伴随着区块链技术的飞速发展,各种各样的创新项目不断涌现。但是,在众多的区块链项目中, BOSSUN以其特有的经济模式、雄厚的技术队伍脱颖而出,成为业界的新宠。
With the rapid development of block chain technology, a variety of innovative projects are emerging. But, in many block chain projects, Bossun emerges from its unique economic model, with a strong technical team, and becomes a new pet of the industry.
The Bossun Treasure Project, which is represented by the Singapore Diamond Foundation and the Hong Kong Block Chain Foundation, combines encrypted currency fans from more than 30 countries around the world. The project uses a “double currency connection” mechanism, breaking traditional profit models and ensuring healthy project development through innovative scale-sharing mechanisms and effectively avoiding bubbles.
在 BOSSUN宝藏项目中,BOSS币的发行机制是非常吸引人的。一开始的时候,发行量是3亿,所有的资金都投入到底池中,保证了项目前期的货币价格的稳定。同时,通过独有的更新与提升机制,用户还能得到 LP回馈,从而更好地调动社群的活力。每日一次的底池销毁,确保了 BOSS币的稀有性与增值,让投资人享有实实在在的增值收益。
In the Bossun Treasure Project, the BOSS money distribution mechanism was very attractive. At the beginning, the circulation was 300 million dollars, and all the funds were invested in the final pool, guaranteeing the price stability of the pre-project currency.
另外, BOSSUN还引入了公排以及复投的机制,使得每位玩家都可以获得相应的积分。而提升后得到的算力分 U中,有一部分被用来购买和销毁 SUN货币,成为推动 SUN货币价格上升的强大推动力。SUN货币的自由贸易与服务费用的分配机制,使两种货币相辅相成,共同成长。
In addition, BOSSUN has introduced public-row and re-investment mechanisms that allow each player to get the corresponding points. And some of the numeric points that have been raised in the U have been used to purchase and destroy the SUN currency, which is a powerful driving force behind the rise in the prices of the SUN currency.
The advantages of BOSSUN are obvious, and they can be reaped in the short term. Currency prices only rise and do not fall, which greatly enhances investor confidence; the two-fold slide matrix model and the back-up mechanism ensure the sustainability of the project; co-initiation and distributional bottom pool design to make the project safer and more reliable; and full contract coverage, double currency connection, ecological empowerment, which provides a good basis for the long-term development of the project.
在 BOSSUN中,不管是静态,还是动态的使用者,都可以找出适合自己的收益模型。通过升级以及推广,使用者将会得到丰富的 LP回馈与算力分,体会到成长的价值。同时,项目所构建的全球性 DAO自治数字金融生态,将为投资人带来更多的机遇与选择。
In BOSSUN, both static and dynamic users can find models for their own benefits. By upgrading and promoting, users will get rich LP feedbacks and numeracy points that appreciate the value of growth.
总体而言, BOSSUN以其特有的经济模式、雄厚的技术队伍、完备的制度设计,在区块链领域中展露锋芒。如果你也想做一个有潜力的区块链项目, BOSSUN也许是可以考虑的选择之一。以上内容就到这里,如需了解更多欢迎关注交流!
In general, Bossun, with its unique economic model, a strong technical team, a well-designed system, has a sharp edge in the area of block chains. If you also want to do a potential block chain project, Bossun may be one of the options to consider. Here's what we need to learn more about welcome communication.
This post is edited by: jhf_23
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