Weekend, sunny.
And I was nervous to pull out my laptop, and I did a security check on it to prevent it from getting infected.
Why am I so nervous?
就在上周的8月14日,在微软官方发布了8月份的安全补丁。其中 CVE-2019-1181和CVE-2019-1182 影响最为严重。两者都属于远程代码执行漏洞,这个漏洞属于远程桌面协议漏洞。
Just last week, on August 14, a security patch for the month of August was released at Microsoft officials. Of these, CVE-2019-1181 and CVE-2019-1182 were the most affected. Both were remote code implementation gaps, which were part of the remote desktop protocol.
当未经身份验证的攻击者使用RDP链接到目标系统并发送特制请求, 无需其他交互,就可以在系统上执行任意代码。
When an unidentified attacker uses RDP to link to the target system and send a special request, can execute any code on the system without other interactions.
看完新闻后的我毛骨悚然。我的笔记本配置着我的bitcoin core客户端,里面保存着我的比特币,这种时候,我哪还有什么心情去关心比特币价格了。
After watching the news, I was creepy. My notebook was set up with my bitcoin core client, which kept my bitcoin in it, and at this point, I wasn't in the mood to care about the bitcoin price.
赶! 紧!确!认!财产安全
It's tight!
Bitcoin is a new, unprecedented, complex technology. Protecting bitcoin is a challenging thing, because bitcoin is not an abstract value like bank account balances.
Bitcoin is actually more like digital cash or gold, and in the entire world of bitcoin, private keys are king, and only having a key that unlocks bitcoin is equivalent to holding cash or a piece of precious metal.
你可能会将密钥丢失,会放错地方,会被盗或者不小心错支了数额。但无论是哪种场景,用户都 没有办法撤回操作 ,因为这就像你将你现在的钱包丢在了人头攒动的城市角落,永远无法在遇见了。
You may lose the key, put it in the wrong place, stolen or accidentally misdirected the amount. But in either scenario, the user has no way of withdrawing the operation
因为真假中本聪的事件,所有的人都关心这个江湖教主是谁?显然,不论一个人怎么说,只要他能拿出创世区块的私钥,那么他就是 中本聪 。
Who does everyone care about? Obviously, no matter what a man says, if he can come up with a private key to the creation block, he is the strange.
Bitcoin has its own unique properties compared to your current traditional bank account. It can be backed up, like other documents, by a bitcoin wallet with a key. It can be copied in many parts, saved in different places, and even printed on paper for a physical backup.
Bitcoin is so different from other currencies to date that we need to measure bitcoin security in a completely new way of thinking.
The most important thing is physical safety!
现代通用的操作系统并不是十分安全,不特别适合用来存储数字货币。目前,微软的操作系统还有1万多个未修复的bug,你放心把你的巨额资产放在windows os上面吗?
Modern operating systems are not very secure, they are not particularly suitable for storing digital money. There are currently more than 10,000 unrepaired bugs in Microsoft operating systems. Do you trust that your huge assets will be placed above the windows os?
Our computers are exposed for long periods of time through the connected Internet, operating thousands of third-party software components that often provide unfettered access to user files.
You have a lot of software on your computer that threatens your files with one malware, and steals all the bitcoins in your wallet. To stop the virus and the wooden horse from threatening computers, only a few people can do it.
Despite decades of research and development on information security, digital assets remain vulnerable to persistent offensives.
One direct result over the past three years, as Bitcoin continues to be accepted, is that we have seen significant innovations in the area of information security, such as hardware encryption, key storage and hardware wallets, multiple signature techniques and digital hosting.
笔者建议,如果你是一个散户,可以从以下几个方面来加强你的 比特币安全 :
I suggest that if you are a slob, your bitcoin security could be enhanced in the following ways:
比特币密钥不过是串长数字而已。你可以制 作 纸钱包 ,或者把80%的密钥刻在金属制品上面,背诵后面3位来保障安全。
The bitcoin key is just a long string of numbers. You can either make paper wallet < strong > < strong > or make 80% of the key engraved on metal products and recite the back three to ensure safety.
If you have a lot of bitcoin, you should use multiple signatures to ensure security.
So long-term security awareness is what everyone in the cyber age should do, let alone a large amount of money-related digital assets.
After all, you don't want to miss hundreds of millions.
文 |紫薇星团 编 |喵团 图片 |网络
孙霄汉 | 王学宗 | 檀敏 | 吴桐
Sun Chae-han, Wang Xiao-jian, Hon-min, Wu-jung,
白杨 | 李泽钰 | Daniel Hu
I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
杨小勇 | 闵敢 | 李晋 | 苏潇
Yang Xiaoyong, Xiaojun, Xiang Ji, Xiang Jin, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xi, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang
张翔 | 饶伟 | 马占凯 | 马源
Jang, Xiang, Xiao Wei, Xin, Xiang Kai, Xeng, Xeng, Xin, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xin, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xin, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng, Xeng
王秦 | 徐继哲 | 杨若松 | 鲍帅
Qin, Xu Jie-chul, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao, Xiao,
孟岩 | 方宝 | 任长远 | 丁柏锋
Meng Yiu, Fanbao, Long-term, Long-term, Ding Peng.
宝石 | 雷迎春 | 向群 | 李腾
The jewels, the thunders, the springs, the thugs, the thugs, the thongs, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweens, the tweezers, the tweezers, the tweens, the tweens, the tweens, the tweens, the tweens, the tweens, the tweens, the tweens, the tweens, the tweens, the tweens, the tweens.
于佳宁 | 张萧玉 | 潘承智 | 包宇
Yu Janin, Zhang Xiaoyu, Pan Seung-ji, Bao-woo.
王澜 | 于小镭 | 严明辉 | 赵梓雄
And the king hath cast his bellies upon the Xiao Lu, and his benevolence upon the Xiao Lu, and his benevolence upon the Xiao Xiang, and his benevolence upon the Xiao Xiang, and his benevolence upon the Xiao Lu, and his benevolence upon the Xiao Lu, and his benevolence, and his benevolence upon the Xiao Xiao Xiang, and his benevolence upon the Xiao Hung.
罗凯 | 马坤 | 任威 | 李元柳
Rocca, Ma Quin, Ren Wai, Lee Won-juo.
吕力 | 问利朋 | 包玳郢 | 陈鸿道
Lui Li, ask Li Xi, Bian, Bian, Chen Hung Dao.
李佳诚 | 王明威 | 李斌 | 晏梓桐
Lee Ga-chung, Wang Ming-wei, Lee-bin, Kim-chul.
骞永军 | 程晓明 | 于蔓 | 链哥哥
Xiaoming, Xiaoming, Xiaoming, Xing, Qing, Qing, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang, Xiang
王鸣 | 李大伟 | 张宏彬 | 柯南
And the king made noise, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and David and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the man, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king, and the king,
曹胜虎 | 张倩倩 | 许泽敏 | 戚洛源
Cao Seung-ho, Zhang Xing Xing Xiao Zemin, Chilong-seong
周洁 | 邓永凯 | 徐智文 | 丁洋
Xiao Jie, Xiao Yongqi, Xu Ji Wen, Xing Yang
蔡志川 | 张柏豪 | 王子 | 唐伯虎
Tsai Chichuan, Chang Pak Hao, Prince Tung Pak Fu.
V神 | Jimmy
Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Jimmy.
√ 团酱说|感性老韭以亲身血泪经验,在线传授七式破局传销币
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strong {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}{\cH00FFFF} said {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFFFF} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00}
√ 团酱说|一生中要渡的劫,双11算一个,快递算一个
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange: {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange: {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange: {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange: {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}
√ 团酱说|那些年我们一起丢过的avi......
"Strong" / strong said that we lost avi together all those years ago...
√ 韭菜的倔强|大刀割不尽,春风吹又生【动画】
√ 在现场|区块链大咖共话“链改正当时”【视频版】
√ 开玩笑|一夜暴富?不可能,区块链不带这么玩的【动画版】
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}It's not possible.
√ 区块链这群贩卖梦想的人,行走在前无古人的荒原之路,演绎着人间值得|人物系列纪录片
√ 团酱说|在大学里听讲区块链课程是一种怎样的体验?
What's the experience of listening to block chains in college?
√ 马来西亚独家报道|区块链大咖专访—分享熊市寒冬生存之道【视频版】
/strang> Malaysia's exclusive coverage of the
√ 10年泪目|区块链岁末最暖心短视频全球首发
> > 10 years of the warmest short video at the end of the chain of tears
√ 团酱说|我的三餐/外卖/下午茶,你到底从哪里来?
> >
√ 直击灵魂的区块链街头大拷问!爆笑奔走中(视频版)
√ 第1车链杨小勇:重塑产业生态,区块链落地应用理论趋于成熟(视频版)
√ 燃烧我的卡路里,区块链技术帮你甩掉脂肪(视频版)
√ 视频|海景小复式变泳池,实物与图片严重不符也能获五星好评?
video of a small recoupled swimming pool that is seriously incompatible with the picture is well received by the five stars?
√ 团酱说|关于链改,想知道大佬们都是怎样说的吗?
Want to know what the big guys say about chain change?
√ 团酱说|来啊,相亲啊,有区块链撑腰随便造作
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange. {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}
√ 团酱说|街访两会区块链,你最关注的是哪个?
What's your biggest concern?
√ 在现场|集区块链投资、技术、创业的干货,还不快收下?
√ 在现场|火币全球行·西安站,神秘嘉宾访谈录(视频)
on the scene of the Seon-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si-Si.
√ 团酱说|西虹市首富中的脂肪险要成真了?减肥就能赚钱
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strong {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF}Cast sauce says the fat in the rich part of the city is about to come true?
√ 团酱说|月光族站住!攒钱神器了解一下
{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} The {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} said the {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF00} Moonlight!
√ 团酱说|严抓狠打抄袭乱象,区块链如何保护版权?
How does the block chain protect copyright?
√ 团酱说|区块链+直播能赚钱,老铁双击666
> says the chain of blocks + live broadcasts will make money. Old iron double-clicks 666.
√ 团酱说|取消高考!让“一考定终身”成为过去!
{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FFFF} said the test was canceled!
√ 团酱说|假疫苗?真杜绝!孩子的安全有保障了
√ 团酱说|如何刚毕业就月薪上万?了解一下
How do you know how to make millions of a month's salary when you graduate?
√ 团酱说|谈恋爱吗?永久上链的那种
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}Strange? {\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}That's what I'm talking about.
√ 团酱说|你是什么垃圾?能挣钱的垃圾!
{\bord0\shad0\alphaH3D}What kind of trash are you?
Into the platform
腾讯视频 | 抖音 | 新浪微博
Videos, twitch, twitch, tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak, tweak, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee, twee.
凤凰网 | 金色财经 | 火币资讯
Phoenixnet, gold, gold, gold, gun money information.
火星财经 | 今日头条 | 百家号
The Martian Economy, the Queen, today's headlines, the Queen, the Hundred Houses.
大鱼号 | 知乎 | 简书 | 百度贴吧
The big fish. The big fish. The big fish.
喜马拉雅 | 美拍 | 网易号 | 搜狐号
The Himalayas, the pictures, the Internet, the foxes.
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