged in intense sharing and discussion on how to achieve user autonomy in value creation, value validation, value exchange and triading, thus enabling the real and virtual world to see the two-way penetration and maximize value landings.


This was followed by a presentation by Mr. CEO Bohua, on the Web 3.0 layout of monkey technology: distribution patterns, humans and platforms, which give value to value creators, and the transition from Web 2.0 to Web3.0, where distributed ecology begins to grow. The distribution system is applied to the entire industry, allowing users to record, privatize, and assetize values.


On the occasion of the summit, Zhao recalled the expanding development of the monkey operating map over the past two years. The model of 3.0 was built with a 2.0 carrier, starting with the Hangzhou operating centre, and five major operational centres were set up successively. A national layout, underpinned by the Beijing headquarters, has been set up, with five regional operating centres in Jiangjing, China, China, South-West, North-East, and South-East China, initially completing the target of radiation in the country’s main regions.


At the same time, the matrix of monkey products is of an initial size, ranging from a single to a closed matrix. It has now been created as a private sector product belonging to individuals, businesses, cities, with three different levels of management, creating high-quality products such as the monkey home page, the rim header page, the vows, the town of mouths, the service provider system, the creators’ centre, and the odd point credit system, which connects new individuals to the resource chain.

随后,本次WEB3.0数字音乐&品牌IP经济发展峰会对话圆桌会议嘉宾憨猴联合创始人COO栾建东、“91音乐”制作机构创始人杨清宇、FLAME DAO发起人萧告、找茶鸭牛牛与新生代音乐人严熙儿,以问答的方式解答当前WEB3.0热点内容以及行业比较关心的问题,例如如何看待目前Web3.0背景下创作人与粉丝之间的关系?憨猴在Web3.0领域如何布局?数字音乐未来在Web3.0有怎样的发展前景与机遇?一起展望Web3.0未来,品牌IP的发展路径等一系列问题。

Subsequently, the co-founder of the WEB 3.0 Digital Music & Brand IP Economic Development Summit dialogue round table, CoO & & & ldquo; 91 Music & & rdquo; Founder of the Production Agency, Yang Qingyu; FLAME DAO's Launcher; Search for Tea Duck Cows and New Generation Musicers, Yan Xi-hei, answered questions and answers to current WEB 3.0 hotspots and industry concerns, such as how to look at the relationship between creators and fans in the current Web3.0 context? How do monkeys in the Web 3.0 area? What are the prospects and opportunities for the future of digital music in Web 3.0?


At the same time, the Congress, making full use of Web3.0-related technology, introduced a new visual feast for industry users in the form of an online forum + live feed. Monkey, as a full-fledged supporter of the Congress, supported the Congress in all its aspects and worked with industry supporters to explore industrial technological developments and win the wealth opportunities of the Web3.0 era.


At the final dinner of the summit, the summit culminated in the launch of the first global shared music digital copyright, "Association of Summers" by the scientific and technical community of the monkeys, which was launched at 18:30, and which was sold out and received a great deal of praise. The guests said that the digital music attempt on Web3.0 of this kind was very well received, and that the atmosphere was very intense.


As a precursor to exploring the infoization and securitization of musical copyrights, the membrane is fully responsive to the need to implement our national strategy for building innovative technologies to promote the integration of intellectual property rights with the economy, strengthen intellectual property protection, transform applications and support the upgrading of the music industry, thereby fundamentally contributing to the structural transformation of our cultural supply side, building a new copyright trading service platform based on the monkey chain. It is based on block chains and distributed storage technology that provides an expanded, simple, information-based one-stop data service to a larger number of musicians through distributed data storage.


In the context of the development of Web3.0, monkeys will provide pilot and landing applications for the upgrading of Web3.0-enabled intangible assets, a bold exploration that will facilitate the creation of new industries, new scenes, and new consumer heights. With the Summit as a starting point, monkeys will strive to become pioneers and pioneers in the area of Web3.0 enabling intellectual property throughout the country. They will continue to build up digitally new scenes in the future, exploring new Web3.0 applications and working together to unleash new opportunities of the era.




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